What's the usual best way to lock a collection? - multithreading

Suppose I have a collection of items which is read and written accross a multithreaded application. When it comes to apply an algorithm over some items I thing of different ways to acquire a lock.
By locking during the entire operation:
for each thing in things
get the item from collection that matches thing
do stuff with item
By locking on demand:
for each thing in things
get the item from collection that matches thing
do stuff with item
Or by locking on demand to get a thread safe collection of items to process later, thus having collection locked for a smaller amount of time:
Items items
for each thing in things
get the item from collection that matches thing
for each item in items
do stuff with item
I know it may eventually depend on the actual algorithm applied to each item, but what would you do? I am using C++, but I am pretty sure it's irrelevant.

Take a look at the Double Check lock pattern which involves separate field for the collection/field under the lock.
Also it worth to take a look at the Readers-writer lock technique which allows reading whilst an other thread updating a collection
As David Heffernan mentioned take a look at the The "Double-Checked Locking is Broken" Declaration discussion

In a multi-threaded setting, with thread reading and writing, your first and second examples have different meaning. Your third example could have yet another meaning if "do something with item" interacts with other threads.
You need to decide what you want the code to do before deciding how to do it.

Lock acquisition and release are expensive. I would lock over the collection rather than each individual element in a loop. It makes sense if the entire operation needs to be atomic.


Is optimistic synchronization wait-free for adds, removes, and contains?

If you scroll one page down from the page 205 of book "The Art of Multiprocessor Programming" (Elsevier, 2012 ISBN 9780123977953), to page 206 (Section 9.6 Optimistic Synchronization):https://books.google.com/... you'll see the add/remove/contains methods for optimistic synchronization (Figure 9.11 The OptimisticList class: the add() method traverses the list ignoring locks, aquires locks, and validates before adding the new node. Figure 9.12 The OptimisticList class: the remove() method traverses ignoring locks, acquires locks, and validates before removing the node. page copy).
In the following section on lazy synchronization, it goes on to state (while referring to optimistic synchronization)
The next step is to refine this algorithm so that contains() calls are wait-free, and add() and remove() methods, while still blocking, traverse the list only once
This seems to be saying that the contains method isn't wait free, and thus neither would the add or remove methods be. But I can't seem to see why that would be the case.
Lazy synchronization is based on optimistic synchronization. On lazy synchronization you traverse the list only once, not acquiring any locks, unlike e.g. hand-over-hand locking. When you have reached your destination for remove/add/contains you need to lock the current and predecessor node.
The big difference is that when you remove a node, you first have to mark it as deleted and then physically delete it (garbage collector).
Why is contains wait-free?
Unlike optimistic synchronization, we don't need to lock the current node. Recall that we lock the current node so that another thread can't delete it while we are returning true.
Because the current node would have been marked, we can simply check, if the current node is marked and has the desired key. No need for any locks. This makes it wait-free.
A sample code could look like this:
public boolean contains(T item) {
int key = item.hashCode();
Node curr = this.head;
while (curr.key < key) {
curr = curr.next;
return curr.key == key && !curr.marked;

