Vim Color Scheme Problems on Ubuntu 11.04 [closed] - vim

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Closed 11 years ago.
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When I change my color scheme in command-line Vim on Ubuntu 11.04, stripes on the bottom and right of the terminal (xterm) refuse to change color. While I can select any color scheme that I like, the two bands of color will remain at the default set for my xterm profile. Here's a link to an image to illustrate what I describe; my best guess is that xterm is not playing well with fullscreen mode in Unity. Do you have any suggestions for things I should try in order to fix this?

Vim is applying its colors to individual character cells.
Your expanded xterm window's width and height are probably not divisible by the width and height of a single character cell.
With my own font settings, a cell is 7 px by 15 px.
My display is 1600px wide and 1200 px tall, a fullscreen xterm would cover the entire area but the available cells would only cover an area of 1594 px * 1200 px, leaving a tiny 4 px wide vertical band on the right and — luckily — fit the whole height.
I see one easy way to get rid of your "stripes": set the background color of xterm to the same color you use in your colorscheme or vice-versa.


I want to make image sticky in Android Xamarin layout for native App.I am using axml for layout rendering [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to make the image sticky in the layout right end corner in axml.
I Realize now OP needs Xamarin Android. This was written for Xamarin Forms. :)
Check this question as this is a possible duplicate:
Set the absolute position of a view
Try an absolute layout.
<!--If You have other content, like a stacklayout, put it before the image (like below)-->
<StackLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0,0,1,1">
<!--Content Here -->
<Image Source="YOUR IMAGE SOURCE" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="1,1,0.2,0.2" />
Let me explain how absolute layout kinda works.
So an absolute layout allows you to place things on top of each other (Or just set a static position).
Absolute Layout Bounds work as follows:
(position X start, position Y start, Width, Height).
So by typing (0,0,1,1), I'm telling it to start at 0,0, and the width and height should be the same size as the window. If I were to do (0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2), then I'd be telling it to start half way down and half way from the left, and make the object 0.2 of the total window size.
Ref Documentation:
Hope this helps

Disable borders from floating windows in i3wm [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I can disable borders from not floating windows by enabling hide_edge_borders both. But when I open up a floating windows like lxterminal, i got this borders to change window size.
What can i do to disable this borders, but not disabling title of a window?
hide_edge_borders hides only borders adjacent to the screen edges and only on the tiling layer. This is independent of the border settings of the affected windows.
You can set the initial border style for windows with the new_window and new_float settings:
new_window none
new_window normal|pixel [<px>]
new_float none
new_float normal|pixel [<px>]
The setting none means no border and no title bar. normal gives a title bar and borders which are two pixel wide by default. The border width can be changed with the optional <px> setting, a setting of 0 keeps the title bar but removes the borders. pixel (also with optional width) produces borders on all sides but without title bar.
new_window sets the style for windows that start on the tiling layer, which - with i3 - is almost every window. new_float sets the style for windows that start out as floating windows, which are mostly dialog windows. These settings do not affect the border style if the floating status is changed later. Later also includes settings like
for_window [class="SOMECLASS"] floating enable
as they are also done only after the window was already created.
This leaves you with a few possible solutions
If you do not need any borders the solution is quite simple. You can just set:
new_window normal 0
new_float normal 0
This removes any borders including between tiled windows. You may then also remove the hide_edge_borders setting, as it is then no longer needed.
If you want to keep the tiling layer as it is at the moment - edges between windows, but not on the screen edges - it gets trickier. As said above, the new_float setting only affects windows that are initially floating, but not those that are later - automatically or manually - set to be so. The simplest solution there probably would be to have separate commands for floating and un-floating a window (instead of just toggling) and extend any for_window settings to also remove/add borders as needed. For example:
# New tiling windows with title bar and borders
new_window normal 2
# New floating windows with title bar and without borders
new_float normal 0
# Hide borders on edges
hide_edge_borders both
# Set variables for floating and un-floating commands
set $FLOAT floating enable, border normal 0
set $UNFLOAT floating disable, border normal 2
# Key bindings
# Switch between tiling and floating layer (Super+Space)
bindcode Mod4+65 focus mode_toggle
# Put windows on floating layer and remove borders (Super+Shift+Space)
bindcode Mod4+Shift+65 $FLOAT
# Make windows on tiling layer and add borders (Super+Control+Space)
bindcode Mod4+Control+65 $UNFLOAT
# Auto-float some windows
for_window [class="SomeClass"] $FLOAT
for_window [title="ThisTitle"] $FLOAT
# Auto-un-float some other windows
for_window [class="SomeOtherClass" window_type="dialog"] $UNFLOAT
for_window [title="ThatTitle"] $UNFLOAT
Setting variables for the float and un-float commands helps readability and maintainability. Setting variables for the border types does not make a lot of sense because variables are not evaluated recursively. So it is not possible to set a variable for a border style and reuse that in the setting of a variable for the float/un-float commands.
I used bindcode because I could not get the combination Super+Control+Space with bindsym on my system. Of course this is just an example and it may not be needed on your system anyway.
If you want to keep the current layout but also want to be able to just toggle the floating state of a window with a single shortcut, you will have to make use of i3's IPC interface. Utilizing the IPC you can check for the current status of the focused window. Then you can float/un-float the window and change the border style it.

