Is there a way to show partial class name in the testrunner for resharper? - resharper

I have created a set of tests that I have grouped together by using a partial class. Is there a way to get the partial name to show up in the test runner? What I have is something like
File 1:
public partial class MyWrapperClass
public class This_is_a_descriptive_scenario {
public void This_is_a_descriptive_scenario_outcome() { ... }
File 2:
public partial class MyWrapperClass
public class This_is_a_descriptive_scenario2 {
public void This_is_a_descriptive_scenario2_outcome() { ... }
When running tests like that in the builtin test runner in Visual studio I can see the result as: MyWrapperClass+This_is_a_descriptive_test, if I have added the class column to the test result. But when you run the test in resharper's testrunne they are grouped by project and/or namespace and the class name, but I can't see that the tests are part of a partial class anywhere. Is that possible?

I don't think this is supported. Although it might be possible to extend it. I can point you in the right direction if you're willing to go down that path.
The easiest solution would be to use namespaces for grouping instead of partial classes.
Hope this helps

The name of a partial class is the same in either file... No, there's nothing that currently groups tests by test file name.


How to get Runner class inside cucumber event handler

I need to define a custom annotations in cucumber runner class. I have a event handler class where i get a callback when a test case is finished/started etc.
The issue i am facing is i am not able to get the runner class inside the event handler class, and hence i am unable to read the custom annotations applied in the runner class.
Is there a way for that in cucumber.
Eg. in junit , i can get the custom annotation applied in the test class as :
public void testFinished(Description description) { description.getTestClass();} from where i could read my annotation.
in testng, itestContext.getTestClass().getRealClass();.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
Eg. i need to read the annotations here,
private EventHandler<TestCaseFinished> caseFinishedEventHandler = new EventHandler<TestCaseFinished>() {
public void receive(TestCaseFinished event) {
//Read annotations here...
}; /*Or here*/ private EventHandler<TestRunFinished> runFinishedEventHandler = new EventHandler<TestRunFinished>() {
public void receive(TestRunFinished event) {
Solved this issue by :
For Junit : Extending Cucumber runner class. class argument of the constructor returns the runner class where custom annotations are present.
For TestNG : Extending AbstractTestNGCucumberTests in case of TestNG. this.getClass() returns the runner class where custom annotations are present.

How can I run code in JUnit before Spring starts?

How can I run code in my #RunWith(SpringRunner.class) #SpringBootTest(classes = {...}) JUnit test before Spring starts?
This question has been asked several times (e.g. 1, 2) but was always "solved" by some configuration recommendation or other, never with a universal answer. Kindly don't question what I am about to do in that code but simply suggest a clean way to do it.
Tried so far and failed:
Extend SpringJUnit4ClassRunner to get a class whose constructor can run custom code before initializing Spring. Failed because super(testClass) must be called first thing and already does a whole lot of things that get in the way.
Extend Runner to get a class that delegates to SpringRunner instead of inheriting it. This class could run custom code in its constructor before actually instantiating the SpringRunner. However, this setup fails with obscure error messages like java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/SessionCookieConfig. "Obscure" because my test has no web config and thus shouldn't meddle with sessions and cookies.
Adding an ApplicationContextInitializer that is triggered before Spring loads its context. These things are easy to add to the actual #SpringApplication, but hard to add in Junit. They are also quite late in the process, and a lot of Spring has already started.
One way to do it is to leave out SpringRunner and use the equivalent combination of SpringClassRule and SpringMethodRule instead. Then you can wrap the SpringClassRule and do your stuff before it kicks in:
public class SomeSpringTest {
public static final TestRule TestRule = new TestRule() {
private final SpringClassRule springClassRule =
new SpringClassRule();
public Statement apply(Statement statement, Description description) {
System.out.println("Before everything Spring does");
return springClassRule.apply(statement, description);
public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();
public void test() {
// ...
(Tested with 5.1.4.RELEASE Spring verison)
I don't think you can get more "before" than that. As for other options you could also check out #BootstrapWith and #TestExecutionListeners annotations.
Complementing jannis' comment on the question, the option to create an alternative JUnit runner and let it delegate to the SpringRunner does work:
public class AlternativeSpringRunner extends Runner {
private SpringRunner springRunner;
public AlternativeSpringRunner(Class testClass) {
springRunner = new SpringRunner(testClass);
private doSomethingBeforeSpringStarts() {
// whatever
public Description getDescription() {
return springRunner.getDescription();
public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {;
Being based on spring-test 4.3.9.RELEASE, I had to override spring-core and spring-tx, plus javax.servlet's servlet-api with higher versions to make this work.

