phpbb - How do I enable 'forum subscriptions'? - forum

I'm having some issues in setting up Subscriptions for my phpbb forum, in that, I can't find a link to subscribe to the forum :/
Through the ACP, I've set the following to enabled:
Allow subscribing to topics
Allow subscribing to forums
This was done through General > Board Configuration > Board Features. I can't find any other section that has relevant settings that would require activation...
So, as far as I know, this should be all that's needed to enable forum subscriptions. However, when I browse my forum using both my administrator account and a newly made test account, no where do I see a link to subscribe to the forum/thread.
How do I set this up? :/

You must check if your phpBB version is the same as your phpBB template version, you can check it opening the styles/your_style/theme/themes.cfg and find the line Version.


Sharepoint site privacy settings though code

I have stressed all morning regarding this minor issue.
I have x sharepoint sites, some of them are public some of them are private.
I want to be able to modify the privacy settings through code, but so far I have only been able to do it manually.
I can set the field if I create the site anew, but I have not managed to do it if the site already exists.
I have also looked into:, but have not found a commandlet to update this.
I finally managed to get this to work using the
_api/SP.Directory.DirectorySession/Group(id) endpoint.
I could not find official documentation though, and had to do it by moniting the network traffic

How to create links to MS Teams tabs which can be used from within MSTeams on a page

In a MSTeams channel I have a tab which has a sharepoint page added to it. If it is important the sharepoint page resides within the same sharepoint site set up automatically by MS Teams for this team.
I want to use a sharepoint Quick Links web part to provide a link to another MSTeams channel tab.
Currently I am copying the link to the tab within the MSTeam desktop app. In the sharepoint Quick Link I am then pasting the link in the "From Another Link" choice of the Quick Link link.
This works if you click on these links within the Desktop App and if you use the Web Online version, however it does not work if you use the iOS MS Teams app.
Is there another way to link to channel tabs? There is this question and answer but this only applies to the web online application.
I see on the MS UserVoice that there is still no way to change the landing page when clicking on a channel. Am I correct? Here is the link to the UserVoice
I've been researching into this a bit but I can't find a good answer - I feel like Deeplinking should support this somehow, but I haven't got a clear answer. It's possible (but I've not tested it), that you can use standard Deep Link syntax, but use the App Id and Entity Id that you'd get from the Graph Api (e.g. here).
Another possibility is just to use an app that's more geared towards this, like Quicklinks (disclosure: I work on this app).

How to integrate Jira Atlassian with GitLab cloud?

The current documentation does not match the new interfaces exactly but what I have being able to put together is displayed in the screenshots below.
What does work is:
When I push a comment to GitLab a link is built and links to the properly referenced JIRA ticket.
JIRA is added as a LHS menu item which opens link I define as Web URL (see below).
What does not work is:
The JIRA ticket does not display the comment.
On GitLab
My settings keep failing the integration test and I have no idea what the problem is.
myproject > Settings > Integrations
I have created a user as per instructions in the docs
From what I can gather is if I want to comment I just have to mention a correctly formatted JIRA ticket ID and if I want to change the state of a ticket I need to set the correct Transition ID(s) which I can find in my JIRA workflow.
I am able to log in manually to JIRA with the "Gitlab Dev" user account, and post comments.
Has anyone else got this to work with the newer admin layouts?
Make sure that the Jira user you set up for the integration has the correct access permission to post comments on a Jira issue and also to transition the issue, if you’d like GitLab to also be able to do so.
Jira issue references and update comments will not work if the GitLab issue tracker is disabled.

Sharepoint 2010 - feature not appearing in UI

Does anyone here know what could cause a new feature to not show up in the SharePoint UI?
The solution it is part of has been correctly deployed to the GAC and shows up in the central administration list of deployed farm solutions, the feature appears in the FEATURES folder of the 14 hive, yet the feature itself does not appear in the features list for the site collection, either in the UI or in PowerShell using Get-SPFeature.
Yes, the feature is correctly scoped, and no, it is not hidden. :)
Any thoughts or pointers would be very welcome!
Answer supplied on, with thanks to Simon Doy.
Somehow, something had gone wrong with the installation of the feature, and neither the UI nor commands like Get-SPFeature revealed its existence, although the Install-SPFeature -ScanForFeatures command emboldened below displayed the missing feature.
"Check that the feature has been installed. For example, if you are
performing Update-SPSolution and a new feature has been added between
solution deployments then the feature is not installed by default.
To check do the following:-
Run SharePoint 2010 Management Shell from one of the SharePoint
servers Type Install-SPFeature -ScanForFeatures This will show you any
features that are available in the SharePoint Root but have not been
installed. You can install any missing features using the command :-
Install-SPFeature -AllExistingFeatures
See the following TechNet
Article for more information."
Look in central admin to see what site collection the feature is deployed to. Make sure in that site collection the feature is turned on.
Also, check the deploy job status to see if it actually finished.
Is there a on install event receiver? If it errors out, the feature will not finish installing even after the DLL is copied.

Enable / Add a forum on mahara

Im really new to mahara, and wondered how to enable the forum on mahara. Also if there is n't one out of the box, can anyone point me in the right direction for getting one please.
Its clearly something thats available as there is a community forum on the mahara website:
Thanks in advance
Mahara does ship with a forum. You can enable and configure it under Administrator Area -> Extensions (your-mahara-site/admin/extensions/plugins.php)
Forum is enabled by default, notice that forum is a group feature. You need to create a group first, which will contain the general discussion forum by default, then within in the group on the forum tab you can add extra forums.
Mahara manual contains more information on forums:
