LWUIT: tabs - how to mark the currently selected tab - java-me

I have 4 tabs. Each tab is represented by a button. Those buttons are used to select the currently displayed tab. Each button has an icon and text.
I'd like to highlight the currently selected tab by changing background color and text label color of the corresponding button. I'd like to do it using Theme and Resource Editor.
I created theme and specified unselected, selected and pressed styles for UIID "Tab". My tabs look great in Sun WTK! Fine! But I found that on a real phone the tabs always look like unselected. I tried on Nokia 5800 XPressMusic and C7. Why the difference?
After some experiments I found out the reason - the buttons may be only in 2 states: unselected and pressed. They never be in the selected state. On the emulator when I move to a button using navi keys, it becomes selected.
So, what should I do to mark the current tab?

You can use a few different approaches especially in 1.5.
LWUIT 1.5 has a Tabs component which pretty much does everything for you and is remarkably flexible.
It uses radio buttons on which the method setToggleButton(true) is invoked. Toggle buttons act like radio buttons so when you press a button in the group it stays pressed and is rendered using the ToggleButton style (you can set the UIID to whatever you want). See a sample of using toggle buttons in the font demo portion of LWUIT demo.
An option that will work for older versions of LWUIT is to just set the UIID of the button to a different value when it is pressed (and restore the UIID of the previously selected button to the original value).

I implemented what I needed. Thanks to Shai and his example.
I didn't use theme properties and made all customizations in the code. I did so because I didn't catch how setting unique UIID can help me, since the problem is not in the identifying the UIID for which the props have to be changed, but in identifying the button's style to be changed.
Below some important notes of my solution.
Call addActionListener for the buttons AFTER they have added to the tabs.
When any tab button is pressed, update UNSELECTED styles of the tab buttons. Also you can change their icons.
Call form's repaint() after step 2.


Toggle button on custom ribbon tab is running code, but not updating its interface

I have a Toggle button on custom ribbon tab. When I mouse click on button, its interface is updating correctly (i.e turning little dark when toggled). But I need to set its value dynamically using code. When I update its value by using TB_onAction or TB_getLabel, code is running fine but the interface is not updating (i.e button is not turning into dark color, only label is changing). Is there any solution for this?

Keyboard accessibility ( WCAG) in panels with list of elements that has assigned button role

Hi :) I would like to ask you about how to treat elements that compose a list, but whom have assiged a button role and are put in side panel ( so it is not a menu or dropdown). My main problem is how to decide is to where ARROWS should works and where TAB.
Moreover I have a differ types of list items that consist of:
checkbox/ radiobutton only
checkbox/ radiobutton with a link to another panel
two icons/ buttons that has defined an activities etc.
Please look at pictures and help me please :)
PINK - "arrows"
BLUE - "TAB"key
You should hardly decide which component will use TAB key or Arrow Keys. Keyboard accessibility for a large number of components is already defined in WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
Adding a different behavior could create issues to both sighted, and non-sighted users because they'll already be knowing which key to use based on the component or they'll know intuitively because of standard roles or they'll know as they use keyboard more to browse.
Offer List
Listbox will work. Arrow Keys to navigate and Enter key to perform the action.
List of Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
I would recommend to keep Checkboxes and Radio Buttons to their default keyboard behavior. Since your cases are more of a list, you can convert the list of checkboxes and radio buttons to Single Select and Multi Select Listboxes and use Checkbox and Radio Button as a font icon or graphic to show the selection, similar to how tick is shown in this Listbox example. When you convert to a Listbox, you'll meet the Arrow Keys requirement.
Selected Fruits List
There are some issues in the required keyboard behavior: How will user know if Arrow-Left or Arrow-Right need to be presed, think about non-sighted users.
Fruit Name and i icon button
In your need, you want both Fruit Name and i icon button to open a panel, suggest to NOT use Arrow-Right to i icon button and only use the Enter key to open the panel. May be you don't need i icon button at all.
Delete icon button
Suggest to use DEL key to delete the item
Remove i icon button. If you can't just keep it as graphic element without any events
Use Enter key to open the panel
Use DEL key to delete the item
I think the whole list will then become a listbox, navigable using Arrow Keys and Enter to invoke an operation
Vegetables List
Neither Accordion nor Nested List works here because you have two actions to do: Make a selection, and Expand and Collapse. I haven't tried TreeView but you can check.

How do I allow user to select, but not edit, text in an excel userform control whose width is smaller than the text?

I want the user to review some selections they made earlier. So I display some text describing each selection on a separate control in a userform. Some of the text on the controls is long, extending beyond the width of the control. This is fine; I just want the user to be able to see all of the text without being able to edit it. To do this, I use textboxes that are "Locked" (i.e. not editable) but "Enabled" (i.e. selectable). This way, they can just click and either mouse-drag or arrow-key over to scroll through all the text.
The (small, aesthetic) problem is that when the user clicks in one of the textboxes, they get a blinking cursor, which is misleading as that is normally associated with an editable textbox.
Possible solutions
Ideally, there would be some way of removing the blinking cursor, while still allowing selection but not edition. However, I'm open to other alternatives that don't have to do with changing the width, or having a scrollbar (the textbox is too short to fit a scrollbar). The best alternative I have so far is changing the background color to a gray to make it slightly more clear that it's not editable.
P.S. I'm very familiar with VBA, so if that's part of the solution, I'm cool with that.
Thanks all!
I had a similar issue, and solved it by using these instructions to create a hidden textbox that the cursor automatically appeared in (invisible to the user).

Toggle a custom icon on an Action Button on Lotus Notes form

When editing the action button properties, it allows an #if statement to flip/flop two choices (lock/unlock). i.e. #If(enlock=1;"Unlock";"Lock") for the "Label" of the action button.
At the bottom of the Action properties, icons can be None, Notes, or Custom. When I select Custom, I want the #if to use either the Locked/Unlocked Notes icons. (actn084.gif and actn085.gif, respectively) Or numbers #62 (locked) and #(I don't know/can't find, the # for the unlock icon).
I've tried formula with the icon number, like in a view, "display as icons" for view column. Using an #if, I've tried the gif on local and server replica's and it didn't give any results.
Please see the example image below.
Image example: http://i.stack.imgur.com/UBac3.png
You have to add actn084.gif and actn085.gif to Resources/Images.
Then, you can use a formula
for calculating icon.
As an alternative, you could create two buttons and hide-when them depending on field enlock. You could assign label and icon direct to buttons without formula then.
The hide formula would be enlock=1 for first button and enlock!=1 for the second. In both buttons you would have to add #Command([RefreshHideFormulas]); at the end of your action formula to refresh the action buttons (or Call uiDoc.RefreshHideFormulas for LotusScript action code).

MFC Ribbon CEdit Textbox Allignment in Panel

I am trying to align two text boxes with two buttons in a panel, and I am unable to find anything about how to force positioning inside the MFC Ribbon Panels.
Here is a picture of what I have currently.
http://i.imgur.com/ofD0b.jpg (Sorry wont let me post images yet, have to link.)
The Change View Date box has the box associated with it sitting below it and the change system date box is up in the top right in the second "column" of controls. I would like to fix this so the Box with the spin controls sits next to the CHange View Date and the box without the controls sits next to Change System Date.
Thoughts? Thanks!
I think yow cannot do it.
What you can do is to put a Ribbon Separator after the Box with the spin controls and then set the property 'Center Column Vertically' on the Panel.
Hope it can help.
