How to restrict access to my webpage - security

I have a url to a search page (e.g. http://x.y.z/search?initialQuery=test). It isn't a webservice endpoint, its just a basic url (which goes through a Spring controller). There is no security around accessing page, you can enter the link in a browser and it will render results.
What I want is to find a way to prevent other sites from submitting requests to this url, unless they are specifically allowed.
I build a filter which would intercept all request to this page, and perform some validation. If validation failed then they would be redirected to another page.
The problem is what validation to perform... I tried using the referer field to see if the request was coming from an "allowed" site but I know the referer field isn't always populated and can easily be faked.
Is there a way to achieve this?
We also have IHS so if there is something that can be done in there either that would be great.

I'd suggest implementing some kind of system to allow users to log in if you really want to protect a page from being accessed.
You could try to detect the IP address of the incoming request, but I'd imaging that this can be spoofed quite easily.
Realistically, pages that are public are open to any kind of interrogation to the limits that you set. Perhaps limiting the data that the page returns is a more practical option?
This is the reason that website's like Facebook and Twitter implement oAuth to prevent resources from being accessed by unauthorised users.

How about you only run the result if the referring page has passed along a POST variable called "token" or something which has been set to a value that you give each app that's going to hit the search page. If you get a request for that page with a query string, but not POST value for "token", then you know its an unauthorized request and can handle it accordingly.

If you know the IPs of sites which can contact your service, you can put Apache as a proxy and use access control to permit/deny access to specific directories/urls.

I assume that you want to avoid having your site "scraped" by bots, but do want to allow humans to access your search page.
This is a fairly common requirement (google "anti scraping"). In ascending order of robustness (but descending order of user-friendliness):
block requests based on the HTTP headers (IP address, user agent, referrer).
implement some kind of CAPTCHA system
require users to log in before accessing the search URL
You may be able to buy some off-the-shelf wizardry that (claims to) do it all for you, but if your data is valuable enough, those who want it will hire mechanical turks to get it...

make a certification security.
u can make self signed certification using openssl or java keytool
and u will have to send a copy of certificate to ur client.
If this client will not have this certificate, It will not be able to call ur service.
And to make certificate enable in ur web container.I dont know bout other containers but
in Apache tomcat, u can do it in connector tag of ur server.xml


How to make Node API only accessible by web app?

I'm developing a web app with React and an GraphQL API with Node.js / Express. I would like to make the API more secure so that its harder for API requests that don't come from the web app on the browser to get data. I know how to do it with registered users. But how to make the non-registered user still be able to access some basic data needed for the app?
Is it possible to put some kind of key in the web app - so the API call can't be replicated for others through sniffing the network dev tool in browser and replicating in Postman? Does SSL/TLS also secure requests in that browser tool? Or use like a "standard" user for non-registered visitors?
Its a serverside web app with next.js
I know theres no 100% secure api but maybe its possible to make it harder for unauthorized access.
I'm not sure if this is a problem about CSRF because Its not about accessing user data or changing data through malicious websites etc. But its about other people trying to use the website data (all GET requests to API) and can easily build there own web app on top of my api. So no one can easily query my api through simple Postman requests.
The quick answer is no you can't.
If you trying to prevent what can be describe as legit users form accessing your api you can't really do it. they can always fake the same logic and hit your webpage first before abusing the api. if this is what your trying to prevent your best bet is to add rate limiting to the api to prevent a single user from making too many request to your api (I'm the author of ralphi and
express-rate-limit is very popular).
But if you are actually trying to prevent another site form leaching of you and serving content to their users it is actually easier to solve.
Most browsers send Referrer header with the request you can check this header and see that requests are actually coming from users on your own site (this technique is called Leech Protection).
Leaching site can try and proxy request to your api but since they all going to come from the same IP they will hit your rate limiting and he can only serve a few users before being blocked.
One thing the Leecher site can do is try to cache your api so he wont have to make so many requests. if this is a possible case you are back to square one and you might need to manually block his IP once you notice such abuse. I would also check if it's legal cause he might be breaking the law.
Another option similar to Referrer is to use samesite cookies. they will only sent if the request is coming directly from your site. they are probably more reliable than the Referrer but not all browsers actually respect them.

Are security concerns sending a password using a GET request over https valid?

We have webpage which uses the sapui5-framework to build a spa. The communication between the browser and the server uses https. The interaction to log into the page is the following:
The user opens the website by entering in the browser
A login dialogue with two form fields for unsername and password is shown.
After entering username and password and pressing the login-button
an ajax-request is send using GET to the URL:
According to my understanding using GET to send sensitive data is never a good idea. But this answer to HTTPS is the url string secure says the following
HTTPS Establishes an underlying SSL conenction before any HTTP data is
transferred. This ensures that all URL data (with the exception of
hostname, which is used to establish the connection) is carried solely
within this encrypted connection and is protected from
man-in-the-middle attacks in the same way that any HTTPS data is.
An in another answer in the same thread:
These fields [for example form field, query strings] are stripped off
of the URL when creating the routing information in the https packaging
process by the browser and are included in the encrypted data block.
The page data (form, text, and query string) are passed in the
encrypted block after the encryption methods are determined and the
handshake completes.
But it seems that there still might be security concerns using get:
the URL is stored in the logs on the server and in the same thread
leakage through browser history
Is this the case for URLs like?
// or
Additional questions on this topic:
Is passsing get variables over ssl secure
Is sending a password in json over https considered secure
How to send securely passwords via GET/POST?
On security.stackexchange are additional informations:
can urls be sniffed when using ssl
ssl with get and post
But in my opinion a few aspects are still not answered
In my opinion the mentioned points are valid objections to not use get. Is the case; is using get for sending passwords a bad idea?
Are these the attack options, are there more?
browser history
server logs (assuming that the url is stored in the logs unencrypted or encrypted)
referer information (if this is really the case)
Which attack options do exist when sending sensitive data (password) over https using get?
Sending any kind of sensitive data over GET is dangerous, even if it is HTTPS. These data might end up in log files at the server and will be included in the Referer header in links to or includes from other sides. They will also be saved in the history of the browser so an attacker might try to guess and verify the original contents of the link with an attack against the history.
Apart from that you better ask that kind of questions at
These two approaches are fundamentally different:
myusername:myPassword# is the "User Information" (this form is actually deprecated in the latest URI RFC), whereas ?user=myUsername&pass=MyPasswort is part of the query.
If you look at this example from RFC 3986:
\_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
| | | | |
scheme authority path query fragment
| _____________________|__
/ \ / \
myusername:myPassword# is part of the authority. In practice, use HTTP (Basic) authentication headers will generally be used to convey this information. On the server side, headers are generally not logged (and if they are, whether the client entered them into their location bar or via an input dialog would make no difference). In general (although it's implementation dependent), browsers don't store it in the location bar, or at least they remove the password. It appears that Firefox keeps the userinfo in the browser history, while Chrome doesn't (and IE doesn't really support them without workaround)
In contrast, ?user=myUsername&pass=MyPasswort is the query, a much more integral part of the URI, and it is send as the HTTP Request-URI. This will be in the browser's history and the server's logs. This will also be passed in the referrer.
To put it simply, myusername:myPassword# is clearly designed to convey information that is potentially sensitive, and browsers are generally designed to handle this appropriately, whereas browsers can't guess which part of which queries are sensitive and which are not: expect information leakage there.
The referrer information will also generally not leak to third parties, since the Referer header coming from an HTTPS page is normally only sent with other request on HTTPS to the same host. (Of course, if you have used, this will be in the logs of that same host, but you're not making it much worth since it stays on the same server logs.)
This is specified in the HTTP specification (Section 15.1.3):
Clients SHOULD NOT include a Referer header field in a (non-secure) HTTP request if the referring page was transferred with a secure protocol.
Although it is just a "SHOULD NOT", Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox seem to implement it this way. Whether this applies to HTTPS requests from one host to another depends on the browser and its version.
It is now possible to override this behaviour, as described in this question and this draft specification, using a <meta> header, but you wouldn't do that on a sensitive page that uses ?user=myUsername&pass=MyPasswort anyway.
Note that the rest of HTTP specification (Section 15.1.3) is also relevant:
Authors of services which use the HTTP protocol SHOULD NOT use GET based forms for the submission of sensitive data, because this will cause this data to be encoded in the Request-URI. Many existing servers, proxies, and user agents will log the request URI in some place where it might be visible to third parties. Servers can use POST-based form submission instead
Using ?user=myUsername&pass=MyPasswort is exactly like using a GET based form and, while the Referer issue can be contained, the problems regarding logs and history remain.
Let assume that user clicked a button and following request generated by client browser.!
First thing first. HTTPS is not related with this topic. Because using POST or GET does not matter from attacker perspective. Attackers can easily grab sensitive data from query string or directly POST request body when traffic is HTTP. Therefor it does not make any difference.
Server Logs
We know that Apache, Nginx or other services logging every single HTTP request into log file. Which means query string ( ?username=alice&password=b0b123! ) gonna be written into log files. This can be dangerous because of your system administrator can access this data too and grab all user credentials. Also another case could be happen when your application server compromise. I believe you are storing password as hashed. If you use powerful hashing algorithm like SHA256, your client's password will be more secure against hackers. But hackers can access log files directly get passwords as a plain-text with very basic shell scripts.
Referer Information
We assumed that client opened above link. When client browser get html content and try to parse it, it will see image tag. This images can be hosted at out of your domain ( postimage or similar services, or directly a domain that under the hacker's control ) . Browser make a HTTP request in order to get image. But current url is! which is going to be referer information!
That means alice and her password will be passed to another domain and can be accessible directly from web logs. This is really important security issue.
This topic reminds me to Session Fixation Vulnerabilities. Please read following OWASP article for almost same security flaw with sessions. ( ) It's worth to read it.
The community has provided a broad view on the considerations, the above stands with respect to the question. However, GET requests may, in general, need authentication. As observed above, sending user name/password as part of the URL is never correct, however, that is typically not the way authentication information is usually handled. When a request for a resource is sent to the server, the server generally responds with a 401 and Authentication header in the response, against which the client sends an Authorization header with the authentication information (in the Basic scheme). Now, this second request from client can be a POST or a GET request, nothing prevents that. So, generally, it is not the request type but the mode of communicating the information is in question.
Consider this:
Javascript within login page:
What would the referer be now?
If you're concerned about security, an extra layer could be:
var a = Base64.encode(user.':'.pass);
Although not encrypted, at least the data is obscured from plain sight.

