Where to find references for Sencha Touch - reference

I wanted to learn Sencha touch. the problem is i don't know Ext JS programming. I have intermediate background with jquery, html, php ad sql. I also have started using jquery mobile and phonegap, but I found that jquery mobile has loads of bugs so I decided to give sencha touch a try. I have checked their well documented API docs but I find it difficult to understand the flow and the syntax.
I also found the book Sencha In Action by manning publications but it looks like this is not out for public use yet.
Can anyone with good knowledge about sencha direct me the better way to start? Do I have to learn Ext JS first? I found loads of books about Ext JS in amazon. A beginner's approach would be helpful.
Many thanks all.

I personally recommend you to follow this tutorial step by step. It helped me a lot. Thanks to Jorge for his wonderful example.Here is the link.

Some people will say you should check out the Ext JS books to establish a foundation with the framework first as the two are very similar. However, I would recommend that while that may be fine for most folk, you would now be learning two frameworks. They are siblings, not twins.
Have a look at the Sencha Touch Cookbook that was just published, follow the tutorials and cruise the threads, both here and the Sencha Forum.
Also note that Sencha Touch 2 Beta 1 was just released yesterday and it is way closer to Ext JS4 than ST1 and if you start with ST2, you might be better off going this route.


Where is the source of Google design guidelines | Material Design

I have learned the Google design guidelines.
I have a good look at http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html.
In the github source of web-starter-kit.
But, Will there somewhere source of http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html?
Polymer is a great library for implementing Google Material Design into your app: https://www.polymer-project.org/0.5/.
Also, if your are build in Angular.JS the guys at Google have created their own NPM module called Angular Material: https://material.angularjs.org. It has a number of installation methods available.
There is also another library that has incorporated Google Material Design with Bootstrap: Just search for "Bootstrap Material Design" or go here. This wonderful library is made by FezVrasta.
Material Design is great thing brought by Google. Here are some of the frameworks that can be really useful to you.
Materialize: It's a great thing to start off with. Just CSS, no JavaScript.
Material UI: This is the library that I always use in my projects, but the problem that you may face is that this library is dependent on react.js.
Leaf BETA: Still in beta, it has extensive list of components such as buttons, cards, sliders, menu, tabs etc. It includes icons by Icomoon, instead of the original Material design icons.
Polymer Paper Elements: Polymer has so many things. Nearly all. It is brought by Google so you may not have any problems using that.
MUI CSS Framework: This is library that I use for man small projects just because it is the only library that I found having best documentation.
AngularJS Material Design: This is the framework that you might know. Still a lots of bugs around there.
Bootstrap Material Design: Last but not the least, this will be extremely helpful to you if you prefer bootstrap for web designing.
As the things are changing, there might be some other framework very soon to compete with these all.

NodeJS Skinning

Is there a module or similar things that support skinning in NodeJS? I want to build a NodeJS website, and want to be able to re-skin the website as I like without much efforts, like in Wordpress.
Is skinning supported in NodeJS?
If you're interested in building a website in Node.js and don't need a wordpress-style cms behind it, there are few projects that can help you out.
Have you looked into Bootstrap? It's built with less which you can easily plug in to your Express setup (see the guide here, using the command line executable to set up a new project you can specify less like this: express --css less myapp and it will do all the work for you)
In the bootstrap less file are several variables you can use to change the colours, fonts, sizes, etc, and it's also got a lot of helpers for grid layouts and responsive designs.
It even includes a few useful javascript plugins too which make the ui nicer with less work.
There are also a lot of sites with themes and theme generators around which then work on top of bootstrap, and may achieve what you want.
Plugging in this sort of solution (whether bootstrap or other) is about as close as you can come to getting skinning for node; As otherwise suggested if you're looking for a CMS out of the box as well, probably best to look for another platform like Wordpress.
Node.js is not a content management system. It is a platform on top of which you could built a web server with a content management system. To answer your question you need to be looking for node.js based content management systems that support themes.
The only node.js CMS that I am aware of is Calipso. It's still pretty alpha-stage. It may have some theming support, but it is nowhere near as polished as Wordpress.
Also is there a reason why you want to use node.js? I mean there is nothing wrong in using Wordpress for creating a themeable website - it is just awesome for that.
If you just want another OnlineShop, or maybe a blog, i think nodejs is maybe not your right choose as Jed Watson told.
If your requirements are more complicated, and you want a quick and easy implementation of a nice web interface, and you have html, javascript, and css knowledge... I strongly recommend you just trying to work with MEAN.js
It puts together MongoDB Expressjs, AngularJs, and NodeJs.
Use this, for example with a yeoman fullstack constructor and you will have a powerful webapp, with user autentication, and much more in a few minutes.
After that, the use of jade, less, scss, and similar languages of modelling the front, and the easy way you can also model collections in the back, is for me the best combination you´ll find for creating a website today.
Hope it´ll help you
King Regards

