Delphi - Updating a global string from a second thread - multithreading

I am experimenting with multithreading in Delphi (XE) and have run into a problem with the use of a Global Variable between the main VCL thread and a second work thread.
My project involves a 2nd worker thread that scans through some files, and updates a globalvar string with the current filename its on. This globalvar is then picked up via a timer on the main VCL thread, and updates a statusbar.
I have noticed though that it occasionally comes up with a 'Invalid Pointer Operation'...or 'Out of Memory' or the work thread just stops responding (deadlock probably).
I therefore created a test app to identify and greatly increase the chance of error so i could see what's going on.
TSyncThread = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;
Form11: TForm11;
ProgressString : String;
ProgressCount : Int64;
SyncThread : TSyncThread;
CritSect : TRTLCriticalSection;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm11.StartButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
Timer1.Enabled := true;
SyncThread := TSyncThread.Create(True);
procedure TForm11.StopbuttonClick(Sender: TObject);
Timer1.Enabled := false;
procedure TForm11.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'Count: ' + IntToStr(ProgressCount);
StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := ProgressString;
procedure TSyncThread.Execute;
i : Int64;
i := 0;
while not Terminated do begin
ProgressString := IntToStr(i);
ProgressCount := i;
I set the timer interval to 10ms so that it is reading a lot, whilst the worker thread is running flat out updating the global var string. Sure enough this app barely lasts a second when run before it comes up with the above errors.
My question is, does the read operation of the Global var in the VCL Timer need to be run in a critical section? - if so, why?. From my understanding it is only a read, and with the writes already running in a critical section, i cannot see why it runs into a problem. If i do put the read in the timer into a critical section as well - it works fine....but im unhappy just doing that without knowing why!
I am new to multithreading so would appreciate any help in explaining why this simple example causes all sorts of problems and if there is a better way to be accessing a string from a worker thread.

Delphi String is allocated on a heap, it is not a static buffer somewhere. The variable itself is just a pointer. When your reading thread accesses a String, and at the same time this very string is being deallocated by another thread, bad things happen. You are accessing already freed memory, possibly allocated again for something else, etc.
Even if this String was a static buffer, update operations are not atomic, therefore you could be using a corrupted string that is being updated at this very moment (half new data and half old).
So you need to protect your reading operations with the same critical section you used around the writing operations.


Some threads does not execute after creating on Multi-threaded app

I've currently developing a program which executes some AT commands periodically.
I tried to make it multi-threaded because this program should work with 8 GSM modems concurrently.
here is my extended TThread class as TWorkerThread:
TWorkerThread = class(TThread)
FThreadJob : TThreadJobs;
FSimNum : Word;
SL_AT : TStringList;
FSignalGauge : TsGauge;
procedure SyncProc;
TerminateThread : Boolean;
constructor Create;
property ThreadJob : TThreadJobs read FThreadJob write FThreadJob;
property ZylGSM : TZylGSM read FZylGSM write FZylGSM;
property SimNum : Word read FSimNum write FSimNum;
property SignalGauge: TsGauge read FSignalGauge write FSignalGauge;
procedure Execute; override;
And body of my thread's methods :
constructor TWorkerThread.Create;
inherited Create(True);
if Not Assigned(SL_AT) then SL_AT := TStringList.Create;
FThreadJob := tjNone;
TerminateThread := False;
FreeOnTerminate := True;
procedure TWorkerThread.Execute;
if FThreadJob = tjNone then Exit;
while TerminateThread=False do Synchronize(SyncProc);
procedure TWorkerThread.SyncProc;
ts : String;
SignalStrength : Byte;
if bTerminateFlag then TerminateThread := True;
if TerminateThread then Exit;
case FThreadJob of
tjOperatorName : ;
tjSignalQuality :
FZylGSM.ExecuteATCommand('AT+CSQ', SL_AT);
if (SL_AT.Count>2) And (Pos('OK', SL_AT[2])>0) then begin
ts := Copy(SL_AT[1], Pos(':', SL_AT[1])+1, Length(SL_AT[1]));
ts := Trim(ts);
if ts = '99' then ts:='0';
SignalStrength := StrToIntDef(ts, 0);
SignalGauge.Progress := SignalStrength;
if bTerminateFlag then TerminateThread := True;
// Application.ProcessMessages;
I've used a for loop to create 8 threads like this:
DevPorts.GSM_Ports[i].WorkerThread := TWorkerThread.Create;
DevPorts.GSM_Ports[i].WorkerThread.ThreadJob := tjSignalQuality;
DevPorts.GSM_Ports[i].WorkerThread.SimNum := i+1;
DevPorts.GSM_Ports[i].WorkerThread.SignalGauge := FindComponent('Sig_'+IntToStr(i)) as TsGauge;
DevPorts.GSM_Ports[i].WorkerThread.ZylGSM := DevPorts.GSM_Ports[i].Comm;
The program worked as expected when I commented "Application.ProcessMessages", the problem is when I use "Application.ProcessMessages" in "TWorkerThread.SyncProc", some of my threads don't executes. I know it could be wrong to use ProcessMessage in the thread function but I did it because the Main GUI thread hangs up during send/recv of threads.
Any help will be appreciated.
Do not call Application.ProcessMessages from your threads. This is a terrible thing to do. The best you can hope for is spectacular failures. It calls code that should be run on the main thread on the wrong threads.
The reason your main GUI thread hangs is because you're not running anything multi-threaded. The line while TerminateThread=False do Synchronize(SyncProc); is synchronising everything to run back on the main thread. So currently your threads are pointless.
The purpose of Synchronize() is to allow threads to coordinate access to shared data so you don't have to deal with race conditions. However, the ideal is to share as little data as possible so that your threads can work independently of each other (and the main thread), without having to worry values under its control being changed at inappropriate times.
So alarm bells are screaming when you make most of your worker thread's members public:
TerminateThread : Boolean;
constructor Create;
property ThreadJob : TThreadJobs read FThreadJob write FThreadJob;
property ZylGSM : TZylGSM read FZylGSM write FZylGSM;
property SimNum : Word read FSimNum write FSimNum;
property SignalGauge: TsGauge read FSignalGauge write FSignalGauge;
You need to reevaluate what the responsibilities of your worker threads are and encapsulate that work appropriately. (Only call Synchronize() for code that should be synchronised!) However, I'm not familiar with the components you're using, and you may find that they're poorly written and not suitable for multi-threading as a result.
Other problems
Apart from the glaring immediate problems you have. There are also a number of mistakes demonstrating gaps in your understanding of multi-threaded development.
Do not call inherited from TWorkerThread.Execute. The ancestor method is abstract - has no implementation an cannot be called. And even though the Delphi compiler generously protects you from your mistake, it's a mistake nonetheless.
Your implementation of TerminateThread : Boolean; replicates existing functionality built into TThread. Instead of reinventing the wheel, use what Delphi has already provided.
I cannot see where you declared or are setting bTerminateFlag. My hunch is it's global. Using globals with multiple threads is like juggling flaming torches while standing in a room filled with open barrels of gunpowder.
Some guesses
I can hazard some guesses based on what you are trying to do in the code you have shown.
It looks like you're updating TsGuage instances to visually indicate the signal strength for each device. This is a GUI update that must be synchronised.
The line FZylGSM.ExecuteATCommand('AT+CSQ', SL_AT); seems to be the place where you interact with the device. It's probably also the slowest and what you want to processes off the main thread. This should not be synchronised if possible. However, it as indicated earlier, the feasibility of doing so depends on the implementation of that component.
That said, it seems the only line you should be synchronising is: SignalGauge.Progress := SignalStrength;.

How can I use a Dictionary/StringList inside Execute of a Thread - delphi

I have a thread class TValidateInvoiceThread:
TValidateInvoiceThread = class(TThread)
FData: TValidationData;
FInvoice: TInvoice; // Do NOT free
FPreProcessing: Boolean;
procedure ValidateInvoice;
procedure Execute; override;
constructor Create(const objData: TValidationData; const bPreProcessing: Boolean);
destructor Destroy; override;
constructor TValidateInvoiceThread.Create(const objData: TValidationData;
const bPreProcessing: Boolean);
objValidatorCache: TValidationCache;
inherited Create(False);
FData := objData;
objValidatorCache := FData.Caches.Items['TInvAccountValidator'];
destructor TValidateInvoiceThread.Destroy;
procedure TValidateInvoiceThread.Execute;
procedure TValidateInvoiceThread.ValidateInvoice;
objValidatorCache: TValidationCache;
objValidatorCache := FData.Caches.Items['TInvAccountValidator'];
I create this thread in another class
procedure TInvValidators.ValidateInvoiceUsingThread(
const nThreadIndex: Integer;
const objValidatorCaches: TObjectDictionary<String, TValidationCache>;
const nInvoiceIndex: Integer; const bUseThread, bPreProcessing: Boolean);
objValidationData := TValidationData.Create(FConnection, FAllInvoices, FAllInvoices[nInvoiceIndex], bUseThread);
objValidationData.Caches := objValidatorCaches;
objThread := TValidateInvoiceThread.Create(objValidationData, bPreProcessing);
FThreadArray[nThreadIndex] := objThread;
FHandleArray[nThreadIndex]:= FThreadArray[nThreadIndex].Handle;
Then I execute it
rWait:= WaitForMultipleObjects(FThreadsRunning, #FHandleArray, True, 100);
Note I have removed some code out of here to try to keep it a bit simpler to follow
The problem is that my Dictionary is becoming corrupt
If I put a breakpoint in the constructor all is fine
However, in the first line of the Execute method, the dictionary is now corrupt.
The dictionary itself is a global variable to the class
Do I need to do anything special to allow me to use Dictionaries inside a thread?
I have also had the same problem with a String List
Edit - additional information as requested
TInvValidators contains my dictionary
TInvValidators = class(TSTCListBase)
FThreadArray : Array[1..nMaxThreads] of TValidateInvoiceThread;
FHandleArray : Array[1..nMaxThreads] of THandle;
FThreadsRunning: Integer; // total number of supposedly running threads
FValidationList: TObjectDictionary<String, TObject>;
procedure TInvValidators.Validate(
const Phase: TValidationPhase;
const objInvoices: TInvoices;
const ReValidate: TRevalidateInvoices;
const IDs: TList<Integer>;
const objConnection: TSTCConnection;
const ValidatorCount: Integer);
InvoiceIndex: Integer;
i : Integer;
rWait : Cardinal;
Flags: DWORD; // dummy variable used in a call to find out if a thread handle is valid
nThreadIndex: Integer;
procedure ValidateInvoiceRange(const nStartInvoiceID, nEndInvoiceID: Integer);
InvoiceIndex: Integer;
I: Integer;
nThreadIndex := 1;
for InvoiceIndex := nStartInvoiceID - 1 to nEndInvoiceID - 1 do
if InvoiceIndex >= objInvoices.Count then
objInvoice := objInvoices[InvoiceIndex];
ValidateInvoiceUsingThread(nThreadIndex, FValidatorCaches, InvoiceIndex, bUseThread, False);
if nThreadIndex > nMaxThreads then
FThreadsRunning := nMaxThreads;
rWait:= WaitForMultipleObjects(FThreadsRunning, #FHandleArray, True, 100);
case rWait of
// one of the threads satisfied the wait, remove its handle
WAIT_OBJECT_0..WAIT_OBJECT_0 + nMaxThreads - 1: RemoveHandle(rWait + 1);
// at least one handle has become invalid outside the wait call,
// or more than one thread finished during the previous wait,
// find and remove them
if GetLastError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE then
for i := FThreadsRunning downto 1 do
if not GetHandleInformation(FHandleArray[i], Flags) then // is handle valid?
