Is it possible to export constructors for pattern matching, but not for construction, in Haskell Modules? - haskell

A vanilla data type in Haskell has zero or more constructors, each of which plays two roles.
In expressions, it supports introduction, its a function from zero or more arguments to the data type.
In patterns, it supports elimination, its kinda like a function from the data type to Maybe (tuple of argument types).
Is it possible for a module signature to hide the former while exposing the latter?
The use case is this: I have a type, T, whose constructors types alone can sometimes be used to construct nonsense. I have construction functions which can be used to build instances of the type that are guaranteed not to be nonsense. It would make sense to hide the constructors in this case, but it would still be useful for callers to be able to pattern match over the guaranteed-non-nonsense that they build with the construction functions.
I suspect this is impossible, but in case anyone has a way to do it, I though I would ask.
Next best thing is to hide the constructors and create a bunch of functions from T -> Maybe (This, That), T -> Maybe (The, Other, Thing), etc.

You can use a view type and view patterns to do what you want:
module ThingModule (Thing, ThingView(..), view) where
data Thing = Foo Thing | Bar Int
data ThingView = FooV Thing | BarV Int
view :: Thing -> ThingView
view (Foo x) = FooV x
view (Bar y) = BarV y
Note that ThingView is not a recursive data type: all the value constructors refer back to Thing. So now you can export the value constructors of ThingView and keep Thing abstract.
Use like this:
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Main where
import ThingModule
doSomethingWithThing :: Thing -> Int
doSomethingWithThing(view -> FooV x) = doSomethingWithThing x
doSomethingWithThing(view -> BarV y) = y
The arrow notation stuff is GHC's View Patterns. Note that it requires a language pragma.
Of course you're not required to use view patterns, you can just do all the desugaring by hand:
doSomethingWithThing :: Thing -> Int
doSomethingWithThing = doIt . view
where doIt (FooV x) = doSomethingWithThing x
doIt (BarV y) = y
Actually we can do a little bit better: There is no reason to duplicate all the value constructors for both Thing and ThingView
module ThingModule (ThingView(..), Thing, view) where
newtype Thing = T {view :: ThingView Thing}
data ThingView a = Foo a | Bar Int
Continue useing it the same way as before, but now the pattern matches can use Foo and Bar.
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Main where
import ThingModule
doSomethingWithThing :: Thing -> Int
doSomethingWithThing(view -> Foo x) = doSomethingWithThing x
doSomethingWithThing(view -> Bar y) = y

From GHC 7.8 on you can use PatternSynonyms to export patterns independent from constructors. So an analogue to #Lambdageek’s answer would be
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module ThingModule (Thing, pattern Foo, pattern Bar) where
pattern Foo a <- RealFoo a
pattern Bar a <- RealBar a
data Thing = RealFoo Thing | RealBar Int
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Main where
import ThingModule
doSomethingWithThing :: Thing -> Int
doSomethingWithThing (Foo x) = doSomethingWithThing x
doSomethingWithThing (Bar y) = y
So it looks like normal constructors.
If you try to use Bar to construct a value, you get
Bar used in an expression, but it's a non-bidirectional pattern synonym
In the expression: Bar y

You cannot. But if there are only reasonable number of constructors for your type T, you may want to hide the constructors and instead provide a function which does the pattern matching in the same spirit as maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b.


