C# IsBetween String Logic - c#-4.0

Looking for either a solution, some ideas or being point in the right direction on how to resolve a problem.
Basically, I have to figure out if a string value is in between a Low and High string value. However, the values are in a format which String.Compare will not work. But, a human can easily figure out.
For example, one of my ranges is Low: A7, High A12. A8 fits in between those values but String.Compare says it does not. A13 would not fit between the values.
Other examples of Low and High values are:
Low Value - High Value
1A1 - 1A12
25W00 - 25W050
42W1 - 42W296
W232N0002 - W232N000598
In the above examples 1A2 would fit between the Low High Value of 1A1 and 1A12, but 1A100 would not.
Any ideas on how to resolve this? I know this had to have been encountered before.

This could use some optimization, but it's a proof of concept.
Just convert the letters to numerical values and compare the results:
private bool ValueIsBetween(string value, string lowValue, string highValue)
long low = long.Parse(ConvertToNumber(lowValue));
long high = long.Parse(ConvertToNumber(highValue));
long val = long.Parse(ConvertToNumber(value));
return val > low && val < high;
private string ConvertToNumber(string value)
value = value.ToUpper();
value = value.Replace("A", "0");
value = value.Replace("B", "1");
value = value.Replace("C", "2");
value = value.Replace("D", "3");
value = value.Replace("E", "4");
value = value.Replace("F", "5");
value = value.Replace("G", "6");
value = value.Replace("H", "7");
value = value.Replace("I", "8");
value = value.Replace("J", "9");
value = value.Replace("K", "10");
value = value.Replace("L", "11");
value = value.Replace("M", "12");
value = value.Replace("N", "13");
value = value.Replace("O", "14");
value = value.Replace("P", "15");
value = value.Replace("Q", "16");
value = value.Replace("R", "17");
value = value.Replace("S", "18");
value = value.Replace("T", "19");
value = value.Replace("U", "20");
value = value.Replace("V", "21");
value = value.Replace("W", "22");
value = value.Replace("X", "23");
value = value.Replace("Y", "24");
value = value.Replace("Z", "25");
return value;
ValueIsBetween("1A2", "1A1", "1A12");
ValueIsBetween("1A100", "1A1", "1A12");
ValueIsBetween("43W4", "42W1", "44W3");
Try this improved algorithm instead:
private bool ValueIsBetween(string value, string lowValue, string highValue)
return !ValueIsLessThan(value, lowValue) && ValueIsLessThan(value, highValue);
private bool ValueIsLessThan(string value, string compareTo)
var matches = Regex.Matches(value, "[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]+");
var matchesB = Regex.Matches(compareTo, "[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]+");
var count = matches.Count < matchesB.Count ? matches.Count : matchesB.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
long val;
long val2;
if (long.TryParse(matches[i].Value, out val))
if (long.TryParse(matchesB[i].Value, out val2))
if (val > val2) return false;
if (val < val2) return true;
return false;
if (matches[i].Value.CompareTo(matchesB[i].Value) > 0 ) return false;
if (matches[i].Value.CompareTo(matchesB[i].Value) < 0 ) return true;
return true;
ValueIsBetween("B431Z543", "A0", "Z9");
ValueIsBetween("4B31Z543", "A0", "Z9");
ValueIsBetween("1A2", "1A1", "1A12");
ValueIsBetween("1A100", "1A1", "1A12");
ValueIsBetween("43W4", "42W1", "44W3");
ValueIsBetween("W5", "CC4", "CC6");
ValueIsBetween("W8B4", "W5C3", "W7C3");
ValueIsBetween("W5C4", "W5C3", "C7W3");

Build a class, probably abstract, with sub classes for each pattern.
The pattern for "25W00" could be ^(?<LEFTTHING>.{2})(?<MIDDLETHING>.{1})(?<RIGHTTHING>.{2})$
In your class, capture each Regex group as a string or numeric as appropriate.
I suppose you could come up with some conventions so you might even be able to have a single Type - and pass in that pattern to the constructor.
You may even have some kind of really smart class where you pass in two strings and a common pattern. This super class builds appropriate "comparable" classes (as per above) and returns a boolean result of the comparison. Your client code would be very clean in this case.

