Escaping from Affinity while Polling in the Azure Cloud - azure

I am trying to build an application in Windows Azure that requires notifications - so I am using Http Polling, but I got a problem. I need to get to the very same instance of my web role so I can maintain the polling. I found a solution with web farm request rewriting(adding extra proxy role), but I don't like the solution.
Soo my question:
Is there a way to do stateless polling and if there is someone that implemented this - can you give me a hint or link?

You just need the poll request to thunk through to some sort of shared 'stateful' layer. Probably the best candidate would be to use the Windows Azure caching service. you could also just use storage and choosing between the two will largely be determined by how busy your app is; i.e. whether it is cheaper to pay a fixed cost for some cache space with no per request charge or pay almost nothing for your storage space but pay a per request charge.
By taking this approach it does not matter if susequent polling requests end up routed to a different instance. To me this is best practice regardless; I've seen some fugly bugs pop up when people assume session affinity when making AJAX calls back into an Azure web role.


Best approach for using azure service bus with azure function for ERP order import

I’m in need of some second opinions and guidance on how to use Azure Functions in combination with Azure Service Bus in the scenario described below. Coding is not an issue its about selecting the most appropriate method. Sadly, I have not found any good example of this online so now I’m reaching out for some help.
I have an ecommerce customer that is sending a few thousand orders a day to an ERP system. The normal day operations are not an issue, but we would like to make the solution more robust to handle for example “Black Friday” surges. Currently the website can hold x amount of orders before that database is full and is forced to close or send order downstream. Currently the website sends order directly into the ERP system and it is this part I want to decouple with Azure Server Bus Queues. With this decoupling we can continue pushing new orders to the queue and consuming these at our own pace in the ERP without flooding any system.
My thoughts about how to set this up
The website can send messages directly to the Service Bus Queue. An Azure Function is bound to trigger on every new message in the queue and will send that message to the ERP system.
Same as above however the website first sends a message to an Azure Function that puts it into the queue.
The website sends messages to the queue like in point 1 or 2. Instead of binding a function to the queue we setup a scheduled function. The function will run frequently and send 1 message to the ERP system per run.
The website sends messages to the queue like in point 1 or 2. Here we do not send messages to the ERP system but instead the ERP system is the one who reads the queue. Do not like this approach but its possible to do and easy to administrate by ERP users.
If I go with point 1 or 2 above should the function responsible for delivering the message to the ERP system send 1 or multiple orders per trigger?
If I go with point 1 or 2 it should still be possible to flood the ERP system since they most likely trigger at the same time they get put in?
If the ERP system is down and the queue grows, do I need a separate scheduled function to handle the queue until it is empty?
We do not have to discuss the dead letter queue here, that is another topic.
How would you approach this or if you have done a similar solution what method did you use?
Thank you for your guidance much appriciated!
We've learned a lot in the past couple of years working with Azure Functions and Service Bus to solve similar scenarios you mentioned above. You're definitely on the right track regards to wanting to decouple in case of a surge. To give you some peace of mind with your choice to use Azure Service Bus, we normally push hundreds of events a minute through our topics and subscriptions and it holds up pretty well.
Let me just share some of the lessons we learned:
The concurrent number of incoming requests within the same second
was one of our breaking points. The website when written properly
will easily accommodate multiple incoming requests but we learned
about "port exhaustion" related to outbound web requests to our
Azure Function. Review the scope and lifetime of your web client and
the limits of your app service plan / web server.
If you choose to use a consumption plan for your Azure Function, be
aware that it sometimes takes a long time to start. Whatever is
hitting the function will have to implement retries (probably a good
practice anyway).
A Service Bus Message has a size limit (which can be increased, but
there's still a limit). We randomly hit it with one of our payloads
that contains a bulk of information. Know the worst case scenario
payload size you may encounter.
In the event something goes wrong and there are tens of thousands of
messages in the queue, there is no easy way to query what's in
there. Make sure you're fine with that otherwise consider
doing fast writes into a database that can be queried.
The Azure Function can be triggered by Service Bus and can spawn
multiple concurrent executions of the code (which is desired) and
with a limit. Be aware of any limitations with code to update your
ERP. You will have no control over Service Bus triggers.
Be conscious about the function's storage account, functions with
same name will have their trigger settings and locks stepping on
each other (dev vs. prod environment).
Connections to Azure Service Bus will sometimes fail, just the
nature of services hosted in the cloud. It only happens a few times
and recovers after a few seconds.
Consider doing this:
Website -> Azure API Management Gateway -> Azure Function A -> Service Bus -> Azure Function B -> ERP
Azure API Management with AppInsights enabled is a nice extra layer allowing you to secure, monitor, and route to your Function A. In cases where you need to route incoming requests to some emergency bucket it's a life saver.
Consider allowing function 1 to accept an array of your items. Enable AppInsights, add code for telemetry, providing preview of throughput in terms of orders.
Function B with a configurable timer trigger and some app configuration for number of messages to process from the queue. Allows you to throttle flow of data to your ERP. This may be debatable as you won't be able to scale this function out with multiple instances, but I'm assuming the original concern was to control the pace. Also enable same AppInsights, telemetry, logging, etc.
I'm hoping I don't draw too much criticism from this. We learned the hard way and eventually received some really good guidance from Azure architects and engineers later.