Functor instance of kind *

I have newtype:
newtype Foo = Foo ([Int])
I would like to simply apply Int -> Int function over it like it is possible with fmap.
I thought it will be enough to derive or implement Functor instance, but it requires type of * -> * kind.
Is there some builtin way to make my type partially fmap-able?
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
type instance Element Foo = Int
instance MonoFunctor Foo where
-- omap :: (Int -> Int) -> Foo -> Foo
omap = ...
Before getting carried away, you should keep in mind that you're trying to avoid (1) naming and (2) writing the monomorphic function:
mapFoo :: (Int -> Int) -> (Foo -> Foo)
mapFoo f (Foo ints) = Foo (f <$> ints)
If you really don't want to give this function a separate name and want GHC to write the function for you, I think the only sensible way is to re-define your type as a proper functor of kind * -> * with an automatically derived instance:
newtype FooF a = Foo [a] deriving (Functor)
and then define a type alias for the specialization to Int:
type Foo = FooF Int
This is not precisely equivalent to your original definition of Foo. In particular, the following expression in isolation:
Foo [1,2,3]
will have type Num a => FooF a instead of type Foo = FooF Int, so GHC may fail to infer types in all the places it used to. But, this Foo type alias will mostly behave like your original Foo newtype and will allow you to write:
fmap (*5) $ Foo [1,2,3]
and such.
On the other hand, if you want to keep your newtype the same, don't mind writing the function yourself, yet don't want to give that function a separate name, you can't use fmap (at least not without overriding the prelude definition, which kind of defeats the purpose). However, as per #leftroundabout's answer, you can use omap from the mono-traversable package. Because this requires you to define the function yourself in a MonoFunctor Foo instance (e.g., using the same definition as mapFoo above), there's no real point unless you're doing this for a bunch of non-functors besides Foo and want to use a single omap name for all of them or want to write functions that can handle any such MonoFunctor uniformly.

Is this use of GADTs fully equivalent to existential types?

Existentially quantified data constructors like
data Foo = forall a. MkFoo a (a -> Bool)
| Nil
can be easily translated to GADTs:
data Foo where
MkFoo :: a -> (a -> Bool) -> Foo
Nil :: Foo
Are there any differences between them: code which compiles with one but not another, or gives different results?
They are nearly equivalent, albeit not completely so, depending on which extensions you turn on.
First of all, note that you don't need to enable the GADTs extension to use the data .. where syntax for existential types. It suffices to enable the following lesser extensions.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
With these extensions, you can compile
data U where
U :: a -> (a -> String) -> U
foo :: U -> String
foo (U x f) = f x
g x = let h y = const y x
in (h True, h 'a')
The above code also compiles if we replace the extensions and the type definition with
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data U = forall a . U a (a -> String)
The above code, however, does not compile with the GADTs extension turned on! This is because GADTs also turns on the MonoLocalBinds extension, which prevents the above definition of g to compile. This is because the latter extension prevents h to receive a polymorphic type.
From the documentation:
Notice that GADT-style syntax generalises existential types (Existentially quantified data constructors). For example, these two declarations are equivalent:
data Foo = forall a. MkFoo a (a -> Bool)
data Foo' where { MKFoo :: a -> (a->Bool) -> Foo' }
(emphasis on the word equivalent)
The latter isn't actually a GADT - it's an existentially quantified data type declared with GADT syntax. As such, it is identical to the former.
The reason it's not a GADT is that there is no type variable that gets refined based on the choice of constructor. That's the key new functionality added by GADTs. If you have a GADT like this:
data Foo a where
StringFoo :: String -> Foo String
IntFoo :: Int -> Foo Int
Then pattern-matching on each constructor reveals additional information that can be used inside the matching clause. For instance:
deconstructFoo :: Foo a -> a
deconstructFoo (StringFoo s) = "Hello! " ++ s ++ " is a String!"
deconstructFoo (IntFoo i) = i * 3 + 1
Notice that something very interesting is happening there, from the point of view of the type system. deconstructFoo promises it will work for any choice of a, as long as it's passed a value of type Foo a. But then the first equation returns a String, and the second equation returns an Int.
This is what you cannot do with a regular data type, and the new thing GADTs provide. In the first equation, the pattern match adds the constraint (a ~ String) to its context. In the second equation, the pattern match adds (a ~ Int).
If you haven't created a type where pattern-matching can cause type refinement, you don't have a GADT. You just have a type declared with GADT syntax. Which is fine - in a lot of ways, it's a better syntax than the basic data type syntax. It's just more verbose for the easiest cases.

Why do Haskell's scoped type variables not allow binding of type variables in pattern bindings?

