Templating # server or browser? Load content via ajax or - node.js

I already asked a similar question but this one is a bit different/specific:
I'm about to start development of a social community site (for a local user group) with features like timeline, IM/chat, forums, ...
Node.js and (or now.js) on the backend. jQuery (and maybe backbone.js or similar) on the front end. Content is loaded via or ajax and navigation via url hash.
There are 2 things where I just can't decide which way to go. I hope here are some people who can provide some good or bad experience.
Templating on server or in browser? I'm not sure if it's better to load a complete html site + live updates (also in html) for timeline, forum posts, IM/chat, ... or use something like a REST api via ajax or and do the templating on the client site. I've never done that before. You need to download the templates, etc, etc. Has anyone experience in this? There are also 2 ways to implement a rest-like api: E.g. request a forum post, then request the user associated to that post and so on (just like server side MVC) - or - request a forum post and the server answers with all needed information.
Load content via ajax or I'm definitively using or now.js for real-time communication (IM, chat) and pubsub (on mainpage -> subscribe to new timeline updates, on a forum topic -> subscribe to new posts). But should I also load HTML (or provide a REST-like API, see question 1) through the socket? When people open forum posts in tabs (which I usually do a lot) that would mean a lot of socket connections. And I'm not sure how long it takes for a websocket to establish connection.
So there a 4 ways to do this:
HTML via AJAX - probably the most stable way that doesn't need a lot javascript to do the templating - Browser can use open HTTP connections to request stuff.
HTML via - The websocket must be established to load content (may be slower)
API via AJAX - as it probably needs more requests as HTML via AJAX there might be some HTTP header overhead + you need to authentication in each request- I'm not a friend of too many ajax requests.
API via - Socket must only be authenticated only once and you can request API objects on the fly. However I would still load templates and js via HTTP for browser caching.
I know this is a huge post but I'm debating for many days now and just can't decide as it would be a lot of work to switch the system once started developing. This is not a public project, it's limited to ~10k-15k local people and thus must not be that perfect, a good opportunity to learn new things in my opinion (I'm completely new to node, classic PHP MVC + jquery dev here).

I think you should use a RESTful api on the backend, let the templating occur just on the frontend (maybe with Backbone) and only use Socket.IO for real realtime stuff (such as chat). It doesn't make any sense to use websockets for something like loading HTML, because it most likely never changes.
So my vote is:
1) HTML via AJAX
2) API via AJAX
3) Realtime communication, such as chat messaging (or other stuff that constantly changes) via Socket.IO

Though there really isn't a definitive answer, as it depends.
If you need to be search engine crawlable, you can NOT rely only on client-side processing. If your individual views are light, and/or you need to support mobile, you should have initial rendering server-side.
Currently, I would suggest using an API that both your client application and server-side can use. If you use node for the server-side rendering you can re-use a lot of the same logic, including the API client.
Going a few steps farther, if you look starting with the Yahoo flux examples project on github, you can use the same logic both client and server-side including rendering with React views. This is not an easy solution, and will take some work.
For interactive elements, server-side rendering can be minimal with your stores pushing an event wiring up via sockjs/ when the client starts for your chat/im bits.
You will have scalability issues when it comes to running across multiple processes and will likely need a pub/sub chain backed by a db for longer re-connect cycles or missed IM messages. There isn't a magic bullet.
Right now, I like flux+react... When Angular2 comes out, it may have a better story for server-side rendering.


HTTP Calls integration pattern- Making HTTP calls directly from Javascript vs Axios vs Node, which is more secure?

