SOLR: Simultaneous search in different languages - search

I have a Solr instance that gets and indexes data about companies from DB. A DB data about a single company can be provided in several languages(english and russian for example).All the companies, of course, have a unikue key that is a uniqueKey in solr index too. I need to present solr search in all the languages at once.
How can it be performed?
1. Multicore? I've build two seperate cores with each language data, but i can't search in two indexes simultaneously.
gives no results. while searching in each core is succesful.
Enable Name field(for example) as a multivalued is not a solution, because a different language data data from DB are get by different procedures. And the value is just rewritten.

I'm not sure about the multicore piece, but have you considered creating two fields in a single core - one for each language? You could then combine with an "OR" which is the default, so a query for:
en:"query test here" OR ru:"query test here"
would be an example

Sounds like you are possibly using the DataImportHandler to load your data. You can implement #Mike Sokolov's answer or implement the multivalued solution via the use of a Solr client. You would need to write some custom code in a client like SolrJ (or one of the other clients listed on IntegratingSolr in the Solr Wiki) to pull both languages in separate queries from your database and then parse the data from both results into a common data/result set that can be transformed into a single Solr document.


Yii2: How should site-wide search work?

What is the best practice methododology of implementing site-wide search in Yii2?
This question is not about how to implement search specifically, but rather about what kind of approach to use. Should we use Sphinx? Elasticsearch? Or do we use UNION selects to get the data into a DataProvider?
Assume the application is using a relational database to store data. We want to search and display multiple different models. For example, our database contains tables of Books, Authors and Stores. When we search for a keyword we want to display results from all 3 tables (matching Books by title or content, Authors by full name and Stores by name etc).
There are tutorials which show how to use Elasticsearch but assume that our data is stored in the Elasticsearch database, which does not make sense. Our data is already stored in MySQL or PostgreSQL. Does this mean
we need to maintain a duplicate of our data in the Elasticsearch database?
What is the best practice methododology of implementing site-wide search in Yii2?
That depends on many factors, so I cant give you a specific recommendation for your case. Some of the factors to think about are:
What would you like to achieve with this search? Is every little bit in your database a significant search term?
Do you need only full-text-search or a wide range of analytics?
Have you any limits in time or costs?
Can your (tech-)infrastructure handle your ideas?
Is it worth to bring in another extensive technology in the project?
Can you handle additional maintenance tasks to run such a search engine?
And many more ...
In my internal Yii2 Project with a PostgreSQL RDBMS, I decided to use a PostgreSQL Text Search Type called tsvector. Thats good enough for my needs. Why?
You can use Stemming.
Supports Fuzzy search.
Supports basic ranking.
Supports multiple languages.
I highly recommend this blog post Postgres full-text search is Good Enough.

which nodejs index method is better

According to the neo4j documentation, indexing can be done i 2 ways"
Indexing in Neo4j can be done in two different ways:
1. The database itself is a natural index consisting of its relationships of different types between nodes. For example a tree
structure can be layered on top of the data and used for index lookups
performed by a traverser.
2. Separate index engines can be used, with Apache Lucene being the default
backend included with Neo4j.
But there is no comparison which is better in what and what is better in which cases.
Which one is better and why?
Is this a data warehouse/mart or reporting database? If you have both transactions and search going against the database it might give interesting pros or cons.
Lucene exists for one reason search and it does it really well. If you have a large system with multiple services, for ultimate scalability it is always to split the services up and keep them doing their single responsibility. This would give you flexibility of using that Lucene index against other services if necessary...also if you ever got rid off neo4j, then you still have your index/search artifacts around not coupled to Neo4j.
I would look at it from the overall system architecture not just specific functionality.

Using Lucene to index private data, should I have a separate index for each user or a single index