Azure Logic Apps - Disable/Limit based on Runs Started

I have an Azure Logic App that provides a publicly accessible HTTPS URL to trigger the Azure logic app. The Logic App does a number of data manipulations and so on and then sends a response back to the requester. This is working well but I am concerned about escalating costs if some one intentionally calls this HTTPS URL (ie: a DDOS attack or something along those lines)
What is the best way to stop this? I know Azure has a limit of 100 000 runs per 5 minutes but that still adds up quickly. Is there a better way to put a threshold in place to stop a situation like this? Some thoughts I had:
Create a metric alert and call another Azure Logic App to disable the open logic app being called repetitively. But I do not seem to be able to get this to work.
Use Traffic manager or something similar to manage some limits or threshold but not sure how this would work either.
Any advise or thoughts would be very helpful. The through put on the Logic App would be relatively low and anything over say 5000 calls in 10 minutes would be out of the norm. For this reason the costs are relatively low and things like Azure DDOS protection are just too expensive. So the approach definitely needs to be cost efficient.
The best solution is to use some form of API management to securely expose your API's.
Here's a good blog post on how to secure your API's with Azure API Management:

What are the steps to migrate from on-premises Windows Service Bus to Azure Service Bus

I have 40+ micro-services using Windows Service Bus 1.1 with lots of Queues/Topics/Subscriptions and messages, and I am going to use Azure Service Bus instead.
How can I move all the information and the farm on-premises to Azure?
Not sure you can "move" anything off on-premises into Azure. What you will need to do is to transition your solution. And that's where it's getting a bit hairy.
First, answer the question if you can stop your system for a massive redeployment w/o impacting the business. If you are (which would be rare), you're in a luck as you could take the system offline and "transition" to the new topology on the Azure Service Bus. But that is highly unpropable situation.
A more realistic scenario is when you cannot turn down the sytem. An approach to take is to transition gradually. 40 microservices you've mentioned operate on the same WSSB. You could attempt to take one by one on the Azure Service Bus, but then other services need to know how to communicate over ASB and WSSB as well. Potentially, having a middleware infrastructure that knows to send and recieve to/from both WSSB and ASB until you can disable the WSSB completely. The devil is in details, which for a clear reason cannot be shared here.
And there are also complications such as messages in flight that are sent in the future. Those need to be accounted for. I would recommend to turn to Microsoft support for some pointers, but be aware that the product is already out of support and they technically are not necessarily have to provide any assistence.

Direct connect to SQL Azure vs connection via API service layer?

