Automate disabling ReSharper per project - resharper

I want to be able to be able to disable R# for several projects. There is quite a large number of them to be excluded which means doing it per project in VS is not ideal (Menu: R# -> Options -> Code Inspections -> Settings -> Edit items to skip).
Does anyone know have any clever suggestions? I was hoping that excluded projects/folders were stored in a R# config file I could manipulate but I haven't come across one.

Unfortunately there's currently no way to turn off ReSharper on a per-project basis. There's a request for this functionality but we can't commit to any specific deadline right now.


What is the general approach to fixing Go To functionality in Resharper

I often see that some of the ReSharper functionality just doesn't work until you restart VS and reopen the project. But this situation I have now is consistent across restarts. So I am using a Go To Everything fuctionality often. It is enabled in ReSharper settings.
But since yesterday Go To Everything (Ctrl + N for me) can't find most of the files in the project (though it can find some).
Here is a screenshot of the problem:
I have that file open in editor just to prove that it's there. I show it found in an open solution in file tree. But ReSharper doesn't seem to be able to find it.
What to I do to troubleshoot. Thanks you in advance.
The best thing to do here is to raise an issue with JetBrains. Either log a bug with the issue tracker, or email Include details about what version of ReSharper you're using, what type of projects you're using, version of Visual Studio, etc.
However, from that screenshot, it looks like ReSharper isn't configured to analyse that file - there's no "green tick" in the scrollbar. Is ReSharper disabled? Is that file excluded from analysis? (Mind you, even when it's excluded, it should still show up in go to results. Something odd is happening here, support should be able to help better than StackOverflow)

resharper disable for c# .cs files

is it possible to only enable resharper for javascript and css files? I don't want it inspecting my c# files as it's driving me nuts with it's styling and and at times somewhat controversial recommendations. I haven't got time to set each individual setting, I'm just looking for a "don't inspect c# files" check box, if there isn't one I think my resharper trial will be officially over.
If you really want to disable ReSharper for C#, try going to ReSharper | Options -> Code Inspection | Settings -> Edit Items to Skip and add a file mask to skip *.cs.
But better way would be to disable those ReSharper warnings that you don't like. To do this, click Alt-Enter on the suggestion that you don't like, go to Options submenu, select Configure inspection severity and then Do not show. This is for ReSharper 8.0, in 7.1 it should be pretty similar.

Why do Visual Studio 2012 and ReSharper 7 forget to display Intellisense tooltips?

I noticed a strange behaviour in my VS2012 installation. I use VS2012 Pro and ReSharper 7. Intellisense is just not showing code suggestions anymore. I found a few related questions in my research but they always had a slightly different setup going and none could solve my problem:
Intellisense is working but, it's not showing the tooltip about selected member functions/Properties anymore.
If I take a look at the C# Text Editor Settings in
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> General
Most of the times the two necessary boxes Auto List Members and Parameter Information are selected. However, code suggestions in Intellisense don't work. Sometimes, when I look at the described settings, they are unselected.
Selecting them will make code suggestions work as in VS2010 but, only once. When I check the settings afterwards, they are most likely still selected, but code suggestions are not working anymore.
Some people suggested deleting the %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0 Folder, which did not work for me. I also tried to reset all changes, which also didn't help at all.
Tools -> Import and Export Settings -> Reset
What in the world could make Visual Studio to just forget its settings and trigger such an irrational behavior?
I display the code suggestions by pressing CTRL+Alt+Space. However, I have to press that shortcut every time I want to see the suggestions. It has to be possible to automatically display them every time, when possible?
I was having a similar problem, but I kept overlooking one small ReSharper Intellisense setting. I would double check that you have Symbol completion on in
ReSharper | Options | Intellisense | Completion Characters
Check out the answer with screenshots.
Thanks for all the tips, I figured out what I had missing:
I had to enable "Completion Appearance" -> "Show Summary".
I also accepted Anthonys answer because he linked to a detailed post with screenshots that shows all steps necessary. (Although the thing I had missing is not mentioned there)
ReSharper uses it's own code suggestions that override Visual Studio ones, that could be the reason why the ones in the Visual Studio settings may be disabled. Please check ReSharper options at ReSharper -> Options -> Environment -> IntelliSense. Maybe they are turned off there. If your ReSharper options are turned on but you still have no intellisense, then please ReSharper's support at

ReSharper - Is there a disable command I can add to a file that will not allow reorder of type members?

Much like
// ReSharper disable ConvertToAutoProperty
I would like to know what, if existing, I can add to particular files (and only particular files) so that fields are not sorted on code cleanup.
For more information:
I know there are settings one can set in R# itself. This needs to work even where I don't control settings (like on other people's computers)
I know I can make a setting to disable sorting for particular types in TypeMembersLayout. This also will not work due to the same reason.
I only want this to happen on files I care that it doesn't happen with, not a global setting.
I've been using Resharper for years, and can say with confidence this option doesn't exist. Good idea though..
Maybe Generated Code options can help you. But I didn't try it.
Go to ReSharper->Options->Code Inspection->Generated Code and add your files.
I think ReSharper leaves such files untouched.

How to add custom code analysis in ReSharper

I'm new to ReSharper.
For those who uses Resharper, is there a way I can add custom code analysis rules?
For example I might have a rule say All private variables should start with letter "m". How can I add this to Resharper so if I violate this, it can shows as a warning or an error?
I know the question is old, but for all folks coming from google like me:
Resharper -> Options -> Code inspections -> Custom Patterns
There you can create your own rules for highlighting patterns or offering substitutions. This is for ReSharper 8. I'm not sure from which version this option is there.
Just to expand on what #AakashM notes above: this can be specified in ReSharper Options | Languages | (either Common or C# or whatever) | Naming Style.
If you click on Advanced Settings, and then double-click on one of the "entity descriptions", there is a far larger selection of possible entities (including events, namespaces etc) , together with access rights (private, protected, etc) and so on, for which you can define prefix, suffix and casing rules.
You can write your own plugins for ReSharper. Take a look at here:
This is similar to what you're asking for. It might even do what you want. Not sure since I'm not a big StyleCop user.
Also take a look at the first in my series of blog posts coming on ReSharper plugins:
