Files form Domina are automatically deleted - security

Files get automatically deleted from hosting account.
How do i go about finding if its a virus on hosting or if someone with malicious intentions has hacked our hosting.
How do i go about finding cause for this situation.

your question is far too general... basically this is a job for a foresic/security analyst... which would in turn need adminitrative (and usually physical) access to the machine...
What you can do:
Check whether there are any accounts that don't belong there
Check for beckground processes like cron/scheduler etc.
Check for viruses/rootkits etc.
This might yield nothing since for a real check you need to boot from a medium which is 100% virus-free
Change ALL passwords to new and very secure ones
Check all logs


Is sharing your C:/Users name a security risk?

I was wanting to show a video of my python code working to someone but in this video I need to show my folders. C:\Users\etc\etc. Is giving the users bit a risk (obviously it's my windows name in place of 'users') because I often see tutorials blocking this name.
Short answer, yes it is a security risk, you are telling someone the username for your system. However, the better question is, should you go to the effort of hiding it based on the security risk?
Unfortunately this question is much harder to answer with a simple yes / no answer and depends a lot on your personal (and your organisations) attitude to risk.
If someone is trying to hack into their system having valid credentials for the system is obviously a good way to go, hence the amount of effort that goes into phishing style e-mails, websites etc. By showing your username you have given the attacker half the things they need (assuming no MFA etc.).
That being said often usernames are often very easy to guess. Built in accounts e.g. Administrator in Windows and root in Linux have been targets in the past, although they are better protected from Network logins these days. In corporate environments, usernames are often e-mail addresses or the user part of the address (the bit before the # symbol).
As well as considering how available your username is in the public domain already you need to consider where is the video going to be shared. For example if you are in a corporate environment where usernames are firstname.lastname and this video is only going to be shared on the company intranet. Well, quite honestly, anyone with access to the video can guess your username.
Based on the hints above you can make your mind up about whether or not you need to hide your username. Let's look at this from another angle, how hard is it to hide the username. Assuming that your demonstration works just as well from any directory on your computer, why not put everything you need in C:\temp and then there is no need to show a path with your username in?
In summary, the choice is yours and I hope you this gives you a guide to how to consider the risks and make an informed choice. Personally (sorry SO rule followers, I will give a quick opinion here) I would avoid showing it as generally it is easy to build a video from a temp directory rather than one off C:\Users\<username> equally when using a Linux system I don't lose any sleep over the fact that the prompt shows my username.

How can I search for malicious cron jobs?

I have an account at WebFaction, and multiple sites that have been hacked, now multiple times, over the past month. Most of these are WordPress installs.
Every time this happens I change all passwords -- user, site access, databases, etc. -- update WordPress, and look for cron jobs in the WordPress installs.
I'm pretty confident that I know how to change a password (and generate secure passwords). If there's a gap in my (low level of) knowledge, it's cron jobs and whether or not I might be missing something in working through all of this in terms of a "back door" being left open.
Is there an automated way I can search for these? If I have to manually open every single one of these hundreds and hundreds of compromised PHP files, is there a certain text string or something I can search for that will help me find (and understand) what these are?
If you've been hacked there's only two secure ways: Reinstall completely from known good installation sources or restore a backup that you know for sure was taken before the intrusion.
Once an attacker has gained access to a system, there are so many ways to hide malicious code that it is impossible to go through it all and be sure nothing is left.

How can I browse an XSS infected Joomla website for rebuilding purposes without being infected?

Both the web files and the database have been tampered pointing to malicious JavaScript. They have tasked me to rebuild their site, but I would like to be able to view the site if possible to get at the content and view the site as they had a lot of pages. Since I didn’t originally build the site I don’t know the structure of the content.
I don’t have to repair the site; I just need to rebuild it with the CMS of my choice. I don’t know anything about the Joomla database, or know if I can even get access to it to be able to start there.
I originally thought using a virtual machine would be OK for this, but I wasn’t sure if I would be risking my host machine as well using this method. I would of course turn off JavaScript but I was hoping someone else may have been already been down this road and might be able to offer some insight.
Couldn't you just FTP to their host, pull it off and get it working on a machine with no connection?
If you were really paranoid. I don't think an XSS infected site would do too much damage to a properly protected machine anyway.
My paranoid answer:
It's a great idea to turn off Javascript. I would get an extension like Noscript for Firefox or Notscript for Chrome. I use these Noscript regularly, and it makes it easy to see what Javascript is coming from where.
Secondly, your idea with a VM is good, but take it a step further and run Linux in that VM. Linux can be infected, but it is rare to see something that will infect Linux.
Regular expressions and HTML parsers can also be your friends. Script something that can scan files looking for things like script tags and especially iframes. That way you can get an idea of files that have been corrupted and what is calling to where.
One other less likely gotcha is malicious executables or scripts disguised as something innocent like a JPEG, PDFs, etc. If you download and open files off of that machine, make sure it is at least onto your VM with no network connectivity.
Get server logs if you can; perhaps your assailant was sloppy and let some clue about their activities. Perhaps run Wireshark on a second machine to look for things calling out to strange domains. This may be excessive, but I find it to be a fun exercise. :)
Also things like Virustotal and Threat Expert can be your friends if you think you have a malicious file or you see malicious activity. Better to be paranoid than compromised.
Cleaning this type of stuff up isn't exactly rocket science. You just need to get a connection to the backing database server and run a couple queries to kill the xss stuff out of the stored content.
You'd do your client a great service by starting off doing just that.
The VM idea is a good one. krs1 suggests running Linux which is an even better idea as almost all trojans that get downloaded are for Windows. If you run Wireshark while you use the site so you can see what the network traffic looks like and what URLs are being requested, etc. If you run it in a Linux VM though you'll probably only get half the picture since any exploit worth the oxygen it took to keep the programmer alive while it was written will check what platform you're on and only download when you're on an exploitable one.
But I digress, you're rebuilding a website, not doing malware analysis (which is more fun IMO). Once you identify and remove the offending content you should be good. See if you can find out what the exploit was that got them and work with their IT guy if they have one so steps can be taken to mitigate it from happening again.

Windows BackupRead / BackupWrite and ACLs

I have been trying to understand what should be the right way in using BackupRead and BackupWrite for backing up data on a computer and especially about restoring it reliably.
Now I understand how to use the API and have been successful. However there's one thing that bothers me.
You can backup, beside the file content itself, any alternate data streams also the security information (ACLs).
Now if I would store the ACL data for backup and then later, once the data needs to be restored on a different machine OR a newly setup machine what should I do with the SIDs which are related to the ACL?
The SID is most likely no longer valid for the machine and how should the right user be selected?
Now I am looking at this on a bigger scale let's say this is a computer with multiple users and hundreds or thousands of objects with different settings this would be mess to get the data restored with the security settings applied to them again.
Is this something, if the user of the software wishes to backup the security settings, what the user has to take about himself and update them accordingly or what?
Additionally BackupRead and BackupWrite will give me the raw binary data of those items which is not all too hard to use however obviously this API does not even intend to face this issue.
Anyone has an idea how a backup application should handle this situation? What is your thought, or any pointers on guidelines for this specific topic?
Thanks a lot.
I think you understand correctly the problems with backup and restore of data. I think that correct understanding of problems is a half of its solving. I suppose that you are, like the most of users of the stackoverflow site, mostly software developer and not an administrator of a large network. So you see on the problem from another side of software developer and not from the side of the administrator. An administrator knows the restrictions of backup and restore of ACLs and already use it.
In general you should understand that the main purpose of backups to save the data and to restore the data later on the same computer or server. Another standard case is: one restore backup from one server to another server after the changing of hardware. In the case the old server will no more exist. Mostly one makes backups of servers and organize to work on the clients so, that no important data will be saved of the client computer.
In the most cases the backed up data has Domain Groups SIDs, Domain Users SIDs, well-known SIDs or SID aliases from the BUILTIN domain in the security descriptors. In the case one need make no changes of SIDs at all. If the administrator do will make some changes in ACL he can use different existing utilities like SubInACL.exe.
If you write Backup/Restore software which you want use for moving the data with the security information you can include in the backup some additional meta-information about the local SIDs of accounts/groups used in the saved security descriptors. In the Restore software you can provide the possibilities to replace SIDs from the saved security descriptors. Many year ago I wrote for one large customer some utilities to clear up the SIDs in SD in the file system, registry and services after domain migration. It was not so complex. So I suggest that you could implement the same feature in you Backup/restore software.
I do believe the Backup* APIs are primarily intended to backup and restore on the same machine, which would render the SID problem irrelevant. However, assuming a scenario where you need to restore a backup on a new install, here's my thoughts on solutions.
For well-known SIDs such as Everyone, Creator Owner and so on, there isn't really any problem.
For domain dependent SIDs you can store them as is, and upon restore you could fixup the domain part, if needed. Likely you should store the domain name as well for such SIDs.
For local users and groups, you should at least store the user/group name for each SID. Fixup on restore could be partially automatic based on these names, or manual (assuming an user interface for the application) where you ask the user whether he wishes to map this user to a new local user, convert these SIDs to a well-known SID, or keep as is.
Most of the issues related to such SIDs can (and probably typically will) be possible to handle automatically. I'd certainly appreciate a backup application that was smart enough to do the restore I asked it to and figure out that "Erik" on the old machine must be "Erik" on the new machine as well.
And a side note, if you do decide to go with such a solution, remember how annoying it is to start an overnight data transfer just to get back to something 5% done blocking on a popup it could just as easily defer :)

Designing a Linux-based system for transferability of ownership/admin rights without total trust