Currently our DB works in customer's local network and we have client app on C# to consume data. Due to some business needs, we got order to start moving everything to Azure. DB will be moving to Azure SQL.
We had discussion about accessing DB. There are two points:
One guy said that we have to add one more layer between our app (that will be working outside Azure at end-user PCs) and SQL Azure. In other words he suggested adding API service that will be translated all requests to DB, i.e. app(on-premises) -> API service (on Azure)-> SQL Azure. This approach looks more reliable and secure, since we are hiding SQL Azure behind facade of API service and the app talks to our API service only. It looks more like a reverse proxy. Obviously, behind this API we can build more sophisticated structure of DBs.
Another guy suggested connecting directly to DB, i.e. app(on-premises) -> SQL Azure. So far we don't have any plans to change structure of DB or even increase count of DBs. He claims it more simple and we can secure our connection the same way. Having additional service that just re-translates our queries to DB and back looks like wasting time.In the future, if needed, we would add this API.
What would you select and recommend, and why ?
Few notes:
We are going to use Azure AD to authenticate users.
Our application will be moving to Azure too, but later (in 1-2 years), we have plans to create REST API and move to thin client instead of fat client we have right now.
Good performance is our goal, we don't want to add extra things that can decrease it, but security is our most important goal as well.
Certainly an intermediate layer is one way to go. There isn't enough detail to be sure, but I wonder why you don't try the second option. Usually some redevelopment is normal. But if you can get away without it, and you get sufficient performance then that's even better.
I hope this helps.
Thank you.
If your application is not just a prototype (it sounds like it is not), then I advise you to build the intermediate API. The primary reasons for this are:
Rolling out a new version of an API is simple: You have either only one deployment or you have something like Octopus Deploy that deploys to a few instances at the same time for you. Deploying client applications is usually much more involved: Creating installers, distributing them, making sure users install them, etc.
If you build the API, you will be able to make changes to the DB and hide these changes from the client applications by just modifying the API implementation, but keeping the API interfaces the same. Moving forward, this will simplify the tasks for your team considerably.
As soon as you have different roles/permissions in your system, you will need to implement them with DB security features if you connect to the DB directly. This may work for simple cases, but even there it is a pain to manage.
With an API, you can implement authorization in the API using C#. Like this, you can build whatever you need and you're not restricted by the security features the DB offers.
Also, if you don't take extra care about this, you may end up exposing the DB credentials to the client app, which will be a major security flaw.
Build the intermediate API. Except you have strong reasons not to. As always with architecture considerations, I'm sure there are cases where the above points don't apply. Just make sure you understand all the implications if you decide to go the direct route.

Background Worker or Worker with Service Bus for SQL Database access?

I'm building a game for Windows Phone 8 and would like to use Windows Azure SQL Database for storing my users' data (mostly scores and rankings).
I have been reading Azure's documentation on SQL Database and found this link which describes just the scenario I'm looking for (it's Scenario B in the picture): I want my clients (the game running in a user's windows phone) to get data from an SQL Server through a middle application also hosted on Windows Azure.
By reading further the documentation (personally I think it's really messy and hard to find what you're looking for in there), I've learned that I could use Cloud Services for this middle application, however I'm not sure if I should use a background worker which provides an HTTP API or a worker with a Service Bus Relay (I discovered that I can use service bus in WP8 in this link).
I've got a few questions that I couldn't find an answer to:
1) What would be the "standard" way to go in this case?
2) If both ways are acceptable, are there other advantages to using a Service Bus other than an easier way to connect and send messages to my middle application? What are the disadvantages?
3) Is a cloud service really what I'm looking for (and not just a VM with the middle application code running in it)?
Its difficult to answer these sort of question as there are lots of considerations. I don't believe there is a necessarily 'standard way'.
The Service Bus' relay service's purpose is to help traverse firewalls and NATs, not something that directly relates to your scenario, I suspect.
The Service Bus, though, also includes a messaging capability which provides queues, topics and subscriptions to use to exchange messages between clients or client/server.
You could use the phone client to write and read messages to/from queues. you would then have a worker role hosting your application logic and accessing the database as needed.
Some of the advantages of using messaging include being load leveller, helping handling peaks in traffic (at the expense of latency), helping separating concerns and allowing you to accept requests from the clients when the backend is down as so can help with resiliency.
In theory they can also help you deliver messages to the client in the same fashion, by using a queue or subscription per client, but for a large number of clients this may become a management issue.
On the downside you would have to work with what is a proprietary protocol, and will need to understand the characteristics and limitations of the service bus. you will need to manage the queues and topics over time. there will also be some increased latency, although typically not an issue and, finally, you will have to implement asynchronous messaging on the client side which has advantages but is also harder to implement.
I would imagine that many architectures follow the WEB API route by using a web role cloud service exposing the API. The web role can then perform any business logic and connect to the database in the background.
A third option, which you didn't mention, is to use Windows Azure Mobile Services and implement your business logic as a service API there