Unable to get default constructor for Integration class ninject

I'm new on using ninject and Dependency Injection, and have a problem using it.
I try to using Ninject on my class libray, and building an integration tests.
now, I see in many example that, for using ninject is just specified the DI Module like this:
Public Class DIModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
And then on my test class, I try to call my dependency is like this:
public class USAIntegrationTests
private readonly IUSAServices _usaService;
public USAIntegrationTests(IUSAServices usaServices)
_usaService = usaServices;
public void ValidateUserTests()
Assert.IsTrue(_usaService.ValidateUser("username1", "password1"));
And Getting this error:
Unable to get default constructor for class USATests.IntegrationTests.USAIntegrationTests.
However I read the documentation and tried like this:
public class USAIntegrationTests
private readonly IUSAServices _usaService;
public USAIntegrationTests()
using (IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(new DIModule()))
_usaService = kernel.Get<IUSAServices>();
public void ValidateUserTests()
Assert.IsTrue(_usaService.ValidateUser("mantab", "banget"));
The test is works properly.
My question is, why I getting that error? is that some way to get around it?
Thanks in advance.
Unit test frameworks require your test classes to have a default constructor. You usually can't integrate DI containers with them. Instead of using constructor injection, you will have to call the container directly from your code, although for unit tests you should typically not have a container at all (for integration tests however, this is okay).
You can add a paramterless constructor for the class. It worked for me.

Calling one specific overriden method in all derived classes

Consider the following code:
// ======== Abstract class ========
public abstract class Creatures {
public abstract void loseEnergy();
public void execute()
// ======== Animals ========
public class Animals : Creatures
public override void loseEnergy(){}
public class Birds : Animals
public override void loseEnergy(){}
// ======== Human ========
public class Human : Creatures
public override void loseEnergy(){}
public class Male : Human
public override void loseEnergy(){}
public class Female : Human
public override void loseEnergy(){}
[ This code was based on the code by Jayson suggested here: "Base class methods calling derived class methods ?" ]
In the given code example, I would like to have the runtime executing EACH derived class object's certain method, in this case, which is 'loseEnergy()', however, I could not find the solution.
How do I approach this problem?
What can be useful to know or to try.. in order to solve this issue?
Your help is very much appreciated!
Thank you!
Kind regards,
P.S. Some search I have done so far:
"How to call overriden methods in all derived classes"
"Collection of derived classes that have generic base class"
"How to call derived function using base class object"
"Call method of the derived class through reflection possible or no"
I decided to stick to the idea I had before which is to have some list that would contain the objects of the classes that have 'loseEnergy()' method. Having such list I will be able to call every object's method 'loseEnergy()', which is what I wanted.
Question can be closed.
Thank you.
I didn't really understand your problem but anyway i can try to give you some means to use abstract classes :
If you use a abstract method, you SHOULD override it in a subclasses (like a method declared in an interface)
If you want that all inherited class use a same method, you can implement it in the abstract class ; all subclasses will use the method you implements if you don't override it, you've have to not declare it in the subclasses (extends < ABS_CLASS > is good enough)
If you want use a method of the abstract class which is override in the sub class you can use the keyword super .
I hope it will help you.
if you mean that you want the calls: female.loseEnergy() -> human.loseEnergy() -> creature.loseEnergy(), call the base method in the first line of the overriden one
public class Female : Human
public override void loseEnergy()
// do stuff
In the Greenfoot environment that you mention in the post above, the act() method is called only on actors which have been added into the "world". Internally, this adds them into a list. The simulation process iterates through the list and calls act() on each object in turn. Objects that are not "in the world" are not known to the system and so do not have their act method called. There is no magic here going on here.
If you wanted similar behaviour but without manually adding objects into a list, you could possibly have the base class constructor add new objects into a global list. I don't know C# so I don't know precisely how to do this, but I cannot imagine it would be difficult.

running a T4 on adding a class

Using t4, I want when the developer adds a class which ends to Report keyword (e.g. CompanyReport), put some code in that class.
Imagine I create a class named CompanyReport, I want the class to be like :
public class CompanyReport : IReportItem
private Company _company;
public CompanyReport(Company company)
_company = company;
public ReportBookmark BookMark
get { return ReportBookmark.Company; }
public void Report(ISetBookmark wordReport)
Maybe you should consider using a customized ItemTemplate for Visual Studio or just a snippet. Both are quite easy to build and redistribute. I'am also not sure if it is possible to invoke some T4-Template on creating (and really ONLY on creating) a class.
