I have an installshield project is it possible to install redistributable packages after the main install process ends?
I can't modify the package so I would run the installer from setup.ini
A solution would be to use a custom action which launches the prerequisites asynchronously and doesn't wait for them to finish.
But if you can't modify the package, the only solution I can think of is a BAT file. This BAT can first execute the package and then the prerequisites.
Setup.ini isn't designed to support injecting additional instals. You'd have to write another wrapper install that could chain this install and your other install together.
I am trying to install --global windows-build-tools by running below command
npm install --global windows-build-tools -verbose
No matter if I try through PowerShell or CMD (both as Administrator), the installation gets stuck in the same step.
npm info run windows-build-tools#5.2.2 postinstall node_modules/windows-build-tools node ./dist/index.js
[##################] | reify:resolve: info run windows-build-tools#5.2.2 postinstall node_modules/windows-build-tools node ./dist/index.js
Is there a reason why this might not complete?
According to the windows-build-tools repo
Please note that the official Node.js for Windows installer can now
automatically install the required tools. That's likely a much better
option than the module listed here (windows-build-tools).
recommended approach:
Go to node-download-page
Download LTS version for windows
Follow the installation instructions
When you got to this window, check the checkbox
After the installation it will prompt you to this window, it will automatically download the necessary dependencies
If you want to use this package(not recommended):
You should try to roll back to version 4.0.0
Run the command-line as administrator and try this:
npm install --global windows-build-tools#4.0.0
related question
If you're having trouble installing windows-build-tools (which I had a problem with recently), you should roll back to version 4.0.0.
Run PowerShell as Administrator, and then type in the following command (assuming you have node and npm installed).
npm install --global windows-build-tools#4.0.0
This process can take some time, so please be patient.
Built-in Node.js Build Tools
There are built-in Node.js build tools, so it is recommended to use this. In fact, if you go on the npm or GitHub page of the windows-build-tools package, it will say that you should use the Node.js build tools.
To do this, go to the official Node.js download website, and download the LTS version. Then, run the installer. At a point in the installation, it will have a checkbox that says Automatically install the recommended tools. Make sure to check that!
When you install it, it will also install Chocolatey, and install the build tools like the windows-build-tools package.
Even though both of these work, it is recommended to use the Node.js built tools!
Following this thread for a while now.
Disclaimer: Please note that I know this is not directly answering your question about why the process gets stuck but I want to share my solution anyway.
The installation via chocolatey did not work for me, as mentioned in:
Then, I found this microsoft page. On this page, the person asked this question:
I tried to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Build tools. The installer
(filename is visualcppbuildtools_full.exe) stops right after the start
of the installation it says a setup package is missing or damaged("Ein
Setuppaket fehlt oder ist beschÃĪdigt"). The option to download it
again doesnt work. Downloading the installer again doesnt help. Trying
to do an offline installation doesnt work either and I get the same
error. How can I find out what exactly the problem is and how can I
solve it?
The solution mentions the page https://my.visualstudio.com/Download that provides different build tool versions:
I was able to download and install "Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.9)".
I want to install Node.js version 14 on Windows but it is not installing instead it is showing below screen.
But when I try to install Node.js v17, it is opening installation wizard by which I can install Node.js but this is not happening for Node.js 14. How can I install Node.js v14?
I downloaded the exe from https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v14.17.3/
It is easier to use nvm for node installation. It allows you to quickly install and use different versions of node via the command line
It is available on Linux/Mac and Windows
You can find the setup file in the releases section and install it
To install node v14 you just need to execute 2 comands
nvm install 14
nvm use 14
If you've downloaded the exe, there's no installation needed - you already have the executable, and as you can see, it's operational - when you run it, you get Node.js' REPL.
If you want to "properly" install Node.js you could download and run the MSI from the link instead of the exe.
So, you get an executable file when you download it? You might have downloaded the zip archive instead of the installer. There can be many ways to install node into your Windows machine.
Using nvm (recommended)
You can use nvm to keep multiple versions of node and toggle between them when needed.
nvm install 14
nvm use 14
Ref: NVM Readme
Using MSI Installer
Download the msi installer from the website Previous Releases page if you want a specific older version. Here is a link for v14.18.2-x64.
Using Zip Archive (the hard way)
If you want to do it by using the file you already downloaded, what you can do is:
Save that exe file to a specific location you want (It is recommended to save all the executable binaries in bin directory in your User directory, similar to how we do in Linux systems).
Copy the path to that file (e.g., C:\Users\erajendr\bin\node.exe).
Search for Edit the system environment variables in Cortana search.
Look for a variable with name "Path".
Double click on the variable.
Add the copied path to the list of existing paths there.
You can test if this works by typing node in a fresh new terminal/cmd.
Ref: How to add Path in Windows 10
I try Volta tools on existing Node project. This is very great tools :)
But, can i use global package ? For example, i've run :
npm i -g gitmoji-cli
Then, i try to use gitmoji, but it's undefined on the command line. I'm on the right node version, but i don't really understand why the gitmoji is not found.
Do you know if I need other param ?
If anyone have already use this tool and installing global package .. :)
You can install global packages using volta install <package>. In your case, it would be volta install gitmoji-cli.
Volta will then install the package and make it available anywhere in your terminal. However, if you open the terminal in a project that has that package listed as a dependency, or dev dependency, Volta will use the package from the node_modules of that project instead.
For more information see: global-installs-done-right
Yes, Volta works Well with global package installation.
I try your command and it's OK:
npm i -g gitmoji-cli
if it's not working for you, try openning "cmd" with "Run as administrator" option.
or, as volta documentation recommends, enable "Developer Mode" in Windows:
Volta's functionality depends on creating symlinks, so you must
Enable Developer Mode (recommended)
Run Volta with elevated privileges (not recommended)
When you install a package to your toolchain, Volta takes your current default Node version and pins the tool to that engine
Trying to install latest version of node on win10, I run the msi install package and halfway through the installation it tells me that it does not have sufficient permissions and that it needs administrator permissions. I cancel the install and try to run it again as administrator however it seems that for .msi file types win10 does not offer to run as administrator.
It offers
How can i install node? I wanted to update my current node version to latest, should I perhaps uninstall first and then try to install?
You can:
install it somewhere else and use it from there
install it somewhere else and move it later
use the ZIP package and move the files where you want
download the EXE file
install from source
use nvm
See files in:
nvm for Windows:
Since yesterday I have been trying to install and use bower for managing my dependencies. After going through many articles although I have been able to install it. I am not being able to run it. Beside many articles I also followed this video:
Bower running in Package Manager Console in Visual Studio install
As the video is in some other languages even though I followed all the commonds, I could not get
After doing everything when I type bower in the Package manager console, it gives me error
Thanks in advance for helping me out.
PS: I have already installed npm and node.
In order to use Bower correctly in Windows, you need to install msysgit correctly. This is the requirement as specified in bower github https://github.com/bower/bower#a-note-for-windows-users.
The option you have to select during installation is Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt.
After successful installation. Restart Visual Studio and then you are good to go.
In my case, after installing msysgit, I installed bower using:
PM> Install-Package Bower
Above step automatically installed dependencies (node.js, jquery)
I also had to specify relative path to bower.cmd:
PM>.\MyProject.bin\bower.cmd install semantic-ui