Monad transformer for progress tracking - haskell

I am looking for a monad transformer that can be used to track the progress of a procedure. To explain how it would be used, consider the following code:
procedure :: ProgressT IO ()
procedure = task "Print some lines" 3 $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn "line1"
task "Print a complicated line" 2 $ do
liftIO $ putStr "li"
liftIO $ putStrLn "ne2"
liftIO $ putStrLn "line3"
-- Wraps an action in a task
task :: Monad m
=> String -- Name of task
-> Int -- Number of steps to complete task
-> ProgressT m a -- Action performing the task
-> ProgressT m a
-- Marks one step of the current task as completed
step :: Monad m => ProgressT m ()
I realize that step has to exist explicitly because of the monadic laws, and that task has to have an explicit step number parameter because of program determinism/the halting problem.
The monad as described above could, as I see it, be implemented in one of two ways:
Via a function that would return the current task name/step index stack, and a continuation in the procedure at the point that it left off. Calling this function repeatedly on the returned continuation would complete the execution of the procedure.
Via a function that took an action describing what to do when a task step has been completed. The procedure would run uncontrollably until it completed, "notifying" the environment about changes via the provided action.
For solution (1), I have looked at Control.Monad.Coroutine with the Yield suspension functor. For solution (2), I don't know of any already available monad transformers that would be useful.
The solution I'm looking for should not have too much performance overhead and allow as much control over the procedure as possible (e.g. not require IO access or something).
Do one of these solutions sound viable, or are there other solutions to this problem somewhere already? Has this problem already been solved with a monad transformer that I've been unable to find?
EDIT: The goal isn't to check whether all the steps have been performed. The goal is to be able to "monitor" the process while it is running, so that one can tell how much of it has been completed.

This is my pessimistic solution to this problem. It uses Coroutines to suspend the computation on each step, which lets the user perform an arbitrary computation to report some progress.
EDIT: The full implementation of this solution can be found here.
Can this solution be improved?
First, how it is used:
-- The procedure that we want to run.
procedure :: ProgressT IO ()
procedure = task "Print some lines" 3 $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn "--> line 1"
task "Print a set of lines" 2 $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn "--> line 2.1"
liftIO $ putStrLn "--> line 2.2"
liftIO $ putStrLn "--> line 3"
main :: IO ()
main = runConsole procedure
-- A "progress reporter" that simply prints the task stack on each step
-- Note that the monad used for reporting, and the monad used in the procedure,
-- can be different.
runConsole :: ProgressT IO a -> IO a
runConsole proc = do
result <- runProgress proc
case result of
-- We stopped at a step:
Left (cont, stack) -> do
print stack -- Print the stack
runConsole cont -- Continue the procedure
-- We are done with the computation:
Right a -> return a
The above program outputs:
--> line 1
[Print some lines (1/3)]
--> line 2.1
[Print a set of lines (1/2),Print some lines (1/3)]
--> line 2.2
[Print a set of lines (2/2),Print some lines (1/3)]
[Print some lines (2/3)]
--> line 3
[Print some lines (3/3)]
The actual implementation (See this for a commented version):
type Progress l = ProgressT l Identity
runProgress :: Progress l a
-> Either (Progress l a, TaskStack l) a
runProgress = runIdentity . runProgressT
newtype ProgressT l m a =
procedure ::
(Yield (TaskStack l))
(StateT (TaskStack l) m) a
instance MonadTrans (ProgressT l) where
lift = ProgressT . lift . lift
instance Monad m => Monad (ProgressT l m) where
return = ProgressT . return
p >>= f = ProgressT (procedure p >>= procedure . f)
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ProgressT l m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
runProgressT :: Monad m
=> ProgressT l m a
-> m (Either (ProgressT l m a, TaskStack l) a)
runProgressT action = do
result <- evalStateT (resume . procedure $ action) []
return $ case result of
Left (Yield stack cont) -> Left (ProgressT cont, stack)
Right a -> Right a
type TaskStack l = [Task l]
data Task l =
{ taskLabel :: l
, taskTotalSteps :: Word
, taskStep :: Word
} deriving (Show, Eq)
task :: Monad m
=> l
-> Word
-> ProgressT l m a
-> ProgressT l m a
task label steps action = ProgressT $ do
-- Add the task to the task stack
lift . modify $ pushTask newTask
-- Perform the procedure for the task
result <- procedure action
-- Insert an implicit step at the end of the task
procedure step
-- The task is completed, and is removed
lift . modify $ popTask
return result
newTask = Task label steps 0
pushTask = (:)
popTask = tail
step :: Monad m => ProgressT l m ()
step = ProgressT $ do
(current : tasks) <- lift get
let currentStep = taskStep current
nextStep = currentStep + 1
updatedTask = current { taskStep = nextStep }
updatedTasks = updatedTask : tasks
when (currentStep > taskTotalSteps current) $
fail "The task has already completed"
yield updatedTasks
lift . put $ updatedTasks

