Java: ordering results retrieved from asynchronous tasks - multithreading

I've got a computation (CTR encryption) that requires results in a precise order.
For this I created a multithreaded design that calculates said results, in this case the result is a ByteBuffer. The calculation itself of course runs asynchronous, so the results may become available at any time and in any order. The "user" is a single-threaded application that uses the results by calling a method, after which the ByteBuffers are returned to the pool of resources by said method - the management of resources is already handled (using a thread safe stack).
Now the question: I need something that aggregates the results and makes them available in the right order. If the next result is not available, the method that the user called should block until it is. Does anyone know a good strategy or class in java.util.concurrent that can return asynchronously calculated results in order?
The solution it must be thread safe. I would like to avoid third party libraries, Thread.sleep() / Thread.wait() and theading related keywords other than "synchronized". Futhermore, The tasks may be given to e.g. an Executor in the correct order if that is required. This is for research, so feel free to use Java 1.6 or even 1.7 constructs.
Note: I've tagged these quesions [jre] as I want to keep within the classes defined in the JRE and [encryption] as somebody may already have had to deal with it, but the question itself is purely about java & multi-threading.

Use the executors framework:
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
List<Future> futures = executorService.invokeAll(listOfCallables);
for (Future future : futures) {
//do something with future.get();
The listOfCallables will be a List<Callable<ByteBuffer>> that you have constructed to operate on the data. For example:
list.add(new SubTaskCalculator(1, 20));
list.add(new SubTaskCalculator(21, 40));
list.add(new SubTaskCalculator(41, 60));
(arbitrary ranges of numbers, adjust that to your task at hand)
.get() blocks until the result is complete, but at the same time other tasks are also running, so when you reach them, their .get() will be ready.

Returning results in the right order is trivial. As each result arrives, store it in an arraylist, and once you have ALL the results, just sort the arraylist. You could use a PriorityQueue to keep the results sorted at all times as they arrive, but there is no point in doing this, since you will not be making any use of the results before all of them have arrived anyway.
So, what you could do is this:
Declare a "WorkItem" class which contains one of your bytearrays and its ordinal number, so that they can be sorted by ordinal number.
In your work threads, do something like this: work and produce a work_item...
synchronized( LockObject )
ResultList.Add( work_item );
In your main thread, do something like this:
synchronized( LockObject )
while( number_of_results != number_of_items )
...go ahead and use the results...

My new answer after gaining a better understanding of what you want to do:
Declare a "WorkItem" class which contains one of your bytearrays and its ordinal number, so that they can be sorted by ordinal number.
Make use of a java.util.PriorityQueue which is kept sorted by ordinal number. Essentially, all we care is that the first item in the priority queue at any given time will be the next item to process.
Each work thread stores its result in the PriorityQueue and issues a NotifyAll on some locking object.
The main thread waits on the locking object, and then if there are items in the queue, and if the ordinal of the (peeked, not dequeued) first item in the queue is equal to the number of items processed so far, then it dequeues the item and processes it. If not, it keeps waiting. If all of the items have been produced and processed, it is done.