Assuming the non-numeric parts are fixed (i.e. you aren't searching for 1B1 being between 1A1 and 1C1), you could use a regex to expand the numerical values to a certain fixed width, so you could then compare the strings.
For example, using
static Regex digits = new Regex(#"\d+");
static string ExpandDigits(string s)
return digits.Replace(s, m => string.Format("{0:D10}", int.Parse(m.ToString())));
then calling ExpandDigits("W232N0002") yields W0000000232N0000000002.
You could have a comparison method like this:
static bool IsInRange(string lower, string upper, string test)
test = ExpandDigits(test);
lower = ExpandDigits(lower);
if (lower.CompareTo(test) <= 0)
upper = ExpandDigits(upper);
if (test.CompareTo(upper) <= 0)
return true;
return false;


How to find missing character in the second string when we compare two strings? - Coding Question

If String a = "abbc" and String b="abc", we have to print that character 'b' is missing in the second string.
I want to do it by using Java. I am able to do it when String 2 has a character not present in String 1 when s1=abc and s2=abk but not when characters are same in both strings like the one I have mentioned in the question.
public class Program
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str1 = "abbc";
String str2 = "abc";
char first[] = str1.toCharArray();
char second[] = str2.toCharArray();
HashMap <Character, Integer> map1 = new HashMap<Character,Integer>();
for(char a: first){
HashMap <Character, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<Character,Integer>();
for(char b: second){
I have two hashmaps here one for the longer string and one for the shorter string, map1 {a=1,b=2,c=1} and map2 {a=1,b=1,c=1}. What should I do after this?
Let assume that we have two strings a and b.
(optional) Compare lengths to find longer one.
Iterate over them char by char and compare letters at same index.
If both letters are the same, ignore it. If different, add letter from longer string to result and increment index of the longer string by 1.
What's left in longer string is your result.
const a = "aabbccc"
const b = "aabcc"
let res = ""
for (let i = 0, j = 0; i <= a.length; i++, j++) {
if (a[i] !== b[j]) {
res += a[i]
More modern and elegant way using high order functions:
const a = "aabbccc"
const b = "aabcc"
const res = [...a].reduce((r, e, i) => e === b[i - r.length] ? r : r + e, "")

Breakdown of Drug's Dosage weight (mg) to tablets

I am writing a piece of code in c# to retreive number of tablets for a given dosage. For example, if a Dosage is 20 mg of DrugA (if DrugA comes in 10mg, 5mg and 2mg tablets) then the code would return (2). If Dosage is 15 then the code would return (1 & 1). If a dosage is 3 then Invalid Dosage message is returned. The code must use the highest denominations first i.e. 10mg tablets and then 5mg tablets for the remainder and so on. I am using recursive function (GetDispenseBreakdownForSingleDosage) to acheive the above functionality. My code is working fine for most of the scenarios that I tested. The one scenario that it is incorrectly returning Invalid Dosage is for 8mg dosage. The code should return (4) since 2mg tablets is a valid option. I have given my code below. My questions are:
1) Is there a better way of acheiving my objective than using my code.
2) What changes should I make to avoid the trap of 8mg as invalid dosage. It is returning it invalid because code divides 8 with 5 during second recursive call and remainder becomes 3, on third recursive call 3 is not divisible by 2 so code returns invalid dosage.
My code is given below:
public string GetDispenseBreakdown(PrescriptionsBLL Prescription, double[] IndexAndNonIndexDosageForBreakdown)
int[] NoOfTablets = new int[Prescription.SelectedDrug.PrescriptionsDrugWeights.Count];
for (int Index = 1; Index <= IndexAndNonIndexDosageForBreakdown.Length; Index++)
GetDispenseBreakdownForSingleDosage(Prescription, ref NoOfTablets, IndexAndNonIndexDosageForBreakdown[(Index - 1)], Prescription.SelectedDrug.PrescriptionsDrugWeights[0].Weight, 1);//assuming that index 0 will always contain the highest weight i.e. if a drug has 2, 5, 10 as drug weights then index 0 should always contain 10 as we are sorting by Desc
return ConvertNumberOfTabletsIntoString(NoOfTablets);
public void GetDispenseBreakdownForSingleDosage(PrescriptionsBLL Prescription, ref int[] NoOfTablets, double Dosage, double Weight, int WeightCount)
int LoopIteration;
string TempLoopIteration = (Dosage / Weight).ToString();
if (TempLoopIteration.Contains("."))
LoopIteration = (int)Math.Floor(Dosage / Weight);
LoopIteration = int.Parse(TempLoopIteration);
double TempDosage = Weight * LoopIteration;
int WeightTablets = LoopIteration;
double RemainingDosage = Math.Round((Dosage - TempDosage), 2);
NoOfTablets[(WeightCount - 1)] = NoOfTablets[(WeightCount - 1)] + WeightTablets;
if (WeightCount == Prescription.SelectedDrug.PrescriptionsDrugWeights.Count && RemainingDosage > 0.0)
NoOfTablets[0] = -99999;//Invalid Dosage
if (LoopIteration == 0 && Dosage > 0.0 && WeightCount == Prescription.SelectedDrug.PrescriptionsDrugWeights.Count)
NoOfTablets[0] = -99999;//Invalid Dosage
if (WeightCount == Prescription.SelectedDrug.PrescriptionsDrugWeights.Count)
GetDispenseBreakdownForSingleDosage(Prescription, ref NoOfTablets, RemainingDosage, Prescription.SelectedDrug.PrescriptionsDrugWeights[WeightCount].Weight, ++WeightCount);
public bool IsDosageValid(int[] NoOfTablets)
if (NoOfTablets[0] == -99999)
return false;
return true;
public string ConvertNumberOfTabletsIntoString(int[] NoOfTablets)
if (!IsDosageValid(NoOfTablets))
return "Dosage is Invalid";
string DispenseBreakDown = "(";
int ItemsAdded = 0;
for (int Count = 0; Count < NoOfTablets.Length; Count++)
if (NoOfTablets[Count] != 0)
if (ItemsAdded > 0)
DispenseBreakDown += " & " + NoOfTablets[Count];
DispenseBreakDown += NoOfTablets[Count];
ItemsAdded = ItemsAdded + 1;
DispenseBreakDown += ")";
return DispenseBreakDown;
This sounds like a version of the same logic required for coin change.
This site goes through that logic:
You will also need to make a few adjustments:
You'll need to get back the possible results and accept the one that has highest number of larger pills.
You'll need to handle the possibility of no "correct change".
Here is a simple recursive method. Pass it the desired dosage and an empty list:
// Test if 2 floats are "equal", the difference between them
// is less than some predefined value (epsilon)
bool floatIsEqual(float f1, float f2)
float epsilon = 0.001f;
return Math.Abs(f1 - f2) <= epsilon;
static bool CalcDose(float desired, List<float> list)
// Order of array is important. Larger values will be attempted first
float[] sizes = new float[] { 8, 2, .4f, .2f };
// This path isn't working, return
if (desired < sizes[sizes.Length - 1])
return false;
// Try all combos
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.Length; i++)
if (floatIsEqual(desired, sizes[i]))
// Final step: perfect match
return true;
if (sizes[i] <= desired)
// Attempt recursive call
if (true == CalcDose( desired - sizes[i], list))
// Success
return true;
else break;
return false;

How to make a function that compares strings?

