How to change the font size of J2ME command text? - java-me

I want to reduce the font size of the Command text. How to achieve that ?

MIDP 2 has no API that would allow to reduce the font size of the lcdui Command text (label).
Full list of available methods is provided in lcdui Command API documentation - one can easily find out that there is nothing about fonts there


Sublime 3: can I change the font/size of comments?

Is there a way to make the comments a different (smaller) font from the rest of my code?
Although Sublime supports the idea that each view (editing pane) can have a unique list of settings, which includes font_face and font_size, it doesn't support multiple font faces or sizes from within a single view.
As such, it's not possible to have some elements use a different font face or size, although it's possible to change the font style to bold or italic, which is controlled by your color scheme.

Width of characters in standard svg font

I'm generating some simple svg for data visualization and as part of that I need
to render several lines of text. I'm using the simple text/textspan. However when
determining when to break the line, I need to know the width of the string. Note that I am not using javascript, these are static svg diagrams. My manual mockups work fine on all three platforms(Mac/Windows 10/Linux) in several different browser. I've been searching, but all attempts to find anything about string widths involves dynamic SVG and javascript. Is there any data anywhere on the character widths of the default fonts? I'm using rather simple svg. I'm using the default transform and coordinate space as well. Or do I have to write a javascript test page to return the widths?
The standard font is determined by settings of the renderer. Browsers will use the same font they use for HTML content, set by the user and depending on fonts installed on their system. That means text size will differ for each end user.
There is no way around measuring the text after rendering.

How to create own bitmap font wiht image on LWUIT?

I use that code
Font bmpfont=Font.createBitmapFont(icon, new int[0], new int[12], "S");
First param is image, second is offset, third is length and fourth is charset. And I get Font object from that code. But I set that font to TextArea...
TextArea ta=new TextArea();
Text Area display only "S". Then I want to know how to create my own bitmap font and how to add that font to use. I want to make many bitmap fonts.
Generally we expect you to use the bitmap font creation tools within LWUIT and not invoke this method which is intended for internal use.
Regardless its plainly obvious you used the method incorrectly since the cut offsets don't contain the locations within the font.
Just use the resource editor or Ant task to create a font and then set that font either via the theme or by manually extracting it from the resource file.

How do I display same "proportional" text size on different resolutions?

I draw some text on screen using ID3DXFont::DrawText. This text should be displayed the same regardless of screen resolution.
For example, if screen resolution is low, text wrapped and when it is higher text is not wrapped. How can I avoid such situation? I want text size to be connected to screen resolution so if resolution is lower I want the text to be relatively smaller so that no wrapping happens. Is there any way?
Thanks in advance
Below is a logical solution. It doesn't have any of the code or procedures needed to make work in direct X but having done something similar outside of DirectX I wanted to share the logic
Working on whatever default screen resolution you want set the font to be the size needed.
Find the percentage of the screen height the font size you chose takes up.
Then having stored that value when you go to render again, in the final version of the program, calculate the font size based on the screen size and the percentage
What I was working in had functions like GetTextHeight and properties on the font size to allow you to set the height (which in turn set the font size appropriately). So if can find anything similar to this in DirectX than this could be a route for you to take.

Is there a program to create gifs out of text?

Is there any program that can convert a file into an animated gif by taking the bytes (whatever I see on an editor is seen) and producing them on frames? Im trying to change a large script I wrote into an image so that if I run it, it looks like as if the code is scrolling. I would use photoshop, if I knew how to use it. Even then, the code is really big, so I dont want to be doing it frame by frame.
Whatever you see on the editor screen is ... a screenfull, so why not a screen capture program like
However, I suspect that you want to convert the entire file to a gif, since you talk of scrolling. Is that so?
If so, be aware that animated GIFs are limited to 8 frames, so you might want to convert to another movie format.
You could, for instance, Google for "text to MPEG". If nothing does it directly, get something that adds subtitles & make your video a solid white background *or match your webpage).
Maybe simpler is something like this ...
A Scrolling Text Applet - Now Free. - Provide an animated look and feel to your web pages. Scrolling Text is a Java applet that will automatically size itself to the available area given to it by the HTML form via the WIDTH and HEIGHT properties of the APPLET tag. There are many configurable features of this applet including title, colors, font size and style, border width and color, graphics, background images etc.
Configurable parameters including;
Background Color - Define your desired background color
Title - If you want a stationary title then include this parameter
Font Size and Style - All text can have it's own Font size and style
Text Color - Specify the color of the text with this one
Border Width and Color - If you require a border then define it with these 2 parameters
Scroll Speed - Customise the Scroll Speed
Display Time - Vary the Display time of each page
This applet is easy to implement and configure and along with the example and help files you should have no trouble implementing your own customised Scrolling Text in your web pages. No understanding of java programming is required, everything is adjusted by parameters in the HTML tags.
+1 for an interesting question.
