How to select entire excel spreadsheet for pivot table? - excel

I want to be able to select and reference all of the tabs in my excel spreadsheet (to get totals of everything), but the data source only allows one tab to be selected... is there a way to select and use the entire workbook in the pivot table?
Thank you!

You actually just have a data formatting problem. You're using tabs to separate devices by departments instead of simply creating a department field/column and putting everything in one tab. The data was likely delivered to you that way, but don't let the delivery format define the true working format of the data.
Combine everything in one tab, and then you'll be able to use the data in a pivot table just fine.
If you have more data than will fit in a tab, put it in a database such as MS Access, MS SQLServer or mySQL, and then tell excel to use the database as the pivot table source.

I think Jonathan M has the best answer, but here's a way to do it using SQL that I've used successfully.

I don't know any easy way of doing this, but you could write a macro to copy and paste all your existing sheets onto a single new sheet (assuming there's enough room on a single sheet).

In 2007 Multiple Consolidated Ranges isn't in the default pivot table window. You need to create your pivot table, click on it, hit Alt + D, then P. Click back to step one and you'll have the option for multiple consolidated ranges.

Select the data on any of the one sheet and hit Alt D > P. It will show you Step 1 of 3 for PivotTable Wizard. Now select Multiple Consolidation Ranges and hit Next.
Select and add different fields from different tabs and it will create a consolidated range for your PivotTable and then you can run your PivotTable based on data located on different tabs of sheet at the same time.
Hope it helps.


Is there a way to add range slicer to Excel worksheet for data filtering?

I'd like to add range slicers to an Excel worksheet for quick data filtering. However, I could not find such a control from Excel, and based on quick Googleing, it seems to be included in Power BI. I'd assume you can either get it from some (free) add-in or create it yourself.
Many thanks for anyone who can help on this!
Yes, you can add slicers in Excel. You just need to convert your data to a table first.
Select your data
Press ctrl + t or go to Insert -> Table.
Then select if your table has headers and click OK.
Now you will see the options to add slicers.
Still with your table selected (or any cell inside it), navigate to Insert -> Slicer.
Mark the column you want and it is done.
You can find a good explanation on this link. But fell free to reach out in the comments.

How to combine two worksheets (with different data between them) into one Pivot table?

I have one sheet that I manually enter quality scores on that looks like this
|Agent Name|Month|Quarter|Year|Quality Form|Score|
and another sheet that has production data (call times and goals)
|Agent Name|Month|Quarter|Year|Talk Time|# Calls|Call Goal|
I am trying to make a Pivot table (with slicers) that provides data that looks like this (the slicers would be for the month, quarter, year, or employee name)
|Agent Name|Score|Call Goal|
Tried messing with slicers. Tried consolidating tables. Tried using the data model. Tried using relationships (it kept telling me it needed unique values)
You could use the Power Pivot add-in to load both your tables into the Data Model (Excel -> tab "Power Pivot" -> button "Add to Data Model"), define the relationship between them (Power Pivot for Excel -> tab "Design" -> button "Create Relationship") and after that create your desired PivotTable in a new sheet (Power Pivot for Excel -> tab "Home" -> button "PivotTable").
Don't see a tab "Power Pivot"? Enable the add-in:
From the File menu, select Options, and then Add-Ins.
In the "Manage" box, select COM Add-ins, and then click Go....
Check the box next to Microsoft Office PowerPivot for Excel 2013, and then click OK.
As you mentioned already, you do need at least one of the tables to contain merely unique keys. Don't have it? Create one by combining multiple columns as a new column. Assuming each agent only occurs as a record in your tables once per month/year, you could use Power Pivot to concatenate a unique key into a new column with a formula like:
=Table1[Agent Name]&Table1[Month]&Table1[Year]
Do the same in Table 2:
=Table2[Agent Name]&Table2[Month]&Table2[Year]
Now, you can create a relationship between those 2 newly created columns and pivot as much as you want in Excel. Let us know how it works out!

Slicer for multiple pivot with different data source Excel VBA

Is there a way I can use a slicer to filter multiple pivot with 3 different data sources. Thanks.
Just Double Click on the Slicer and then go to Options, then go PivotTableConnections, then select the check box which you want to connect and click on OK.
Here are some snaps.
I guess this covers your requirement :)

Copy Filters from one PowerPivot PivotTable to another

I have 2 PivotTables that were created from PowerPivot connections. I would like the second PivotTable to change based on a selection the user makes on the first PivotTable. I have some VBA background, so you don't need to write the whole code but point me to the right functions/structure.
If you use slicers, you can simply link both tables to the same set of slicers. You can even have multiple copies of each slicer.
It's the same in all versions of Excel since 2010. Here's a link.
Edit: Adding information from my comment below here.
You can use this technique even when you're explicitly using a filter on the pivot table, whether by adding a field to the Filters section, or by putting that field on the row/column labels and then limiting the selection based on that row/column header drop down. You can mix and match these as well, with Pivot1 having the field in question in the Filters section, and Pivot2 having the field in the Rows section.
Just create your two pivot tables as normal, and then connect both to the same slicer. This slicer can be hidden on another sheet that is not displayed to the end users. This solution is much more expedient than the VBA solutions I've seen.

How do you copy the powerpivot data into the excel workbook as a table?

I have data in powerpivot that I've modified and I'd like to place it into the workbook as a regular table (and not as a pivottable). I need this so that I can run use the table for some vlookups from another worksheet in the same workbook.
I found this answer: link which I will try and summarize with out cutting and pasting to much. This assumes you have powerpivot installed.
goto powerpivot and "import from and external source" the data you want to munge and bring back into the workbook as a table
Key here is to select the checkbox “Enable selection of multiple tables”.
when prompted at the "import data" window, pick pivot report (you won't really use this)
go back to powerpivot with the "Manage Data Model:
add a new measure below your data. something like: NRofOrders:=COUNTROWS(values(FactResellerSales[SalesOrderNumber]))+0
(you won't really use this but this seems to change the query to this table so that you can use DAX)
also add any columns that you want ( for me, this is want I wanted that I wanted to be reflected back in the workbook)
back to Excel, select the data tab, click on Existing connections and select Tables: and then pick a table from your query.
boom, you're done
(the link continues on and you should read that as it's interesting but at this point you should have powerpivot query with your modification as a table in your workbook)
The July 2014 update to Power Query (pushed out at the end of Aug) simplifies the answer. With the new Power Query Update you can pull the data into the Data Model with out having to also copy it to the Works sheet.
goto powerquery and import the data you want to munge. Use the option to just add it to the Data Model.
go back to excel and then go to powerpivot with the "Manage Data Model" button.
munge your data (add columns, whatever)
back to Excel, select the data tab, click on Existing connections and select Tables: and then pick a table from your query.
boom, you're done
In the PowerPivot window you can select the table, or elements of it, and then copy (nornal right click or ctrl +c) and paste that into your spreadsheet.
This works for reasonable amounts of data but if you try and do it with thousands of rows you may find that excel objects and falls over, based on my experience.
Vlookups kind of defeat the purpose of PowerPivot :-)
Found a great solution over on Mr Excel
If you are trying to get a PowerPivot table into Excel, then you can simply query it. The easiest way to set that up is to first create any pivot table based on you PowerPivot data. Then double-click the measures area to drill-through. This creates a table with a connection to your PowerPivot model. Then edit the command text by going to: Data > Connections > Properties > Definition tab > Command Text.
Change it to something like
