How to redict user to Payoneer for the payment for goods? - payment

Does Payoneer give possibility to redirect users to their site with giving settings in POST-inquiry?

Payoneer currently not providing ways for sending users to a payment page via POST inquiries.
Having said that, we are working on new and innovative services and solutions that will enable such activity in the coming year.
Thank you,
Yaniv Chechik - CTO


Request and/or receive money via transferwise ~ WISE with a Balance Account Invitation Link

I am new to transferwise and want to ask if the thing i want to do is achiviable via the wise-api
The platform/business needs to automate one action among others:
Business need to ask the User to pay via Wise whenever they feel like ready.
Business give the balance account details (Wise balance account) (i think it is the borderless account, right? or is one of the overseas balance accounts [usd, eur, gbp...] )
User pay to business
Via webhook (i think so) we manage the user info and linked the stuff to the DB
Would be nice if i can use the "Request money" flow-endpoint which give you a payment-link with 14 days of exp. But i think you can't use that in the api :(
Are someone who made something like this before using wise?
I'm so new to wise and it is my first time implementing a thing like this from scratch (i'm the only backend dev haha)
I tried to folllow the docs, and i see the endpoints to do this in the Postman Collection, but i dont know if can solve the needs of the business.
If this the only way?
I cant use the "Request money" flow with the api?
Big thanks for reading!

Shopping Cart with ASP.NET MVC 5

Does anyone know where I can get some high quality step by step info on creating a full shopping cart for an mvc 5 ecommerce application? I have seen examples out there but none of them talk about how to add working payment methods and creating a secure checkout. I want to build something like shopify checkout that is secure and simple. I just keep finding examples on everything BEFORE you reach checkout, like sessions and user adding to cart and seeing the view cart etc...
I have read the book Professional ASP.NET MVC 5 by Jon Galloway where he has the example of the MVC Music store, but nothing about how to actually process payments and all that. I know checkout has to also meet a bunch of requirements required by the processor and the gateway (don't wanna get hacked and sued or anything).. How do I even start / approach a project like this?
Can someone help push me in the right direction?
Keep in mind That iam still Newbie :)
Most of the Payment Gateway Providers are similar, in term of Payment Integration. But some might request extra/other information.
Example of 5 + Stripe GateWay:
I came across a question on Stackoverflow regarding payments, it's suggetst that as an "website owner" not to keep/store credit card information, instead let the Gateway Payment handle the information.
Link to the topic:
Storing Credit Card Information

URL to open a CashApp payment?

I'm building an app where I want users to be able click a link to open up CashApp (as well as various other P2P payment apps), as far along in the transaction as possible. My client doesn't want the app to actually handle the payments, just for it to forward along to a place to make the payment.
So, for example, I can go to to open the Venmo app to a certain user's profile, which is basically enough for me. (anyone know how to include an amount or message in the url?)
But goes to a webpage that directs me to the App Store get the app, and doesn't even open the app on my phone if it's already downloaded.
Anyone know how to do this?
This is actually quite simple with a universal link:$username/amount
The following example will open a cash app payment of $12.50 for the user with username 'helloworld':$helloworld/12.50
To pass info to Venmo app you can use:
This is the url format for Venmo deeplinking:<USER_NAME_1>,<USER_NAME_2>...?txn=<charge|pay>&note=<NOTE>&amount=<AMOUNT>
You can read more about the url format for Venmo Deeplinking here.
##"This is actually quite simple with a universal link:$username/amount
The following example will open a cash app payment of $12.50 for the user with username 'helloworld':$helloworld/12.50"##
I also used the same format but instead of app I used me:$username/5.00/
And when i click on the button with the as anchored:
The phone with the APP opens the payment of $5.00 with the username and the person just needs to hit send.
At this time, the ability to integrate with Cash app or accept or send Square Cash payments aren't currently available for Square’s API. Extract custom value from link

we're facing a problem right now: We're using the SMS gateway feature from which simply does not work properly worldwide (e.g. Lituanian cell phones won't receive any messages at all).
Therefore i need a fallback method for people that cannot receive an SMS to their phone with the downloadlink in the Appstore. (The Links have an effect on the branding of our app)
The fallback is to let them use a voucher code which COULD be generated from a custom value that we store for each Link
This is an ordinary Link with its 2 custom values
The landing page opens in the browser and i'd like to be able to identify the SponsorID on the website so that i can return a voucher code that is suitable for the specific SponsorID of the Link.
Right now i've already integrated the Web SDK into the website.
Is that "reverse engineering of the SponsorID" possible based on the Link and the WebSDK integration?
I'd really appreciate your help!
Thank you,
Jackie from Branch here.
Our SMS page service supports international numbers but only if the number the SMS has to be delivered is in the same country the SMS is being sent from. Could you please make sure the sender is physically located in Lithuania? I'd also suggest creating your own Twilio integration if you want to bypass these restrictions we have on our system
Regarding your fallback method: you want to have users click on a Branch link that will open your website and based on the link data (sponsor ID), you want to provide them with unique voucher codes? If my assumption is correct, you can achieve this by custom event tracking and user identity tracking. (relevant docs:
Hopefully, this helps. Let us know if you have additional questions about the info above, or about anything else related to integrating Branch.
Jackie Choi

Using Gmail API to update website when receiving an email

new to programming on the web so bear with me.
I've figured out that OAuth2.0 (the authorization protocol used by Gmail) is used for applications where Site A is given permission to information in Site B (in this case Gmail) by User X.
I am trying to create a website that updates when I receive an email from a specific sender. So, I am not using any of my website users' email information. I'm only using my own. I cannot seem to figure out (or even understand at a high level) how to permanently give my website access to my gmail account without doing some kind of user authentication on myself. What is the high-level process for giving my website this permanent authentication?
Let me know if I can make this clearer. Thank you in advance!
I've never done what you are trying to do, but you may find some useful answers here :)
Getting e-mail ID of sender while fetching mails from Gmail
I hope this helps if not I'm sorry. :)
After reading that link a little bit more there are parts of it where they are getting the sender. You can always write a code to compare the sender by implementing what you need from that link. :)
