Kohana 3.2 ORM Does not contain model info - kohana-3

I'm working with Kohana 3.2 and have the following code in my controller.
$Blog_Post = new Model_Blogpost();
$Blog_Post->where('id', '=', 1);
$content = $Blog_Post->content;
I Currently have 3 records in my db with id's 1, 2, and 3.
$Blog_Post->content, or any other field return null. and I'm not sure why.

Use ORM::factory('blogpost', $id) or new Model_Blogpost($id) if you need an object with PK == $id.
Check your model after loading.
if $Blog_Post->loaded()
// it works!
// record not found
If record not found, you can see last DB query with $Blog_Post->last_query()
UPD. From comments. Your model will not work with this modifications. Note that ORM data stored in $_object property, and $Blog_Post->content is just a shortcut for $Blog_Post->_object['content'] via __get() method. Of course, if you define public $content property, $Blog_Post->content will return NULL value instead of using DB data.
There is no reason for defining model fields as properties. If you need IDE hints, just use PHPDOC.

At the firm I work for we were looking into upgrading to 3.2 very recently. However, in our evaluation I don't recall seeing a difference in ORM handling methods.
Yours above looks like it should be something like this:
$Blog_Post = ORM::factory('blogpost')->where('id', '=', 1)->find();
$content = $Blog_Post->content;
Assuming your table is called blogposts, of course. I may be wrong about that and if I am, can you link to the documentation that shows this kind of model interaction?


How do you set the value of 'DocumentShowInSiteMap' property in Kentico?

How do you set the value of DocumentShowInSiteMap property in Kentico?
I've tried:
Using the DocumentHelper and TreeHelper apis but with both, this property doesn't give you access to the setter.
Tried running a SQL Query setting the value of dbo.CMS_Document.DocumentShowInSiteMap to 1 and 0. These queries run fine but when I go to the pages app, there is no change in the 'Show in sitemap' property checkbox, ie. setting the database field to 0 doesn't 'untick' this checkbox.
I'm trying to run a scheduled task which will set this property for documents at a specified location automatically. What is the proper way to do this? Any help appreciated.
Have you tried this?
int TheDocumentToModify = 1221;
var PageItem = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(TheDocumentToModify , new TreeProvider());
foreach(var culturePage in PageItem.CultureVersions)
culturePage.SetValue("DocumentShowInSiteMap", true);
// May need to apply Workflow check in / check out, see Kentico API examples based on your need.
Within code, there is no simple way. Setter should be available within special class DocumentCultureDataInfo and it should be saved with SetObject. This class contains all of culture DB fields and is manipulated by DocumentCultureDataInfoProvider.
This class is an internal property of TreeNode. However I have not tried doing this arbitrary in code and mentioned classes are part of innner API.
Your second approach should work, but documents and their properties are cached and you will need to refresh cache so that new DB value is actually picked up Loading of this property goes through simple GetData in LoadDefaultValues for each TreeNode.
Trevor J Fayas's answer would probably work. I figured this out yesterday and just leaving my solution here just in case:
.GetDocuments(task.CurrentSiteName, aliaspath, null, false, "", "", "", -1, false, -1)
.Where(doc => doc.DocumentShowInSiteMap)
.ForEach(node =>
node.SetValue("DocumentShowInSiteMap", false);
Obviously replace aliaspath with the one you need or use DocumentHelper.GetDocuments which takes different parameters.

Yii Lazy Loading From Object Instance ($this) with Criteria (Is it possible?)

I'm new to Yii and used to Kohana. I have two models:
1. sampleRequests -> (this has many SampleShares)
2. sampleShares
In my case I have already instantiated an object (sampleRequest) and I am trying to get a particular sampleShares based on added criteria.
In Kohana I could do:
$myShare = $this->sampleShares->where('user_id','=',$my_user_id)->find();
It Yii I have tried something similar:
$myShare = $this->sampleShares->find(array(
The previous does not work for me however, the following will work:
$myShare = SampleShare::model()->find(array(
'condition'=>'sample_id=:id AND user_id=:user_id',
'params'=>array(':id'=>$this->id, ':user_id'=>Yii::app()->user->id)));
So my question is, can you grab related models with appended select criteria to the relationships established in Yii (particular with the instance or $this)? (Similar to my Koahana example?) If so how do you do that?
$myShare = SampleShare::model()->findAll(array('condition'=>'sample_id='.$id.' AND user_id='.$user_id));
and relation query example
$myShare = SampleShare::model()->with('sampleRequests')->findAll(array('condition'=>'sample_id='.$id.' AND user_id='.$user_id));
you can find the realtion name in your model file...
And then you can get the related table records using $myShare->sampleRequests
you can set relationship between the tables in your model file, like this:
public function relations()
return array(
'category' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'CategoryCategory', 'category_id'),
how to use:
$model=Blog::model()->with('category')->findAll(); //object
Nevermind I figured it out. I just had to replace:

How to query this with ORM?