The most obvious way to do this is with StateT.
import Control.Monad.State
type ProgressT m a = StateT Int m a
step :: Monad m => ProgressT m ()
step = modify (subtract 1)
I'm not sure what you want the semantics of task to be, however...
edit to show how you'd do this with IO
step :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => ProgressT m ()
step = do
modify (subtract 1)
s <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "steps remaining: " ++ show s
Note that you'll need the MonadIO constraint to print the state. You can have a different sort of constraint if you need a different effect with the state (i.e. throw an exception if the number of steps goes below zero, or whatever).

Not sure if this is exactly what you want, but here is an implementation that enforces the correct number of steps and requires there to be zero steps left at the end. For simplicity, I'm using a monad instead of a monad transformer over IO. Note that I am not using the Prelude monad to do what I'm doing.
Now can extract the number of remaining steps. Run the following with -XRebindableSyntax
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
module Test where
import Prelude hiding (Monad(..))
import qualified Prelude as Old (Monad(..))
data Z = Z
data S n = S
type Zero = Z
type One = S Zero
type Two = S One
type Three = S Two
type Four = S Three
class Peano n where
peano :: n
fromPeano :: n -> Integer
instance Peano Z where
peano = Z
fromPeano Z = 0
instance Peano (S Z) where
peano = S
fromPeano S = 1
instance Peano (S n) => Peano (S (S n)) where
peano = S
fromPeano s = n `seq` (n + 1)
prev :: S (S n) -> (S n)
prev S = S
n = fromPeano $ prev s
class (Peano s, Peano p) => Succ s p | s -> p where
instance Succ (S Z) Z where
instance Succ (S n) n => Succ (S (S n)) (S n) where
infixl 1 >>=, >>
class ParameterisedMonad m where
return :: a -> m s s a
(>>=) :: m s1 s2 t -> (t -> m s2 s3 a) -> m s1 s3 a
fail :: String -> m s1 s2 a
fail = error
(>>) :: ParameterisedMonad m => m s1 s2 t -> m s2 s3 a -> m s1 s3 a
x >> f = x >>= \_ -> f
newtype PIO p q a = PIO { runPIO :: IO a }
instance ParameterisedMonad PIO where
return = PIO . Old.return
PIO io >>= f = PIO $ (Old.>>=) io $ runPIO . f
data Progress p n a = Progress a
instance ParameterisedMonad Progress where
return = Progress
Progress x >>= f = let Progress y = f x in Progress y
runProgress :: Peano n => n -> Progress n Zero a -> a
runProgress _ (Progress x) = x
runProgress' :: Progress p Zero a -> a
runProgress' (Progress x) = x
task :: Peano n => n -> Progress n n ()
task _ = return ()
task' :: Peano n => Progress n n ()
task' = task peano
step :: Succ s n => Progress s n ()
step = Progress ()
stepsLeft :: Peano s2 => Progress s1 s2 a -> (a -> Integer -> Progress s2 s3 b) -> Progress s1 s3 b
stepsLeft prog f = prog >>= flip f (fromPeano $ getPeano prog)
getPeano :: Peano n => Progress s n a -> n
getPeano prog = peano
procedure1 :: Progress Three Zero String
procedure1 = do
task (peano :: Two) -- any other Peano is a type error
--step -- uncommenting this is a type error
step -- commenting this is a type error
return "hello"
procedure2 :: (Succ two one, Succ one zero) => Progress two zero Integer
procedure2 = do
step `stepsLeft` \_ n -> do
return n
main :: IO ()
main = runPIO $ do
PIO $ putStrLn $ runProgress' procedure1
PIO $ print $ runProgress (peano :: Four) $ do
n <- procedure2
n' <- procedure2
return (n, n')


