exec() security - security

I am trying to add security of GET query to exec function.
If I remove escapeshellarg() function, it work fine. How to fix this issue?
$command = escapeshellarg($_GET['command']);
exec("/usr/bin/php-cli " . $command);
Assume $_GET['command'] value is run.php -n 3
What security check I can also add?

You want escapeshellcmd (escape a whole command, or in your case, sequence of arguments) instead of escapeshellarg (escape just a single argument).
Notice that although you have taken special precautions, this code allows anyone to execute arbitrary commands on your server anyways, by specifying the whole php script in a -r option. Note that php.ini can not be used to restrict this, since the location of it can be overwritten with -c. In short (and with a very small error margin): This code creates a severe security vulnerability.

escapeshellarg returns a quoted value, so if it contains multiple arguments, it won't work, instead looking like a single stringesque argument. You should probably look at splitting the command up into several different parameters, then each can be escaped individually.

It will fail unless there's a file called run.php -n 3. You don't want to escape a single argument, you want to escape a filename and arguments.
This is not the proper way to do this. Have a single PHP script run all your commands for you, everything specified in command line arguments. Escape the arguments and worry about security inside that PHP file.
Or better yet, communicate through a pipe.


Usage of sed to add a prefix for a string in linux

In my problem statement I would like to replace a word with a prefix
sed 's/hello-world/'"$1"'-hello-world/g' test.sql
Here $1 is any prefix passed as parameter to the shell script
In this case in the first go it works absolutely fine.
Let's assume "prefix=new"
It replaces as new-hello-world which is a perfect output.
If i re-run the command again I get new-new-hello-world which is not intended
Run it again i would get new-new-new-hello-world which is not intended
How can we search and replace it as new-hello-world no matter how many times it is run? Using a regex is also fine.
To make it idempotent, just check first that it doesn't already match. eg:
sed "/$1-hello-world/!s/hello-world/$1-hello-world/g" test.sql
This is not particularly robust, and will fail if the original documents contains the line new-hello-world hello-world, but is probably sufficient for your needs. (You need to worry more about / characters in the prefix, so if you want a robust solution there's a fair bit of work to be done.)

A way to prevent bash from parsing command line w/out using escape symbols

I'm looking for a way (other than ".", '.', \.) to use bash (or any other linux shell) while preventing it from parsing parts of command line. The problem seems to be unsolvable
How to interpret special characters in command line argument in C?
In theory, a simple switch would suffice (e.g. -x ... telling that the
string ... won't be interpreted) but it apparently doesn't exist. I wonder whether there is a workaround, hack or idea for solving this problem. The original problem is a script|alias for a program taking youtube URLs (which may contain special characters (&, etc.)) as arguments. This problem is even more difficult: expanding "$1" while preventing shell from interpreting the expanded string -- essentially, expanding "$1" without interpreting its result
Use a here-document:
myprogramm <<'EOF'
If you wrap the starting EOF in single quotes, bash won't interpret any special chars in the here-doc.
Short answer: you can't do it, because the shell parses the command line (and interprets things like "&") before it even gets to the point of deciding your script/alias/whatever is what will be run, let alone the point where your script has any control at all. By the time your script has any influence in the process, it's far too late.
Within a script, though, it's easy to avoid most problems: wrap all variable references in double-quotes. For example, rather than curl -o $outputfile $url you should use curl -o "$outputfile" "$url". This will prevent the shell from applying any parsing to the contents of the variable(s) before they're passed to the command (/other script/whatever).
But when you run the script, you'll always have to quote or escape anything passed on the command line.
Your spec still isn't very clear. As far as I know the problem is you want to completely reinvent how the shell handles arguments. So… you'll have to write your own shell. The basics aren't even that difficult. Here's pseudo-code:
while true:
print prompt
read input
command = (first input)
args = (argparse (rest input))
child_pid = fork()
if child_pid == 0: // We are inside child process
exec(command, args) // See variety of `exec` family functions in posix
else: // We are inside parent process and child_pid is actual child pid
wait(child_pid) // See variety of `wait` family functions in posix
Your question basically boils down to how that "argparse" function is implemented. If it's just an identity function, then you get no expansion at all. Is that what you want?

How to escape colon (:) in $PATH on UNIX?

I need to parse the $PATH environment variable in my application.
So I was wondering what escape characters would be valid in $PATH.
I created a test directory called /bin:d and created a test script called funny inside it. It runs if I call it with an absolute path.
I just can't figure out how to escape : in $PATH I tried escaping the colon with \ and wrapping it into single ' and double " quotes. But always when I run which funny it can't find it.
I'm running CentOS 6.
This is impossible according to the POSIX standard. This is not a function of a specific shell, PATH handling is done within the execvp function in the C library. There is no provision for any kind of quoting.
This is the reason why including certain characters (anything not in the "portable filename character set" - colon is specifically called out as an example.) is strongly recommended against.
From SUSv7:
Since <colon> is a separator in this context, directory names that might be used in PATH should not include a <colon> character.
See also source of GLIBC execvp. We can see it uses the strchrnul and memcpy functions for processing the PATH components, with absolutely no provision for skipping over or unescaping any kind of escape character.
Looking at the function
it seems to me that this is impossible. The : is unconditionally and
inescapably used as the path separator.
Well, this is valid at least for bash. Other shells may vary.
You could try mounting it
mount /bin:d /bind
According to http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/special-chars.html single quotes should preserve all special characters, so without trying it, I would think that '/bin:d' would work (with)in $PATH.

