search for a file with PYTHON without path - python-3.x

I have the following python-script, which open a text-file:
import sys
file = r"D:/...../text.txt"
with open (file,"r") as infile:
text =
print (text)
If I want to run this script on another computer, i have to change the path (the same text-file "text.txt" will be saved on the other computer). Is there any way to let my script search the computer for the text-file without writing the path in the script?
Thank you.

Have you tried putting it in a relative directory, e.g.:
import sys
file = r"text.txt"
with open (file,"r") as infile:
text =
print (text)
Just keeping the text file in the same directory as the small program.

You can use glob to get the result you want, but the glob will return a list of files, you may need to adapt your code.

Using a GUI for "choose file"
import sys
from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog
master = Tk()
master.withdraw() #hiding tkinter window
file_path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(title="Open file", filetypes=[("txt file",".txt"),("All files",".*")])
with open (file_path,"r") as infile:
text =
print (text)


How to safely move a file to another directory in Python

The below works as expected:
import shutil
source = "c:\\mydir\myfile.txt"
dest_dir = "c:\\newdir"
However, this also succeeds. I would want this to fail.
import shutil
source = "c:\\mydir"
dest_dir = "c:\\newdir"
Any way to ensure that only a file is moved. Both Windows and Unix would be great. If not, Unix at least.
You could use pathlib's purepath.suffix to determine if a path points to a file or a directory, like so:
import pathlib
def points_to_file(path) -> bool:
if pathlib.PurePath(path).suffix:
return True
return False
pathtodir = r'C:\Users\username'
pathtofile = r'C:\Users\username\filename.extension'
print (f'Does "{pathtodir}" point to a file? {points_to_file(pathtodir)}')
# Result -> Does "C:\Users\username" point to a file? False
print (f'Does "{pathtofile}" point to a file? {points_to_file(pathtofile)}')
# Result -> Does "C:\Users\username\filename.extension" point to a file? True
You can define a custom function to ensure that source is a file (with os.path.isfile function):
from os import path
def move_file(src, dst):
if not path.isfile(src):
raise IsADirectoryError('Source is not a file')
shutil.move(src, dst)

Python script output need to save as a text file

import os ,fnmatch
import os.path
import os
file_dir= '/home/deeghayu/Desktop/mec_sim/up_folder'
file_type = ['*.py']
for root, dirs,files in os.walk( file_dir ):
for extension in ( tuple(file_type) ):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, extension):
filepath = os.path.join(root, filename)
if os.path.isfile( filepath ):
print(filename , 'executing...');
print('Execution failure!!!')
Hello everyone I am working on this code which execute a python file using a python code. I need to save my output of the code as a text file. Here I have shown my code. Can any one give me a solution how do I save my output into a text file?
Piggybacking off of the original answer since they are close but it isn't a best practice to open and close files that way.
It's better to use a context manager instead of saying f = open() since the context manager will handle closing the resource for you regardless of whether your code succeeds or not.
You use it like,
with open("file.txt","w+") as f:
for i in range(10):
f.write("This is line %d\r\n" % (i+1))
Open file
f= open("file.txt","w+")
Insert data into file
for i in range(10):
f.write("This is line %d\r\n" % (i+1))
Close the file

Save file path without specifying User

Currently, this code works. It creates a text file named SerialNumber that saves in pictures. The problem is I can't seem to work out how to get it to work on any computer. So for example, if I remove \users\Jarvis from the file path it no longer finds its way to pictures. I'm trying to get it to work no matter who is logged in.
import os
with open(Save_Path, 'w') as f:
f.write(str(os.system('start cmd /k "wmic bios get serialnumber >C:\\Users\\Jarvis\\Pictures\\SerialNumber.txt"')))
I've tried to set it as:
but that returns
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
import os
from pathlib import Path
Save_Path= 'C:\\Users\\Pictures\\SerialNumber.txt'
path = Path.home() / "Pictures\SerialNumber.txt"
with open(path, 'w') as f:
f.write(str(os.system('start cmd /k "wmic bios get serialnumber >C:\\Users\\%UserProfile%\\Pictures\\SerialNumber.txt"')))
With Subprocess and replace I was able to print to python just the serial number
import subprocess
SerialNumber = 'wmic bios get serialnumber'
result = subprocess.getoutput(SerialNumber)
print(result.replace("SerialNumber", ""))
Okay after some help, and research, This is the final code. It uses a subprocess that will output to python>CMD. I then used re (lines 7 and 8) to .strip and re.sub removing everything that wasn't actually the serial number. I installed pyperclip to copy
import subprocess
import pyperclip
import re
import os
SerialNumber = 'wmic bios get serialnumber'
result = subprocess.getoutput(SerialNumber)
SerialResult = (result.strip("SerialNumber"))
print(re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "", SerialResult))
pyperclip.copy(re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "", SerialResult))

Home-made "look for files in directory" function runs, but not properly

I wrote a function that is supposed to look for all the file with the extension chosen, in the selected directory. Actually, it runs but it doesn't return anything.
I am trying to keep things simple/stupid, since I am just at the beginning of my journey in Python
Below, I reported the code.
Thanks for your help!
import fnmatch
import glob
def lookfor(dir, ext):
direct = glob.glob(dir)
files = []
for file in direct:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, ext):
return files
print(lookfor('C:/Users/nameuser/where/folder/', '*.docx'))
import fnmatch
import glob
def lookfor(dir):
direct = glob.glob(dir)
files = []
for file in direct:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.docx'):
return files

adding a filename to a list in tkinter

i have a method that opens a file and then calls another method,
which opens up a window (i am using tkinter) that asks the user whether he would like to open another file. Now, each time a file gets opened i want to add the filename to a list, but in my case when i look at the result the list only contains the last selected filename.
I will include my stripped down code:
def fileopening(self):
from tkinter.dialog import askopenfilename
import os.path
self.inputfilenamelist = []
self.fileopenname.set(askopenfilename(filetypes = [("binary files","*.bin*"),("all files","*.*")]))
basename = os.path.basename(self.fileopenname.get())
def askforanotherinput(self):
inputwindow = tk.Toplevel(root)
asklabel = tk.Label(inputwindow,text="Select another inputfile?")
answeryesbutton = tk.Button(inputwindow,text="Yes")
answernobutton = tk.Button(inputwindow,text="No")
Can anyone help me ? The thing is i need this "method-calling-loop" since i am using the opened files in further data conversion as a whole.