Anyone know of a secure way to give Browser access to a specific view result set on a couchdb database

I am using CouchDB for my Data Layer in a Rails 3 application using CouchRest::Model hosted on Heroku.
I am requesting a List of Documents and returning them as JSON to my Browser and using jQuery Templates to represent that data.
Is there a way I could build the request on the server side, and return the request that would need to be called from the browser WITHOUT opening a huge security hole i.e. giving the browser access to the whole database?
Ideally it would be a one off token access to a specific query, Where the token would be generated on the server side, and CouchDB would take the token, and make sure it matches what the query should be, and give access to the results.
One way that comes to mind would be to generate a token Document and use a show function ( to return the results for that token Document's view results. Though I am not sure if that is possible.
Though another is to put a token on the Document itself and use a list function (
Save that, any other ideas?
Thanks in Advance
Is there a way I could build the
request on the server side, and return
the request that would need to be
called from the browser WITHOUT
opening a huge security hole i.e.
giving the browser access to the whole
Yes. One method is to create a rack app and mount it inside your rails app. You can have it receive requests from users' browsers at "/couch" and forward that request to your "real" couchdb url, returning couch's JSON response as-is or modifying it however you need.
You may also be able to use Couch's rewrite and virtual host features to control what Couch URLs the general public is able to reach. This probably will necessitate the use of list or show functions.
Ideally it would be a one off token access to a specific query, Where the token would be generated on the server side, and CouchDB would take the token, and make sure it matches what the query should be, and give access to the results.
You might use cookies for this since list and show functions can set and get cookie values on requests.
But you could also include a hash value as part of each request. Heroku's add-on API has a good example of how this works.
Notice that the API calls are invalid outside of a certain window of time, which may be exactly what you need.
I'm not sure I precisely understand your needs, but I hope I have been able to give you some helpful ideas.

