UML Use-Case diagram questions - uml

I have a few questions regarding use-case diagram:
If my system has register/login use-case for guest, should it be enabled for admin, user (i just wanna clarify, if i have login system, do i assume that admin, user etc. are people who already logged in to system so i skip them with logging thing)?
If my system has a student actor, that is signing for individual seminars/courses, do i have (or am i allowed) to make use-case for ,,taking class'' after singing for them, and should there be relations between those 2
Should my teacher inherit from student actor, since he can browse courses as well? (and so on admin?)
Is my payment setup correct?

Remember that these are roles not people. An admin can be a guest, so long as they behave entirely like a guess, no special functions or rules. However, during log-in the user role could change, become admin. Note you are in some sense missing authenticate user, each use-case that requires security should include it, generally not extend.
Only if it interacts with the system, example, triggers an auto completion or is tracked in some way there of. Relations are not needed generally, associations could help communicate something that is ambiguous, but I am not sure what the would be in this case.
Nope, really then the role is any user could browse courses once they are authenticated. You could have students, admins, and teachers be sub-types of authenticated or associated person, etc.
Depends. Firstly you never pay and sign-up at the same time, so from a user standpoint that is broken. There are other ways in UML to connect this constraint of paying for courses. Process diagram, state diagram, etc. Because payment is really a long running transaction which can be hard to pin down. I would personally show the student and the external payment system interacting with the "payment" use cases.
Remember unless you are generating code most of the time UML is about communication so knowing your audience. Do not be afraid to use comments or constraints, if this is homework, use a constraint and get some real points. Maybe even put a constraint on the sign and pay course use cases.

If you want the admin to be able to log-in then he would have a use case for that. I agree that he most likely won't be registering, so maybe you want to break the register/log-in into two use cases?
You do not have to make a "Take Class" use case. Only make it, if that's how the user will interact with the system. My guess is that he won't be "taking" the class with the system, in which case it won't be a use case of the system.
I would think that you wouldn't want to inherit from student. First of all, from a realistic stand-point, it doesn't make sense. That would mean a teacher is-a student. You could extract that behavior to another parent class, but that might make the hierarchy too large and confusing.
If you are asking whether it is correct to say "sign for course" includes "pay for course," then maybe, it's probably better to use extend.
Another suggestion. The black arrow (usually means "dependency" in UML) you have between Actors and Use Cases, should probably be bi-directional, non-arrowed, line (this is usually called "association") At least that is what the UML standard says.


How do I present in a Uml use-case Diagram a toolbar

I am new to object oriented design and I wanted to do my first ever UML use case Diagram on a simple application which contains toolbar on the top left corner. The toolbar is called files and when the user clicks on it,a drop down menu is opened with options to open a slide,save slide,make new slide and exit the application.
My question is, am I doing it correct with Use-Case inheritance(Generalization) ?
This is my diagram.
I am sorry to disapoint you, but I have to tell you that this practice is just plain wrong:
From the point of view of the semantics, the use-case specialization means that Open presentation is a special form of Check file, and Save file as well, and that the actor could use them interchangeably and independently. But this cannot be what you mean: exiting a presentation is at best a sub-part of checking a file
From the point of view of the purpose, a use-case should represent a user goal. It's part of the problem space, i.e. what the user wants to achieve. It's not part of the solution space, i.e. how the user will achieve it. A toolbar is not a goal: it's a user-interface element.
From the engineering practice perspective, use-case should not be used for user-interface design. It's not my own statement, but that of Jacobson, Booch and Rumbaugh, the founding fathers of UML:
The problem is that the [use-case] descriptions often contain implicit decisions about user-interfaces. Later, when the user interface designers suggest suitable user-interfaces for the use-case , they may be limited by those decisions.
in The unified software development process, page 164
So in conclusion, it's a bad idea to start use-cases from the user-interface. It locks you into your own design and ignores the user experience. You should focus instead only on the user needs. THe same use-case could then be used whether you'll implement it using a GUI interface, a chatbot interface, or a a voice-based interface.
While drawing Use Case diagram, one thing you should focus on is, the actual meaning of it and the purpose of drawing it.
A Use Case refers to what the users in respect of their type are able to do in your System... Anything inside the boundary is what system is capable of doing or what it can provide as a service to its users.
While naming the use cases, you should only use verbs and actions, for example:
1- Login | 2- Submit a Request | 3- Update Profile Description
You should avoid any nouns in them.
There are several relationships that exist in a Use Case Diagram among use cases, and a relationship among actors and use cases of the system, And They are as follows:
Association: the only relationship that can exist between an actor and a use case; Which says the actor is initiator of this use case, or is the one who is caple of operating the use case.
In the example above, User is caple of loggin in and submitting a complaint.
Include: Use Cases can include one or more use cases. When a use case includes another use case, it means the included use case or use cases happen all the time and are part of the initial use case.
Paying fees is included, because user has to pay the fees in signing up process, it has to be done, and it's part of the baseline path of the scenario.
Extend: When a use case is not happening all the time, and is part of your alternative path ( Alternative path of the complete scnario for this use case ), the use case should be extended to the base use case.
Forget password is extended to Login use case, because it doesn't happen all the time, and it's part of a alternative path of Login scenario.
Generalization: When there exist several different ways that a use case can be performed and completed, we use generalization. The inheritent use cases should all be of the same type as the inherited use case.
Submitting a complaint can be done in several different ways, in this case, we need to seprate each use case and inherit from from the submit a complaint use case which includes paying fees, this shows that, paying fees is a part of every type of complaint which is submitted.

Is an Actor in Use-Case diagram supposed to be linked to use-cases that ONLY he can do?

I am creating a Use-Case diagram in StarUML for a university project but I am not completely sure if I'm doing it correctly.
For example, on the website I am making I have 2 roles - User and Admin. The admin can do everything that the user can plus some extra.
In my Use-Case diagram, should the admin actor have the same use-cases as the user plus the extra ones only he can use or should he only have use-cases that are available to the admin.
Example 1:
User--->Upload File
Admin--->Upload File
--->Delete File
Example 2:
User--->Upload File
Admin--->Delete File
In the examples, User and Admin are the roles, ---> is the directed association and Upload/Delete file are the 2 Use-Cases. Which example would be the correct one?
As always there is single and clear answer ... it depends.
If you are realy doing use case analysis, then you want to identify what uses cases an actor needs and what actors are interacting with a use case. Thus, if an admin (when acting as an admin) shall also being allowed to upload files, then he needs an association to the correspondig use case. Becuase he might have some further needs for the use case as the user.
A second possibility is to model that an admin is also an user. This is modelled by generalization. This has some further effects and you need to be verycarefully when soing this (in larger context). And further, it is for non-deverlopers a bit cumbersome to see that a special actor is also a normal actor. E.g., consider this when saying the manager has more use cases than an employee (this will lead to long and pointless discussions with your manager...).
So your example 2 is not realy incorrect but misses the point of an use case analysis.

Use cases dependent on another use case

How to present on the diagram of use cases that
before any activity an actor needs to be logged in into the system?
e.g Use case "Display information about an employee" uses server and the another use case ("Search the employee in the database")?
Is my use case diagram correct?
You need to set pre-condition constraints for UCs telling { user must be logged on}.
Your UC diagram start resembling a spider's web (and is hardly recognizable). A good indicator that your design went wrong somewhere. Look at the single UCs and ask yourself: does this represent added value for the actor? If the answer is yes, you're fine.
After some zoom I see "Employee management", "Account management" and others that simply do not name UCs meaningful (they are likely processes). Use verb-substantive. And keep above question in mind.
A quick google indicates that use case preconditions are a useful way to represent the requirement that a user be logged in first. However, preconditions can clutter the UC diagram with text and possibly restrict the number of use cases on a particular diagram. I suggest creating a new actor that is an "authenticated user". This differentiates the actor from a user that has not yet logged in and allows clear representation of the use cases available to each.

Does a UML use can show everything the actor can do (functionality) or everything the actor wants to do (goals)?

