How to get a filename in a bash script without the keyboard - linux

I want to write a script for linux, that will first copy a movie/series file to cache with something like:
cat /filepath/filename > /dev/null
and than open the same file in vlc.
The problem is getting the file name and path in to the script. I would like to simply double click a file, or somehow make this a faster process than typing this manually (especially because the file names of some series are just inconsistent and hard to type, even with auto-complete).
This is useful for watching movies or series on a laptop/netbook, since it allows the disk to spin down.

You should be able to create your own 'program' in a bash script which takes its first argument to be the filename using the convention "$1".
The bash script should look something like the below. I tested it, storing the script in the file The inverted commas helping to handle whitespace and weird characters...
cat "$1" > /dev/null
vlc "$1"
...and will need to be made executable by changing its permissions through the file manager or running this in the terminal...
chmod u+x
Then within your operating system, associate your bash script with the type of file you want to launch. For example on Ubuntu, you could add your script and call it 'Cached VLC' to the Menu using the 'Main Menu' application, then right-click on the file in Nautilus and choose 'Open with' to select your bash script.
After this, double-clicking or right-clicking on a file within your filemanager should be good enough to launch a cached view. This assumes what you say about caching is in fact correct, which I can't easily check.


How to count number of times a file was executed on linux

I have an executable file and I would like to know how many times it is being executed. The file is located on a network file system. Is there a way to do this with a script using one of Linux utilities? The limitation I have is that I would like to avoid changing the file itself. For example I will not add a file with a counter which would be updated by an executable script. And I will not make the executable script call some API to increment a counter in e.g. database.
I don't know exactly how to watch a file for execution, but you can construct something with inotify watching how many times it is opened:
You could have a script like that:
#! /bin/bash
while inotifywait -e open "$FILE_TO_WATCH"
echo "$FILE_TO_WATCH opened $EXEC_CNT times"
# Or to store in a file:
# echo "$FILE_TO_WATCH opened $EXEC_CNT times" >> "$FILE_TO_WATCH.log"
In case of a network share, this script must be runned on the computer that share its file system.

How to take control on files in Linux before processing starts - bash

I am currently working on project to automate a manual task in my office. We have a process that we have to re-trigger some of our ID's when they fall in repair. As part of the process, we have to extract those ID's from a oracle DB table and then put in a file on our Linux server and run the command like this-
Example file:
$cat /task/abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt
...and so on
cat abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt | scripttoprocess -args
I am using an existing java based code called 'scripttoprocess'. I can't see what's inside this code as it is encrypted( it seems) in my script. I simply go to the location where my files are present present and then use it like this:
cd /export/incoming/task
for i in `ls abc_YYYYMMDD*.txt`;do
cat $i | scripttoprocess -args
if [ $? -eq 0];then
mv $i /export/incoming/HIST/
scripttoprocess is and existing script. I am just calling it in my own script. My script is running continuously in a loop in the background. It simply searches for abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt file in /task directory and if it detects such a file then it starts processing the file. But I have noticed that my script starts processing the file well before it is fully written and sometime moves the file to HIST without fully processing it.
How can handle this situation. I want to be fully sure that file is completely written before I start processing it. Secondly, Is there any way to take control of the file like preparing a control file which contains list of the files which are present in the /task directory. And then I can cat this control file and pick up file names from inside of it ? Your guidance will be much appreciated.
I used
iwatch -e close_write -c "/usr/bin/pdflatex -interaction batchmode %f" document.tex
To run a command (Latex to PDF conversion) when a file (document.tex) is closed after writing to it, which you could do as well.
However, there is a caveat: This was only meant to catch manual edits to the file and failure was not critical. Therefore, this ignores the case that immediately after closing, it is opened and written again. Ask yourself if that is good enough for you.
I agree with #TenG, normally you shouldn't move a file until it is fully written. If you know for sure that the file is finished (like a file from yesterday) then you can move it safely, otherwise you can process it, but not move it. You can for example process a part of it and remember the number of processed rows so that you don't restart from scratch next time.
If you really really want to work with files that are "in progress", sometimes tail -F works for this case, but then your bash script is an ongoing process as well, not a job, and you have to manage it.
You can also check if a file is currently open (and thus unfinished) using lsof (see ; check if file is open with lsof ).
Change the process, that extracts the ID's from the oracle DB table.
You can use the mv as commented by #TenG, or put something special in the file that shows the work is done:
source file_that_runs_sqlcommands_with_credentials
output=$(your_sql_function "select * from repairjobs")
# Something more for removing them from the table and check the number of deleted records
printf "%s\nFinished\n" "${output}" >> /task/abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt
source file_that_runs_sqlcommands_with_credentials
output=$(your_sql_function "select * from repairjobs union select 'EOF' from dual")
# Something more for removing them from the table and check the number of deleted records
printf "%s\n" "${output}" >> /task/abc_YYYYMMDD_1.txt

detect when a file opens in bash

I am extremely new to bash scripting, and I need to create a script that will run a function whenever the user opens a given file (/etc/hosts) with any program.
How can I make my script detect when the file is opened?
If you have the the inotify-tools package installed (as #TobySpeight mentions in a comment above), then you have the inotifywait command available to you, so you can do something like this:
while inotifywait -e open /etc/hosts
echo 'hosts was opened!'
There are lots of options ... RTFM ... to choose files to watch, etc.
I'm guessing, but I suspect there's a race condition in my code above though. If something opens the file while the script is running the echo command, it won't notice, and could miss it while it loops back. Maybe that doesn't matter though.

