Solr Schema Advice for Dynamic Facetable Fields - search

I haven't used Solr for about three years, and I see that it has now jumped up to 3.5.
The "Documents" that I am trying to add to my Index are properties.
The majority of all properties will have about ten of the same types of fields. Such as
Location Name.. etc
However, I also want to add in attributes about the property which should be facetable.
Property receive features, which are grouped into ten of so categories. Such as...
(Entertainment, Attractions, General, Kitchen, Spa etc). And then the user when adding their property would select items from a pre defined list.
So that for example, if they are adding General features, they might check:
✓ Heating, ✓ Balcony, ✓ Garage, ✓ Washing Machine etc.
Then on my presentation layer, These options might be displayed under the heading General with all of the available facets that fall within the General category.
So, this is my problem... if I make a facet field called "general" I would actually want to add a lot of values to this field. But then can you facet over a multi valued field?
And then I would want to do exactly the same for "spa" where the user might check that the property has a Swimming Pool, Sauna and a load of other features etc.
Any advice as to how I should construct my schema would be appreciated.

Yes, you can facet over multivalued field. Watch this presentation by Solr's developer about facets:
The Many Facets of Apache Solr by Yonik Seeley
I hope that this will have all answers you need. Only thing you need to do in schema is to set the field as multivalued (and maybe also make some processing if this is text not ids, but this is showed nicely in presentation and slides


Smart search results behaviour of compound index of multiple page types

Can someone confirm the behaviour of the Smart search results webpart when using a Smart search filter on a particular field, documentation here, when the index, and the expected results, are compound of multiple page types?
In my scenario I have 2 page types, one is always a child of the other, my hypothetical scenario would be a Folder and File types as an example.
I've configured the index with Pages type and Standard analyzer to include all Folder and File types under the path /MyOS/% on the tree.
The search page, includes the Smart search results webpart and a Smart search filter, a checkbox for the File's field FileIsHidden.
What I'm trying to ascertain is the possibility for the results to include all folders that have a hidden field, as well as the files?
Client has a v8.2 license and now has a requirement similar to this scenario.
Thanks so much for any help in advance.
Firstly what i would do is download the latest version of LUKE, it's a lucene inspector that allows you to run queries, inspect the data, etc.
Your search indexes are in the App_Data/Modules/SmartSearch/[SearchName], now i am not sure if LUKE can query 2 indexes as the same time, however you can run hte same query against both and see if it's filtering out results one way or another.
If you are trying to query where a field must be a value, and the other page type does not have the field, it probably is filtered out. What you need to do is use the lucene syntax to say "(classname = 'cms.file' and fileonlyproperty = '' OR classname <> 'cms.file')" so to say.
You'll have to test, but say the class name is cms.file and cms.folder, and the property is FileIsHidden, i think the syntax would be:
+((FieldIsHidden:(true) and classname:('cms.file')) OR (NOT classname:('cms.file'))
But you'll have to test that.

filtering/searching on a repeat control

In my application, i would like to replace a viewpanel with a repeat control.
However, part of the functionality is there is a UI aspect that allows users to select certain fields (that correspond to the view), and only display the documents that match. The view is doing a filter that allows users to select aspects of the view to create a search (the code is under search of the view) that allows the view panel to be updated with the results of the search.
one of the things that is curious is that the viewpanel has a value of "#{javascript:view2}" vice an actual view name.
The viewpanel defines the search view and the ...
I'd like to be able to apply that same functionality to the repeat control. I don't see those attributes on the repeat control... Any pointers? Its been a while since i've worked with xpages... long enough that I've forgotten a lot already....
Read this blog post I did a while back, it should explain what you need.
The view panel doesn't filter anything, it just displays rows from a datasource, same as a repeat control. Indeed you can add components to a ViewPanel's column, pulling from the current row by adding a var property to the dominoView datasource.
The view is bound to #{javascript:view2} (which would be better done by binding to #{view2} - there's no need to call SSJS here). view2 is a dominoView datasource somewhere on your page. The datasource is a wrapper that has properties to capture the settings for filtering and searching that you want to do. At runtime, they are calculated and changes the ViewEntries in the datasource.
Finally there's is the underlying Domino View object available also to LotusScript. This holds and will always hold all entries. The dominoView datasource queries that using the filtering and searching properties and retrieves a ViewEntryCollection or a ViewNavigator.
So whether you use a View Panel, Repeat Control, Data View or whatever else, those are just components to visually represent a collection of ViewEntries or Documents. All can be bound to a dominoView datasource. Where repeat controls and Data Views give you extra power is you can bind them to any kind of collection, not just a dominoView datasource (e.g. DocumentCollection, ViewEntryCollection, multi-value field, Java collection, etc).
I often find that doing the searches in Java and then passing the results to the repeat as a List work better and allow more options. I can get all the information I need in Java and load that into a Map or Tree. This gives me the ability to do custom sorting in the Java class and also to combine data from other views/databases easily. Since the data is now in memory it gets reloaded fast. The only thing you have to watch for is the size of the data. If you have a view with many entries (10K?) you might not want to load everything into memory...
I'm not sure if you've found a solution yet, but consider using jQuery dataTables. Oliver Busse wrote a very detailed blog post about integrating dataTables into XPages.
To get the specific formatting, I used a repeat control to include the "td", "tr" and "thead" attributes Oliver listed in his blog post.