I want to make a function which compares strings.
I don't want to use equal operators (==), I want it worked only with Swift language.
First I made a function which takes 2 strings, and returns bool type.
then I looped these strings with for in syntax.
And want to compare these characters, if strings have equal value, it should return true, if not, then false. Is there any better way?
func isEqual(str1:String, str2:String) -> Bool {
var result = false
for char in str1 {
for char2 in str2 {
//Compare characters.
return result
== works fine with Strings in Swift. For educational purposes
(as I conclude from your comment "because I'm practicing...")
you can implement it as:
func myStringCompare(str1 : String, str2 : String) -> Bool {
if count(str1) != count(str2) {
return false
for (c1, c2) in zip(str1, str2) {
if c1 != c2 {
return false
return true
zip(str1, str2) returns a sequence of pairs from the given
sequences, this is a convenient way to enumerate the strings
"in parallel".
Once you have understood how it works, you can shorten it,
for example to:
func myStringCompare(str1 : String, str2 : String) -> Bool {
return count(str1) == count(str2) && !contains(zip(str1, str2), { $0 != $1 })
Comparing the string length is necessary because the zip() sequence
terminates as soon as one of the strings is exhausted. Have a look at
#drewag's answer to In Swift I would like to "join" two sequences in to a sequence of tuples
for an alternative Zip2WithNilPadding sequence.
If you don't want to use the built-in zip() function (again for
educational/self-learning purposes!) then you can use the fact
that Strings are sequences, and enumerate them in parallel using
the sequence generator. This would work not only for strings but
for arbitrary sequences, as long as the underlying elements can
be tested for equality, so let's make it a generic function:
func mySequenceCompare<S : SequenceType where S.Generator.Element : Equatable>(lseq : S, rseq : S) -> Bool {
var lgen = lseq.generate()
var rgen = rseq.generate()
// First elements (or `nil`):
var lnext = lgen.next()
var rnext = rgen.next()
while let lelem = lnext, relem = rnext {
if lelem != relem {
return false
// Next elements (or `nil`):
lnext = lgen.next()
rnext = rgen.next()
// Are both sequences exhausted?
return lnext == nil && rnext == nil
mySequenceCompare("xa", "xb") // false
mySequenceCompare("xa", "xa") // true
mySequenceCompare("a", "aa") // false
mySequenceCompare("aa", "a") // false
My solution differ a little as I didn't know about the zip operator, I guess is not as efficient as the one post by Martin great use of tuple.
Great question alphonse
func isEqual(str1:String, str2:String) -> Bool {
if count(str1) != count(str2){
return false
for var i = 0; i < count(str1); ++i {
let idx1 = advance(str1.startIndex,i)
let idx2 = advance(str2.startIndex,i)
if str1[idx1] != str2[idx2]{
return false
return true
As pointed by Martin each string needs its own index, as explained by him:
"The "trick" is that "🇩🇪" is an "extended grapheme cluster" and consists of two Unicode code points, but counts as one Swift character."
Link for more details about extended grapheme cluster