How to ensure http requests originate from a specific location?

HTTP Referer is the way I'm doing it at the moment. As everyone who's used this method knows it is not 100% accurate as the Referer header is optional and maybe fiddled with.
Looking at how-to-ensure-access-to-my-web-service-from-my-code-only I'm still unsure of how to go about this in a minimal way.
The situation:
Advertising on someone else's site. Using an iFrame so I can change content/function at will. I pay $x.xx for every time an action is completed. Therefore I need to ensure that the action is being completed from where I said it is allowed to be completed from.
What I'm trying to prevent:
some other webmaster coming along going - "hey that's a nice tool, let me put that on my site"
So as i said at the top, what i do atm is if the referer doesn't match I redirect to a page that has the same tool however whatever actions are preformed on that page they don't cost me any money.
While trying to prevent the above, allow the following:
I don't mind if the webmaster/site owner I'm paying cash to for "actions complete" puts the code on other sites - obviously this is a good thing. Lots more coverage, the site owner gets more cash & i get more actions completed, which generates me more cash.
What can I get the other party to do so I know all the requests coming into my web page are from the other party I have an agreement with and not some random.
Thanks :)
info re app
other parties website has an iFrame. iFrame displays a html/js/php page of mine that sits on one of my domains. This page uses ajax requests to interact with the actual webservice that is a ruby/sinatra app. I have lots of different pages that fit into the look and feel of the other parties website.
So I'm thinking some sort of chatter between the other parties server and my server would be a good idea. Then the result of this chatter would be somehow present during the iFrame request.
However I'm not sure if the other party would be able to set a cookie for the domain being served in the iFrame - in fact I'm pretty sure it can't.
Now to get around that limitation I could have a script included as part of the iFrame on the page that could set a cookie.
Ok the above ideas summarised:
OtherParty server sends a request to my server gets a response.
renders the page with that response as a param to a <script src="...?param"></script>
my script sets a cookie
as script is before iFrame, script is loaded first
iFrame loads with page as a cookie has been set on that domain cookie set before is sent as well
bingo, request verified legit
Does this sound ok?
btw my tool that I want action completed on only works if JS is enabled so...
If you really want to secure who can load your iframe, then one way to do this is via 2-legged OAuth (i.e. have your trusted partner "sign" the iframe GET request). Then your server can grant access based on a cryptographically valid signature and a known signing party. You'll want to enforce relatively short valid lifetimes for the signed requests to prevent someone else from just copying them and embedding them in their own site.
This also gives you the advantage of just having to do an initial, offline key exchange without having your partner making extra server requests of you ahead of the iframe insertion.

URL Based Authentication Link

What are some good suggestions or resources to look at to help me secure a single click URL based authentication?
Essentially, the situation is a third party system which accepts an HTTPS request, through the browser, where you supply authentication information (un, pw, authkey, etc...). The service then, upon authenticating the provided credentials, will allow or deny login access. The point being, that if someone clicks on the link, they're automatically granted access to this third party system.
Currently, there isn't a whole lot of security surrounding the whole process, (which isn't a big deal because the product isn't in production yet) and the third party is willing to make some modifications to secure this up a bit.
I've already determined I need to hash the information, and probably even submit it via a POST to prevent it from showing information in the browser history. But I'd like a little input on how you all would handle something like this.
[Edit: Requests are and will continue being sent via HTTPS. I also modified the HTTP previously used to be HTTPS]
Don't think about "secure this up a bit". It's either secure from the ground up, or it's got holes that will cost you dearly.
Look at HTTP Digest Authentication. It's simple, reliable and works well under most circumstances.
Look at the top-10 vulnerabilities. Be sure you understand and address each one.
You should probably use HTTPS to avoid the credentials being eavesdropped upon while in transit to the third party web server.
Protect yourself from using stale link to gain access to the application. Make the link be dependent on current time value