composing machines in a cycle

I am working with the machines library and I have three Processes
foo :: Process a b
bar :: Process b a
baz :: Process b c
I would like to compose them such that both bar and baz use the output of foo as input. Moreover, and this is the part I'm struggling with, I would like to fed the output of bar back into foo, forming a cycle. Any hints on how to do it?
First you can use ~> to compose processes sequentially (Process x y -> Process y z -> Process x z), so the problem reduces to interpreting Process a a, which you can do with a recursive function carrying a buffer. The buffer gets extended by Yield and consumed by Await. There is some arbitrariness in how you want to handle Await on an empty buffer; here I just take the "no input" continuation and resume normally.
import Data.Machine
import Data.Machine.Process
loop :: Monad m => ProcessT m a a -> m ()
loop p = go [] p where
go :: Monad m => [a] -> ProcessT m a a -> m ()
go buffer p = runMachineT p >>= \s -> case s of
Stop -> pure ()
Yield o p -> go (buffer ++ [o]) p
Await p1 Refl p0 ->
case buffer of
[] -> go [] p0
i : buffer' -> go buffer' (p1 i)
loop3 :: Monad m => ProcessT m a b -> ProcessT m b c -> ProcessT m c a -> m ()
loop3 x y z = loop (x ~> y ~> z)
example :: ProcessT IO String String
example =
encased (Yield "world" (
encased (Await (\name ->
MachineT (putStrLn ("Hello " ++ name ++ "!") >> pure Stop)) Refl (error "No input"))))
main :: IO ()
main = loop example

Try to make Haskell logger for learning but restrictions of Monad instances stand in my way

import Control.Monad
data Logger l a = Logger {runLogger :: (IO (),a,l)}
iologger :: (Show l)=> l->a->(a->b)->Logger l b
iologger l a f = Logger (print l,f a,l)
instance (Show l)=>Monad (Logger l) where
return a = iologger (show "") a id
logger>>=f = let (_,va,vl) = runLogger logger
in iologger vl va f
The above code does not compile. What I want to make is something like this(code below is F# computation expressions)
let loggedWorkflow =
let! x = 42
let! y = 43
let! z = x + y
return z
The above code logs the result because of this
type LoggingBuilder() =
let log p = printfn "expression is %A" p
member this.Bind(x, f) =
log x
f x
member this.Return(x) =
But this does not work in Haskell because print wants Show restriction. The Writer monad cannot do this also because is explicit. In every code you write you must put tell. Any ideas?
You can use RebindableSyntax to redefine (>>=) in any way you want.
Note that this is does not satisfy the monad laws, unless you consider an equivalence relation on programs that is oblivious to differences in logging.
There is also some more noise with those return because is no let! syntax that desugars to (>>=).
Also, why would you not call log just where it is necessary?
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import Prelude (IO, Show(show), (++), putStrLn, ($), fromInteger, Int, (+))
class CMonad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: Show a => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
log :: Show a => a -> IO ()
log x = putStrLn $ "Expression is: " ++ show x
instance CMonad IO where
return = Monad.return
m >>= k = m Monad.>>= \a -> log a Monad.>> k a
main :: IO Int
main = do
x <- return (42 :: Int)
y <- return (43 :: Int)
z <- return (x + y)
return z

IO monad prevents short circuiting of embedded mapM?