I've using Kohana for a couple of weeks. One thing I noticed is that Kohana is missing eager loading (as far as I know). Let's say I have the following tables.
When a user opens a subject page, I want to display all the chapters and videos. With ORM, I can do
$tutorials = ORM::factory('subject')->where('id','=', 1)->find();
foreach($tutorials as $tutorial)
$chapters = $tutorial->chapters->find_all();
foreach($chapters as $chapter)
$videos = $chapter->videos->find_all();
The above code is not efficient since it makes too many queries.
I thought about using join or database query builder, but both of them do not return a model object as their results. I also looked into with(), but it seems like it only works with one-to-one relationship.
using join on an ORM object returns an OPM object, but it doesn't return the data from the joining tables.
What would be my best option here? I would like to minimize # of queries and also want to get ORM objects a result. Whatever it would be, should return all the columns from tutorials, chapters, and videos.
First of all, your code is excess. ORM method find() returns 1 Model_Subject object. See
$chapters = ORM::factory('subject', 1)->chapters->find_all();
foreach($chapters as $chapter)
$videos = $chapter->videos->find_all();
With DB builder you can make just 2 requests. First get array of all chapters ids:
$chapters = DB::select('id')
->where('subject_id', '=', '1')
->as_array(NULL, 'id');
Second - get all videos by ids as Model_Video object
$videos = DB::select('id')
->where('chapter_id', 'IN', $chapters)
So I guess you want something like this.
$videos = ORM::factory('Video')
->join(array('chapters', 'chapter'), 'LEFT')->on('video.chapter_id', '=', 'chapter.id')
->join(array('subjects', 'subject'), 'LEFT')->on('chapter.subject_id', '=', 'subject.id')
->where('subject.id', '=', $id)
Come to think of it, if the video belongs_to chapter belongs_to subject, try the following using with():
$videos = ORM::factory('Video')
->with('chapter:subject') // These are the names of the relationships. `:` is separator
// equals $video->chapter->subject;
->where('subject.id', '=', $id)
With things like this it often helps to think 'backwards'. You need the videos on that subject so start with the videos instead of the subject. :)
EDIT: The drawback of the second function is that it is going to preload all the data, it might be shorter to write but heavier on the server. I'd use the first one unless I need to know the subject and chapter anyway.

Astyanax parepared statement withvalues() not working properly

today I migrated to Astyanax 1.56.42 and discovered, that withValues() on prepared statements doesn't seem to work properly with SQL SELECT...WHERE...IN ().
ArrayList<ByteBuffer> uids = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(fileUids.size());
for (int i = 0; i < fileUids.size(); i++) {
uids.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(UUIDtoByteArray(fileUids.get(i)), 0, 16));
result = KEYSPACE.prepareQuery(CF_FILESYSTEM)
.withCql("SELECT * from files where file_uid in (?);")
If my ArrayList contains more than one entry, this results in error
SEVERE: com.netflix.astyanax.connectionpool.exceptions.BadRequestException: BadRequestException: [host=hostname(hostname):9160, latency=5(5), attempts=1]InvalidRequestException(why:there were 1 markers(?) in CQL but 2 bound variables)
What am I doing wrong? Is there any other way to handle a SQL SELECT...WHERE...IN () - statement or did I find a bug?
Best regards
As you mentioned because you are supplying a collection (ArrayList) to a single ? Astyanax throws an exception. I think you need to add a ? for each element you want to have inside the IN clause.
Say you want to have 2 ints stored in an ArrayList called arrayListObj the where clause, your statement looks like this:
SELECT & FROM users WHERE somevalue IN (arrayListObj);
Because you are suppling a collection, this cant work, so you will need multiple ?'s. I.e. you want :
SELECT name, occupation FROM users WHERE userid IN (arrayListObj.get(0), arrayListObj.get(1));
I couldn't find anything on the Astyanax wiki about using the IN clause with prepared statements.

Cleaning user inputs in FuelPHP

I am quite new to the FuelPHP framework. Right now I'm implementing an "autocomplete" for a list of locations.
My code looks like this:
public function action_search($term=null){
$clean_query = Security::clean($term);
$data["locations"] = array();
if ($clean_query != "") {
$data["locations"] = Model_Orm_Location::query()
->where("title", "like", $clean_query."%")
$response = Response::forge(View::forge("location/search", $data));
return $response;
As you can see, I'm concatenating a LIKE statement and it sort of feels bad to me. Is this code safe against SQL injections ? If yes, then is it because:
Security::clean will remove all mess;
where() in the ORM query will do the filtering?
Looking at the implementation of Security::clean in the source code of core/class/security.php, in your case the applied filters depend the configuration security.input_filter, which is empty by default. So no filter is applied.
But when you dig deep into the database abstraction, you will see, that when the query is compiled just before execution, the query builder will apply quote on the value that was supplied in the where condition, which will then apply escape on string values. The implementations of that escape method depend on the DBMS connection:
mysql_real_escape_string for mysql,
mysqli::real_escape_string for mysqli, and
PDO::quote for PDO.
This reflects today’s best practices. So, yes, this is safe against SQL injections.
