Lotus Notes toolbar button to move documents to favorite folders - lotus-notes

I'm looking for assistance to create some Notes toolbar buttons to move selected documents to a favorite folders. I just want to hardcode a specified folder per button.
I'm not familiar with Notes Formula language or creating buttons so any tips would be helpful.

#Command([Folder]; "folderName") will copy the selected document to "foldername"
Create Action on the view you wish to copy documents from and drop the above code in. You can play around with the Actions properties to control appearance, location etc.

Use a formula like this
#Command( [Folder] ; folderName ; moveOrCopy )
The following formula will move the selected document to the folder named "My Favorite":
#Command( [Folder] ; "My Favorite" ; "1")
If you omit folderName the Move To Folder dialog will be displayed.
The moveOrCopy parameter is optional. A value of "1" moves the document to the folder. A value of "0" copies the document to the folder. If you omit this parameter, Folder assumes a value of "0" (copy).
Also, if you have a subfolder, you can specify it with a double backslash like this:
#Command( [Folder] ; "My Favorite\\My Subfolder" ; "1")

I recently learned how to do this myself so I could create two different buttons with hardcoded folder locations. I used the following:
Of course, replace "Foldername" with the name you need and be sure to leave in the quotes.
Where it got a little tricky for me was trying to move an email to a subfolder of a folder. The normal backslash didn't seem to work. I don't know what made me think of it, but I tried two backslashes and that worked fine.
I know you're looking to hardcode the buttons, but if you're looking to create more than 2-3 buttons, I'd suggest looking to use a simple popup that lets you choose from a list of choices. That way you don't have to memorize which button is which and you won't run out of room on your toolbar.

The answer depends on a lot of factors that you've not specified here.
Is this for the Notes client? For a single database? Is the objective a personal favorites list for each user, or a shared favorites list? If yes for all of these, then why do you want to use a toolbar button for this? Just set up a 'Favorites' folder in the application, mark it as 'Shared, personal on first use', and teach users to move selected documents to it via drag and drop.
If it's for web browser users but still for a single database, drag and drop won't work so OTTA's answer is correct.
But if what you are trying to do is create a unified 'Favorites' feature that spans multiple databases, whether it's personal or otherwise... there's considerably more programming to do.

You may also want to take a look at SwiftFile, which learns from your behaviour and suggest folders to sort into. SwiftFile comes "for free" with your Notes Licence & Install SW.


Hyperlink is complete when hovering with mouse, doesn't work when clicked

I am working with a word doc from Sharepoint that is filled with hyperlinks that have moved from one place to another. Word attempted to autoshift these links and it appears to have done a good job; when I hover over a hyperlink it shows me the full URL to the location of the document (pictured) but when I expand the hyperlink using Ctrl+F9 it shows the link quite differently.
How the link looks when I hover over it: "https://school.sharepoint.com/sites/Teachers/js/..."
How the link looks when I Alt+F9
"../Maths%201%20to%208%20ebooksledge%20Practise.pdf" (example links not real)
Why is my link appearing correctly upon hovering but when expanded it starts with '../' and cuts off half the link? Picture attached.
Hovered and Expanded Pics
It looks like the result (as YowE3K suggested) in the link is a relative url (which saves room within the system). There are a number of different ways to represent urls. If we start with https:... Then we have a complete path and if you were to move the document, the link doesn't change or have context (If I email the document to someone, assuming they have access to the URL, it will work). Having a relative URL is great for moving things around because assuming all the documents are in the same relative location, then if I move a top level folder, or change the name of the web site, the links will still work.
You can either leave it as is, assuming it's working or you can replace the link with the complete path.

How to add comments to folder in linux and view them with mouse cursor

I run simulations for various choices of parameters. For each choice I store the resulting data in a folder, like
...and so forth.
would like to write a little text file AAA.txt which contains not just the C parameter but all the others too. Then when viewing this folder which contains the data I want to hold my cursor on the little file symbol and have a little box appear. This box should show just the content of AAA.txt, so I can quickly check which set of parameters was used in this particular run.
Anyone know how to do this? I use Ubuntu 14.04
I am not aware of ways to give you a custom "tooltip". As an alternative, you could look into creating custom thumbnails of your .dat files.
See here for how to do that with nautilus; the default file browser for Ubuntu.
Alternatively, you might look into what Gloobus can do for you.