I noticed that GHC's ScopedTypeVariables is able to bind type variables in function patterns but not let patterns.
As a minimal example, consider the type
data Foo where Foo :: Typeable a => a -> Foo
If I want to gain access to the type inside a Foo, the following function does not compile:
fooType :: Foo -> TypeRep
fooType (Foo x) =
let (_ :: a) = x
in typeRep (Proxy::Proxy a)
But using this trick to move the type variable binding to a function call, it works without issue:
fooType (Foo x) =
let helper (_ :: a) = typeRep (Proxy::Proxy a)
in helper x
Since let bindings are actually function bindings in disguise, why aren't the above two code snippets equivalent?
(In this example, other solutions would be to create the TypeRep with typeOf x, or bind the variable directly as x :: a in the top-level function. Neither of those options are available in my real code, and using them doesn't answer the question.)
The big thing is, functions are case expressions in disguise, not let expressions. case matching and let matching have different semantics. This is also why you can't match a GADT constructor that does type refinement in a let expression.
The difference is that case matches evaluate the scrutinee before continuing, whereas let matches throw a thunk onto the heap that says "do this evaluation when the result is demanded". GHC doesn't know how to preserve locally-scoped types (like a in your example) across all the potential ways laziness may interact with them, so it just doesn't try. If locally-scoped types are involved, use a case expression such that laziness can't become a problem.
As for your code, ScopedTypeVariables actually provides you a far more succinct option:
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs #-}
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Proxy
data Foo where
Foo :: Typeable a => a -> Foo
fooType :: Foo -> TypeRep
fooType (Foo (x :: a)) = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)