JavaScriptMVC (JMVC) Tutorials

I'm interested in learning JavaScriptMVC. I've gone through Getting Started and a bunch of the official docs, but I learn best by looking at other people's code. I'm not finding much else in the way of tutorials or sample/open source apps using it.
Anyone know of good tutorials or open source apps I can look at to see how it's used in a more complex app?
PS: I'm aware of the Srchr tutorial, but the proxy at work is blocking me from getting the code with getjs. Is there someplace to download it from the web? If not, I'll grab it at home this weekend.
There are some small examples in the end of each article in JMVC documentation (read core - Model, Controller, View). Also read this https://gist.github.com/989117
Ask on JMVC forum. My advice - start building your own app - it will the best tutorial.
Good luck.

Help with getting to grips with node.js

I work full time in a PHP and JavaScript team but we are looking at a new technology to adopt. We want to dive into node.js however we all want to get the same book but we have no idea which would be the best.
Any recommendations ?
Also links would be good.
There are no real - like in actual wood - books out yet, Yahoo! Press has one in the works though, title will be "Up and Running With Node.js".
Right now there's a community driven e-Book from the makers of the express.js framework, its source code is also available on GitHub.
If you like videos, then should check out a couple of talks by Node's creator Ryan Dahl:
Introducion to Node.js - YUI Theater (May 2010)
GoogleTeckTalk - JavaScript on the Server (July 2010)
Techniques for a single stack world - JSConf.eu (Sep 2010)
You can find even more links on our tag wiki.
PS: Best thing IMO is to start a little side project and use that to explore Node.js.

The Definitive Image Gallery Engine / Plugin Guide

I want to get a good list of image gallery engines of all flavours: Stand alone, plugins for Wordpress or Rails, AJAX, no AJAX, using simple folders or a database on the server.
Please state what is needed (eg MySQL and Django) to run each item if possible. Thanks!
[I asked a similar question a while back but had limited responses. Hopefully with more users and a small bounty this will pick up more steam. EDIT - can't attach a bounty for two days. Hold tight.]
These are the ones I recall at the moment, they are all easy to integrate and they don't require much implementation to use. They all have a good and appealing design. Hope it helps.
Cooliris: Runs on flash, uses an
RSS feed to show the images
FancyBox: Jquery Plugin, you
just need to have create an < a
ref... arround the < img src...
LightBox: jQuery plugin, also
easy to use.
Photo Slider: jQuery plugin, as
some thumbnails bellow which you can
use to slide through the images
SimpleViewer: Nice Design, shows
thumbnails and images
HighSlide JS: Javascript viewer
I like Gallery the best of any I've seen. It requires PHP and a database). It can be plugged in to WordPress and other CMSish things
Take a look at SourceForge
If you are looking for a gallery application I recommend the open source project 'Gallery2'.
Lytebox is easy to use and very nice. It's enhanced version of LightBox.
Here is a nice photogallery using silverlight. Slide.Show is another slick Silverlight gallery. There are many gallery modules available for DotNetNuke, and an official module. There are also a great many available on Codeplex.
