How to write special characters like new line, and format output of haddock - haskell

I would like to format my haddock documentation as I do with javadoc, something like inserting html or any other markup that let me get a cleaner output without uncluding any javascript or CSS... Specially, I would like to know how to insert a line break in the documentation.

Haddock is designed to work with multiple output formats, including LaTeX, so it uses its own markup format instead of something like HTML.
I don't think you can insert just a line break, but you can start a new paragraph by leaving a blank line, e.g.
-- | First paragraph.
-- Second paragraph.


Is there a quick way to delete everything between certain tags, e.g. <head> and </head>, throughout the whole project (multiple pages) in VS Code?

I am trying to find a way to remove all from a tag pair in VS Code.
I’ve been using Notepad++ for this purpose, but for some unknown reason it doesn't work all the time. So, I hope if there is such a possibility in VS Code, it’d be more reliable.
Here is the instruction for Notepad++:
Search for -
and replace all with -
Is there anything like this in VS Code?
I’d really appreciate it if someone can help.
Before using what is suggested in this solution, backup your files, and run the search and replace on a small sample. Be sure to check the outcome to all the possible combinations you can have in your files.
You can achieve what you need with Notepad++ (and SublimeText 3, with RegEx search and replace), and this answer will cover that. Since I've never used Visual Studio Code, I can't say if it will work in it as well.
Consider the following regular expression.
If we were to apply it to the following text:
<foo><some special chars>!##$%^&*</foo> sure, why not
<bar>elm stuff</bar>
more stuff for you <foo> something </foo> and even more stuff <foo>yes</foo>
it would match all the parts of the text which begin with <foo> and end with </foo>, regardless of what's between them.
If you want to play around with this, I've created an example here.
As far as using this in Notepad++, open the search window, navigate to the Find in files tab, and set it up like in the following image.
You would, of course, need to change the search and replacement strings to those you plan on using, optionally set up a file extension for which to do the replacement (Filters), and set the directory in which to perform find-and-replace.
1. Nesting
In case your text contains nested tags of the same kind, like this:
Let's deal with nesting: <foo> some text <foo> a child foo!</foo> let's close the parent</foo>
doing the suggested RegEx search and replace, will turn the previous line of text into this:
Let's deal with nesting: <foo></foo> let's close the parent</foo>
If you don't have nested tags of the same kind, you should be in the clear. Unless...
2. Newlines
The provided RegEx will not match cases where your opening tag shows up in one line, and the closing tag shows up in another line. To match those, you would need to change the original RegEx:
to this:
\s will match any whitespace character (including newlines), while \S will match any non-whitespace character.

vim/nvim line spacing when printing

I'm trying to use nvim for everything, including writing, and all is great but the text is too crammed when I print it out.
Is it possible to adjust the line spacing when printing with :hardcopy?
My idea of a kludge fix would be to insert a second newline character for every carriage return, including those automatically inserted by line wrapping. Is this possible?
One of the least frustrating ways to do it would be to use a tool like pandoc to convert the text (for example Markdown) to whatever format you need — preferably PDF. However, pandoc uses LaTeX to create the resulting PDF, so regarding the styling you would have to tinker with supplying it a template or other options.
You can do it even easier with (for example) a Node.js tool called mdpdf. After installation, just run
mdpdf --style styles.css
to supply it with a CSS stylesheet in which you can modify the resulting text output with every feature CSS permits. Using larger line spacing would be something like this:
body { line-spacing: 150%; }
This results in a 1.5x line spacing for everything in the document.
Of course, you can also set up a custom Vim command to automate this for you, putting something like the following into your .vimrc:
command MdToPDF !mdpdf %:t --style /full/path/to/styles.css
Calling :MdToPDF in Vim will then run that command for you.
Finally, if you're happy with the output, just print the PDF.

How to split lines in Zen Coding for vim

Whenever I use Zen Coding for vim I usually have the same issue: When I want to wrap a paragraph with p the output would look like this:
However, I'd like it to output like this:
How do I tell the zencoding plugin to split the output onto several lines?
In official Zen Coding (your Vim plugin has unofficial implementation, but it tries to stick close to it), you need to apply xml filter to your abbreviation. It will apply XML profile with different formatting options.
So, in your case, you may try to wrap text with p|xml abbreviation.
For further information on output tweaking, you may want to read the following:

How to delete text in a file based on regular expression using vim

I have an XML file like this:
Now I want delete all the text in the file except the words in tag apple. That is, the file should contain:
How can I achive this?
That should do what you need. Worked for me.
Basically just grabbing everything up to and including the tag, then backreferences everything between the apple begin and end tag, and matches to the rest of the line. Replaces it with the first backreference, which was the stuff between the apple tags.
I personally use this:
Since the text contain '/' which is the default seperator,and by using ';' as sep makes the code clearer.
And I found that non-greedy match #Conspicuous Compiler mentioned should be
instead of "{-}" in Vim.
However, I after change Conspicuous' solution to
my Vim said it can't find the pattern.
In this case, one can use the general technique for collecting pattern matches
explained in my answer to the question "How to extract regex matches
using Vim".
In order to collect and store all of the matches in a list, run the Ex command
:let t=[] | %s/<apple>\(.\{-}\)<\/apple>\zs/\=add(t,submatch(1))[1:0]/g
The command purposely does not change the buffer's contents, only collects the
matched text. To set the contents of the current buffer to the
newline-separated list of matches, use the command
:0pu=t | +,$d_

write newline to file in TeX/LaTeX

I have a latex document that I want to use to write text to a plain text file. I want macros to be expanded, so I can't use \filecontents (which just saves input verbatim to a file)
So far I have
\immediate\write\metadatafile{Title: \jobname\string
Tags: \coursecode.\secnum.\termcode, \coursecode.\termcode, ...
What comes out in the text file inserts \par tokens instead of my double-newlines, and doesn't have any newlines in it at all. How can I get newlines and have a regular plain text file?
There are two answers: One is to just use a lot of \write statements, one for each line you want written. That is, \write writes a line to the file, including the newline character. So a blank line can be done with just
Or you can use the primitive \newlinechar. In plain tex the double-carat macro ^^J is aliased to \newlinechar so you can use that as well. See pages 228 and 348 of The TeXBook.
While I have that book open, I looked up the importance of the \immediate primitive before \write. All usages of \write cited also use \immediate. I've tried without the \immediate and without it things don't get written.