A novice javascript developer here!
A have a basic question on whats the best and secured way to make HTTP calls from a front application to a backend service that needs an authentication. My application is a SPA (using Vue.js) & getting data from Java services. Java services need authentication details and return sensitive user data.
I see there are a few options and I wanted to understand a better approach amongst all 3-
Making direct HTTP calls from javascript code- Concern for using this approach is, as Javascript code can also be viewed via dev tools in browser, wont it be easier for anyone to do an inspect and view all critical authentication details hence making overall integration less secure?
Making an HTTP call using Axios via Vue framework- Seems like Axios is Promise based HTTP client for the browser that lets you easily make HTTP calls without much code overhead. but is this secure? is Javascript code loaded in the browser? Or the front end code sends the request and axios makes the request from backend server where the application is hosted?
Using Node- If front end application has unique routes configured for each API call and in my application if I have a route mapping to use request module and node js backend code to make those HTTP calls, is that going to be a robust and secure way of integration?
Please let me know your thoughts and apologies if this is a dumb question!
Not dumb at all. You're just learning.
My first question to your answer 😅 will be: is your application server-side rendered or it's sap + backend?
If it's server-side rendered then I would say it's secured since Node will be sending pages with all required data. On the dev tool, you will only see static files being loaded.
However, if it's SAP, I am not sure whether there is a way to hide whatsoever you send to the server from the dev tool. The only one thing you will need to do is to make sure you encrypt whatever is sensitive to your application.

Creating Login Screen with : http requests?

I would like to start with a disclaimer that I have no previous coding experience at all, and I have just learned HTML, CSS, JS, node.js,, understanding all the jargon such as API, asynchronize, I/O driven, cookies & session, etc.. all that in the past 1.5 months on the web by myself, so if my question doesn't make sense please let me know.
I would ultimately like to make a cross-platform online multiplayer "webgame" (No realtime interaction between clients), I know it is ambitious but I don't mind take one step at a time, finishing the game in the period of 2-3 years on my spare time as a hobbyist, so let's move on to the actual question.
After doing all my research I decided to use phaser as client framework, PhoneGap to compile for crossplatform, and node.js + passport + mongodb for server, user authentication and storage. Since there are no realtime element between clients, and there are more tutorial on using express along with the stack of backend packages mentioned above. I am more keen on using http protocol with express then using websocket or
Now I have created a simple login screen with input field using phaser-input plugin, and a button to send the data out. I am surprised when I cannot find any Phaser API on http request.
Q:Are there any Phaser API to do a http POST or GET request? if not is it possible to implement jQuery Ajax (does phaser include the jQuery library already or do I need to include the script as well?)? And if I should use anyway?
I am working on a phonegap project that use html as login screen too.
First. Yes and no, Phaser itself is just a framework. Phaser 's not a library. But if you want to make http request, i suggest create a Network.js that abstract all of your network call on different platform .I think you can use:
IOS: use Cordova http request.
Android: use Ajax is fine. Yes and it is possible to use jquery. Cordova, Phongap, IONic is nothing more than a web view. So you can use whatever js library you like.
Web: use Ajax too.

