Is this batch file injection? - security

C:\>batinjection OFF ^& DEL c.c
batinjection.bat has contents of ECHO %*
I've heard of SQL injection, though i've never actually done it, but is this injection? Are there different types of injection and this is one of them?
Or is there another technical term for this? or a more specific term?
Note- a prior edit had C:\>batinjection OFF & DEL c.c(i.e. without ^%) and ECHO %1(i.e. without %*) which wasn't quite right. I have corrected it. It doesn't affect the answers.

Your example presents three interesting issues that are easier to understand
when separated.
First, Windows allows multiple statements to be executed on one line by
separating with "&". This could potentially be used in an injection attack.
Second, ECHO parses and interprets messages passed to it. If the message is
"OFF" or "/?" or even blank, then ECHO will provide a different expected
behavior than just copying the message to stdout.
Third, you know that it's possible to inject code into a number of
scriptable languages, including batch files, and want to explore ways
to recognize it so you can better defend against it in your code.
It would be easier to recognize the order in which things are happening
in your script if you add an echo statement before and after the one
you're trying to inject. Call it foo.bat.
#echo off
echo before
echo %1
echo after
Now, you can more easily tell whether your injection attempt executed at
the command line (not injection) or was executed as a result of parameter
expansion that broke out of the echo statement and executed a new statement
foo dir
Results in:
Pretty normal so far. Try a parameter that echo interprets.
foo /?
Results in:
Displays messages, or turns command-echoing on or off.
ECHO [message]
Type ECHO without parameters to display the current echo setting.
Hmm. Help for the echo command. It's probably not the desired use of
echo in that batch file, but it's not injection. The parameters were
not used to "escape out" of the limits of either the echo statement or
the syntax of the batch file.
foo dog & dir
Results in:
[A spill of my current directory]
Okay, the dir happened outside of the script. Not injection.
foo ^&dir/w
Results in:
ECHO is off.
[A spill of my current directory in wide format]
Now, we've gotten somewhere. The dir is not a function of ECHO, and is
running between the before and after statements. Let's try something
more dramatic but still mostly harmless.
foo ^&dir\/s
Yikes! You can pass an arbitrary command that can potentially impact
your system's performance all inside an innocuous-looking "echo %1".

Yes, it's a type of injection, and it's one of the big problems with batch files, that mostly it isn't a purposefully attac, most of the time you simple get trouble with some characters or word like OFF.
Therefore you should use technics to avoid this problems/vulnerabilitys.
In your case you could change your batch file to
set "param1=%*"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
I use echo( here instead of echo. or something else, as it is the only known secure echo for all appended contents.
I use the delayed expansion ! instead of percent expansion, as delayed expansion is always safe against any special characters.
To use the delayed expansion you need to transfer the parameter into a variable and a good way is to use quotes around the set command, it avoid many problems with special characters (but not all).
But to build an absolutly secure way to access batch parameters, the way is quite harder.
Try to make this safe is tricky
myBatch.bat ^&"&"
You could read SO: How to receive even the strangest command line parameters?
The main idea is to use the output of a REM statement while ECHO ON.
This is safe in the way, that you can't inject code (or better: only with really advanced knowledge), but the original content can be changed, if your content is something like.
myBatch.bat myContent^&"&"%a
Will be changed to myContent&"&"4

AFAIK, this is know as command injection (which is one of types code injection attack).
The later link lists various injection attacks. The site ( is an excellent resource regarding web security.

There are multiple applications of injection one can generalize as "language injection". SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting are the most popular, but others are possible.
In your example, the ECHO statement isn't actually performing the delete, so I wouldn't call that injection. Instead, the delete happens outside of the invocation of the batinjection script itself.


How to accept the 'Did you mean?' terminal/git suggestion

This is a simple question.
Sometimes on a Terminal when you make a small mistake the console asks ¿Did you mean ...? - ¿Is there a way to quicky accept the suggestion?.
For example:
$ git add . -all
error: did you mean `--all` (with two dashes ?)
Is there a command that repeats the last line, but with the two dashes?
If you forget to write sudo, you can just do sudo !! and it will solve your problem. I want to know if there is something similar but for the error: did you mean case.
In the case of...
$ git add . -all
error: did you mean `--all` (with two dashes ?)
...the message is written by git directly to the terminal. This means that bash has no way of knowing what message was written; it would be literally impossible to implement anything in the shell that could automate putting that correction in place without making programs run under the shell considerably less efficient (by routing their output through the shell rather than directly to the terminal) and changing their behavior (if they ever call isatty() on their stdout or stderr).
That said, you can certainly run
...if you haven't turned history expansion off, as with set +H (if off, it can be reenabled with set -H). I typically do turn this functionality off, myself; it's often more trouble than it's worth (making commands which would work perfectly well in scripts break in interactive shells when they use characters that history expansion is sensitive to, particularly !).

Bash (or other shell): wrap all commands with function/script

Edit: This question was originally bash specific. I'd still rather have a bash solution, but if there's a good way to do this in another shell then that would be useful to know as well!
Okay, top level description of the problem. I would like to be able to add a hook to bash such that, when a user enters, for example $cat foo | sort -n | less, this is intercepted and translated into wrapper 'cat foo | sort -n | less'. I've seen ways to run commands before and after each command (using DEBUG traps or PROMPT_COMMAND or similar), but nothing about how to intercept each command and allow it to be handled by another process. Is there a way to do this?
For an explanation of why I'd like to do this, in case people have other suggestions of ways to approach it:
Tools like script let you log everything you do in a terminal to a log (as, to an extent, does bash history). However, they don't do it very well - script mixes input with output into one big string and gets confused with applications such as vi which take over the screen, history only gives you the raw commands being typed in, and neither of them work well if you have commands being entered into multiple terminals at the same time. What I would like to do is capture much richer information - as an example, the command, the time it executed, the time it completed, the exit status, the first few lines of stdin and stdout. I'd also prefer to send this to a listening daemon somewhere which could happily multiplex multiple terminals. The easy way to do this is to pass the command to another program which can exec a shell to handle the command as a subprocess whilst getting handles to stdin, stdout, exit status etc. One could write a shell to do this, but you'd lose much of the functionality already in bash, which would be annoying.
The motivation for this comes from trying to make sense of exploratory data analysis like procedures after the fact. With richer information like this, it would be possible to generate decent reporting on what happened, squashing multiple invocations of one command into one where the first few gave non-zero exits, asking where files came from by searching for everything that touched the file, etc etc.
Run this bash script:
while read -e line
wrapper "$line"
In its simplest form, wrapper could consist of eval "$LINE". You mentioned wanting to have timings, so maybe instead have time eval "$line". You wanted to capture exit status, so this should be followed by the line save=$?. And, you wanted to capture the first few lines of stdout, so some redirecting is in order. And so on.
MORE: Jo So suggests that handling for multiple-line bash commands be included. In its simplest form, if eval returns with "syntax error: unexpected end of file", then you want to prompt for another line of input before proceeding. Better yet, to check for proper bash commands, run bash -n <<<"$line" before you do the eval. If bash -n reports the end-of-line error, then prompt for more input to add to `$line'. And so on.
Binfmt_misc comes to mind. The Linux kernel has a capability to allow arbitrary executable file formats to be recognized and passed to user application.
You could use this capability to register your wrapper but instead of handling arbitrary executable, it should handle all executable.

exec() security

I am trying to add security of GET query to exec function.
If I remove escapeshellarg() function, it work fine. How to fix this issue?
$command = escapeshellarg($_GET['command']);
exec("/usr/bin/php-cli " . $command);
Assume $_GET['command'] value is run.php -n 3
What security check I can also add?
You want escapeshellcmd (escape a whole command, or in your case, sequence of arguments) instead of escapeshellarg (escape just a single argument).
Notice that although you have taken special precautions, this code allows anyone to execute arbitrary commands on your server anyways, by specifying the whole php script in a -r option. Note that php.ini can not be used to restrict this, since the location of it can be overwritten with -c. In short (and with a very small error margin): This code creates a severe security vulnerability.
escapeshellarg returns a quoted value, so if it contains multiple arguments, it won't work, instead looking like a single stringesque argument. You should probably look at splitting the command up into several different parameters, then each can be escaped individually.
It will fail unless there's a file called run.php -n 3. You don't want to escape a single argument, you want to escape a filename and arguments.
This is not the proper way to do this. Have a single PHP script run all your commands for you, everything specified in command line arguments. Escape the arguments and worry about security inside that PHP file.
Or better yet, communicate through a pipe.

How do you pass on filenames to other programs correctly in bash scripts?

