How to read a custom path of a file in c++? - visual-c++

My file is located in C:\\Input\\pStep.p21 . i want to open that file in my cpp program. How can i do it? I am using char* inputPath="C:\\Input\\pStep.p21"; but its not finding my file in program. How to get current working directory in VC++?. Its working if try to save p21 file but failing if i read it.
my code in CAA:
CATIUniCodeString inputPath("C:\\Input\\pStep.p21");
SdaiModel edxModel=Null;
//this method reads express schema name, input p21 file and sdaimodel
cout<<"Model created succesfully";

Sorry for not seeing the question earlier.
From what I am seeing in your code, the test is wrong. The FAILED() macro denotes incorrect execution. Thus from you code, if you see "Failed" on the console, it actually means the execution of the method ran OK.
Change your code to something like:
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
cout<<"Model created succesfully";


gradle get relative resource path

When I iterate over source repository I do like this
def resourceDir = proj.sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir
resourceDir.eachFileRecurse( { // only files will be recognized
file ->
def path = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(file.toString())
if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.toString()) in supportedResourceExt) {
proj.logger.lifecycle("Reading file {}.", file)
In log it writes this
Reading file D:\PROJECT_FOLDER\project\subproject\subsubproject\build\resources\main\com\package\something\file.txt
How to get only the part starting with com\package\something\file.txt without explicitly reading it like file.substring(file.indexOf)?
Maybe it's posible to relativize it with project path somehow?
It seems that:
proj.logger.lifecycle("Reading file {}.", file.absolutePath - resourceDir.absolutePath)
should work. Can't check it right now.

Ordering with creating and reading a file in Puppet

I know it is something with the catalog that is the issue, I just can't figure out how to work around it.
I have the following code and I get the following error:
class test1 {
file { '/tmp/test.txt':
ensure => present,
content => 'name=joe',
class test2 {
$test = file('/tmp/test.txt')
notify { $test: }
class test3 {
class { 'test1': } ->
class { 'test2': }
puppet apply -e "include test3"
Error: Could not find any files from test.txt at ../modules/test2/manifests/init.pp
So essentially, I am trying to read a file before it exists, and the ordering doesn't appear to be working. Any ideas how I can work around this?
Based on the description of the function you are trying to utilize it will never operate in the fashion you are trying.
Loads a file from a module and returns its contents as a string.
Affectively what this means is that the file would exist in
And would be loaded using:
file('test1/test.txt') i.e. file(<MODULENAME>/<FILENAME>)

Android Studio - Gradle assemble task

I'm currently struggling with a build process in gradle. My goal is to not have a specific java class in the final .apk for a specific flavor.
The logic goes like this:
1.) before compiling my project delete and copy it to a temp folder
2.) after assembling the apk copy back to my original folder
3.) delete the temp folder
This happens only if I build a specific flavor, so it doesn't happen for all build variants. My code works perfectly when I build only one flavor and one build variant e.g. assembleFlavorRelease, but if I wan't to make my code work for multiple build types; if I run assembleFlavor it should build flavorDebug the same way it does flavorRelease.
However my logic goes trough only the first time and after that it stops, so flavorDebug is build with MyClass and it shouldn't be, while flavorRelease doesn't include MyClass in the .apk because my code runs the first time.
Here is what the code looks like:
task copyResource << {
copy {
from 'src/main/java/'
into 'src/temp'
task deleteResource << {
delete {
task deleteTemp << {
delete {
task copyBackToSource << {
copy {
from 'src/temp/'
into 'src/main/java'
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if ('flavor')) {
deleteResource.dependsOn copyResource
variant.javaCompile.dependsOn deleteResource
variant.assemble.doLast {
I think that the directories which I use in my code are somehow locked when trying to execute the whole process the second time?
I feel that you are approaching the problem in the wrong way. Instead of thinking
Put the java file in src/main/java and remove it from flavorX
You should instead be approaching it as
Add an extra source directory to the source sets for flavorY and flavorZ
Once you approach the problem like this it becomes much easier
If you only want the file in one flavor, you can put the file in the flavor specific source folder using the built in conventions (ie src/flavorX/java)
If you want the file in more than one flavor you could put in src/common/java and do something like
android {
productFlavors {
flavor1 {
flavor2 {
flavor3 {
sourceSets { = ['src/flavor1/java','src/common/java'] = ['src/flavor2/java','src/common/java']
Ok so I got the right solution from here:
If you want to avoid compiling a specific class then use this:
variant.javaCompile.exclude '**/'

