jquery Auto-complete loads ASCII HTML Character Codes in to the Text Area - jquery-autocomplete

I am using jQuery AutoComplete plugin.
I have the data which has special characters as '/-&
When user clicks the text area, the autocomplete drop down shows the data correctly
for example:
don't drink
When user selects the text (don't drink)
In my textarea it load the value as ASCII characters:
don't drink
How can I have the data to load as normal data.
This is my autocomplete code:
var directions ="don't drink/ Once a Day/ Take More/ You'are Good";
directions = directions.split("/");
$("#TextArea").autocomplete(directions, {
matchContains: true,
minChars: 1

You can add formatResult to your autocomplete options specifying a function that decodes the result that's output to the text box.


SwiftUI how to change font and color for email address in Text

If I didn't use verbatim with Text
Text("Reach out to us on info#eyva.io for any queries!")
.font(Font.custom("Poppins-Regular", size: getFontSize(value: 16)))
And, if I used verbatim with
Text(verbatim: "Reach out to us on info#eyva.io for any queries!")
Text(verbatim: "Reach out to us on info#eyva.io for any queries!")
.font(Font.custom("Poppins-Regular", size: getFontSize(value: 16)))
Email clickable functionality not working if I used verbatim with Text()
I want to with email clickable.
Try the below code It will help you:
Text(.init("Reach out to us on [cinfo#eyva.io](cinfo#eyva.io) for any queries!"))
here in the () round bracket, you have to write the link and in [] square bracket the respective text you want to see, here you want to show the email so in both brackets I wrote the email id modify as you want.

document-wide ordered lists in ascii doctor

I would like to define a new style of ordered lists in asciidoctor that is composed of a fixed uppercase letter and a counter that increments. It has to be document wide. For example
A1. first item
A2. second item
some text
A3. third item
the flow of the text continues
The solution I came up with is as follows, which is heavy and not 100% satisfactory.
A{counter:ol1}.:: first item
A{counter:ol1}.:: second item
some text
A{counter:ol1}.:: third item
the flow of the text continues
Is there a simpler solution ? Is there a possibility at least to define a macro that would expand to A{counter:ol1}.::?
You have a couple of choices:
Create a macro in your editor that inserts the required markup (assuming that your goal is to reduce the amount of typing to achieve this effect).
Adjust the markup to specify a custom role and drop the counter:
= My document
:docinfo: shared
[horizontal, role=numbered]
A:: first item
A:: second item
some text
[horizontal, role=numbered]
A:: third item
the flow of the text continues
Then add some custom CSS, via a docinfo file (see: https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#docinfo-file), that does the counting for you. This won't work in PDF output.
body {
counter-reset: myli;
.hdlist.numbered .hdlist1::after {
content: counter(myli) ". ";
counter-increment: myli;

Netsuite Custom Field with REGEXP_REPLACE to strip HTML code except carriage return

I have a custom field with some HTML code in it:
<h1>A H1 Heading</h1>
<h2>A H2 Heading</h2>
<b>Rich Text</b><br>
fsdfafsdaf df fsda f asdfa f asdfsa fa sfd<br>
<ol><li>numbered list</li><li>fgdsfsd f sa</li></ol>Another List<br>
I also have another non-stored field where I want to display the plain text version of the above using REGEXP_REPLACE, while preserving the carriage returns/line breaks, maybe even converting <br> and <br/> to \r\n
However the patterns etc... seem to be different in NetSuite fields compared to using ?replace(...) in freemarker... and I'm terrible with remembering regexp patterns :)
Assuming the html text is stored in custitem_htmltext what expression could i use as the default value of the NetSuite Text Area custom field to display the html code above as:
A H1 Heading
A H2 Heading
Rich Text
fsdfafsdaf df fsda f asdfa f asdfsa fa sfd
I understand the bulleted or numbered lists will look crap.
My current non-working formula is:
I've also tried:
REGEXP_REPLACE({custitem_htmltext},'<[^>]+>','') - didn't work
When you use a Text Area type of custom field and input HTML, NetSuite seems to change the control characters ('<' and '>') to HTML entities ('<' and '>'). You can see this if you input the HTML and then change the field type to Long Text.
If you change both fields to Long Text, and re-input the data and formula, the REGEXP_REPLACE() should work as expected.
From what I have learned recently, Netsuite encodes data by default to URL format, so from < to < and > to >.
Try using triple handlebars e.g. {{{custitem_htmltext}}}
This should stop the default behaviour and allow you to use in a formula/saved search.