What idiom should one use in Bash scripts (no Perl, Python, and such please) to build up a command line for another program out of the script's arguments while handling filenames correctly?
By correctly, I mean handling filenames with spaces or odd characters without inadvertently causing the other program to handle them as separate arguments (or, in the case of < or > — which are, after all, valid if unfortunate filename characters if properly escaped — doing something even worse).
Here's a made-up example of what I mean, in a form that doesn't handle filenames correctly: Let's assume this script (foo) builds up a command line for a command (bar, assumed to be in the path) by taking all of foo's input arguments and moving anything that looks like a flag to the front, and then invoking bar:
# This is clearly wrong
for ARG in "$#"; do
echo "foo: Handling $ARG"
if [ x${ARG:0:1} = "x-" ]; then
# Looks like a flag, add it to the flags string
# Looks like a file, add it to the files string
# Call bar with the flags and files (we don't care that they'll
# have an extra space or two)
echo "Issuing: $CMD"
(Note that this just an example; there are lots of other times one needs to do this and that to a bunch of args and then pass them onto other programs.)
In a naive scenario with simple filenames, that works great. But if we assume a directory containing the files
three and a half
four < five
then of course the command foo * fails miserably in its task:
foo: Handling four < five
foo: Handling one
foo: Handling three and a half
foo: Handling two
Issuing: bar four < five one three and a half two
If we actually allow foo to issue that command, well, the results won't be what we're expecting.
Previously I've tried to handle this through the simple expedient of ensuring that there are quotes around each filename, but I've (very) quickly learned that that is not the correct approach. :-)
So what is? Constraints:
I want to keep the idiom as simple as possible (not least so I can remember it).
I'm looking for a general-purpose idiom, hence my making up the bar program and the contrived example above instead of using a real scenario where people might easily (and reasonably) go down the route of trying to use features in the target program.
I want to stick to Bash script, I don't want to call out to Perl, Python, etc.
I'm fine with relying on (other) standard *nix utilities, like xargs, sed, or tr provided we don't get too obtuse (see #1 above). (Apologies to Perl, Python, etc. programmers who think #3 and #4 combine to draw an arbitrary distinction.)
If it matters, the target program might also be a Bash script, or might not. I wouldn't expect it to matter...
I don't just want to handle spaces, I want to handle weird characters correctly as well.
I'm not bothered if it doesn't handle filenames with embedded nul characters (literally character code 0). If someone's managed to create one in their filesystem, I'm not worried about handling it, they've tried really hard to mess things up.
Thanks in advance, folks.
Edit: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams pointed me to Bash FAQ entry #50, which after some reading and experimentation seems to indicate that one way is to use Bash arrays:
# This appears to work, using Bash arrays
# Start with blank arrays
for ARG in "$#"; do
echo "foo: Handling $ARG"
if [ x${ARG:0:1} = "x-" ]; then
# Looks like a flag, add it to the flags array
# Looks like a file, add it to the files array
# Call bar with the flags and files
echo "Issuing (but properly delimited, not exactly as this appears): bar ${FLAGS[#]} ${FILES[#]}"
bar "${FLAGS[#]}" "${FILES[#]}"
Is that correct and reasonable? Or am I relying on something environmental above that will bite me later. It seems to work and it ticks all the other boxes for me (simple, easy to remember, etc.). It does appear to rely on a relatively recent Bash feature (FAQ entry #50 mentions v3.1, but I wasn't sure whether that was arrays in general of some of the syntax they were using with it), but I think it's likely I'll only be dealing with versions that have it.
(If the above is correct and you want to un-delete your answer, Ignacio, I'll accept it provided I haven't accepted any others yet, although I stand by my statement about link-only answers.)
Why do you want to "build up" a command? Add the files and flags to arrays using proper
quoting and issue the command directly using the quoted arrays as arguments.
Selected lines from your script (omitting unchanged ones):
if [[ ${ARG:0:1} == - ]]; then # using a Bash idiom
FLAGS+=("$ARG") # add an element to an array
echo "Issuing: bar \"${FLAGS[#]}\" \"${FILES[#]}\""
bar "${FLAGS[#]}" "${FILES[#]}"
For a quick demo of using arrays in this manner:
$ a=(aaa 'bbb ccc' ddd); for arg in "${a[#]}"; do echo "..${arg}.."; done
..bbb ccc..
Please see BashFAQ/050 regarding putting commands in variables. The reason that your script doesn't work is because there's no way to quote the arguments within a quoted string. If you were to put quotes there, they would be considered part of the string itself instead of as delimiters. With the arguments left unquoted, word splitting is done and arguments that include spaces are seen as more than one argument. Arguments with "<", ">" or "|" are not a problem in any case since redirection and piping is performed before variable expansion so they are seen as characters in a string.
By putting the arguments (filenames) in an array, spaces, newlines, etc., are preserved. By quoting the array variable when it's passed as an argument, they are preserved on the way to the consuming program.
Some additional notes:
Use lowercase (or mixed case) variable names to reduce the chance that they will collide with the shell's builtin variables.
If you use single square brackets for conditionals in any modern shell, the archaic "x" idiom is no longer necessary if you quote the variables (see my answer here). However, in Bash, use double brackets. They provide additional features (see my answer here).
Use getopts as Let_Me_Be suggested. Your script, though I know it's only an example, will not be able to handle switches that take arguments.
This for ARG in "$#" can be shortened to this for ARG (but I prefer the readability of the more explicit version).
See BashFAQ #50 (and also maybe #35 on option parsing). For the scenario you describe, where you're building a command dynamically, the best option is to use arrays rather than simple strings, as they won't lose track of where the word boundaries are. The general rules are: to create an array, instead of VAR="foo bar baz", use VAR=("foo" "bar" "baz"); to use the array, instead of $VAR, use "${VAR[#]}". Here's a working version of your example script using this method:
# This is clearly wrong
for ARG in "$#"; do
echo "foo: Handling $ARG"
if [ x${ARG:0:1} = "x-" ]; then
# Looks like a flag, add it to the flags array
FLAGS=("${FLAGS[#]}" "$ARG") # FLAGS+=("$ARG") would also work in bash 3.1+, as Dennis pointed out
# Looks like a file, add it to the files string
FILES=("${FILES[#]}" "$ARG")
# Call bar with the flags and files (we don't care that they'll
# have an extra space or two)
CMD=("bar" "${FLAGS[#]}" "${FILES[#]}")
echo "Issuing: ${CMD[*]}"
Note that in the echo command I used "${VAR[*]}" instead of the [#] form because there's no need/point to preserving word breaks here. If you wanted to print/record the command in unambiguous form, this would be a lot messier.
Also, this gives you no way to build up redirections or other special shell options in the built command -- if you add >outfile to the FILES array, it'll be treated as just another command argument, not a shell redirection. If you need to programmatically build these, be prepared for headaches.
getopts should be able to handle spaces in arguments correctly ("file name.txt"). Weird characters should work as well, assuming they are correctly escaped (ls -b).