Convert string to double do not respect current number decimal separator

I'm trying to convert a string representing a double from invariant culture to a double in current culture representation, I'm concerned with how to get the new double representation to use the current number decimal separator of Current Culture.
I used the code below for the conversion :
public static double ConvertToDouble(this object inputVal, bool useCurrentCulture = false)
string currentSep = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;
string invariantSep = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;
if (inputVal.GetType() == typeof(string))
if (!currentSep.Equals(invariantSep))
inputVal = (inputVal as string).Replace(invariantSep, currentSep);
if (useCurrentCulture)
return Convert.ToDouble(inputVal, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
return Convert.ToDouble(inputVal);
But the above code always gives me a double with ".", although I use the CurrentCulture for example French supposed to give me a double with comma (",").
Many thanks in advance for any hint.
But the above code always gives me a double with "." as the NumberDecimalSeparator
No, it returns a double. A double is just a number. It doesn't have a NumberDecimalSeparator... only a culture does, and that's only applied when converting to or from strings. Talking about the separator for a double is like talking about whether an int is in decimal or hex - there's no such concept. 0x10 and 16 are the same value, represented by the same bits.
It's not really clear what you're trying to do, but it's crucial to understand the difference between what's present in a textual representation, and what's inherent to the data value itself. You should care about the separator when parsing or formatting - but after you've parsed to a double, that information is gone.
From the comments and your question i guess that you actually want to convert a string to a double with either InvariantCulture or current-culture. This double should then be converted to a string which is formatted by the current-culture datetime-format informations(like NumberDecimalSeparator).
So this method should do two things:
parse string to double
convert double to string
public static string ConvertToFormattedDouble(this string inputVal, IFormatProvider sourceFormatProvider = null, IFormatProvider targetFormatProvider = null)
if (sourceFormatProvider == null) sourceFormatProvider = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
if (targetFormatProvider == null) targetFormatProvider = NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo;
if (sourceFormatProvider == targetFormatProvider)
return inputVal; // or exception?
double d;
bool isConvertable = double.TryParse(inputVal, NumberStyles.Any, sourceFormatProvider, out d);
if (isConvertable)
return d.ToString(targetFormatProvider);
return null; // or whatever
You can use it in this way:
string input = "1234.567";
string output = input.ConvertToFormattedDouble(); // "1234,567"
Note that i've extended string instead of object. Extensions for object are a bad idea in my opinion. You pollute intellisense with a method that you 'll almost never use (although it applies also to string).
If you really want to go down this road and use an extension for object that supports any kind of numbers as (boxed) objects or strings you could try this extension:
public static string ConvertToFormattedDouble(this object inputVal, IFormatProvider sourceFormatProvider = null, IFormatProvider targetFormatProvider = null)
if (sourceFormatProvider == null) sourceFormatProvider = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
if (targetFormatProvider == null) targetFormatProvider = NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo;
if (inputVal is string)
double d;
bool isConvertable = double.TryParse((string)inputVal, NumberStyles.Any, sourceFormatProvider, out d);
if (isConvertable)
return d.ToString(targetFormatProvider);
return null;
else if (IsNumber(inputVal))
decimal d = Convert.ToDecimal(inputVal, sourceFormatProvider);
return Decimal.ToDouble(d).ToString(targetFormatProvider);
return null;
public static bool IsNumber(this object value)
return value is sbyte
|| value is byte
|| value is short
|| value is ushort
|| value is int
|| value is uint
|| value is long
|| value is ulong
|| value is float
|| value is double
|| value is decimal;
object input = 1234.56745765677656578d;
string output = input.ConvertToFormattedDouble(); // "1234,56745765678"