How/when to release memory in wait-free algorithms

I'm having trouble figuring out a key point in wait-free algorithm design. Suppose a data structure has a pointer to another data structure (e.g. linked list, tree, etc), how can the right time for releasing a data structure?
The problem is this, there are separate operations that can't be executed atomically without a lock. For example one thread reads the pointer to some memory, and increments the use count for that memory to prevent free while this thread is using the data, which might take long, and even if it doesn't, it's a race condition. What prevents another thread from reading the pointer, decrementing the use count and determining that it's no longer used and freeing it before the first thread incremented the use count?
The main issue is that current CPUs only have a single word CAS (compare & swap). Alternatively the problem is that I'm clueless about waitfree algorithms and data structures and after reading some papers I'm still not seeing the light.
IMHO Garbage collection can't be the answer, because it would either GC would have to be prevented from running if any single thread is inside an atomic block (which would mean it can't be guaranteed that the GC will ever run again) or the problem is simply pushed to the GC, in which case, please explain how the GC would figure out if the data is in the silly state (a pointer is read [e.g. stored in a local variable] but the the use count didn't increment yet).
PS, references to advanced tutorials on wait-free algorithms for morons are welcome.
Edit: You should assume that the problem is being solved in a non-managed language, like C or C++. After all if it were Java, we'd have no need to worry about releasing memory. Further assume that the compiler may generate code that will store temporary references to objects in registers (invisible to other threads) right before the usage counter increment, and that a thread can be interrupted between loading the object address and incrementing the counter. This of course doesn't mean that the solution must be limited to C or C++, rather that the solution should give a set of primitives that allowing the implementation of wait-free algorithms on linked data structures. I'm interested in the primitives and how they solve the problem of designing wait-free algorithms. With such primitives a wait-free algorithm can be implemented equally well in C++ and Java.
After some research I learned this.
The problem is not trivial to solve and there are several solutions each with advantages and disadvantages. The reason for the complexity comes from inter CPU synchronization issues. If not done right it might appear to work correctly 99.9% of the time, which isn't enough, or it might fail under load.
Three solutions that I found are 1) hazard pointers, 2) quiescence period based reclamation (used by the Linux kernel in the RCU implementation) 3) reference counting techniques. 4) Other 5) Combinations
Hazard pointers work by saving the currently active references in a well-known per thread location, so any thread deciding to free memory (when the counter appears to be zero) can check if the memory is still in use by anyone. An interesting improvement is to buffer request to release memory in a small array and free them up in a batch when the array is full. The advantage of using hazard pointers is that it can actually guarantee an upper bound on unreclaimed memory. The disadvantage is that it places extra burden on the reader.
Quiescence period based reclamation works by delaying the actual release of the memory until it's known that each thread has had a chance to finish working on any data that may need to be released. The way to know that this condition is satisfied is to check if each thread passed through a quiescent period (not in a critical section) after the object was removed. In the Linux kernel this means something like each task making a voluntary task switch. In a user space application it would be the end of a critical section. This can be achieved by a simple counter, each time the counter is even the thread is not in a critical section (reading shared data), each time the counter is odd the thread is inside a critical section, to move from a critical section or back all the thread needs to do is to atomically increment the number. Based on this the "garbage collector" can determine if each thread has had a chance to finish. There are several approaches, one simple one would be to queue up the requests to free memory (e.g. in a linked list or an array), each with the current generation (managed by the GC), when the GC runs it checks the state of the threads (their state counters) to see if each passed to the next generation (their counter is higher than the last time or is the same and even), any memory can be reclaimed one generation after it was freed. The advantage of this approach is that is places the least burden on the reading threads. The disadvantage is that it can't guarantee an upper bound for the memory waiting to be released (e.g. one thread spending 5 minutes in a critical section, while the data keeps changing and memory isn't released), but in practice it works out all right.
There is a number of reference counting solutions, many of them require double compare and swap, which some CPUs don't support, so can't be relied upon. The key problem remains though, taking a reference before updating the counter. I didn't find enough information to explain how this can be done simply and reliably though. So .....
There are of course a number of "Other" solutions, it's a very important topic of research with tons of papers out there. I didn't examine all of them. I only need one.
And of course the various approaches can be combined, for example hazard pointers can solve the problems of reference counting. But there's a nearly infinite number of combinations, and in some cases a spin lock might theoretically break wait-freedom, but doesn't hurt performance in practice. Somewhat like another tidbit I found in my research, it's theoretically not possible to implement wait-free algorithms using compare-and-swap, that's because in theory (purely in theory) a CAS based update might keep failing for non-deterministic excessive times (imagine a million threads on a million cores each trying to increment and decrement the same counter using CAS). In reality however it rarely fails more than a few times (I suspect it's because the CPUs spend more clocks away from CAS than there are CPUs, but I think if the algorithm returned to the same CAS on the same location every 50 clocks and there were 64 cores there could be a chance of a major problem, then again, who knows, I don't have a hundred core machine to try this). Another results of my research is that designing and implementing wait-free algorithms and data-structures is VERY challenging (even if some of the heavy lifting is outsourced, e.g. to a garbage collector [e.g. Java]), and might perform less well than a similar algorithm with carefully placed locks.
So, yeah, it's possible to free memory even without delays. It's just tricky. And if you forget to make the right operations atomic, or to place the right memory barrier, oh, well, you're toast. :-) Thanks everyone for participating.
I think atomic operations for increment/decrement and compare-and-swap would solve this problem.
All resources have a counter which is modified with atomic operations. The counter is initially zero.
Before using a resource: "Acquire" it by atomically incrementing its counter. The resource can be used if and only if the incremented value is greater than zero.
After using a resource: "Release" it by atomically decrementing its counter. The resource should be disposed/freed if and only if the decremented value is equal to zero.
Before disposing: Atomically compare-and-swap the counter value with the minimum (negative) value. Dispose will not happen if a concurrent thread "Acquired" the resource in between.
You haven't specified a language for your question. Here goes an example in c#:
class MyResource
// Counter is initially zero. Resource will not be disposed until it has
// been acquired and released.
private int _counter;
public bool Acquire()
// Atomically increment counter.
int c = Interlocked.Increment(ref _counter);
// Resource is available if the resulting value is greater than zero.
return c > 0;
public bool Release()
// Atomically decrement counter.
int c = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _counter);
// We should never reach a negative value
Debug.Assert(c >= 0, "Resource was released without being acquired");
// Dispose when we reach zero
if (c == 0)
// Mark as disposed by setting counter its minimum value.
// Only do this if the counter remain at zero. Atomic compare-and-swap operation.
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _counter, int.MinValue, c) == c)
// TODO: Run dispose code (free stuff)
return true; // tell caller that resource is disposed
return false; // released but still in use
// "r" is an instance of MyResource
bool acquired = false;
if (acquired = r.Acquire())
// TODO: Use resource
if (acquired)
if (r.Release())
// Resource was disposed.
// TODO: Nullify variable or similar to let GC collect it.
I know this is not the best way but it works for me:
for shared dynamic data-structure lists I use usage counter per item
for example:
struct _data
DWORD usage;
bool delete;
// here add your data
_data() { usage=0; deleted=true; }
const int MAX = 1024;
_data data[MAX];
now when item is started to be used somwhere then
// start use of data[i]
after is no longer used then
// stop use of data[i]
if you want to add new item to list then
// add item
for (i=0;i<MAX;i++) // find first deleted item
if (data[i].deleted)
// copy/set your data
and now in the background once in a while (on timer or whatever)
scann data[] an all undeleted items with cnt == 0 set as deleted (+ free its dynamic memory if it has any)
to avoid multi-thread access problems implement single global lock per data list
and program it so you cannot scann data while any data[i].cnt is changing
one bool and one DWORD suffice for this if you do not want to use OS locks
// globals
bool data_cnt_locked=false;
DWORD data_cnt=0;
now any change of data[i].cnt modify like this:
// start use of data[i]
while (data_cnt_locked) Sleep(1);
and modify delete scan like this
while (data_cnt) Sleep(1);
if (data_cnt==0) // just to be sure
for (i=0;i<MAX;i++) // here scan for items to delete ...
if (!data[i].cnt)
if (!data[i].deleted)
// release your dynamic data ...
do not forget to play with the sleep times a little to suite your needs
lock free algorithm sleep times are sometimes dependent on OS task/scheduler
this is not really an lock free implementation
because while GC is at work then all is locked
but if ather than that multi access is not blocking to each other
so if you do not run GC too often you are fine

Thread safety for arrays in D?

Please bear with me on this as I'm new to this.
I have an array and two threads.
First thread appends new elements to the array when required
myArray ~= newArray;
Second thread removes elements from the array when required:
extractedArray = myArray[0..10];
myArray = myArray[10..myArray.length()];
Is this thread safe?
What happens when the two threads interact on the array at the exact same time?
No, it is not thread-safe. If you share data across threads, then you need to deal with making it thread-safe yourself via facilities such as synchronized statements, synchronized functions, core.atomic, and mutexes.
However, the other major thing that needs to be pointed out is that all data in D is thread-local by default. So, you can't access data across threads unless it's explicitly shared. So, you don't normally have to worry about thread safety at all. It's only when you explicitly share data that it's an issue.
this is not thread safe
this has the classic lost update race:
appending means examening the array to see if it can expand in-place, if not it needs to make a (O(n) time) copy while the copy is busy the other thread can slice of a piece and when the copy is done that piece will return
you should look into using a linked list implementation which are easier to make thread safe
Java's ConcurrentLinkedQueue uses the list described here for it's implementation and you can implement it with the core.atomic.cas() in the standard library
It is not thread-safe. The simplest way to fix this is to surround array operations with the synchronized block. More about it here: http://dlang.org/statement.html#SynchronizedStatement

Java: ordering results retrieved from asynchronous tasks

I've got a computation (CTR encryption) that requires results in a precise order.
For this I created a multithreaded design that calculates said results, in this case the result is a ByteBuffer. The calculation itself of course runs asynchronous, so the results may become available at any time and in any order. The "user" is a single-threaded application that uses the results by calling a method, after which the ByteBuffers are returned to the pool of resources by said method - the management of resources is already handled (using a thread safe stack).
Now the question: I need something that aggregates the results and makes them available in the right order. If the next result is not available, the method that the user called should block until it is. Does anyone know a good strategy or class in java.util.concurrent that can return asynchronously calculated results in order?
The solution it must be thread safe. I would like to avoid third party libraries, Thread.sleep() / Thread.wait() and theading related keywords other than "synchronized". Futhermore, The tasks may be given to e.g. an Executor in the correct order if that is required. This is for research, so feel free to use Java 1.6 or even 1.7 constructs.
Note: I've tagged these quesions [jre] as I want to keep within the classes defined in the JRE and [encryption] as somebody may already have had to deal with it, but the question itself is purely about java & multi-threading.
Use the executors framework:
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
List<Future> futures = executorService.invokeAll(listOfCallables);
for (Future future : futures) {
//do something with future.get();
The listOfCallables will be a List<Callable<ByteBuffer>> that you have constructed to operate on the data. For example:
list.add(new SubTaskCalculator(1, 20));
list.add(new SubTaskCalculator(21, 40));
list.add(new SubTaskCalculator(41, 60));
(arbitrary ranges of numbers, adjust that to your task at hand)
.get() blocks until the result is complete, but at the same time other tasks are also running, so when you reach them, their .get() will be ready.
Returning results in the right order is trivial. As each result arrives, store it in an arraylist, and once you have ALL the results, just sort the arraylist. You could use a PriorityQueue to keep the results sorted at all times as they arrive, but there is no point in doing this, since you will not be making any use of the results before all of them have arrived anyway.
So, what you could do is this:
Declare a "WorkItem" class which contains one of your bytearrays and its ordinal number, so that they can be sorted by ordinal number.
In your work threads, do something like this:
...do work and produce a work_item...
synchronized( LockObject )
ResultList.Add( work_item );
In your main thread, do something like this:
synchronized( LockObject )
while( number_of_results != number_of_items )
...go ahead and use the results...
My new answer after gaining a better understanding of what you want to do:
Declare a "WorkItem" class which contains one of your bytearrays and its ordinal number, so that they can be sorted by ordinal number.
Make use of a java.util.PriorityQueue which is kept sorted by ordinal number. Essentially, all we care is that the first item in the priority queue at any given time will be the next item to process.
Each work thread stores its result in the PriorityQueue and issues a NotifyAll on some locking object.
The main thread waits on the locking object, and then if there are items in the queue, and if the ordinal of the (peeked, not dequeued) first item in the queue is equal to the number of items processed so far, then it dequeues the item and processes it. If not, it keeps waiting. If all of the items have been produced and processed, it is done.

How to make atomic exchange -- Scala way?

I have such code
var ls = src.iter.toList
src.iter = ls.iterator
(this is part of copy constructor of my iterator-wrapper) which reads the source iterator, and in next line set it back. The problem is, those two lines have to be atomic (especially if you consider that I change the source of copy constructor -- I don't like it, but well...).
I've read about Actors but I don't see how they fit here -- they look more like a mechanism for asynchronous execution. I've read about Java solutions and using them in Scala, for example: http://naedyr.blogspot.com/2011/03/atomic-scala.html
My question is: what is the most Scala way to make some operations atomic? I don't want to use some heavy artillery for this, and also I would not like to use some external resources. In other words -- something that looks and feels "right".
I kind like the solution presented in the above link, because this is what I exactly do -- exchange references. And if I understand correctly, I would guard only those 2 lines, and other code does not have to be altered! But I will wait for definitive answer.
Because every Nth question, instead of answer I read "but why do you use...", here:
How to copy iterator in Scala? :-)
I need to copy iterator (make a fork) and such solution is the most "right" I read about. The problem is, it destroys the original iterator.
For example here:
The only problem I see here, that I have to put lock on those two lines, and every other usage on iter. It is minor thing now, but when I add some code, it is easy to forget to add additional lock.
I am not saying "no", but I have no experience, so I would like to get answer from someone who is familiar with Scala, to point a direction -- which solution is the best for such task, and in long-run.
Immutable iterator
While I appreciate the explanation by Paradigmatic, I don't see how such approach fits my problem. The thing is IteratorWrapper class has to wrap iterator -- i.e. raw iterator should be hidden within the class (usually it is done by making it private). Such methods as hasNext() and next() should be wrapped as well. Normally next() alters the state of the object (iterator) so in case of immutable IteratorWrapper it should return both new IteratorWrapper and status of next() (successful or not). Another solution would be returning NULL if raw next() fails, anyway, this makes using such IteratorWrapper not very handy.
Worse, there is still not easy way to copy such IteratorWrapper.
So either I miss something, or actually classic approach with making piece of code atomic is cleaner. Because all the burden is contained inside the class, and the user does not have to pay the price of they way IteratorWrapper handles the data (raw iterator in this case).
Scala approach is to favor immutability whenever it is possible (and it's very often possible). Then you do not need anymore copy constructors, locks, mutex, etc.
For example, you can convert the iterator to a List at object construction. Since lists are immutable, you can safely share them without having to lock:
class IteratorWrapper[A]( iter: Iterator[A] ) {
val list = iter.toList
def iteratorCopy = list.iterator
Here, the IteratorWrapper is also immutable. You can safely pass it around. But if you really need to change the wrapped iterator, you will need more demanding approaches. For instance you could:
Use locks
Transform the wrapper into an Actor
Use STM (akka or other implementations).
Clarifications: I lack information on your problem constraints. But here is how I understand it.
Several threads must traverse simultaneously an Iterator. A possible approach is to copy it before passing the reference to the threads. However, Scala practice aims at sharing immutable objects that do not need to be copied.
With the copy strategy, you would write something like:
//A single iterator producer
class Producer {
val iterator: Iterator[Foo] = produceIterator(...)
//Several consumers, living on different threads
class Consumer( p: Producer ) {
def consumeIterator = {
val iteratorCopy = copy( p.iterator ) //BROKEN !!!
while( iteratorCopy.hasNext ) {
doSomething( iteratorCopy.next )
However, it is difficult (or slow) to implement a copy method which is thread-safe. A possible solution using immutability will be:
class Producer {
val lst: List[Foo] = produceIterator(...).toList
def iteratorCopy = list.iterator
class Consumer( p: Producer ) {
def consumeIterator = {
val iteratorCopy = p.iteratorCopy
while( iteratorCopy.hasNext ) {
doSomething( iteratorCopy.next )
The producer will call produceIterator once at construction. It it immutable because its state is only a list which is also immutable. The iteratorCopy is also thread-safe, because the list is not modified when creating the copy (so several thread can traverse it simultaneously without having to lock).
Note that calling list.iterator does not traverse the list. So it will not decrease performances in any way (as opposed to really copying the iterator each time).