Inspired by a much more specific question on ServerFault.
We all have to trust a huge number of people for the security and integrity of the systems we use every day. Here I'm thinking of all the authors of all the code running on your server or PC, and everyone involved in designing and building the hardware. This is mitigated by reputation and, where source is available, peer review.
Someone else you might have to trust, who is mentioned far less often, is the person who previously had root on a system. Your predecessor as system administrator at work. Or for home users, that nice Linux-savvy friend who configured your system for you. The previous owner of your phone (can you really trust the Factory Reset button?)
You have to trust them because there are so many ways to retain root despite the incoming admin's best efforts, and those are only the ones I could think of in a few minutes. Anyone who has ever had root on a system could have left all kinds of crazy backdoors, and your only real recourse under any Linux-based system I've seen is to reinstall your OS and all code that could ever run with any kind of privilege. Say, mount /home with noexec and reinstall everything else. Even that's not sufficient if any user whose data remains may ever gain privilege or influence a privileged user in sufficient detail (think shell aliases and other malicious configuration). Persistence of privilege is not a new problem.
How would you design a Linux-based system on which the highest level of privileged access can provably be revoked without a total reinstall? Alternatively, what system like that already exists? Alternatively, why is the creation of such a system logically impossible?
When I say Linux-based, I mean something that can run as much software that runs on Linux today as possible, with as few modifications to that software as possible. Physical access has traditionally meant game over because of things like keyloggers which can transmit, but suppose the hardware is sufficiently inspectable / tamper-evident to make ongoing access by that route sufficiently difficult, just because I (and the users of SO?) find the software aspects of this problem more interesting. :-) You might also assume the existence of a BIOS that can be provably reflashed known-good, or which can't be flashed at all.
I'm aware of the very basics of SELinux, and I don't think it's much help here, but I've never actually used it: feel free to explain how I'm wrong.
First and foremost, you did say design :) My answer will contain references to stuff that you can use right now, but some of it is not yet stable enough for production. My answer will also contain allusions to stuff that would need to be written.
You can not accomplish this unless you (as user9876 pointed out) fully and completely trust the individual or company that did the initial installation. If you can't trust this, your problem is infinitely recursive.
I was very active in a new file system several years ago called ext3cow, a copy on write version of ext3. Snapshots were cheap and 100% immutable, the port from Linux 2.4 to 2.6 broke and abandoned the ability to modify or delete files in the past.
Pound for pound, it was as efficient as ext3. Sure, that's nothing to write home about, but it was (and for a large part) still is the production standard FS.
Using that type of file system, assuming a snapshot was made of the pristine installation after all services had been installed and configured, it would be quite easy to diff an entire volume to see what changed and when.
At this point, after going through the diff, you can decide that nothing is interesting and just change the root password, or you can go inspect things that seem a little odd.
Now, for the stuff that has to be written if something interesting is found:
Something that you can pipe the diff though that investigates each file. What you're going to see is a list of revisions per file, at which time they would have to be recursively compared. I.e. , present against former-present, former-present against past1, past1 against past2, etc , until you reach the original file or the point that it no longer exists. Doing this by hand would seriously suck. Also, you need to identify files that were never versioned to begin with.
Something to inspect your currently running kernel. If someone has tainted VFS, none of this is going to work, CoW file systems use temporal inodes to access files in the past. I know a lot of enterprise customers who modify the kernel quite a bit, up to and including modules, VMM and VFS. This may not be such an easy task - comparing against 'pristine' may not be tenable since the old admin may have made good modifications to the kernel since it was installed.
Databases are a special headache, since they change typically each second or more, including the user table. That's going to need to be checked manually, unless you come up with something that can check to be sure that nothing is strange, such a tool would be very specific to your setup. Classic UNIX 'root' is not your only concern here.
Now, consider the other computers on the network. How many of them are running an OS that is known to be easily exploited and bot infested? Even if your server is clean, what if this guy joins #foo on irc and starts an attack on your servers via your own LAN? Most people will click links that a co-worker sends, especially if its a juicy blog entry about the company .. social engineering is very easy if you're doing it from the inside.
In short, what you suggest is tenable, however I'm dubious that most companies could enforce best practices needed for it to work when needed. If the end result is that you find a BOFH in your work force and need to can him, you had better of contained him throughout his employment.
I'll update this answer more as I continue to think about it. Its a very interesting topic. What I've posted so far are my own collected thoughts on the same.
Yes, I know about virtual machines and checkpointing, a solution assuming that brings on a whole new level of recursion. Did the (now departed) admin have direct root access to the privileged domain or storage server? Probably, yes, which is why I'm not considering it for the purposes of this question.
Look at Trusted Computing. The general idea is that the BIOS loads the bootloader, then hashes it and sends that hash to a special chip. The bootloader then hashes the OS kernel, which in turn hashes all the kernel-mode drivers. You can then ask the chip whether all the hashes were as expected.
Assuming you trust the person who originally installed and configured the system, this would enable you to prove that your OS hasn't had a rootkit installed by any of the later sysadmins. You could then manually run a hash over all the files on the system (since there is no rootkit the values will be accurate) and compare these against a list provided by the original installer. Any changed files will have to be checked carefully (e.g. /etc/passwd will have changed due to new users being legitimately added).
I have no idea how you'd handle patching such a system without breaking the chain of trust.
Also, note that your old sysadmin should be assumed to know any password typed into that system by any user, and to have unencrypted copies of any private key used on that system by any user. So it's time to change all your passwords.