Which method is faster, express : Server-side rendering vs client-side rendering

What I would like to know is, how do you built your web application? I'm really confuse as which method should I use for my project.
Already decided which technologies to choose.
1) Node.js and express as its Framework
2) MongoDB
3) React + Flux
But the problem right now, should I use method (A) or method (B)
Method (A) - Serverside rendering for HTML
app.get('/users/', function(request, respond) {
var user = "Jack";
respond.render("user", { user: user });
Method (B) - Clientside rendering for HTML
app.get('/users/', function(request, respond){
var user = "Jack";
respond.json({ user: user });
Method A will render the HTML from the server and as well as the data.
Method B will just respond the data that is needed for the client which is React.js, so that it could manipulate the data.
My concern, is which method should I use? most startups use which method?
Thank you.
It's not an either/or proposition.
React is a client side framework. You have to render on the client side. The question is whether to render on the server side in addition to rendering on the client side.
The answer? If you can, YES!
You will get SEO benefits and an initial performance boost by rendering on the server side. But you will still have to do the same client side rendering.
I suggestion googling "isomorphic react" and doing some reading. Here is one article on the subject.
Well, it really depends on which vision you have on the modern web, and what you are willing to do.
Will you prefer to let your users wait, displaying a loader while data are loaded asynchronously, or will you prefer to keep your users busy as long as you can ?
Here are different articles that will help you clear your mind and be aware of the different advantages that you can have by doing server-side rendering, client-side rendering having multiple issues.
You can see this post from Twitter blog saying they improve their initial page load by 1/5th to what they had before, by moving the rendering to the server:
An other article, this time from airbnb, describing the issues you can have with client-side rendering itself:
There is also an other interesting article talking about client-side/server-side rendering, bringing a debate on when should we use / not use server-side or client-side rendering and why:
And to finish, I can give you two more link more focused on react, and describing in which way server-side rendering should be helpful for your case:
Now, about what you SHOULD do, it's a matter of what you exactly need to do, to my opinion, but basically, you can do both at the same time (client-side AND server-side), to have the best user experience.
This concept is called "isomorphic javascript" and it is getting more and more popular these days.
The simplest architecture is to just do dynamic html rendering on the server, with no Ajax, and with a new HTML page requested for pretty much any client click. This is the 'traditional' approach, and has pros and cons.
The next simplest is to serve completely static html+js+css (your React app) to the client, and make XMLHttpRequest calls to webservices to fetch the required data (i.e. your method B).
The most complex but ideal approach (from a performance and SEO perspective) is to build an 'isomorphic' app that supports both approaches. The idea is that the server makes all the necessary WS calls that the client would make and renders the initial page that the user has visited (which could be a deep-linked part of the application), a bit like option A but using React to do the rendering, and then passes control to the client for future DOM updates. This then allows fast incremental updates to the page via web-service calls as the user interacts (e.g. just like B). Navigation between different 'pages' at this point involves using the History API to make it look like you're changing page, when actually you are just manipulating the current page using web-services. But you you then did a browser refresh, your server would send back the full HTML of the current page, before passing control to client-side React again. There are lots of React+Flux+Node examples of this approach available online, using the different flavours of Flux that support server-side rendering.
Whether that approach is worthwhile depends on your situation. It probably makes sense to start using approach B (you can share the your HTTP API between mobile apps and websites), but use a Flux architecture that supports server-side rendering and keep it in mind. That way, if you need to improve the performance of initial page loads, you have the means to do it.

Ember.js on the server

I'm developing a very dynamic web application via ember.js. The client-side communicates with a server-side JSON API. A user can make various choices and see diced & filtered data from all kinds of perspectives, where all of this data is brought from said API.
Thing is, I also need to generate static pages (that Google can understand) from the same data. These static pages represent pre-defined views and don't allow much interaction; they are meant to serve as landing pages for users arriving from search engines.
Naturally, I'd like to reuse as much as I can from my dynamic web application to generate these static pages, so the natural direction I thought of going for is implementing a server-side module to render these pages which would reuse as much as possible of my Ember.js views & code.
However - I can't find any material on that. Ember's docs say "Although it is possible to use Ember.js on the server side, that is beyond the scope of this guide."
Can anyone point out what would be possible to reuse on the server-end, and best practices for designing the app in a way to enable maximal such reuse?
Of course, if you think my thinking here doesn't make sense, I'd be glad to hear this (and why) too :-)
Handlebars - Ember's templating engine - does run on the server (at least under Node.js). I've used it in my own projects.
When serving an HTTP request for a page, you could quite possibly use your existing templates: pull the relevant data from the DB, massage it into a JSON object, feed it to handlebars along with the right template, then send the result to the client.
Have a look at
You could use it to render the pages on the server and return a plain html version.
You have to make it follow googles ajax crawling guides:

Integrating Ember.js with Node.js (Express+Tower.js)

I'm looking into solutions for integrating Ember.js with Node.js+Express+Tower.js.
I just started looking into Tower.js (the last couple of hours), and it looks like that the framework provides a nice structure for placing both server-side and client-side code (similar to the assets folder in Rails).
Since everything is in Javascript, I could either place Ember application code:
Entirely on the client, i.e., send everything on first request.
Serve only what is initially needed, and serve the rest only upon request.
In the 2nd solution, one could render the views on the server and send pure HTML.
Also what about the application logic of Ember (controllers, models, states, ...). How can it better be integrated with server-side Javascript (e.g., node.js+Express+Tower.js), so that
repeated code is minimized. In an ideal scenario, you define each model/controller/etc once and its used both on the server and on the client.
We are integrating Ember.js into the core of Tower.js, this has been planned from the beginning.
Not quite there yet. But it's happening next.
Ember currently works in Node.js and the Browser, as does Tower. Controllers on the server will work like Rails' with web socket additions. Controllers on the client will work like they do on the server and like with Ember, with web socket support - still fleshing this out.