Suppose we have a simple on-line store. Things that the user would want to achieve with the store would be:
Register (to create an account)
Browse items
Add items to basket
Checkout and pay
View account information
Edit account information
However, there would be functionality that the user could initiate but wouldn't be their main goal of using the system:
Select 'electronics' department
Select 'vehicles' department
Enter delivery details
I would argue that things like login and logout shouldn't be in the UML use case diagram. The reason being that a user would not want to go to the on-line store just to login; they would always have another aim which would be to view / edit account information or browse and buy stuff.
Likewise, the two select 'statements' are part of the browse items use case. I wouldn't use generalisation because there could be many departments.
Finally, the enter delivery details is part of the 'checkout' or 'edit account information' use case. I would normally lump this in with the 'edit account information' use case otherwise you may as well have use cases for 'edit name', 'edit email' etc.
My main concern is if you have a very complex use case diagram it defeats the purpose of having one as it won't be easy to read.
So, my question is as follows. Is my thinking behind this correct? Is it best to only model 'real' goals in the use case diagrams or everything that the actors can initiate?
Does a UML use can show everything the actor can do (functionality) or
everything the actor wants to do (goals)?
It can be either - the UML spec isn't prescriptive on that front. Alistair Cockburn created a categorisation for Use Cases that indicates what level they focus on.
Having said that:
My main concern is if you have a very complex use case diagram it
defeats the purpose of having one as it won't be easy to read.
That's a very real risk. Personally I find I get most from UCs by focusing on the users and their goals. What value are they looking to get from the system?
Keeping it at that level prevents a "can't see the wood for the trees" situation - and also stops UCs becoming a complete, functional decomposition design.
It is not wrong to exclude some use cases from your diagram, and indeed it might be a good idea. For instance, if you are going to show your diagram to the business department, you can draw an UML model that describes the operational use cases. If you are going to hand down your diagram to the programmers, you would want to give them a complete description of what they have to implement. These are just models of your system.
When one draws a use case diagram, usually one also writes the behavior of each use case (as free-text description, pseudocode, or by using interaction diagrams).
The UML specification says that:
A use case is the specification of a set of actions performed by a system, which yields an observable result that is, typically, of value for one or more actors or other stakeholders of the system.
Login and Logout are observable to the user. While the user will not visit your site with the only goal of logging in, such use case certainly has some execution flow that you also want to describe. If you don't allow users to initiate a login by themselves, there will be use cases that include the functionality of login. A user may have also interest on logging out before leaving the site, so that no session data will remain stored in his computer.
Select 'electronics' department, Select 'vehicles' department... Why not just Select department (I suppose that they are not too different).
I would draw this and other use cases, as long as they are relevant to the model.

Is the actor the one physically interacting with the system, or the one making someone do it?

I have a scenario where a customer calls and gets an appointment at a garage. When drawing a UML Use Case Diagram, is the actor who is connected to placing this appointment inside the system (a) the customer, or (b) the employee?
The person that has their fingers on the keyboard and mouse is the actor. The person calling in is important from a business perspective, but not as important as the customer service rep that is interacting with the system.
Knowing that the actor is a CSR helps the screen designer and even the developer, because they will work from that perspective, ask for requirements or design clarifications from that perspective, and the system will be better as a result.
The reason the conflict exisits is because of the point of the project when you start drawing these use cases.
In your example, you already know that there is a CSR using 'a system' to make the booking.
However the design could have started from scractch. If this had happened the initial broad use case would have been 'a customer wishes to make a booking'. This could have lead to a number of differenc cases i.e. a customer will call a telephone number and an automated service will make the booking, a customer arrives at the garage and uses a terminal to make a booking or (as in your case) talks to a CSR (however that is i.e. phone or face2face) and they make the booking.
In many examples the customer would be the main actor in the system. However in your design the CSR is the one holding the mouse/keyboard/phone/pen or whatever and you don't need to design the iteraction between the customer and the CSR! Most societies did that years ago :)
It can be both. It depends. There is no single good way to model this. I would personally opt for the customer.
It is btw perfectly alright to include the phone as part of your system. So the boundary of a system does not have to be a defined by screen, mouse, keyboard. A printer might be included too as part of the system. I have written use case where it was quite essential that users printed some information and file that.
Who is the important actor here? The customer right? It is interesting to note here that Alistair Cockburn extended the actor and goals model of Ivar Jacobson with the actors and 'interests' model. His advice is to also think about who cares (or gets hurt) if user goal fails.
Is it important to get the actor just right? It is useful to brainstorm actors to find all user goals against the system. When you are confident you have found all goals, the actor is not so important anymore. Would you 'write' a completely different use case depending on this decision? Would a different system be build based on the outcome of this decision?
Who initiates the interaction? What is the event initiates it? This event is the decision of customer to call to make an appointment.
You could model customer as primary and employee as secondary actor helping customer to reach user goal. Both use phone and system to reach the goal, customer helped by employee. How they do that exactly is design?
Another consideration is that the 'actor' is a role. So you could use a role Appointment Maker. Some people care a lot about keeping job titles separate from roles as there typically some flexibility in roles that job titles perform.
There are also people who are of opinion that use of 'system' in describing use case is undesirable. They feel that it is a design/implementation decision and so they prefer more neutral 'Performer'. The Performer could be a system but also a human. In use case texts they use 'Initiator' and 'Performer' and in introduction of the use case text they explain that the 'Initiator' is in use case the Appointment Maker.
I personally think it would be fine and better if the use case was described as if customer was the one operating the system. The employee is just passing along information from system to customer and vice versa.
The book by Alistair Cockburn is a recommended read. His insights really helped me with questions like this one. It also helps to make sense of UML in relation to use case