Somewhat mystified by the following code. In non-toy version of the problem I'm trying to do a monadic computation in a monad Result, the values of which can only be constructed from within IO. Seems like the magic behind IO makes such computations strict, but I can't figure out how exactly that happens.
The code:
data Result a = Result a | Failure deriving (Show)
instance Functor Result where
fmap f (Result a) = Result (f a)
fmap f Failure = Failure
instance Applicative Result where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Result where
return = Result
Result a >>= f = f a
Failure >>= _ = Failure
compute :: Int -> Result Int
compute 3 = Failure
compute x = traceShow x $ Result x
compute2 :: Monad m => Int -> m (Result Int)
compute2 3 = return Failure
compute2 x = traceShow x $ return $ Result x
compute3 :: Monad m => Int -> m (Result Int)
compute3 = return . compute
main :: IO ()
main = do
let results = mapM compute [1..5]
print $ results
results2 <- mapM compute2 [1..5]
print $ sequence results2
results3 <- mapM compute3 [1..5]
print $ sequence results3
let results2' = runIdentity $ mapM compute2 [1..5]
print $ sequence results2'
The output:
Nice test cases. Here's what's happening:
in mapM compute we see laziness at work, as usual. No surprise here.
in mapM compute2 we work inside the IO monad, whose mapM definition will demand the whole list: unlike Result which skips the tail of the list as soon as Failure is found, IO will always scan the whole list. Note the code:
compute2 x = traceShow x $ return $ Result x
So, the above wil print the debug message as soon as each element of the list of IO actions is accessed. All are, so we print everything.
in mapM compute3 we now use, roughly:
compute3 x = return $ traceShow x $ Result x
Now, since return in IO is lazy, it will not trigger the traceShow when returning the IO action. So, when mapM compute3 is run, no message is seen. Instead, we see messages only when sequence results3 is run, which forces the Result -- not all of them, but only as much as needed.
the final Identity example is also quite tricky. Note this:
> newtype Id1 a = Id1 a
> data Id2 a = Id2 a
> Id1 (trace "hey!" True) `seq` 42
> Id2 (trace "hey!" True) `seq` 42
when using a newtype, at runtime there is no boxing/unboxing (AKA lifting) involved, so forcing a Id1 x value causes x to be forced. With data types this does not happen: the value is wrapped in a box (e.g. Id2 undefined is not equivalent to undefined).
In your example, you add an Identity constructor, but that is from the newtype Identity!! So, when calling
return $ traceShow x $ Result x
the return here does not wrap anything, and the traceShow is immediately triggered as soon as mapM is run.
Your Result type appears to be virtually identical to Maybe, with
Result <-> Just
Failure <-> Nothing
For the sake of my poor brain, I'll stick to Maybe terminology in the rest of this answer.
chi explained why IO (Maybe a) does not short-circuit the way you expected. But there is a type you can use for this sort of thing! It's essentially the same type, in fact, but with a different Monad instance. You can find it in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe. It looks something like this:
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT
{ runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
As you can see, this is just a newtype wrapper around m (Maybe a). But its Monad instance is very different:
instance Monad m => Monad (MaybeT m) where
return a = MaybeT $ return (Just a)
m >>= f = MaybeT $ do
mres <- runMaybeT m
case mres of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just a -> runMaybeT (f a)
That is, m >>= f runs the m computation in the underlying monad, getting Maybe something or other. If it gets Nothing, it just stops, returning Nothing. If it gets something, it passes that to f and runs the result. You can also turn any m action into a "successful" MaybeT m action using lift from Control.Monad.Trans.Class:
class MonadTrans t where
lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a
instance MonadTrans MaybeT where
lift m = MaybeT $ Just <$> m
You can also use this class, defined somewhere like Control.Monad.IO.Class, which is often clearer and can be much more convenient:
class MonadIO m where
liftIO :: IO a -> m a
instance MonadIO IO where
liftIO m = m
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (MaybeT m) where
liftIO m = lift (liftIO m)

how can I decently add an "undo" functionality to State monads?