Securely using password as bash argument

I'm extracting a part of a web application that handles the signup, the other part will be rewritten.
The idea is the signup part can exist as a separate application, interface with the rest of the application for creating and setting up the account. Obviously there are a ton of ways to do this, most of them network based solutions like SOAP, but I'd like to use a simpler solution: a setup script.
The concern is that certain sensitive data, specifically the admin password of the new account, would be passed through bash.
I was thinking of sharing a small class between the applications, so that the password can be passed already hashed, but I would also have to pass the salt, so it still seems like a (small) security risk. One of the concerns is bash logging (can I disable that for a single command?) but I'm sure there are other concerns as well?
This would be on the same private server, so the risk seems minimal, but I don't want to take any chances whatsoever.
Use the $HISTFILE environment variable, unset it (this is for all users):
echo "unset HISTFILE" >> /etc/profile
Then set it back again.
More info on $HISTFILE variable here:
Hope this helps!
From the man page of bash:
A colon-separated list of patterns used to decide which
lines should be saved on the history list. Each pattern
anchored at the beginning of the line and must match
the com-
plete line (no implicit ‘*’ is appended). Each pattern
tested against the line after the checks specified by
HISTCONTROL are applied. In addition to the normal shell
matching characters, ‘&’ matches the previous history line.
may be escaped using a backslash; the backslash is
before attempting a match. The second and subsequent
lines of a
multi-line compound command are not tested, and are added
to the
history regardless of the value of HISTIGNORE.
Or, based on your comment, you could store the password in a protected file, then read from it.
Passing the salt in clear is no problem (the salt is usually stored in clear), the purpose of the salt is avoiding the same password hashing to the same hash always (so users with the same password would have the same hash, and rainbow tables would only need a single hash for each possible password).
What is more problematic is passing sensitive data through command line arguments, an eavesdropper on the same box can see the arguments to any command (on Linux they appear on /proc//cmdline, and on most Unixes can be seen using ps; some systems restrict permissions on /proc// to only the owner of the process for security).
What you could do is pass the sensitive information through a file, don't forget to set the umask to a very restrictive setting before creating the file.
Bash doesn't normally log commands executed in scripts, but only in interactive sessions (depending on appropriate settings). To show this, use the following script:
echo "-- shopt --"
shopt | grep -i hist
echo "-- set --"
set -o | grep -i hist
echo "--vars --"
for v in ${!HIST*}
echo "$v=${!v}"
Run it like this:
$ ./histshow
and compare the output to that from sourcing it like this:
$ . ./histshow
In the first case take note that HISTFILE is not set and that the set option history is off. In the second case, sourcing the script runs it in your interactive session and shows what your settings are for it.
I was only able to make a script keep an in-memory history by doing set -o history within the script and to log its history to a file by also setting HISTFILE and then doing an explicit history -w.