Linux shell to windows batch file

I have a Windows dedicated server and I installed Multicraft to run Minecraft servers, and I wanted to add a accept EULA button, since I did not know much about bat files, so I found a sh file online and I did not want to use Cygwin because I don't know how to install it and make it run properly.
I want to change this to a .bat file:
#!/bin/sh echo 'eula=true' > "$SERVER_DIR/eula.txt"
it basically finds the line eula=false in eula.txt and changes it to true from what i understand
I would guess that this is what you're looking for:
echo eula=true>>%SERVER_DIR%\eula.txt
Given the double greater-than symbol it should append the line to the indicated file. Note that we're using a backslash here. You might want to look at the contents of that SERVER_DIR environment variable to see if it will work on a Windows-based computer.
If you want to mirror the behavior in the UNIX script then use a single greater-than symbol to overwrite the file content.

What's a .sh file?

So I am not experienced in dealing with a plethora of file types, and I haven't been able to find much info on exactly what .sh files are. Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to download map data sets which are arranged in tiles that can be downloaded individually:
In order to download a range of tiles at once, they say to download their script, which eventually leads to
So, what exactly am I supposed to do with this code? The website doesn't provide further instructions, assuming users know what to do with it. I'm guessing you're supposed to paste the code in to some other unmentioned application for a browser (using Chrome or Firefox in this case)? It almost looks like something that could be pasted in to Firefox/Greasemonkey, but not quite. Just by a quick Google on the file type I haven't been able to get heads or tails on it.
I'm sure there's a simple explanation on what to do with these files out there, but it seems to be buried in plenty of posts where people are already assuming you know what to do with these files. Anyone willing to just simply say what needs to be done from square one after getting to the page with the code to actually implementing it? Thanks.
What is a file with extension .sh?
It is a Bourne shell script. They are used in many variations of UNIX-like operating systems. They have no "language" and are interpreted by your shell (interpreter of terminal commands) or if the first line is in the form
they will use that particular interpreter. Your file has the first line:
and that means that it uses Bourne Again Shell, so called bash. It is for all practical purposes a replacement for good old sh.
Depending upon the interpreter you will have different languages in which the file is written.
Keep in mind, that in UNIX world, it is not the extension of the file that determines what the file is (see "How to execute a shell script" below).
If you come from the world of DOS/Windows, you will be familiar with files that have .bat or .cmd extensions (batch files). They are not similar in content, but are akin in design.
How to execute a shell script
Unlike some unsafe operating systems, *nix does not rely exclusively on extensions to determine what to do with a file. Permissions are also used. This means that if you attempt to run the shell script after downloading it, it will be the same as trying to "run" any text file. The ".sh" extension is there only for your convenience to recognize that file.
You will need to make the file executable. Let's assume that you have downloaded your file as, you can then run in your terminal:
chmod +x
chmod is a command for changing file's permissions, +x sets execute permissions (in this case for everybody) and finally you have your file name.
You can also do it in your GUI. Most of the time you can right click on the file and select properties; in XUbuntu the permissions options look like this:
If you do not wish to change the permissions, you can also force the shell to run the command. In the terminal you can run:
The shell should be the same as in the first line of your script.
How safe is it?
You may find it weird that you must perform another task manually in order to execute a file. But this is partially because of a strong need for security.
Basically when you download and run a bash script, it is the same thing as somebody telling you "run all these commands in sequence on your computer, I promise that the results will be good and safe". Ask yourself if you trust the party that has supplied this file, ask yourself if you are sure that you have downloaded the file from the same place as you thought, maybe even have a glance inside to see if something looks out of place (although that requires that you know something about *nix commands and bash programming).
Unfortunately apart from the warning above I cannot give a step-by-step description of what you should do to prevent evil things from happening with your computer; so just keep in mind that any time you get and run an executable file from someone you're actually saying, "Sure, you can use my computer to do something".
If you open your second link in a browser you'll see the source code:
# Script to download individual .nc files from the ORNL
# Daymet server at:
# For ranges use {start..end}
# for individul vaules, use: 1 2 3 4
for year in {2002..2003}
for tile in {1159..1160}
do wget --limit-rate=3m${year}/${tile}_${year}/ -O ${tile}_${year}
# An example using curl instead of wget
#do curl --limit-rate 3M -o ${tile}_${year}${year}/${tile}_${year}/
So it's a bash script. Got Linux?
In any case, the script is nothing but a series of HTTP retrievals. Both wget and curl are available for most operating systems and almost all language have HTTP libraries so it's fairly trivial to rewrite in any other technology. There're also some Windows ports of bash itself (git includes one). Last but not least, Windows 10 now has native support for Linux binaries.
sh files are unix (linux) shell executables files, they are the equivalent (but much more powerful) of bat files on windows.
So you need to run it from a linux console, just typing its name the same you do with bat files on windows.
Typically a .sh file is a shell script which you can execute in a terminal. Specifically, the script you mentioned is a bash script, which you can see if you open the file and look in the first line of the file, which is called the shebang or magic line.
I know this is an old question and I probably won't help, but many Linux distributions(e.g., ubuntu) have a "Live cd/usb" function, so if you really need to run this script, you could try booting your computer into Linux. Just burn a .iso to a flash drive (here's how, start your computer with the drive plugged in, and press the F key for boot menu. If you choose "...USB...", you will boot into the OS you just put on the drive.
How do I run .sh scripts?
Give execute permission to your script:
chmod +x /path/to/
And to run your script:
Since . refers to the current directory: if is in the current directory, you can simplify this to:
or with GUI
open the location in terminal then type these commands
1. chmod +x
2. ./
that's it