Dll making with C++

I'm been trying to start doing a plug-in for a program called "Euroscope" for quite some time and i still can't do anything. I even read a C++ book and nothing, it's too difficult to start.
The question i'm going to ask is a little bit specific and it's going to be difficult to explain but i'm tired of trying to solve this by my own so here it comes.
I have a class that i imported with a bunch of function prototypes in the header called "EuroscopePlugIn".
My principal .cpp is this:
void CPythonPlugInScreen::meu()
//loop over the planes
EuroScopePlugIn::CAircraft ac;
EuroScopePlugIn::CAircraftFlightPlan acfp;
CString str;
CPythonPlugIn object;
EuroScopePlugIn::CAircraftPositionData acpos=ac.GetPosition();
const char *c=ac.GetCallsign();
the "printtofile_simple_int" and "printtofile_simple_char" are defined is the class CPythonPlugIn like this:
void printtofile_simple_int(int n){
ofstream textfile;"FP_simple_int.txt");
So i open the program, load the .dll i created with Build->Solution and it does nothing, the .txt files aren't even created and even the cout produces nothing.
I will give you some of the prototype infos on the header file "EuroScopePlugIn.h" in case you need them to understand my micro program. If you need other,ask me and i'll put it here
inline CPlugIn * GetPlugIn ( void )
return m_pPlugIn ;
} ;
CAircraft AircraftSelectFirst ( void ) const ;
// Return :
// An aircraft object instance.
// Remark:
// This instance is only valid inside the block you are querying.
// Do not save it to a static place or into a member variables.
// Subsequent use of an invalid extracted route reference may
// cause ES to crash.
// Description :
// It selects the first AC in the list.
int GetFinalAltitude ( void ) const ;
// Return :
// The final requested altitude.
Please guys i need help to start with the plug-in making, from that point on with a methodology of trial and error i'll be on my way. I'm just finding it extremely hard to start...
Thank you very much for the help

Check a file already exists in Save As Dialog box - c++, opencascade

I want to create a .stl file for a particular shape where each face of that shape has a different patch name like face1,face 2 etc. I have done this by overriding the StlAPI_Writer and RWStl classes in opencascade. I have used file.Append method instead of file.Build method to do so.
But I have a problem when I save the .stl file in an already existing file, it appends data to the existing one which is incorrect. I want to delete the existing data in the file and append new data face by face for a given shape.
Please help me on this.
You can use this simple function:
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
bool FileExists(string strFilename) {
struct stat stFileInfo;
bool blnReturn;
int intStat;
// Attempt to get the file attributes
intStat = stat(strFilename.c_str(),&stFileInfo);
if(intStat == 0) {
// We were able to get the file attributes
// so the file obviously exists.
blnReturn = true;
} else {
// We were not able to get the file attributes.
// This may mean that we don't have permission to
// access the folder which contains this file. If you
// need to do that level of checking, lookup the
// return values of stat which will give you
// more details on why stat failed.
blnReturn = false;
I assume you use the SaveFileDialogue class. In this case you can handle the return result of the dialogue like this:
if ( saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == ::DialogResult::OK ) {
if ( FileExist(saveFileDialog.FileName) ) {
// erase the file
// write the code using the Append function
This should work, however a easier variant must be accessible if you use something else than Append (something like Write or maybe even Append but with a parameter that specifies to rewrite the file)