arbitrary input from stdin to shell

So I have this existing command that accepts a single argument, but I need something that accepts the argument over stdin instead.
A shell script wrapper like the following works, but as I will be allowing untrusted users to pass arbitrary strings on stdin, I'm wondering if there's potential for someone to execute arbitary commands on the shell.
$CMD "`cat`"
Obviously if $CMD has a vulnerability in the way it processes the argument there's nothing I can do, so I'm concerned stuff like this:
Somehow allow the user to escape the double quotes and pass input into argument #2 of $CMD
Somehow cause another arbitary command to run
The parameter looks fine to me, but the command might be a bit shaky, if it can have a space in it. Also, if you're looking to get just one line from the user then you might prefer this:
read line
exec "$CMD" "$line"
A lot of code would be broken if "$(cmd)" could expand to multiple words.

Is this batch file injection?

C:\>batinjection OFF ^& DEL c.c
batinjection.bat has contents of ECHO %*
I've heard of SQL injection, though i've never actually done it, but is this injection? Are there different types of injection and this is one of them?
Or is there another technical term for this? or a more specific term?
Note- a prior edit had C:\>batinjection OFF & DEL c.c(i.e. without ^%) and ECHO %1(i.e. without %*) which wasn't quite right. I have corrected it. It doesn't affect the answers.
Your example presents three interesting issues that are easier to understand
when separated.
First, Windows allows multiple statements to be executed on one line by
separating with "&". This could potentially be used in an injection attack.
Second, ECHO parses and interprets messages passed to it. If the message is
"OFF" or "/?" or even blank, then ECHO will provide a different expected
behavior than just copying the message to stdout.
Third, you know that it's possible to inject code into a number of
scriptable languages, including batch files, and want to explore ways
to recognize it so you can better defend against it in your code.
It would be easier to recognize the order in which things are happening
in your script if you add an echo statement before and after the one
you're trying to inject. Call it foo.bat.
#echo off
echo before
echo %1
echo after
Now, you can more easily tell whether your injection attempt executed at
the command line (not injection) or was executed as a result of parameter
expansion that broke out of the echo statement and executed a new statement
foo dir
Results in:
Pretty normal so far. Try a parameter that echo interprets.
foo /?
Results in:
Displays messages, or turns command-echoing on or off.
ECHO [message]
Type ECHO without parameters to display the current echo setting.
Hmm. Help for the echo command. It's probably not the desired use of
echo in that batch file, but it's not injection. The parameters were
not used to "escape out" of the limits of either the echo statement or
the syntax of the batch file.
foo dog & dir
Results in:
[A spill of my current directory]
Okay, the dir happened outside of the script. Not injection.
foo ^&dir/w
Results in:
ECHO is off.
[A spill of my current directory in wide format]
Now, we've gotten somewhere. The dir is not a function of ECHO, and is
running between the before and after statements. Let's try something
more dramatic but still mostly harmless.
foo ^&dir\/s
Yikes! You can pass an arbitrary command that can potentially impact
your system's performance all inside an innocuous-looking "echo %1".
Yes, it's a type of injection, and it's one of the big problems with batch files, that mostly it isn't a purposefully attac, most of the time you simple get trouble with some characters or word like OFF.
Therefore you should use technics to avoid this problems/vulnerabilitys.
In your case you could change your batch file to
set "param1=%*"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
I use echo( here instead of echo. or something else, as it is the only known secure echo for all appended contents.
I use the delayed expansion ! instead of percent expansion, as delayed expansion is always safe against any special characters.
To use the delayed expansion you need to transfer the parameter into a variable and a good way is to use quotes around the set command, it avoid many problems with special characters (but not all).
But to build an absolutly secure way to access batch parameters, the way is quite harder.
Try to make this safe is tricky
myBatch.bat ^&"&"
You could read SO: How to receive even the strangest command line parameters?
The main idea is to use the output of a REM statement while ECHO ON.
This is safe in the way, that you can't inject code (or better: only with really advanced knowledge), but the original content can be changed, if your content is something like.
myBatch.bat myContent^&"&"%a
Will be changed to myContent&"&"4
AFAIK, this is know as command injection (which is one of types code injection attack).
The later link lists various injection attacks. The site (www.owasp.org) is an excellent resource regarding web security.
There are multiple applications of injection one can generalize as "language injection". SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting are the most popular, but others are possible.
In your example, the ECHO statement isn't actually performing the delete, so I wouldn't call that injection. Instead, the delete happens outside of the invocation of the batinjection script itself.