Say that I have a State monad, and I want to do some manipulations on the state and might want to undo the change in future. How in general can I do this decently?
To give a concrete example, let's assume the state is just an Int, and the manipulation
is just to increase the number by one.
type TestM a = StateT a IO ()
inc :: TestM Int
inc = modify (+ 1)
however, if I want to keep track of all the history of states in case I want to undo to some previous state, the best I can think of is to wrap the states in a stack: every modification to the state will be pushed to the stack so that I can undo changes through droping the top element on the stack.
-- just for showing what's going on
traceState :: (MonadIO m, MonadState s m, Show s) => m a -> m a
traceState m = get >>= liftIO . print >> m
recordDo :: TestM a -> TestM [a]
recordDo m = do
x <- gets head
y <- liftIO $ execStateT m x
modify (y:)
inc' :: TestM [Int]
inc' = recordDo inc
undo' :: TestM [Int]
undo' = modify tail
-- inc 5 times, undo, and redo inc
manip' :: TestM [Int]
manip' = mapM_ traceState (replicate 5 inc' ++ [undo',inc'])
main :: IO ()
main = do
v1 <- execStateT (replicateM_ 5 (traceState inc)) 2
v2 <- execStateT (replicateM_ 5 (traceState inc')) [2]
v3 <- execStateT manip' [2]
print (v1,v2,v3)
As expected, here is the output:
The drawback of my approach:
tail and head are unsafe
One have to use something like recordDo explicitly, but I guess this is unavoidable because otherwise there will be some inconsistency issue. For example increasing the number by two can be done by either inc' >> inc' or recordDo (inc >> inc) and these two approach have different effects on the stack.
So I'm looking for either some ways to make it more decent or something that does the job of "reversible state" better.
Depending on your use-case, it might be worth considering something that I'd call "delimited undo":
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
undo :: (MonadState s m, MonadPlus m) => m a -> m a -> m a
undo dflt k = do
s <- get
k `mplus` (put s >> dflt)
undoMaybe :: (MonadState s m) => m a -> MaybeT m a -> m a
undoMaybe dflt k = do
s <- get
r <- runMaybeT k
maybe (put s >> dflt) return r
undoMaybe_ :: (MonadState s m) => MaybeT m () -> m ()
undoMaybe_ = undoMaybe (return ())
Executing undo x k means "execute k, and if it fails, undo the state and execute x instead". Function undoMaybe works similarly, but allows the failure only the nested block. Your example then could be expressed as:
type TestM a = StateT a IO ()
inc :: (MonadState Int m) => m ()
inc = modify (+ 1)
-- just for showing what's going on
traceState :: (MonadIO m, MonadState s m, Show s) => m a -> m a
traceState m = get >>= liftIO . print >> m
inc' :: (MonadIO m, MonadState Int m) => m ()
inc' = traceState inc
-- inc 5 times, undo, and redo inc
manip' :: TestM Int
manip' = replicateM 4 inc' >> undoMaybe_ (inc' >> traceState mzero) >> inc'
main :: IO ()
main = do
v1 <- execStateT (replicateM_ 5 (traceState inc)) 2
putStrLn ""
v3 <- execStateT manip' 2
print (v1,v3)
The main advantage is that you can never underflow the stack. The disadvantage is that you can't access the stack and the undo is always delimited.
One could also create an Undo monad transformer that where the above undo becomes mplus. Whenever a failed computation is restored with mplus, the state is restored as well.
newtype Undo m a = Undo (m a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadTrans Undo where
lift = Undo
instance (MonadState s m) => MonadState s (Undo m) where
get = lift get
put = lift . put
state = lift . state
instance (MonadPlus m, MonadState s m) => MonadPlus (Undo m) where
mzero = lift mzero
x `mplus` y = do
s <- get
x `mplus` (put s >> y)