// the wait failed because of something other than an invalid handle
// all remaining threads continue running, process messages and loop.
// don't process messages if the wait returned WAIT_FAILED since we didn't wait at all
// likewise WAIT_OBJECT_... may return soon
WAIT_TIMEOUT: Application.ProcessMessages;
until FThreadsRunning = 0; // no more valid thread handles, we're done
FValidatorCaches := TObjectDictionary<String, TValidationCache>.Create([doOwnsValues]);
for nValidatorIndex := 0 to Count - 1 do
objValidator := Items[nValidatorIndex];
objCache := TValidationCache.Create(objInvoices);
FValidatorCaches.Add(objValidator.ClassName, objCache);
objValidator.PrepareCache(objCache, FConnection, objInvoices[0].UtilityType);
nStart := 1;
nEnd := nMaxThreads;
while nStart <= objInvoices.Count do
ValidateInvoiceRange(nStart, nEnd);
Inc(nStart, nMaxThreads);
Inc(nEnd, nMaxThreads);
If I remove the repeat until and leave just WaitForMultipleObjects I still get lots of errors
You can see here that I am processing the invoices in chunks of no more than nMaxThreads (10)
When I reinstated the repeat until loop it worked on my VM but then access violated on my host machine (which has more memory available)
Before I offer guidance on how to resolve your problem, I'm going to give you a very important tip.
First ensure your code works single-threaded, before trying to get a multi-threaded implementation working. The point is that multi-threaded code adds a whole new layer of complexity. Until your code works correctly in a single thread, it has no chance of doing so in multiple threads. And the extra layer of complexity makes it extremely difficult to fix.
You might believe you've got a working single-threaded solution, but I'm seeing errors in your code that imply you still have a lot of resource management bugs. Here's one example with relevant lines only, and comments to explain the mistakes:
try //try/finally is used for resource protection, in order to protect a
//resource correctly, it should be allocated **before** the try.
FValidatorCaches := TObjectDictionary<String, TValidationCache>.Create([doOwnsValues]);
//However, in the finally you're destroying something completely
//different. In fact, there are no other references to FMeterDetailCache
//anywhere else in the code you've shown. This strongly implies an
//error in your resource protection.
Reasons for not being able to use the dictionary
You say that: "in the first line of the Execute method, the dictionary is now corrupt".
For a start, I'm fairly certain that your dictionary isn't really "corrupt". The word "corrupt" implies that it's there, but its internal data is invalid resulting in inconsistent behaviour. It's far more likely that by the time the Execute method wants to use the dictionary, it has already been destroyed. So your thread is basically pointing to an area of memory that used to have a dictionary, but it's no longer there at all. (I.e. not "corrupt")
SIDE NOTE It is possible for your dictionary to truly become corrupt because you have multiple threads sharing the same dictionary. If different threads cause any internal changes to the dictionary at the same time, it could very easily become corrupt. But, assuming your threads are all treating the dictionary as read-only, you would need a memory overwrite to corrupt it.
So let's focus on what might cause your dictionary to be destroyed before the thread gets to use it. NOTE I can't see anything in the code provided, but there are 2 likely possibilities:
Your main thread destroys the dictionary before the child thread gets to use it.
One of your child threads destroys the dictionary as soon as it is destroyed resulting in all other threads being unable to use it.
In the first case, this would happen as follows:
Main Thread: ......C......D........
Child Thread ---------S......
. = code being executed
C = child thread created
- = child thread exists, but isn't doing anything yet
S = OS has started the child thread
D = main thread destroys dictionary
The point of the above is that it's easy to forget that the main thread can reach a point where it decides to destroy the dictionary even before the child thread starts running.