How to preserve the order or terms in Orchard TaxonomyField

I have a Content Part in Orchard, to which I added a Taxonomy Field and set it to allow multiple terms. When I save a content item, it looks like the terms are re-ordered in alphabetical order. But I would like to preserve the order in which they were authored in the field.
E.g. here is what I author in my Taxonomy field:
Contributors: [Sebastien Ros] [Bertrand Le Roy]
And here is what it turns into after saving:
Contributors: [Bertrand Le Roy] [Sebastien Ros]
Is there a way to prevent terms re-ordering? If this is by design, does anyone familiar with implementation know if this can be patched easily? Would it make sense to create a pull-request and contribute a patch to Orchard? I mean, would it be useful for other users, so that the fix has a chance to be included in core. (Otherwise, I would have to maintain a modified version of Orchard and have problems upgrading to new versions, which is undesirable of course).
You should never count on the order in which the records are stored in the database. It is way too brittle, and has never been designed for this. If you need to have control over the order of terms, and have different orders depending on context, you need to use something else. The latest source code version of Vandelay.Industries has a projection filter that lets you drag and drop items in the order you want, for that specific projection.
If you go to the taxonomy section and look for the term itself, you will see a property call Weight which says..: 'If specified, it will be used to sort terms at the same level'.
That should do it.

Invalid Magento Search result

Searching Magento with fulltext search engine and like method , it will store results in catalogsearch_fulltext table in "data_index" field where it stores value in the format like
each searchable attribute is separated with |.
3003|Enabled|None||Product name|1.99|yellow|0
here it store sku,status,tax class, product name , price ,color etc etc
It stores all searchable attribute value.
Now the issue is for Configurable product , it will also store the associated products name ,price ,status in the same field like
3003|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|None|None|None|None|Product name|Product name|associted Product name1|associted Product name2|associted Product name3|1.99|2.00|2.99|3.99|yellow|black|yellow|green|0|0|0|0
So what happen is if i search for any word from associated product, it will also list the main configurable product as it has the word in its "data_index" field.
Need some suggestion how can i avoid associated products being included in data_index, So that i can have perfect search result.
We are looking into our search as well and it has been surprising to see the inefficiencies included in the fulltext table. We have some configurable products as well that have MANY variations and their population in the fulltext search is downright horrendous.
As for solutions, I can only offer my approach to fix the problem (not completed: but rather in the process).
I am extending Magento to include an event listener to the process of indexing the products (Because catalog search indexing is when the fulltext database is populated). Once that process occurs, I am writing my own module to remove duplicate entries from the associated products and also to add the functionality of adding additional search keyword terms as populated from a CSV file.
This should effectively increase search speed dramatically and also return more relevent search results. Because as of now, configurable products are getting "search bias" in the search results.
This isn't so much of an answer as a comment, but it was too lengthy to fit in the comments but I thought this might be beneficial to you. Once I get my module working, if you would like, I can possibly give you directions on how you could implement a similar module yourself.
Hope that helped (if only for moral support in magento's search struggle)

Sorting and filtering lists in Orchard

I've followed the topic 'Creating lists' in the Orchard Project docs but I'm struggling to think how best to implement my preferred sort order and direction in the resulting rendering of Summary display of the content items.
For example, if I create a Book Reviews list as in the example, and I then add a Published Date field following the topic 'Creating a custom field type' then how would I alter my theme or the views in the Module to display (and possibly also filter) the content items by that custom field.
The 'Creating lists' topic discusses how widgets can implement sorting and filtering, but not how the main content type can do so.
p.s. if you know the answer to this you're probably well on the way to being able to implement an Event Calendar Module as suggested by the Orchard Module Challenge; why not have a go and stand a chance to win a TV / XBox / KINECT!
Research to date:
I've noticed that ordering in a Container part is implemented using the following property
In Orchard 1.4 you can Projection Module to achieve that.
In previous versions, I used LINQ queries to do the sorting on the custom field.
