Enable / Add a forum on mahara - forum

Im really new to mahara, and wondered how to enable the forum on mahara. Also if there is n't one out of the box, can anyone point me in the right direction for getting one please.
Its clearly something thats available as there is a community forum on the mahara website:
Thanks in advance

Mahara does ship with a forum. You can enable and configure it under Administrator Area -> Extensions (your-mahara-site/admin/extensions/plugins.php)

Forum is enabled by default, notice that forum is a group feature. You need to create a group first, which will contain the general discussion forum by default, then within in the group on the forum tab you can add extra forums.
Mahara manual contains more information on forums: http://manual.mahara.org/en/1.6/groups/inside_group.html#forums


Is it possible to fully customize a sharepoint?

Alright, I received a job to fully customize a Sharepoint into a simple website, but all the information I found in google didn't helped and I don't know anybody who have worked with this, I have never seen those tags before, such as , so I need some infos about fully customization, is that possible? Where do I start from? I already installed the sharepoint 2010 and added the website but couldn't do anything.
Thanks anyway.
look here , i think that you can find there answer http://idratherbewriting.com/2008/06/21/customizing-your-sharepoint-site-read-these-10-conceptsgotchas-first/

from a share point portal website, how can i tell what version of share point is running?

that is to say if i am browsing around on share point where can i get to a details page to tell me what version of share point it is?
Provided you're running 2007 and can select "Site Settings" (or "Modify All Site Settings"), it's right there on the newly-opened page to the right of "Version". From there, a pretty up-to-date mapping of version to SP/CU install can be found here.
(edited to reflect Ryan's comment)

SharePoint 2010 Bulletin Board - User can only edit their post

I need to create a bulletin board in SharePoint 2010 and ideally we'd like people to make posts but they should only be able to edit their posts and not others.
Is this possible at all?
Also if anyone knows of any off the shelf solutions (not necessarily with the above mentioned edit abilities) that I could trial please let me know.
Worked it out, in advanced list properties you can set an option to edit only your own posts however where I was going wrong is the UI still shows the edit option but you get an "access denied" message when you try and save....Great

phpbb - How do I enable 'forum subscriptions'?

I'm having some issues in setting up Subscriptions for my phpbb forum, in that, I can't find a link to subscribe to the forum :/
Through the ACP, I've set the following to enabled:
Allow subscribing to topics
Allow subscribing to forums
This was done through General > Board Configuration > Board Features. I can't find any other section that has relevant settings that would require activation...
So, as far as I know, this should be all that's needed to enable forum subscriptions. However, when I browse my forum using both my administrator account and a newly made test account, no where do I see a link to subscribe to the forum/thread.
How do I set this up? :/
You must check if your phpBB version is the same as your phpBB template version, you can check it opening the styles/your_style/theme/themes.cfg and find the line Version.

Sharepoint hit counter is not displayed

I followed the instructions here
After that when I preview my page, I can't see the hitcounter. I learned that it may be related to permissions of the site but I couldn't find how to do it.
Is it realy related to permissions ? If so what should I do to ? And any external solution (except this one: http://hitcounter.codeplex.com/) would help, the one in pharanthesis, I couldn't make it work.