As for the second possibility, this depends on what is happening inside the destructor of TValidationData. Since you haven't shown that code, only you know the answer to that.
Debugging to pinpoint the problem
Assuming the dictionary is being destroyed too soon, a little debugging can quickly pinpoint where/why the dictionary is being destroyed. From your question, it seems you've already done some debugging, so I'm assuming you'll have no trouble following these steps:
Put a breakpoint on the first line of the dictionary's destructor.
Run your code.
If you reach Execute before reaching the dictionary's destructor, then the thread should still be able to use the dictionary.
If you reach the dictionary's destructor before reaching Execute, then you simply need to examine the sequence of calls leading to the object's destruction.
Debugging in case of a memory overwrite
Keeping an open mind about the possibility of a memory overwrite... This is a little trickier to debug. But provided you can consistently reproduce the problem it should be possible to debug.
Put a breakpoint in the thread's destructor.
Run the app
When you reach the above breakpoint, find the address of the of the dictionary by pressing Ctrl + F7 and evaluating #FData.Caches.
Now add a Data Breakpoint (use the drop-down from the Breakpoints window) for the address and the size of the dictionary.
Continue running, the app will pause when the the data changes.
Again, examine the call-stack to determine the cause.
Wrapping up
You have a number of questions and statements that imply misunderstandings about sharing data (dictionary/string list) between threads. I'll try cover those here.
There is nothing special required to use a Dictionary/StringList in a thread. It's basically the same as passing it to any other object. Just make sure the Dictionary/StringList isn't destroyed prematurely.
That said, whenever you share data, you need to be aware of the possibility of "race conditions". I.e. one thread attempts to access the shared data at the same time another thread is busy modifying it. If no threads are modifying the data, then there's no need for concern. But as soon as any thread is able to modify the data, the access needs to be made "thread-safe". (There are a number of ways to do this, please search for existing questions on SO.)
You mention: "The dictionary itself is a global variable to the class". Your terminology is not correct. A global variable is something declared at the unit level and is accessible anywhere. It's enough to simply say the dictionary is a member of or field of the class. When dealing with "globals", there are significantly different things to worry about; so best to avoid any confusion.
You may want to rethink how you initialise your threads. There are a few reasons you some entries of FHandleArray won't be initialised. Are you ok with this?
You mention AV on a machine that has more memory available. NOTE: Amount of memory is not relevant. And if you run in 32-bit mode you wouldn't have access to more than 4 GB in any case.
Finally, to make a special mention:
Using multiple threads to perform dictionary lookups is extremely inefficient. A dictionary lookup is an O(1) operation. The overhead of threading will almost certainly slow you down unless you intend doing a significant amount of processing in addition to the dictionary lookup.
PS - (not so big) mistake
I noticed the following in your code, and it's a mistake.
procedure TValidateInvoiceThread.Execute;
The TThread.Execute method is abstract, meaning there's no implementation. Attempting to call an abstract method will trigger an EAbstractError. Luckily as LU RD points out, the compiler is able to protect you by not compiling the line in. Even so, it would be more accurate to not call inherited here.
NOTE: In general, overridden methods don't always need to call inherited. You should be explicitly aware of what inherited is doing for you and decide whether to call it on a case-by-case basis. Don't go into auto-pilot mode of calling inherited just because you're overriding a virtual method.

In Delphi are reads on TList<x> thread safe?

I've built a simple logging class and want to confirm that it is thread safe. Basically the Log, RegisterLogger and UnRegisterLogger will be called from different threads. Log will be called alot (from many different threads) and RegisterLogger and UnRegisterLogger infrequently.
Basically my question can be boiled down to is: "Are reads on TList<x> thread safe?", that is to say can I have multiple threads accessing a TList at the same time.