Finding the most colorful in a number of hex-colors [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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in order to generate a dynamic color scheme for a webpage I read the dominant colors from an image. These include some very dark and some very light colors. All of which are not very good in being a base for a color scheme.
I need to select the most colorful/satured color from a set of colors.
I've looked at the HSL-values and thought about using those with the highest S and L values but this can also give me some very "dirty" colors.
Is there a good way the solve this? Somehow this seems like the way IOS7 selects a color from album art.
Thanks for any help!
Your best bet is to use the HSL conversion with custom mapping to avoid any hues you don't want:
CGFloat hue; // in degrees, [0,360)
NSArray undesirableHueRanges = #[NSMakeRange(25, 20), NSMakeRange(180, 20)]; // e.g., you don't want colors with hues between 25º to 45º and 180º to 200º
for (NSRange undesirableRange in undesirableHueRanges) {
if (hue > undesirableRange.location && hue < NSMaxRange(undesirableRange)) {
if (hue > undesirableRange.location + 0.5 * undesirableRange.length) {
hue = NSMaxRange(undesirableRange);
} else {
hue = undesirableRange.location;
Don't forget to use the built-in color picker in most Mac apps (including Xcode) to play with different color modes:

What do each of PuTTY's text colours represent? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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For example what is white text on a pink background?
Or white text on a red background?
From Here
Executable files: Green
Normal file : Normal
Directory: Blue
Symbolic link : Cyan
Pipe: Yellow
Socket: Magenta
Block device driver: Bold yellow foreground, with black background
Character device driver: Bold yellow foreground, with black
Orphaned syminks : Blinking Bold white with red background
Missing links ( … and the files they point to) : Blinking Bold
white with red background
Archives or compressed : Red (.tar, .gz, .zip, .rpm)
Image files : Magenta (.jpg, gif, bmp, png, tif)

Photoshop CS5 - making text have effect but with a transparent fill....totally stuck [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have been using Photoshop for about three weeks now, finding it very different to fireworks...
Im trying to make a cool effect on my site, I want to use JQuery to slide a background image behind some text, and the background show through the text. I need to text to be placed in a white box, with the text itself "punched" out, so you can literally see through it (but only the text, the white box will cover everything else). The text also needs an inner shadow effect...just no fill. I am having real problems finding this info, can anyone help?
Many thanks, Dan
Create your white background layer
Create your text layer with the font and size you want
Ctrl+Click the text icon in the Layers panel to select the outline of your text
Select your white background layer and press delete to cut the text shape from your background
Select your text layer and delete it
Apply your drop shadow or glow filters to your background layer
Save as a transparent PNG-24
Your question doesn't sound too clear but i think animating the opacity of either of text or background would help.check this