Test if a value matches a constructor

Say I have a data type like so:
data NumCol = Empty |
Single Int |
Pair Int Int |
Lots [Int]
Now I wish to filter out the elements matching a given constructor from a [NumCol]. I can write it for, say, Pair:
get_pairs :: [NumCol] -> [NumCol]
get_pairs = filter is_pair
where is_pair (Pair _ _) = True
is_pair _ = False
This works, but it's not generic. I have to write a separate function for is_single, is_lots, etc.
I wish instead I could write:
get_pairs = filter (== Pair)
But this only works for type constructors that take no arguments (i.e. Empty).
So the question is, how can I write a function that takes a value and a constructor, and returns whether the value matches the constructor?
At least get_pairs itself can be defined relatively simply by using a list comprehension to filter instead:
get_pairs xs = [x | x#Pair {} <- xs]
For a more general solution of matching constructors, you can use prisms from the lens package:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.Extras (is)
data NumCol = Empty |
Single Int |
Pair Int Int |
Lots [Int]
-- Uses Template Haskell to create the Prisms _Empty, _Single, _Pair and _Lots
-- corresponding to your constructors
makePrisms ''NumCol
get_pairs :: [NumCol] -> [NumCol]
get_pairs = filter (is _Pair)
Tags of tagged unions ought to be first-class values, and with a wee bit of effort, they are.
Jiggery-pokery alert:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures,
TypeFamilies, PolyKinds, FlexibleInstances,
Step one: define type-level versions of the tags.
data TagType = EmptyTag | SingleTag | PairTag | LotsTag
Step two: define value-level witnesses for the representability of the type-level tags. Richard Eisenberg's Singletons library will do this for you. I mean something like this:
data Tag :: TagType -> * where
EmptyT :: Tag EmptyTag
SingleT :: Tag SingleTag
PairT :: Tag PairTag
LotsT :: Tag LotsTag
And now we can say what stuff we expect to find associated with a given tag.
type family Stuff (t :: TagType) :: * where
Stuff EmptyTag = ()
Stuff SingleTag = Int
Stuff PairTag = (Int, Int)
Stuff LotsTag = [Int]
So we can refactor the type you first thought of
data NumCol :: * where
(:&) :: Tag t -> Stuff t -> NumCol
and use PatternSynonyms to recover the behaviour you had in mind:
pattern Empty = EmptyT :& ()
pattern Single i = SingleT :& i
pattern Pair i j = PairT :& (i, j)
pattern Lots is = LotsT :& is
So what's happened is that each constructor for NumCol has turned into a tag indexed by the kind of tag it's for. That is, constructor tags now live separately from the rest of the data, synchronized by a common index which ensures that the stuff associated with a tag matches the tag itself.
But we can talk about tags alone.
data Ex :: (k -> *) -> * where -- wish I could say newtype here
Witness :: p x -> Ex p
Now, Ex Tag, is the type of "runtime tags with a type level counterpart". It has an Eq instance
instance Eq (Ex Tag) where
Witness EmptyT == Witness EmptyT = True
Witness SingleT == Witness SingleT = True
Witness PairT == Witness PairT = True
Witness LotsT == Witness LotsT = True
_ == _ = False
Moreover, we can easily extract the tag of a NumCol.
numColTag :: NumCol -> Ex Tag
numColTag (n :& _) = Witness n
And that allows us to match your specification.
filter ((Witness PairT ==) . numColTag) :: [NumCol] -> [NumCol]
Which raises the question of whether your specification is actually what you need. The point is that detecting a tag entitles you an expectation of that tag's stuff. The output type [NumCol] doesn't do justice to the fact that you know you have just the pairs.
How might you tighten the type of your function and still deliver it?
One approach is to use DataTypeable and the Data.Data module. This approach relies on two autogenerated typeclass instances that carry metadata about the type for you: Typeable and Data. You can derive them with {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}:
data NumCol = Empty |
Single Int |
Pair Int Int |
Lots [Int] deriving (Typeable, Data)
Now we have a toConstr function which, given a value, gives us a representation of its constructor:
toConstr :: Data a => a -> Constr
This makes it easy to compare two terms just by their constructors. The only remaining problem is that we need a value to compare against when we define our predicate! We can always just create a dummy value with undefined, but that's a bit ugly:
is_pair x = toConstr x == toConstr (Pair undefined undefined)
So the final thing we'll do is define a handy little class that automates this. The basic idea is to call toConstr on non-function values and recurse on any functions by first passing in undefined.
class Constrable a where
constr :: a -> Constr
instance Data a => Constrable a where
constr = toConstr
instance Constrable a => Constrable (b -> a) where
constr f = constr (f undefined)
This relies on FlexibleInstance, OverlappingInstances and UndecidableInstances, so it might be a bit evil, but, using the (in)famous eyeball theorem, it should be fine. Unless you add more instances or try to use it with something that isn't a constructor. Then it might blow up. Violently. No promises.
Finally, with the evil neatly contained, we can write an "equal by constructor" operator:
(=|=) :: (Data a, Constrable b) => a -> b -> Bool
e =|= c = toConstr e == constr c
(The =|= operator is a bit of a mnemonic, because constructors are syntactically defined with a |.)
Now you can write almost exactly what you wanted!
filter (=|= Pair)
Also, maybe you'd want to turn off the monomorphism restriction. In fact, here's the list of extensions I enabled that you can just use:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, NoMonomorphismRestriction, OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
Yeah, it's a lot. But that's what I'm willing to sacrifice for the cause. Of not writing extra undefineds.
Honestly, if you don't mind relying on lens (but boy is that dependency a doozy), you should just go with the prism approach. The only thing to recommend mine is that you get to use the amusingly named Data.Data.Data class.

Is a scoped type statement possible?

Is it possible to do the following:
foo = bar
type A = (Some, Huge, Type, Sig)
meh :: A -> (A, A) -> A
I only need to use this custom type inside the where clause, so it does not make sense to define it globally.
This isn't possible. Why not just define it above the function? You don't have to export it from the module (just use an explicit export list).
By the way, if you really do have a type that big, it's probably a sign that you should factor it into smaller parts, especially if you have a lot of tuples as your example suggests; data-types would be more appropriate.
Actually, there's one, slightly ridiculous, way to approximate this:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
foo :: forall abbrv. (abbrv ~ (Some, Huge, Type, Sig))
=> abbrv -> abbrv
foo x = meh x (x, x)
where meh :: abbrv -> (abbrv, abbrv) -> abbrv
meh x y = {- ... -}
I can't really recommend enabling two language extensions just for the sake of abbreviating types in signatures, though if you're already using them (or GADTs instead of type families) I suppose it doesn't really hurt anything.
Silliness aside, you should consider refactoring your types in cases like this, as ehird suggests.