IExecutionCounterLogger is an interface with a Log method (with the same signature as TExecutionCounterServer.Log)
TExecutionCounterServer = class
Loggers : TList<IExecutionCounterLogger>;
Synchronizer : TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
procedure RegisterLogger(Logger : IExecutionCounterLogger);
procedure UnRegisterLogger(Logger : IExecutionCounterLogger);
procedure Log(const ClassName, MethodName : string; ExecutionTime_ms : integer);
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
constructor TExecutionCounterServer.Create;
Loggers := TList<IExecutionCounterLogger>.Create;
Synchronizer := TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
destructor TExecutionCounterServer.Destroy;
procedure TExecutionCounterServer.Log(const ClassName, MethodName: string; ExecutionTime_ms: integer);
Logger: IExecutionCounterLogger;
for Logger in Loggers do
Logger.Log(ClassName, MethodName, ExecutionTime_ms);
procedure TExecutionCounterServer.RegisterLogger(Logger: IExecutionCounterLogger);
procedure TExecutionCounterServer.UnRegisterLogger(Logger: IExecutionCounterLogger);
i : integer;
i := Loggers.IndexOf(Logger);
if i = -1 then
raise Exception.Create('Logger not present');
As a bit more background, this is a follow on from this question. Basically I've added some instrumentation to every method of a (DCOM) DataSnap server, also I've hooked into every TDataSnapProvider OnGetData and OnUpdateData event.
Are reads on TList<T> thread safe? That is to say can I have multiple threads accessing a TList<T> at the same time?
That is thread safe and needs no synchronisation. Multiple threads can safely read concurrently. That is equivalent to (and in fact implemented as) reading from an array. It is only if one of your threads modifies the list that synchronisation is needed.
Your code is a little more complex than this scenario. You do appear to need to cater for threads modifying the list. But you've done so with TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer which is a perfectly good solution. It allows multiple reads threads to operate concurrently, but any write threads are serialized with respect to all other threads.
Emphasizing the first part of your question, you state that calls to RegisterLogger and UnregisterLogger are infrequently. While the Log call is only reading the list, these other two are changing the list. In this case you have to make sure that none of these is executed while a Log call is executing or may occur.
Imagine a Delete in UnregisterLogger is executed during the for loop in Log. The results are unpredictable at least.
It will be not sufficient to use the Synchronizer only in those two writing calls.
So the answer to your question
Are reads on TList thread safe?
can only be: it depends!
If you can make sure that no RegisterLogger and UnregisterLogger happen (i.e. only read calls can happen), you can safely omit the Synchronizer. Otherwise - better not.

Thread.FreeOnTerminate := True, memory leak and ghost running

Years ago, I decided never to rely solely on setting a thread's FreeOnTerminate property to true to be sure of its destruction, because I discovered and reasoned two things at application's termination:
it produces a memory leak, and
after program's termination, the thread is still running somewhere below the keyboard of my notebook.
I familiarized myself with a workaround, and it did not bother me all this time. Until tonight, when again someone (#MartinJames in this case) commented on my answer in which I refer to some code that does not use FreeOnTerminate in combination with premature termination of the thread. I dove back in the RTL code and realized I may have made the wrong assumptions. But I am not quite sure about that either, hence this question.
First, to reproduce the above mentioned statements, this illustrative code is used:
unit Unit3;
Classes, Windows, Messages, Forms;
TMyThread = class(TThread)
FForm: TForm;
procedure Progress;
procedure Execute; override;
TMainForm = class(TForm)
procedure FormClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
FThread: TMyThread;
{$R *.dfm}
{ TMyThread }
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
while not Terminated do
procedure TMyThread.Progress;
FForm.Caption := FForm.Caption + '.';
{ TMainForm }
procedure TMainForm.FormClick(Sender: TObject);
FThread := TMyThread.Create(True);
FThread.FForm := Self;
FThread.FreeOnTerminate := True;
procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
Now (situation A), if you start the thread with a click on the form, and close the form right after the caption changed, there is a memory leak of 68 bytes. I assume this is because the thread is not freed. Secondly, the program terminates immediately, and the IDE is at that same moment back again in normal state. That in contrast to (situation B): when not making use of FreeOnTerminate and the last line of the above code is changed into FThread.Free, it takes (max.) 2 seconds from the disappearance of the program to the normal IDE state.