locating visible elements

Is there any way to locate just visible elements with Watir?
I want to locate only visible forms (by the index param) so that Watir would return first or second visible text field.
How is it possible to filter invisible fields / elements?
Is it possible to do that with xpath?
This will return the first visible text field:
browser.text_fields.select {|text_field| text_field.visible?}[0]
You can set text in text field like this:
browser.text_fields.select {|text_field| text_field.visible?}[0].set "text"
This will return the second visible text field:
browser.text_fields.select {|text_field| text_field.visible?}[1]
Please note that element can be visible, but disabled.

Detect a change in a rich text field's value in SPItemEventReceiver?

I currently have an Event Receiver that is attached to a custom list. My current requirement is to implement column level security for a Rich Text field (Multiple lines of text with enhanced rich text).
According to this post[webarchive], I can get the field's before and after values like so:
object oBefore = properties.ListItem[f.InternalName];
object oAfter = properties.AfterProperties[f.InternalName];
The problem is that I'm running to issues comparing these two values, which lead to false positives (code is detecting a change when there wasn't one).
Exhibit A: Using ToString on both objects
<div class=ExternalClass271E860C95FF42C6902BE21043F01572>
<p class=MsoNormal style="margin:0in 0in 0pt">Text.
<DIV class=ExternalClass271E860C95FF42C6902BE21043F01572>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Text.
HTML tags are capitalized
Random spaces (see the additional space after margin:)
Using GetFieldValueForEdit or GetFieldValueAsHTML seem to result in the same values.
"OK," you say, so lets just compare the plain text values.
Exhibit B: Using GetFieldValueAsText
Fortunately, this method strips all of the HTML tags out of the value and only plain text is displayed. However, using this method led me to discover additional issues with whitespace characters:
In the before value:
Sometimes there are additional newline characters.
Sometimes spaces are displayed as non-breaking spaces (ASCII char code 160)
How can I detect if the user changed a rich text field in an event receiver?
[Ideal] Detect any change to HTML or text or white space
[Acceptable] Detect changes to text or white space
[Not so good] Detect changes to text characters only (strip all non-alphanumeric characters)
What happens if you set the ListItem field with the new value and read it back out? Does that give the same formatting?
object oBefore = properties.ListItem[f.InternalName];
properties.ListItem[f.InternalName] = properties.AfterProperties[f.InternalName]
object oAfter = properties.ListItem[f.InternalName];
//dont update
properties.ListItem[f.InternalName] = oBefore;
I would probably try something between choices 2 and 3:
bool changed =
valueAsTextBefore != valueAsTextAfter ||
0 != string.Compare(
oBefore.ToString().Replace(" ", ""),
oAfter.ToString().Replace(" ", ""),
The left half checks if the text (including case) has changed while the right half checks if the tags or attributes have changed. Very kludgy, but should fit your case.
The only other thing I can think of is to run an XML transform on the HTML in order to standardize on case and spacing. But not only does that seem like overkill, but it assumes the HTML will always be well formed.
I'm currently testing a combination approach: GetFieldValueAsText and then stripping out all characters except alphanumeric/punctuation:
static string GetRichTextValue(string value)
if (null == value)
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(value.Length);
foreach (char c in value)
if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || char.IsPunctuation(c))
return sb.ToString();
This only detects changes to the text of a rich text field but seems to work consistently.
