Copy Filters from one PowerPivot PivotTable to another - excel

I have 2 PivotTables that were created from PowerPivot connections. I would like the second PivotTable to change based on a selection the user makes on the first PivotTable. I have some VBA background, so you don't need to write the whole code but point me to the right functions/structure.

If you use slicers, you can simply link both tables to the same set of slicers. You can even have multiple copies of each slicer.
It's the same in all versions of Excel since 2010. Here's a link.
Edit: Adding information from my comment below here.
You can use this technique even when you're explicitly using a filter on the pivot table, whether by adding a field to the Filters section, or by putting that field on the row/column labels and then limiting the selection based on that row/column header drop down. You can mix and match these as well, with Pivot1 having the field in question in the Filters section, and Pivot2 having the field in the Rows section.
Just create your two pivot tables as normal, and then connect both to the same slicer. This slicer can be hidden on another sheet that is not displayed to the end users. This solution is much more expedient than the VBA solutions I've seen.


How to create a list of all ticked/non-ticked filter in an excel pivot table

This, I hope, is a really simple question but it might not be possible.
In excel, I have used multiple filters in a pivot table, I now want to create a list of the options ticked from the various filters.
How can I create a list/copy all the ticked (or un-ticked) boxes. I have around 800 filters with about 250 boxes ticked.
The Manual approach:
Select a cell in the PivotTable. Then from the PivotTable Tools>Analyze tab use the Select icon to select the entire PivotTable. Copy it and paste it somewhere else. Drag every field out of it, leaving just the Customers field in it as a Rows field. There's your list.
If you add a slicer, and connect it to both PivotTables, then any changes to the Customer field in your original Pivot will flow through to this new one.
The VBA Approach:
See my UDF at
And if you want a way to 'recall' a filter, then check out my answer here:
Pivotfields multiple filter

Adding Pivot Table Slicers in one box

Currently I am using a pivot table to display information to users, they can edit the slicers to filter the table with what they want to see. As requirements grow, i find myself adding more and more slicers which take up too much space on the excel sheet.
Is there a way to put the slicers on one single form so that it looks intuitive and is easily navigated?

Pivot table Filter deletes other data on sheet

I currently have a pivot table on one sheet and a list of data on another sheet. I wanted to put both next to each other so I moved the pivot table to the left of the data set without a problem. However, every time I use a filter on the pivot table, it prompts me to ask if I want to delete all the other data on that sheet. Clicking okay clears the whole sheet but clicking cancel doesn't apply the filter. Any idea how I can get around this?
The only way around this is to make sure they do not overlap at all ... because if the pivot expands / contracts it affects the sheet and thus the table. I do think a possible work around at least in my quick testing is too keep the table on another sheet, but create another pivot of that table on the same sheet. Then Simply put the columns as columns so it looks like a table.

Master PivotTable Filter

I have 6 pivot-charts on many worksheets (each worksheet corresponding to different individuals), all pivot-tables have a Month filter. Instead of clicking on each individual filter to update the pivot-table (and corresponding pivot-chart). Is there a way of creating a 'master' filter button so that all filters are updated?
Let me know if you require further information.
You can accomplish this by using a slicer. Slicers are similar to filters, but look a little different and can be associated with multiple pivot tables. This means you might want to make a "front page" or similar area with the slicer on it so it is obvious that the one slicer controls the month filter for all pivot tables.
You just insert the slicer on the page, then click on Report Connections and connect it to each pivot table.

How to select entire excel spreadsheet for pivot table?

I want to be able to select and reference all of the tabs in my excel spreadsheet (to get totals of everything), but the data source only allows one tab to be selected... is there a way to select and use the entire workbook in the pivot table?
Thank you!
You actually just have a data formatting problem. You're using tabs to separate devices by departments instead of simply creating a department field/column and putting everything in one tab. The data was likely delivered to you that way, but don't let the delivery format define the true working format of the data.
Combine everything in one tab, and then you'll be able to use the data in a pivot table just fine.
If you have more data than will fit in a tab, put it in a database such as MS Access, MS SQLServer or mySQL, and then tell excel to use the database as the pivot table source.
I think Jonathan M has the best answer, but here's a way to do it using SQL that I've used successfully.
I don't know any easy way of doing this, but you could write a macro to copy and paste all your existing sheets onto a single new sheet (assuming there's enough room on a single sheet).
In 2007 Multiple Consolidated Ranges isn't in the default pivot table window. You need to create your pivot table, click on it, hit Alt + D, then P. Click back to step one and you'll have the option for multiple consolidated ranges.
Select the data on any of the one sheet and hit Alt D > P. It will show you Step 1 of 3 for PivotTable Wizard. Now select Multiple Consolidation Ranges and hit Next.
Select and add different fields from different tabs and it will create a consolidated range for your PivotTable and then you can run your PivotTable based on data located on different tabs of sheet at the same time.
Hope it helps.
