jqgrid error message - jqgrid-php

When I click on "add", a form is opened. Suppose there are few "required" fields on that form and I leave them all empty. Now when I press "submit" button on form, only error about the first "required" field is shown, not for all the required fields. When I rectify first required field and press submit again, only then it tells about second required field. I want to show all errors about required fields once and together. I hope that clarifies the question.


Clear values from Netsuite Item Custom field

I have created a Custom Field in Netsuite for Item.
Due to some data issue, the value in the custom field is corrupted and i need to again reset all the values to null or empty.
How i can empty the Custom Field value to null through the Netsuite Portal and not through scripts?
Just change the data type on the custom field. You will get a warning saying "Changing this custom field type will delete all data in existing records. Are you sure you want to do this?" Click "OK" and save, then you can change it back to the original data type and carry on as you were.
#Krypton's answer is definitely the fastest, you can also use the Mass Update feature to accomplish this, but you'll need to do each item type individually:
Lists -> Mass Update -> Mass Updates
Expand "General Updates"
Click on Items -> Inventory Item
Leave the "Criteria" blank if you want to clear the field for all records
On the "Mass Update Fields" tab, check the "Apply" box next to the field you want to clear
Do not enter anything in the "Value" column
Click the "Preview" button.
Click the "Perform Update" button
You'll need to do this for each item type (Inventory Item, Non-Inventory Item (for Sale), Kit/Package, etc.)
Another way of doing it is to uncheck the Store Value, save, check Store Value, save.

Docusign field has blank value until it is clicked

I am sending an envelope that has some field and the problematic field are this
All other fields are working fine that does not have "hide text with asterisk".
Those 2 fields on the docusign site itself "hide text with asterisk" are checked.
And the behaviour of those 2 fields are weird. When the envelope is sent, and I received a url for the docusign, when I open it, those 2 fields are empty (empty box), but when clicked.. it suddenly show the value, and when the box are out of focus then it will hide the text with asterisk.
My question is what should I do, so when docusign open, it was already on asterisk, without the user has to click the box first? Since the value was passed on, so technically the field already has value.
The "masking", similar to the "validation" (regex), is applied by the UI (javascript). Since you are pre-populating, the javascript isn't invoked until the signer interacts with the tab overlay (UI). On click of the textbox, javascript is invoked and then on you see the asterix on the textbox. So functionally, it is hiding the text by being blank value on envelope signing page load.

Powerapps: button selection on a previous screen prefill a field in a form

I am attempting to build an app with Microsoft powerapps that will be writing/reading data to/from an excel sheet.
I have created a form in powerapps from a table in the excel sheet. I am curious to know if anyone knows how to fill the data in a field based on a button selection on a previous screen.
As an example let's say the following fields are in the form; Location, Action, Item, Username.
This is what I am imaging and would like to do;
I would like the first two fields to be filled by selecting buttons on a previous screens instead of a drop down menu in the edit form view. the last two field can be filled by inputting text on a thirds screen.
The flow:
Screen1; presents two 4 locations in the form of buttons*doesn't necessarily have to be a button but function like one.
4 locations: NY, LA, AZ, LN
when users selects "NY" button, "NY" is filled/stored in to the "location" field in the form and the screen navigates to the next page where the user will select the actions.
Screen2; presents two 2 actions in the form of button.
2 Actions: remove, add
when users selects "remove" button, "remove" is filled/stored in to the "action" field in the form and the screen navigates to the next page where the user will fill the other two fields in a text field.
Screen3; has two text fields where user can fill in the rest of the information for item and user name. Location and Action should be prefilled at this point. When the user submits the form all data is submitted and a row is created in the excel table with all the information captured.
any information how to make a button selection on a previous screen prefill a field in a form that would be awesome! thank you for reading.
It sounds like you want to use a collection. A collection can be used similar to a global variable and will allow us to access data on a different screen than the one we set it on.
Some useful information can be found here:
Based off of your flow, let's assume that the screens are named as follows:
Screen1 will be "SpecifyLocation"
Screen2 will be "SpecifyAction"
Screen3 will be "FinalizeInput"
The names are arbitrary, but I think they'll make the following example easier to follow.
On the screen "SpecifyLocation", we're going to create four buttons. They will all be identical, except for the name of the location they reference. For instance, the button referencing "NY" would be as follows:
Text = "New York"
OnSelect = ClearCollect( LocationMetadata, "NY" ); Navigate(SpecifyAction,ScreenTransition.Cover)
Please note that the OnSelect value is two different functions separated by a semicolon. The first function, ClearCollect(), clears all information in a collection and then writes a new entry. In this case, we have a collection named LocationMetadata into which we are writing the value "NY". The second function, Navigate(), changes which screen we are looking at.
On the screen "SpecifyAction", we're going to create two buttons. They will be similar, except for the action they refer to. For instance, the button referencing "Add" would be as follows:
Text = "Add"
OnSelect = ClearCollect( ActionMetadata, "Add" ); Navigate(FinalizeInput,ScreenTransition.Cover)
As was the case before, we've created a button that calls two functions when clicked. They are the same two functions as last time; however, we've changed LocationMetadata to ActionMetadata in our ClearCollect() call, since we want to store a different piece of information. We've also changed our Navigate() call to move us over to the "FinalizeInput" screen.
I'm not entirely sure how you've got your final screen laid out, but in any case, you'll want to access the data we stored in collections previously. This can be done with the function First(), which returns the first element of a collection.
To access our selected location, you can use: First(LocationMetadata).Value
To access our selected action, you can use: First(ActionMetadata).Value
You should be able to supplement whatever extra data is collected from your user on this final screen with the collections we set up.

TouchDevelop Deleting text

The Issue:
I have two buttons, button "Apple" and button "Cookie".
When I press the "Cookie" button, text should show saying "Cookie" on screen (which it does)
THEN, when I press the "Apple" button, the text should UPDATE to "Apple" instead of "Cookie"
The problem is, with my current code, whenever I press the second button (Apple) -- the original "Cookie" text isn't removed, it appears underneath the "Apple" text.
I'd like the "Cookie" text to be removed from the screen when I press the apple button or any other button (over 10 buttons)
How would I achieve this within touchdevelop?
Current Code:
Assistance is very much appreciated.
Try this project: http://tdev.ly/ydcl.
To change what is displayed when a button is clicked, set a global variable and change its value when on tapped is called. In TouchDevelop, the page display is refreshed automatically so that any changes made when a button is tapped will occur immediately. There is no need to hide or show part of the display; just include that section in an if statement and change the if statement condition when a button is tapped. If you wanted to show one of three possible layouts, use an if statement that tests the value of a string or number for one of three values and changes that value when a certain button is tapped or condition is met.

Liferay leave select-type custom field empty

I have some custom fields in Liferay which are displayed as selection lists. These fields are not mandatory so the user should be able to leave them blank. How can I achieve this? Now always the first value is selected by default. I tried to enter a blank line before the options in the "default value" field of the custom field configuration form, but it had no effect.
