OpenWebmail displays incorrect date in inbox - linux

OpenWebmail has been installed and configured well before I came on to my project. I don't know how long this has been happening, but I'm starting to see that the dates are being displayed incorrectly on the inbox list. Instead of MM/DD/YYYY, I am seeing MM/MM/YYYY. I've checked the openwebmail.conf and default/openwebmail.conf files, but don't see anything that jumps out at me as being incorrect. Does anybody have any idea why this could be happening?

date display is controlled on a per-user basis. Check in the user preferences for the Display Preference -> Date format pulldown.
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NetSuite Saved Search Print Criteria Information

I would like to be able to print the Criteria information that I used in the footer of the PDF of a Saved Search. I have tried looking at making an Advanced PDF to handle this, but I cannot find the field to pull in the criteria information into either the Saved Search or the Advanced PDF. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I have created a Saved Search in NetSuite that displays all of the Inventory Receipts made the previous week. We have to print this Saved Search and check it against the actual paper receipts to verify counts and receipts. When the Saved Search prints to PDF it does not show the criteria information for which the Saved Search was run to prove to Internal Audit that we have run this report for the correct dates. I would like a way to print the Criteria information for this Saved Search along with a timestamp of when the Saved Search was run and the users that ran the Saved Search. Is there a way to pull in this additional information in a Saved Search or Advanced PDF somehow?
add a custom Print button
button goes to a suitlet that renders the PDF
before you render, load the search and pass the search.filters in to addCustomDataSource() api of the render module
Ok, I read your edit and comment with regard to my comment. There's three big things here.
I don't think you should pursue a dev route with this. You can schedule the report for automated email once a day and prove that it came from a saved search which is the same saved search every time. This will save you an infinite amount of hassle
Developing this as your first script is going to be hard. I'm happy to help. But when I tell you it's going to be a lot of code, I mean it. See this old post I did
If you still want to pursue a dev route with this (which is totally fine), start with emulating the user event code on a custom suitelet like I posted above in my answer. You're going to need N/serverWidget/ui N/search and N/xml. The rest is all in the UserEvent functions and global context variable.
If all this still goes well over your head. Don't sweat it. Comment back, and we'll build something step by step. But, I highly, highly, highly encourage you to check out the automated email capabilities of NetSuite before trying to develop something special.

Error 5337 submitting InfoPath form to SharePoint

I have some InfoPath 2010 forms with custom code that submits information to SharePoint 2010 form-enabled libraries. One of the forms has a date field, chosen by a picker and stored in a Date/Time column in the library. The form had been working fine for months, but one day it just started failing with the following error:
There has been an error while processing the form.
Click OK to resume filling out the form. You may want to check
your form data for errors.
When I click "show error details", it shows error code 5337 and gives a correlation ID.
When I look up the error in the event log, the details are as follows:
Business logic failed due to an exception. (User: XXX\frank, Form
Name: Miscellaneous Form, IP: , Request:
Form ID: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:
Type: FormatException,
Exception Message: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.)
I am at a complete loss to understand how this problem can have arisen. No aspect of the solution was touched between when it was working and when it stopped. The date format on the InfoPath form is the same as the date format in the SharePoint list column. The system locale and regional settings are consistent everywhere and have not been changed. The problem arose after a slew of Windows updates on the 20th of January, so I'm wondering if one of those might have caused the problem.
The next steps I plan to take are to rebuild and redeploy the form to see if that fixes the problems. However this is code I inherited and it's part of a larger solution, so I'm nervous about redeployment in case I break other things. That's why I wanted to ask here if anyone has come across this or a similar problem before and can to point out something obvious that I might have overlooked.
Thanks for taking the trouble to read this. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
I've faced some issues with InfoPath after Windows and/or SharePoint updates, so you should not rule out that as root cause of the problem. I would check for any known issues using the updates's name.
Regarding the DateTime format, is your custom code setting the DateTime value? If the answer is yes, make sure you are using the following format for the date.
One other thing, can you check the SharePoint LOGS and copy the exception stacktrace?

CodeIgniter calendar date display - showing one day early in production

I'm using the CodeIgniter calendar class to generate an availability calendar. I use a loop to check if a date is in the "reserved" array, and if it is, give that cell a class of booked.
For some reason, on my server (Ubuntu 11.04), when the calendar is displayed the booked dates are showing one day earlier than they should. I'm trying to debug this, as the problem does not appear on my local machine and the values in the database are correct. Since it works on my local machine, I think it shouldn't be a code problem, either.
I've verified that the php.ini settings for date.timezone are identical, and the system dates (when you type 'date' in command line) are also identical.
Can anyone give me further insight into how to debug this problem?
I ended up figuring out where my issue was. The timezone on my database server was incorrect (6 hours behind my production server).

Refinement Panel - SharePoint 2010

I am facing problems with Refinement Panel in SharePoint 2010.
Please find below the issue:
Suppose we have Following refinement Custom Values as - Custom1, Custom2, Custom3, Custom4, Custom5. And then suppose Custom1-5 have things coming from Managed Properties.
I have uploaded adequate number of documents into the system. Now when I click on one of the values under Custom1 then filtering is done properly...and it shows Custom2, Custom3 if there are any document. I click on values under Custom2 and I could further drill down and get more specific results. All this is default functionality by SharePoint. I have not changed anything here.
But sometimes SharePoint is behaving strangely. If I click on one of the values under Custom3 (or Custom4, Custom5)...then all other filter options are gone. Only Custom3 and the value I clicked to select are shown. I know that the documents in this particular category have Managed Properties which exists under Custom1 and Custom2, yet those are not seen.
My client is after me saying that this is a bug, can anyone help me regarding the same. Am I doing something wrong is this is BUG/FEATURE by SharePoint. If it is a bug or feature please do share with me some document by Microsoft or others mentioning the same. I Googled a lot but could only find ways to use Managed Property etc with Refinement Panel.
Its simple...just change the Threshold Value from 5 to 1. I did not know and wasted so much time running around. I hope this question may save some time for someone else.

Modfification history in webdash board unseen?

I am using my ccnet which is configured with the clear case
and everything is working fine as expected,but i am unable to see
anything in the "ViewProjectModificationHistory".whenever i click this
tab,i see a message which tells that :"No history Data found, make
sure you use the modificationHistory Publisher for this
project".Infact i had added under the tag.And to my
suprise,when i open this same link in the other persons system,it
opens well and fine and see all the modification history recorded.
So can anyone please tell me what could be this issue and how can it
be resolved?
Thanks and regards
You should check your build history file. This will contain the XML data that feeds these reports. In particular, check the modifications/modification nodes to see if they are populated or not.
My guess is that the modifications are not there - so there may be nothing to display.
Another gotcha I have caught myself doing is not actually checking that there was in fact changes committed since the last time I built a project.