Excel open same names files

I need to create a button in Excel that opens a dialog box and I select the file that I recorded on the second sheet, but I also automatically select other files with the same name differs just ending. So I need to choose one file, and always record 2-3 more with the same name and to open a new worksheet. How to do it?
What you need to select the file abc.txt and uploaded to other files abc.ydd and abc.dyk name will always be the same only the ending will be different.
An advice for any work you are doing: Break down your big task into small steps as often as needed until the steps are small enough so that you know how to process them.
On your specific programming task, this means, you should break it down into:
You need a button on one of the excel sheets.
That button has to open a dialog box for selecting a file
I don't know whether it can be any arbitrary file or a specific one, as you wrote that the file was recorded on another sheet. I think that makes no difference at all.
After finishing the file selection, you have to evaluate the result of the dialog box (OK -> which file, ABORT -> do nothing).
Take the file name, remove the extension and search for other files (in the same directory or elsewhere) with that name.
I don't know why you want to open another worksheet. Of course you can do that, but if you want to show the content of that files in the worksheet, they better be excel files.
How you do these suggested steps is something you need to find out by yourself. Or you are lucky and find someone else who has plenty of free time to do that for you, but I don't think you will be that lucky, especially after providing a quite vague description of your problem.
In general, stackoverflow is for asking for solutions to specific programming problems, not for providing ready-to-use solutions for beginners. Take a look at VBA manuals and tutorials. They can be found widely across the internet and in book stores.

How to hide folders list in the title bar?

At this moment in title bar of Sublime Text 3, except full path to the file, I'm currently working with, there is list of all folders I have opened in Sublime Text 3.
There are only 4 folders, and such list in parentheses already wasting space.
IMHO, it's useless feature and I'm interested if there is way to hide this list in title bar.
I don't know of any direct way of hiding the folder names, but you can minimize the space taken up in the title bar by making a 1-character project. Click on Project -> Save Project As... and name it something like A.sublime-project or whatever. Now, instead of this:
You get this:
It's not perfect, but it'll help clean things up a bit.

"Show In - Explorer" with multiple files?

Here's a frequent situation: You have about thirty files checked out into a specific pending change-list. After working on those files, and before submitting them, you needed to move them to a folder (external to deposits, so a simple "Integrate" wouldn't be suitable).
Using the "Show In - Explorer" option, you'll get a lot of window popped-up. And that's just painful (and sometimes, the system just cannot open all of them).
So, question is, is there a simple way to copy-paste multiple files from a change-list without doing it individually?
You can do this with a custom tool.
In P4V, open the custom tools manager via the Tools->Manage Custom Tools... menu item
Click New->Tool... to open the Add Custom Tool dialog and enter these parameters (xcopy isn't the ideal app for this, but I'll talk about that later1)
alt text http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/6678/p4editcustomtool.png
Now you will be able to select all the files in your change list, right click on them, and a new item will be available in the context menu Copy selected files to another location..."
alt text http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/4003/p4vcustomtoolincontextm.png
An input box will appear, asking you where you wish to copy the files.
alt text http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/7612/p4locationprompt.png
Click OK and the files will be copied to the location you entered in the input dialog. Maybe...
1There are some problems with xcopy:
the target directory must already exist
it doesn't seem to work if the path contains spaces
if the process fails, you're process list will fill up with a bunch of instances of xcopy.exe that are stuck trying to do who knows what
the custom tool will no longer work if the previous condition occurs
I tried robocopy also, which would be perfect if there was a way to pass it the source directory, but P4V custom tool editor doesn't provide the parent directory as a parameter. Ideally, you should write your own file copy utility, if this is really important to you. It wouldn't require that much effort.
Lastly, the P4V custom tool editor offers a file browser, but not a folder browser, and the latter is what you really need for a tool such as this.
So, play around with the custom tool thing. You might be able to come up with an answer to your problem.
I know you want to do these things outside of Perforce, but the best I can think of is if you create another workspace specifically for exporting files. You can sync your Perforce workspace to contain only the files in a particular changelist.
In this workspace, try giving the files in your changelist, after it is submitted, a particular label. If you sync your workspace to this label, it will delete every file that does not have this label based on this Perforce page. (do Find for label in that page)
p4 sync #label_name
This involves Perforce, but it does provide a way to get only the files you want.
I believe you can also accomplish this only using changelist numbers, but it may be more complicated. I'm not 100% sure this works
p4 sync #none
p4 sync #changelist,#changelist
I think this will sync files only in this changelist.