Check if a string is a shuffle of two other given strings

This is a question from The Algorithm Design Manual:
Suppose you are given three strings of characters: X, Y, and Z, where |X| = n,
|Y| = m, and |Z| = n+m. Z is said to be a shuffle of X and Y if and only if Z can be formed by interleaving the characters from X and Y in a way that maintains the left-to ­right ordering of the characters from each string.
Give an efficient dynamic ­programming algorithm that determines whether Z is a shuffle of X and Y.
Hint: the values of the dynamic programming matrix you construct should be Boolean, not numeric
This is what I tried:
Initially, I made a 1-D char array and pointers to the starting characters of X,Y,Z respectively. If Z-pointer with matches X-pointer store X in the char array else check the same with Y-pointer.If each entry in the char array is not different from its last entry, Z is not interleaved.
Can someone help me with this problem?
First, let's start with some definitions. I write X[i] for the ith element of X and X[i) for the substring of X starting at index i.
For example, if X = abcde, then X[2] = c and X[2) = cde.
Similar definitions hold for Y and Z.
To solve the problem by dynamic programming, you should keep a 2D boolean array A of size (n+1) x (m+1). In this array, A[i, j] = true if and only if X[i) and Y[j) can be interleaved to form Z[i+j).
For an arbitrary (i, j), somewhere in the middle of the 2D array, the recurrence relation is very simple:
A[i, j] := X[i] = Z[i+j] and A[i+1, j]
or Y[j] = Z[i+j] and A[i, j+1]
On the edges of the 2D array you have the case that either X or Y is already at its end, which means the suffix of the other should be equal to the suffix of Z:
A[m, j] := Y[j) = Z[m+j)
A[i, n] := X[i) = Z[i+n)
A[m, n] := true
If you first fill the border of the array (A[m, j] and A[i, n], for all i, j), you can then simply loop back towards A[0, 0] and set the entries appropriately. In the end A[0, 0] is your answer.
Following approach should give you an idea.
Define the condition d(s1,s2,s3) = (s1 + s2 == s3) { s3 is a shuffle of s1 and s2 }
We have to find d( X, Y, Z ).
if lengths of s1 and s2 are 1 each and length of s3 = 2,
d( s1,s2,s3 ) = { (s1[0] == s3[0] && s2[0] == s3[1]) || (s1[0] == s3[1] && s2[0] == s3[0])
Similarly d can be obtained for empty strings.
For strings of arbitrary length, following relation holds.
d( s1,s2,s3 ) = { ( d( s1-s1[last],s2,s3 - s3[last]) && s1[last] == s3[last] )
|| ( d( s1,s2 - s2[last],s3 - s3[last]) && s2[last] == s3[last] )
You can compute the d() entries starting from zero length strings and keep checking.
It is defined by following recurrence relation:-
S(i,j,k) = false
S(i,j,k) = S(i,j,k)||S(i+1,j,k+1)
S(i,j,k) = S(i,j,k)||S(i+1,j+1,k)
Where S(i,j,k) corresponds to Z[i to end] formed by shuffle of X[j to end] and Y[K to end]
You should try to code this into DP on your own.
I think this is quite easy if you are solving this problem by using this approach with java
Java Based Solution
public class ValidShuffle {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = "XY";
String s2 = "12";
String results = "Y21XX";
validShuffle(s1, s2, results);
private static void validShuffle(String s1, String s2, String result) {
String s3 = s1 + s2;
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(s3);
boolean flag = false;
char[] ch = result.toCharArray();
if (s.length() != result.length()) {
flag = false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) {
String temp = Character.toString(ch[i]);
if (s3.contains(temp)) {
s = s.deleteCharAt(s.indexOf(temp));
s3 = new String(s);
flag = true;
} else {
flag = false;
if (flag) {
} else {
If any problem in my code then comment me please. thank you
function checkShuffle(str1, str2, str3) {
var merge=str1+str2;
var charArr1= merge.split("").sort();
var charArr2= str3.split("").sort();
if(charArr1[i] == charArr2[i]){
return true;
return false;
checkShuffle("abc", "def", "dfabce"); //output is true
const first = "bac";
const second = "def"
const third = "dabecf";
function createDict(seq,str){
let strObj = {};
str = str.split("");
strObj[letter] = {
wordSeq: seq,
index : index
} ;
return strObj;
function checkShuffleValidity(thirdWord,firstWord,secondWord){
let firstWordDict = createDict('first',firstWord);
let secondWordDict = createDict('second',secondWord);
let wordDict = {...firstWordDict,...secondWordDict};
let firstCount=0,secondCount = 0;
thirdWord = thirdWord.split("");
for(let i=0; i<thirdWord.length; i++){
let letter = thirdWord[i];
if(wordDict[letter].wordSeq == "first"){
if(wordDict[letter].index === firstCount){
return false
if(wordDict[letter].index === secondCount){
return false;
return true;
Key points:
All strings shouldn't be null or empty.
The sum of the 2 strings length should be equal to the third string.
The third string should not contain the substrings of the 2 strings.
Else create arrays of characters , sort and compare.
public static boolean validShuffle(String first, String second, String third){
boolean status=false;
if((first==null || second==null || third==null) || (first.isEmpty()|| second.isEmpty() || third.isEmpty())){
status = false;
} else if((first.length()+second.length()) !=third.length()){
//check if the sum of 2 lengths equals to the third string length
status = false;
} else if(third.indexOf(first,0)!=-1 || third.indexOf(second,0)!=-1){
//check if the third string contains substrings
status = false;
} else {
char [] c1_2=(first+second).toCharArray();
char [] c3 =third.toCharArray();
status=Arrays.equals(c1_2, c3);
return status;
