How to hide folders list in the title bar? - sublimetext3

At this moment in title bar of Sublime Text 3, except full path to the file, I'm currently working with, there is list of all folders I have opened in Sublime Text 3.
There are only 4 folders, and such list in parentheses already wasting space.
IMHO, it's useless feature and I'm interested if there is way to hide this list in title bar.

I don't know of any direct way of hiding the folder names, but you can minimize the space taken up in the title bar by making a 1-character project. Click on Project -> Save Project As... and name it something like A.sublime-project or whatever. Now, instead of this:
You get this:
It's not perfect, but it'll help clean things up a bit.


Can I filter sidebar directories by name (in sublime text 3) to quickly find node module, for example?

Here is my example, where I could have some input to filter directory subfolders.
The direct answer to the question is that this is not possible; the list of files and folders in the side bar is controlled by what folders you add and the settings that you include/exclude files and folders from within those folders. In theory you could try to modify the settings to change what appears in the side bar, but every time those settings change the file catalog needs to be rebuilt, which is something that can take some time (particularly in something with a large node_modules folder). It also causes all of the folders in the side bar to fold up.
The expected workflow is more designed around working with files than with working with groups of folders and that workflow centers around the Goto Anything panel. Choosing Goto > Goto Anything in the menu will open a panel showing you a list of every file that is currently contained in the side bar (except binary files).
The panel can filter text via fuzzy matching using as many search terms as you want (in any order you want) and will move the most likely matches closer to the top of the list. It also learns over time what files you pick when you use certain filters.
For your use case here you can open the panel and use a filter like node_modules or nmod/ to filter to files in the node_modules/ directory, acorn/ to see only files that exist in folders that match acorn, or a combination. You can also include fragments of filenames like lodash/ indjs to bring the index.js of the `lodash/ package to the top of the list.
The best way to get a feel for how this works is to play with it a little bit. Note also that the context menu in open files has a Reveal in side bar command that will focus the side bar on that file, which can be a handy way to see the other siblings of files you have open.

sublime text 3 file tabs changed with update (too wide/too smart?)

A new update to sublime text 3 seems to have changed the way the file tabs work. I'm not even sure what is the proper element for this name but something happened with this:
Before this most recent update, i think the tabs would just shrink as the number increased, and not being able to read the name was a signal that i need to close stuff. Now it feels a lot smarter, it makes sure that i can read the entire name, but then a whole bunch of them can be hidden and stacked at the very beginning or end. I dont like this, how can i change it back?
You can set "enable_tab_scrolling": false, in your user preferences to get the old ST2 behavior back.

How to add comments to folder in linux and view them with mouse cursor

I run simulations for various choices of parameters. For each choice I store the resulting data in a folder, like
...and so forth.
would like to write a little text file AAA.txt which contains not just the C parameter but all the others too. Then when viewing this folder which contains the data I want to hold my cursor on the little file symbol and have a little box appear. This box should show just the content of AAA.txt, so I can quickly check which set of parameters was used in this particular run.
Anyone know how to do this? I use Ubuntu 14.04
I am not aware of ways to give you a custom "tooltip". As an alternative, you could look into creating custom thumbnails of your .dat files.
See here for how to do that with nautilus; the default file browser for Ubuntu.
Alternatively, you might look into what Gloobus can do for you.

GTK file/folder tree view: enable only highlighting/selecting file name

since this is my first question here, I hope I do not distract you ;-)
I have wondered for a long time now wether there was an option in any
GTK setting that allows me (p.ex. in Nautilus) to select only the file's
or folder's name in an expanded tree view, NOT like this:
But more like this:
In the top picture you see that I wanted to get the context menu of
my home folder while I had the "Downloads" folder expanded, p.ex.
for opening a terminal.
If a (right-)click in the middle of nowhere would be taken as being directed at the current view's top level folder (in this example, my home folder), opening a terminal wouldn't be that of a problem.
Another example: Suppose I wanted to add a new file by selecting right click->New document->... (any template here). This is not possible in a folder
where I have to scroll down because it has so much content in it.
So summing it up:
There are context menu actions that "belong" to the empty screen space in a folder view below the listed files (at least in Nautilus) that I also want to be able to use in a folder which is so crowded that there is no more empty screen space. I know some, at least System 7 finder and Win (up to XP), file managers which are capable of this. Is it possible to system-wide set
the screen space next to the file name string to be equivalent to the empty screen space below a file listing?
Any ideas?
Best regards,

Lotus Notes toolbar button to move documents to favorite folders

I'm looking for assistance to create some Notes toolbar buttons to move selected documents to a favorite folders. I just want to hardcode a specified folder per button.
I'm not familiar with Notes Formula language or creating buttons so any tips would be helpful.
#Command([Folder]; "folderName") will copy the selected document to "foldername"
Create Action on the view you wish to copy documents from and drop the above code in. You can play around with the Actions properties to control appearance, location etc.
Use a formula like this
#Command( [Folder] ; folderName ; moveOrCopy )
The following formula will move the selected document to the folder named "My Favorite":
#Command( [Folder] ; "My Favorite" ; "1")
If you omit folderName the Move To Folder dialog will be displayed.
The moveOrCopy parameter is optional. A value of "1" moves the document to the folder. A value of "0" copies the document to the folder. If you omit this parameter, Folder assumes a value of "0" (copy).
Also, if you have a subfolder, you can specify it with a double backslash like this:
#Command( [Folder] ; "My Favorite\\My Subfolder" ; "1")
I recently learned how to do this myself so I could create two different buttons with hardcoded folder locations. I used the following:
Of course, replace "Foldername" with the name you need and be sure to leave in the quotes.
Where it got a little tricky for me was trying to move an email to a subfolder of a folder. The normal backslash didn't seem to work. I don't know what made me think of it, but I tried two backslashes and that worked fine.
I know you're looking to hardcode the buttons, but if you're looking to create more than 2-3 buttons, I'd suggest looking to use a simple popup that lets you choose from a list of choices. That way you don't have to memorize which button is which and you won't run out of room on your toolbar.
The answer depends on a lot of factors that you've not specified here.
Is this for the Notes client? For a single database? Is the objective a personal favorites list for each user, or a shared favorites list? If yes for all of these, then why do you want to use a toolbar button for this? Just set up a 'Favorites' folder in the application, mark it as 'Shared, personal on first use', and teach users to move selected documents to it via drag and drop.
If it's for web browser users but still for a single database, drag and drop won't work so OTTA's answer is correct.
But if what you are trying to do is create a unified 'Favorites' feature that spans multiple databases, whether it's personal or otherwise... there's considerably more programming to do.
You may also want to take a look at SwiftFile, which learns from your behaviour and suggest folders to sort into. SwiftFile comes "for free" with your Notes Licence & Install SW.