The delay in situation B is explained by the fact that FThread.Free calls FThread.WaitFor, both which are executed in the context of the main thread. Further investigation of Classes.pas learned that the destruction of the thread due to FreeOnTerminate is done in the context of the worker thread. This lead to the following questions on situation A:
Is there indeed a memory leak? And if so: is it important, could it be ignored? Because when an application terminates, doesn't Windows give back all its reserved resources?
What happens with the thread? Does it indeed run further somewhere in memory until its work is done, or not? And: is it freed, despite the evidence of the memory leak?
Disclaimer: For memory leak detection, I use this very simple unit as first in the project file.
Indeed, the OS reclaims all a process's memory when it terminates, so even if those 68 bytes refer to the non-freed thread object, the OS is going to take those bytes back anyway. It doesn't really matter whether you've freed the object at that point.
When your main program finishes, it eventually reaches a place where it calls ExitProcess. (You should be able to turn on debug DCUs in your project's linker options and step through to that point with the debugger.) That API call does several things, including terminating all other threads. The threads are not notified that they're terminating, so the cleanup code provided by TThread never runs. The OS thread simply ceases to exist.

How to implement thread which periodically checks something using minimal resources?

I would like to have a thread running in background which will check connection to some server with given time interval. For example for every 5 seconds.
I don't know if there is a good "desing pattern" for this? If I remember corretly, I've read somewehere that sleeping thread in its execute method is not good. But I might be wrong.
Also, I could use normal TThread class or OTL threading library.
Any ideas?
In OmniThreadLibrary, you would do:
TTimedTask = class(TOmniWorker)
procedure Timer1;
FTask: IOmniTaskControl;
procedure StartTaskClick;
FTask := CreateTask(TTimedTask.Create())
.SetTimer(1, 5*1000, #TTimedTask.Timer1)
procedure StopTaskClick;
FTask := nil;
procedure TTimedTask.Timer1;
// this is triggered every 5 seconds
As for sleeping in Execute - it depends on how you do it. If you use Sleep, then this might not be very wise (for example because it would prevent the thread to stop during the sleep). Sleeping with WaitForSingleObject is fine.
An example of TThread and WaitForSingleObject:
TTimedThread = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;
FStopThread: THandle;
FThread: TTimedThread;
procedure StartTaskClick(Sender: TObject);
FStopThread := CreateEvent(nil, false, false, nil);
FThread := TTimedThread.Create;
procedure StopTaskClick(Sender: TObject);
{ TTimedThread }
procedure TTimedThread.Execute;
while WaitForSingleObject(Form71.FStopThread, 5*1000) = WAIT_TIMEOUT do begin
// this is triggered every 5 seconds
OTL timer implementation is similar to the TThread code above. OTL timers are kept in priority list (basically the timers are sorted on the "next occurence" time) and internal MsgWaitForMultipleObjects dispatcher in TOmniWorker specifies the appropriate timeout value for the highest-priority timer.
You could use an event and implement the Execute method of the TThread descendant by a loop with WaitForSingleObject waiting for the event, specifying the timeout. That way you can wake the thread up immediately when needed, e.g. when terminating.
If the thread runs for the life of the app, can be simply terminated by the OS on app close and does not need accurate timing, why bother with solutions that require more typing than sleep(5000)?
To add another means of achieving a 5-sec event it is possible to use the Multimedia Timer which is similar to TTimer but has no dependence on your application. After configuring it (you can setup one-shot or repetitive) it calls you back in another thread. By its nature it is very accurate (to within better than 1ms). See some sample Delphi code here.
The code to call the timer is simple and it is supported on all Windows platforms.
Use CreateWaitableTimer and SetWaitableTimer