How to control multi-threads synchronization in Perl

I got array with [a-z,A-Z] ASCII numbers like so: my #alphabet = (65..90,97..122);
So main thread functionality is checking each character from alphabet and return string if condition is true.
Simple example :
my #output = ();
for my $ascii(#alphabet){
thread->new(\sub{ return chr($ascii); });
I want to run thread on every ASCII number, then put letter from thread function into array in the correct order.
So in out case array #output should be dynamic and contain [a..z,A-Z] after all threads finish their job.
How to check, is all threads is done and keep the order?
You're looking for $thread->join, which waits for a thread to finish. It's documented here, and this SO question may also help.
Since in your case it looks like the work being done in the threads is roughly equal in cost (no thread is going to take a long time more than any other), you can just join each thread in order, like so, to wait for them all to finish:
# Store all the threads for each letter in an array.
my #threads = map { thread->new(\sub{ return chr($_); }) } #alphabet;
my #results = map { $_->join } #threads;
Since, when the first thread returns from join, the others are likely already done and just waiting for "join" to grab their return code, or about to be done, this gets you pretty close to "as fast as possible" parallelism-wise, and, since the threads were created in order, #results is ordered already for free.
Now, if your threads can take variable amounts of time to finish, or if you need to do some time-consuming processing in the "main"/spawning thread before plugging child threads' results into the output data structure, joining them in order might not be so good. In that case, you'll need to somehow either: a) detect thread "exit" events as they happen, or b) poll to see which threads have exited.
You can detect thread "exit" events using signals/notifications sent from the child threads to the main/spawning thread. The easiest/most common way to do that is to use the cond_wait and cond_signal functions from threads::shared. Your main thread would wait for signals from child threads, process their output, and store it into the result array. If you take this approach, you should preallocate your result array to the right size, and provide the output index to your threads (e.g. use a C-style for loop when you create your threads and have them return ($result, $index_to_store) or similar) so you can store results in the right place even if they are out of order.
You can poll which threads are done using the is_joinable thread instance method, or using the threads->list(threads::joinable) and threads->list(threads::running) methods in a loop (hopefully not a busy-waiting one; adding a sleep call--even a subsecond one from Time::HiRes--will save a lot of performance/battery in this case) to detect when things are done and grab their results.
Important Caveat: spawning a huge number of threads to perform a lot of work in parallel, especially if that work is small/quick to complete, can cause performance problems, and it might be better to use a smaller number of threads that each do more than one "piece" of work (e.g. spawn a small number of threads, and each thread uses the threads::shared functions to lock and pop the first item off of a shared array of "work to do" and do it rather than map work to threads as 1:1). There are two main performance problems that arise from a 1:1 mapping:
the overhead (in memory and time) of spawning and joining each thread is much higher than you'd think (benchmark it on threads that don't do anything, just return, to see). If the work you need to do is fast, the overhead of thread management for tons of threads can make it much slower than just managing a few re-usable threads.
If you end up with a lot more threads than there are logical CPU cores and each thread is doing CPU-intensive work, or if each thread is accessing the same resource (e.g. reading from the same disks or the same rows in a database), you hit a performance cliff pretty quickly. Tuning the number of threads to the "resources" underneath (whether those are CPUs or hard drives or whatnot) tends to yield much better throughput than trusting the thread scheduler to switch between many more threads than there are available resources to run them on. The reasons this is slow are, very broadly:
Because the thread scheduler (part of the OS, not the language) can't know enough about what each thread is trying to do, so preemptive scheduling cannot optimize for performance past a certain point, given that limited knowledge.
The OS usually tries to give most threads a reasonably fair shot, so it can't reliably say "let one run to completion and then run the next one" unless you explicitly bake that into the code (since the alternative would be unpredictably starving certain threads for opportunities to run). Basically, switching between "run a slice of thread 1 on resource X" and "run a slice of thread 2 on resource X" doesn't get you anything once you have more threads than resources, and adds some overhead as well.
TL;DR threads don't give you performance increases past a certain point, and after that point they can make performance worse. When you can, reuse a number of threads corresponding to available resources; don't create/destroy individual threads corresponding to tasks that need to be done.
Building on Zac B's answer, you can use the following if you want to reuse threads:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Thread::Pool::Simple qw( );
$| = 1;
my $pool = Thread::Pool::Simple->new(
do => [ sub {
select(undef, undef, undef, (200+int(rand(8))*100)/1000);
return chr($_[0]);
} ],
my #alphabet = ( 65..90, 97..122 );
print $pool->remove($_) for map { $pool->add($_) } #alphabet;
print "\n";
The results are returned in order, as soon as they become available.
I'm the author of Parallel::WorkUnit so I'm partial to it. And I thought adding ordered responses was actually a great idea. It does it with forks, not threads, because forks are more widely supported and they often perform better in Perl.
my $wu = Parallel::WorkUnit->new();
for my $ascii(#alphabet){
$wu->async(sub{ return chr($ascii); });
#output = $wu->waitall();
If you want to limit the number of simultaneous processes:
my $wu = Parallel::WorkUnit->new(max_children => 5);
for my $ascii(#alphabet){
$wu->queue(sub{ return chr($ascii); });
#output = $wu->waitall();

Use of The Task Based Asynchronous Pattern regarding custom return objects

When my goal ( perhaps I'm confused ) is to actually return a complex class that has had a series of processes performed on it (a list of tasks not depicted here)
Can I pass my custom object to the actual "DoSomethingAsync" method that starts the Tasks and can I manipulate their results INTO the object to return it to the caller SomethingAsync so that its caller may then persist the data to disk (SQL or Whatever) or move it to the next step in my processes ?
All the potential interrupts or interference's to the async steps of the Tasks have me worried that.... for example Task1 while I harvest its results into the object may conflict with Task2's processes.
My tests have shown Task2's results being processed before I can harvest Task1's completed work.... but at the moment I'm concerned with correctly passing & populating a complex object, and this concern is probably regarding a different topic of how to correctly use multiple truly multithreaded tasks. I expect answers in the vein of .. "run the asyncs to fill respective properties & don't try to fill your custom object IN the Async tasks" ,, but I had to ask, , assuredly I'm not the first to wonder about this.
I just reviewed the event-based & task-based, of which I am familiar and can work with well. But this day 5 of my TAP & TPL [Task Parallel Library] studies and I may be confusing myself with all of the odd details like CancellationToken, and Task Based Combinators as well as erroneously mixing TAP & TPL dynamics.. Anxiously awaiting the many down votes thanks
public async Task<MyCustomObject> SomethingAsync()
return await DoSomethingAsync(MyCustomObject);

GPars report status on large number of async functions and wait for completion

I have a parser, and after gathering the data for a row, I want to fire an aync function and let it process the row, while the main thread continues on and gets the next row.
I've seen this post: How do I execute two tasks simultaneously and wait for the results in Groovy? but I'm not sure it is the best solution for my situation.
What I want to do is, after all the rows are read, wait for all the async functions to finish before I go on. One concern with using a collection of Promises is that the list could be large (100,000+).
Also, I want to report status as we go. And finally, I'm not sure I want to automatically wait for a timeout (like on a get()), because the file could be huge, however, I do want to allow the user to kill the process for various reasons.
So what I've done for now is record the number of rows parsed (as they occur via rowsRead), then use a callback from the Promise to record another row being finished processing, like this:
def promise = processRow(row)
promise.whenBound {
Where rowsProcessed is an AtomicInteger.
Then in the code invoked at the end of the sheet, after all parsing is done and I'm waiting for the processing to finish, I'm doing this:
boolean test = true
while (test) {
Thread.sleep(1000) // No need to pound the CPU with this check
println "read: ${sheet.rowsRead}, processed: ${sheet.rowsProcessed.get()}"
if (sheet.rowsProcessed.get() == sheet.rowsRead) {
test = false
The nice thing is, I don't have an explosion of Promise objects here - just a simple count to check. But I'm not sure sleeping every so often is as efficient as checking the get() on each Promise() object.
So, my questions are:
If I used the collection of Promises instead, would a get() react and return if the thread executing the while loop above was interrupted with Thread.interrupt()?
Would using the collection of Promises and calling get() on each be more efficient than trying to sleep and check every so often?
Is there another, better approach that I haven't considered?
Call to allPromises*.get() will throw InterruptedException if the waiting (main) thread gets interrupted
Yes, the promises have been created anyway, so grouping them in a list should not impose additional memory requirements, in my opinion.
The suggested solutions with a CountDownLanch or a Phaser are IMO much more suitable than using busy waiting.
An alternative to an AtomicInteger is to use a CountDownLatch. It avoids both the sleep and the large collection of Promise objects. You could use it like this:
latch = new CountDownLatch(sheet.rowsRead)
def promise = processRow(row)
promise.whenBound {
while (!latch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
println "read: ${sheet.rowsRead}, processed: ${sheet.rowsRead - latch.count}"

What's the usual best way to lock a collection?

Suppose I have a collection of items which is read and written accross a multithreaded application. When it comes to apply an algorithm over some items I thing of different ways to acquire a lock.
By locking during the entire operation:
for each thing in things
get the item from collection that matches thing
do stuff with item
By locking on demand:
for each thing in things
get the item from collection that matches thing
do stuff with item
Or by locking on demand to get a thread safe collection of items to process later, thus having collection locked for a smaller amount of time:
Items items
for each thing in things
get the item from collection that matches thing
for each item in items
do stuff with item
I know it may eventually depend on the actual algorithm applied to each item, but what would you do? I am using C++, but I am pretty sure it's irrelevant.
Take a look at the Double Check lock pattern which involves separate field for the collection/field under the lock.
Also it worth to take a look at the Readers-writer lock technique which allows reading whilst an other thread updating a collection
As David Heffernan mentioned take a look at the The "Double-Checked Locking is Broken" Declaration discussion
In a multi-threaded setting, with thread reading and writing, your first and second examples have different meaning. Your third example could have yet another meaning if "do something with item" interacts with other threads.
You need to decide what you want the code to do before deciding how to do it.
Lock acquisition and release are expensive. I would lock over the collection rather than each individual element in a loop. It makes sense if the entire operation needs to be atomic.

multithreading: how to process data in a vector, while the vector is being populated?

I have a single-threaded linux app which I would like to make parallel. It reads a data file, creates objects, and places them in a vector. Then it calls a compute-intensive method (.5 second+) on each object. I want to call the method in parallel with object creation. While I've looked at qt and tbb, I am open to other options.
I planned to start the thread(s) while the vector was empty. Each one would call makeSolids (below), which has a while loop that would run until interpDone==true and all objects in the vector have been processed. However, I'm a n00b when it comes to threading, and I've been looking for a ready-made solution.
QtConcurrent::map(Iter begin,Iter end,function()) looks very easy, but I can't use it on a vector that's changing in size, can I? And how would I tell it to wait for more data?
I also looked at intel's tbb, but it looked like my main thread would halt if I used parallel_for or parallel_while. That stinks, since their memory manager was recommended (open cascade's mmgt has poor performance when multithreaded).
/**intended to be called by a thread
\param start the first item to get from the vector
\param skip how many to skip over (4 for 4 threads)
void g2m::makeSolids(uint start, uint incr) {
uint curr = start;
while ((!interpDone) || (lineVector.size() > curr)) {
if (lineVector.size() > curr) {
if (lineVector[curr]->isMotion()) {
curr += incr;
} else {
uio::sleep(); //wait a little bit for interp
EDIT: To summarize, what's the simplest way to process a vector at the same time that the main thread is populating the vector?
Firstly, to benefit from threading you need to find similarly slow tasks for each thread to do. You said your per-object processing takes .5s+, how long does your file reading / object creation take? It could easily be a tenth or a thousandth of that time, in which case your multithreading approach is going to produce neglegible benefit. If that's the case, (yes, I'll answer your original question soon incase it's not) then think about simultaneously processing multiple objects. Given your processing takes quite a while, the thread creation overhead isn't terribly significant, so you could simply have your main file reading/object creation thread spawn a new thread and direct it at the newly created object. The main thread then continues reading/creating subsequent objects. Once all objects are read/created, and all the processing threads launched, the main thread "joins" (waits for) the worker threads. If this will create too many threads (thousands), then put a limit on how far ahead the main thread is allowed to get: it might read/create 10 objects then join 5, then read/create 10, join 10, read/create 10, join 10 etc. until finished.
Now, if you really want the read/create to be in parallel with the processing, but the processing to be serialised, then you can still use the above approach but join after each object. That's kind of weird if you're designing this with only this approach in mind, but good because you can easily experiment with the object processing parallelism above as well.
Alternatively, you can use a more complex approach that just involves the main thread (that the OS creates when your program starts), and a single worker thread that the main thread must start. They should be coordinated using a mutex (a variable ensuring mutually-exclusive, which means not-concurrent, access to data), and a condition variable which allows the worker thread to efficiently block until the main thread has provided more work. The terms - mutex and condition variable - are the standard terms in the POSIX threading that Linux uses, so should be used in the explanation of the particular libraries you're interested in. Summarily, the worker thread waits until the main read/create thread broadcasts it a wake-up signal indicating another object is ready for processing. You may want to have a counter with index of the last fully created, ready-for-processing object, so the worker thread can maintain it's count of processed objects and move along the ready ones before once again checking the condition variable.
It's hard to tell if you have been thinking about this problem deeply and there is more than you are letting on, or if you are just over thinking it, or if you are just wary of threading.
Reading the file and creating the objects is fast; the one method is slow. The dependency is each consecutive ctor depends on the outcome of the previous ctor - a little odd - but otherwise there are no data integrity issues so there doesn't seem to be anything that needs to be protected by mutexes and such.
Why is this more complicated than something like this (in crude pseudo-code):
while (! eof)
object O(data);
pthread_create(...., O, makeSolid);
while(x < vector.size())
If you don't want to loop on the joins in your main then spawn off a thread to wait on them by passing a vector of TIDs.
If the number of created objects/threads is insane, use a thread pool. Or put a counter is the creation loop to limit the number of threads that can be created before running ones are joined.
#Caleb: quite -- perhaps I should have emphasized active threads. The GUI thread should always be considered one.