Single-stepping a conduit

I want to do something along the lines of ArrowChoice, but with conduits. I want to await an Either value and then pass Left values to one conduit and Right values to another, and then merge the results back into an Either stream.
Presumably this can be done by making the inner conduits like automata: turn a conduit into a function that takes an argument and returns a monadic list of outputs yielded:
newtype AutomataM i m o = Automata (i -> m (o, Automata i o))
conduitStep :: Conduit i m o -> AutomataM i m [o]
The reason for the list of outputs is that a Conduit may yield 0 or more outputs for each input.
I've looked at ResumableConduit and its relatives, and presumably the answer is in there somewhere. But I can't quite see how its done.
It's not exactly the same type signature you provided, but:
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Internal (Pipe (..), ConduitM (..))
newtype Automata i o m r = Automata (m ([o], Either r (i -> Automata i o m r)))
conduitStep :: Monad m => ConduitM i o m r -> Automata i o m r
conduitStep (ConduitM con0) =
Automata $ go [] id con0
go _ front (Done r) = return (front [], Left r)
go ls front (HaveOutput p _ o) = go ls (front . (o:)) p
go ls front (NeedInput p _) =
case ls of
[] -> return (front [], Right $ conduitStep . ConduitM . p)
l:ls' -> go ls' front (p l)
go ls front (PipeM mp) = mp >>= go ls front
go ls front (Leftover p l) = go (l:ls) front p
But just be careful with this approach:
By keeping the output as a list, it's not constant memory.
We're throwing away finalizers.
There's probably a way to provide a ZipConduit abstraction, similar to ZipSource and ZipSink, that would handle this kind of problem more elegantly, but I haven't thought about it too much.
EDIT I ended up implementing ZipConduit in conduit-extra 0.1.5. Here's a demonstration of using it which sounds a bit like your case:
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Extra
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
conduit1 :: Monad m => Conduit Int m String
conduit1 = $ \i -> "conduit1: " ++ show i
conduit2 :: Monad m => Conduit Double m String
conduit2 = $ \d -> "conduit2: " ++ show d
conduit :: Monad m => Conduit (Either Int Double) m String
conduit = getZipConduit $
ZipConduit (lefts =$= conduit1) *>
ZipConduit (rights =$= conduit2)
lefts = CL.mapMaybe (either Just (const Nothing))
rights = CL.mapMaybe (either (const Nothing) Just)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let src = do
yield $ Left 1
yield $ Right 2
yield $ Left 3
yield $ Right 4
sink = CL.mapM_ putStrLn
src $$ conduit =$ sink
There's a folk method of doing this using pipes by using "push-category" Pipes. The complete implementation comes from both this mailing list post and this Stack Overflow answer. I think it hasn't been released yet due to both an effort to simplify the Pipes interface, a focus on using the "sequencing" monad instance which is hidden via this method, and no proof yet that this implementation truly implements the Arrow class properly.
The idea is to implement a newtype Edge (demonstrated below) which is a push-based pipe with the type arguments in the right order for Category, Arrow, ArrowChoice and both Functor and Applicative over their output values. This lets you compose them into directed acyclic graphs using arrow notation. I'll run over the implementation below, but it's safe to just ignore it and use the Arrow/ArrowChoice/Applicative instances of Edge without too much concern.
(Edit: This code is best made available at
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Pipes.Core
import Pipes.Lift
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Arrow
This is an atypical mode of using pipes and isn't exposed in the Pipes module; you must import Pipes.Core to use push. Push-based pipes look like
-- push :: a -> Proxy a' a a' a m r
and thus they demand at least one upstream value before the Proxy is allowed to run. This means the whole process needs to be "kickstarted" by passing the first value as a function call and that the leftmost push-Proxy will control the entire stream.
Given a push-based pipe we can implement Category, Arrow and ArrowChoice. The standard solution also involves the Edge typeclass so that we have the type arguments in the right order for Category and Arrow
newtype Edge m r a b = Edge { unEdge :: a -> Pipe a b m r }
For the Category instance, we use the "push" Category which has push as id and (<~<) as composition:
instance Monad m => Category (Edge m r) where
id = Edge push
Edge a . Edge b = Edge (a <~< b)
We embed functions into Edge with arr by augmenting id (i.e. push) on the downward edge. To do this we use the respond category which has the law p />/ respond == p, but jam our f into the process.
instance Monad m => Arrow (Edge m r) where
arr f = Edge (push />/ respond . f)
We also use a local state transformer to store the snd half of our pairs and pass it "around" the input pipe in first
first (Edge p) = Edge $ \(b, d) ->
evalStateP d $ (up \>\ hoist lift . p />/ dn) b
up () = do
(b, d) <- request ()
lift (put d)
return b
dn c = do
d <- lift get
respond (c, d)
Finally, we get an ArrowChoice instance by implementing left. To do so we split the burden of passing the Left and Right sides using either the return or the pipe to pass values.
instance (Monad m) => ArrowChoice (Edge m r) where
left (Edge k) = Edge (bef >=> (up \>\ (k />/ dn)))
bef x = case x of
Left b -> return b
Right d -> do
_ <- respond (Right d)
x2 <- request ()
bef x2
up () = do
x <- request ()
bef x
dn c = respond (Left c)
We can use Edge to create "push-based" producers and consumers
type PProducer m r b = Edge m r () b
type PConsumer m r a = forall b . Edge m r a b
and then we'll provide Functor and Applicative instances for PProducer. This goes by case analysis on the underlying Pipe, so it's a bit verbose. Essentially, however, all that happens is that we insert f into the yield slot of the Pipe.
instance Functor (PProducer m r) where
fmap f (Edge k) = $ Edge $ \() -> go (k ()) where
go p = case p of
Request () ku -> Request () (\() -> go (ku ()))
-- This is the only interesting line
Respond b ku -> Respond (f b) (\() -> go (ku ()))
M m -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
Pure r -> Pure r
Finally, Applicative is much the same except that we have to switch between running the upstream pipe to produce functions and running the downstream pipe to produce arguments.
instance (Monad m) => Applicative (Edge m r ()) where
pure b = Edge $ \() -> forever $ respond b
(Edge k1) <*> (Edge k2) = Edge (\() -> goL (k1 ()) (k2 ()))
goL p1 p2 = case p1 of
Request () ku -> Request () (\() -> goL (ku ()) p2)
Respond f ku -> goR f (ku ()) p2
M m -> M (m >>= \p1' -> return (goL p1' p2))
Pure r -> Pure r
goR f p1 p2 = case p2 of
Request () ku -> Request () (\() -> goR f p1 (ku ()))
Respond x ku -> Respond (f x) (\() -> goL p1 (ku ()))
M m -> M (m >>= \p2' -> return (goR f p1 p2'))
Pure r -> Pure r