I am developing an Azure based website and I want to provide search capabilities using Lucene. (structured json objects would be indexed and stored in Lucene and other content such as Word documents, etc. would be indexed in lucene but stored in blob storage) I want the search to be secure, such that one user would never see a document belonging to another user. I want to allow ad-hoc searches as typed by the user. Lastly, I want to query programmatically to return predefined sets of data, such as "all notes for user X". I think I understand how to add properties to each document to achieve these 3 objectives. (I am listing them here so if anyone is kind enough to answer, they will have better idea of what I am trying to do)
My questions revolve around performance and security.
Can I improve document security by having a separate index for each user, or is including the user's ID as a parameter in each search sufficient?
Can I improve indexing speed and total throughput of the system by having a separate index for each user? My thinking is that having separate indexes would allow me to scale the system by having multiple index writers (perhaps even on different server instances) working at the same time, each on their own index.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Of course, one index.
You can do even better than what you suggested by using ManifoldCF (Apache product that knows how to handle Solr) to manage security.
And one off topic, uninformed suggestion: I'd rather use CloudBees or Heroku (or Amazon) instead of Azure.
Until you will use several machines for indexing I guess it's more convenient to use single index. Lucene community done a lot of work to make indexing process as efficient as it can. So unless you intentionally want to implement distributed indexing I doesn't recommend you to split indexes.
However there are several reasons why you would want to split indexes:
if your machine have several IO devices which could be utilized in parallel. In this case, if you are IO bound, splitting indexes is good idea.
splitting document fields between indexes (this is what ParallelReader is supposed for). This is more exotic form of splitting, but it may be a good idea if search is performed using different groups of fields. Suppose, we have two search query types: the first is using field name and type, and the second is using fields price and discount. If those fields are updated at different rate (I guess, name updates are far more rarely than price updates), updating only part of index would require less IO resources. This will give more overall throughput to the system.

Multilingual free-text search in an app with normalized data?

We have enums, free-text, and referenced fields etc. in our DB.
Each enum has its own translation, free-text could be in any language. We'd like to do efficient large-scale free-text searching and enum value based searching.
I know of solutions like Solr which are nice, but that would mean we'd have to index entire de-normalized records with all the text of all the languages in the system. This seems a bit excessive.
What are some recommended approaches for searching multilingual normalized data? Anyone tackle this before?
ETL. Extract, Transform, Load. In other words, get the data out of your existing databases, transform it (which is more than merely denormalizing it) and load it into SOLR. The SOLR db will be a lot smaller than the existing databases because there is no relational overhead. And SOLR search takes most of the load off of your existing database servers.
Take a good look at how to configure and use SOLR and learn about SOLR cores. You may want to put some languages in separate cores because that way you can more effectively use the various stemming algorithms in SOLR. But even with multilingual data you can still use bigrams (such as are used with Chinese language analysis).
Having multiple cores makes searching a bit more complex since you can try either a single language index, or an all-languages index. But it is much more effective to group language data and apply language specific stopwords, protected words, stemming and language analysis tools.
Normally you would include some key data in the index so that when you find a record via SOLR search, you can then reference directly into the source db. Also, you can have normalised and non-normalised data together, for instance an enum could be recorded in a normalised field in English as well as a non-normalised field in the same language as the free-text. A field can be duplicated in order to apply two different analysis and filtering treatments.
It would be worth your while to trial this with a subset of your data in order to learn how SOLR works and how best to configure it.

What's the best approach for using SOLR with web projects?

ok, I'm totally new to SOLR and Lucene, but have got Solr running out-of-the-box under Tomcat 6.x and have just gone over some of the basic Wiki entries.
I have a few questions, and require some suggestions too.
Solr can index data in files (XML, CSV) and it can also index DBs. Can you also just point it to a URI/domain, and have it index a website in the way google would?
If I have a website with "Pages" data, so "Page Name", "Page Content" etc, and "Products Data", so "Product Name", "SKU" etc, do I need two different Schema.xml files? and if so, does that mean two different instances of Solr?
Finally, if you have a project with a large relational and normalized database, what would you say is the best approach from the 3 options below?:
Have a middleware service running in the background, which mines the DB and manually creates the relevant XML files to then send to SOLR
Have SOLR index the DB directly. In this case, would it be best to just point SOLR to views, which would abstract all the table relationships?
Any other options I'm unaware of?
Context: We're running in a Windows 2003 environment, .NET 3.5, SQLServer 2005/2008
No, you need a crawler for that, e.g. Nutch
Yes, you want two separate indexes ( = two schema.xml) since the datasets don't seem to be related. This doesn't mean two instances of Solr, you can manage the two indexes with Cores.
As for populating the Solr index, it depends on your particular project, for example, can it tolerate stale data or does it have to absolutely fresh.
Other options to index data include:
Database triggers
If you're using some sort of ORM use its interception capabilities. For example you can use NHibernate events to update the index on update, insert or delete. If you use NHibernate and SolrNet this is taken care of automatically
I think Mauricio is dead on for his advice. The only point I would make is that when deciding to have a "middleware" indexer, or use the database directly. If your database (or the views?) map very closely to what a good Solr schema wants, then DIH is great. But, if you are indexing from multiple sources of data, or if you have to munge about the data in your database to meet what Solr would like, then having a dedicated middleware indexer is better.
