How to use external Tomcat server in Netbeans on Linux? - linux

I am trying to use the external tomcat server installed on my machine (Ubuntu 11.10) and I a going through the motions of adding a new server to Netbeans, in the Server Location field I enter the /usr/share/tomcat6 directory but it gives an error:
The specified Server Location (Catalina Home) folder is not valid
I have searched Google, used the Netbeans wiki, and have searched here also but nothing seems to be able to get me past this point.

Yes, Netbeans does support external Tomcat installations. It does so without any problems on Windows, but there are a few wrinkles if you want to do it on Linux - with Ubuntu-based distributions anyway.
I wrote up my experiences here:
Hopefully, that should help.

Yes, it is possible to debug a remote Tomcat, see


Play! Framework shared folder between VM and Host not triggering webhook

I've ran into an awkward issue. I'll try and explain this as best as I can so bare with.
I'm running Play! on a Linux VM (Oracle VirtualBox), with sbt run command in my terminal it works perfectly fine. If I use an IDE on my VM the webhook catches the change and does a reload.
I've shared a folder between my Host (Windows) and my VM (Linux) where my project directory is. I've also extended a port so that I can open my Play! web application on the Windows machine.
On my Windows Host machine I'm running an IDE (IntelliJ) and when I change something on a file, the Play! webhook running on my VM doesn't seem to pick up the changes made, even though it's listening for changes in my shared folder.
Question: Is there some sort of configuration or share folder magic
trick to get my Play! application to pick up the changes made from the
Host machine?
Thanks for reading, any help is appreciated.
inotify does not work on VMWare's shared folder. You might be able to convince SBT's filewatcher to use polling, but that doesn't work really well.

Cloning a Websphere Portal 8.5 from AIX to Linux

We have a WebSphere Portal Cluster V8.5 on AIX PowerPC OS. i want to move it to one of the Linux Based OS such as (RedHat, CentOS, Oracle etc..). Is it possible? how is it done? is it enough to copy the installation folder from AIX to Linux /usr/IBM/WebSphere/ or do i need to make a new installation on Linux and migrate the profiles? I'll appreciate the Help on this issue.
I have cloned a WebSphere Portal from one AIX OS to another AIX before, and i changed the hostname and nodename accordingly and it works perfectly. but never cloned a websphere portal from one OS (Unix) to another (Linux). and before trying it would like to know if someone has done it or tested it before.
Thanks in advance for the help!
it is best to do a new install and then do a staging to production copy of the system. I have seen the copy work between machines that are the same os, but you may run into java problems at some point.
Binaries are different. You need to install linux verison of Portal and then you may chose to do export and import. Even PAA would work in this case. We recently upgraded our portal version from 6.1 to 8.5 and also had moved out of AIX to Linux. We have followed the same strategy. If you fall into any issue, you may reach out.

Deploy ExtJS on RHEL server

I am looking for the best practices for deploying an ExtJS app on a RHEL server. I tried installing sencha CMD on the server so that I could do the application build there, but I kept getting a segmentation fault with the 64-bit version and nothing happened with the 32-bit version (both as a normal user and with sudo). I even tried ssh'ing in with a -X option to enable Xterm, but that did not work. I am thinking I am going to have to do an external build and then deploy the entire contents to the server.
Ultimately, I would be doing this through a Bamboo server (same as Jenkins). For testing purposes though, I am going to use Webstorm. Anything I should be aware of/watch out for? I am deploying the entire project directory structure.
Alright: I was able to do this as root. Interesting. I should now be able to set up my Bamboo process.

Aptana: Secure FTP in cygwin window

I am running Aptana 3 to develop web applications.
In the bottom of the IDE there is a panel with the
Cygwin interface to the filesystem including Unix
commands running on top of windows. This is useful
because it means I can use ftp to upload my web
files to the remote server.
However the sftp client (FTP + TLS) is not included
in this distribution. Anyone know an easy way to
add it to this aptana cygwin plugin environment?
Thank you for your help,
John Goche
SFTP is a part of the openssh package. See this answer on superuser for more details.

Setting up Eclipse with Tomcat 7 in Arch Linux

I have recently installed Arch Linux and using Pacman I installed Eclipse and Tomcat 7 using the relevant guides in the ArchWiki. I followed the guide Apache Tomcat Eclipse Integration, An Illustrated Quick Start Guide to integrate the two together.
To sum it up, I did the following:
Installed WPT from the Eclipse Install New Software feature.
Opened the new Dynamic Web Project wizard
During the wizard I selected Apache Tomcat v7.0 and set the Tomcat installation directory to /usr/share/tomcat7
Completed the wizard
Right clicked on the server tab (located at the bottom of the IDE) and clicked on the new server dialogue
In this dialouge is were I encounter an issue. When I choose Tomcat v7.0 Server the error Cannot create a server using the selected type pops up.
I'm suspecting that it might be a permission issue since I am not running Eclipse via root, but I am not sure how to set them up for this scenario. Other than that I am not sure if maybe it is a directory issue, that is, Eclipse is trying to locate a specific folder which is located somewhere else.
I am uncertain if this is an Arch Linux question specifically or Linux in general.
As mentioned before this sounds very much like a permission issue. Ensure that the user running Eclipse has read and execute privileges for Tomcat. Also you should check that the Tomcat server can start properly without running from Eclipse. Verify that it can bind to the default 8080 port, etc.
You can check the Tomcat logs for the details and the configuration file for Tomcat is usually in the <tomcat base>/conf/server.xml.
As you already suspect, it is probably a permission issue. Check that your user is added to the tomcat group and make sure that scripts in /usr/share/tomcat7/bin are readable and executable by tomcat group members. Also it is important that tomcat group has read access to /usr/share/tomcat7/conf files and of course the permission to enter the directories itself.
