Can't view any calendar view - sharepoint

Has anyone seen it where a user cannot view any calendar views across site collections? He can see all the events in standard list view format, but any calendar-type view only shows the month and no events.
Could this be an IE issue?

This one took a little bit of thought. The user could access calendar views on other machines, so I had the user repair his MS Office Profile and reboot. That did the trick, as he was then able to see any calendar view across any site collection.


Limit the list of views in a Document library in WSS 3.0

Is there a way in WSS 3.0, Windows Server 2003 to restrict in a document library the list of Views a given user or group is allowed to select/use?
We have defined document libraries and Views that show only the documents a user or group is allowed to see. The problem we have is that any user could select a View that is meant for a different group.
And upgrading to MOSS Enterprise is not an option for now.
In your question you say you have views that "show only the documents a user or group is allowed to see." And the problem is other users can see these views, and therefore see documents they should not. It sounds like the bigger issue you have is using views for security.
There are any number of ways a user can see a document that isn't presented to them in a view. If your intention is to prevent users from seeing certain documents your best options are to use separate document libraries and set permissions accordingly (which inherently gets around your view problem) or put your documents in folders and set item level security on the folders.
As far as your question, I think the answer is no, you cannot prevent a user with permission to a document library from seeing its public views. If a user has permission to a library they have permission to the views as well.
If you're really not worried about security you could always create a custom page to view documents through, and on that page limit the views that are presented in the UI. How you'd approach that depends on your skill set and what tools you have. These types of solutions are messy though, since it relies on your users going through your custom interface, and there are many ways SharePoint will take your users to the OOB pages instead.

Suggestions on creating document library for infopath with departmental hierarchy?

I have one main site with many subsites. Each subsite is basically a department within the organization. I have a time card infopath form (with workflow) that everyone in the organization needs to fill out. However, I want keep the form so that each department can only see within their own unit. I know I can create a form library within each subsite, but that would make it a maintenance nightmare. I just want to create the form under the main site and create links within each subsite. When a user click on the link, it will take them to the central repository but I filter by the department or permissions? I believe you can set some sort of permission that each department can view their own? user roles for the form?
Can someone point me to the right path?
Environment: SP2010,Sql server 2008, Office 2010
After searching and searching,
One option if security is not a concern is just to use a custom view with filtering by Department and created by = [Me] or just simply by Department.
or if security is a concern:
technet q/a

Updating document found in iNotes calendar view

How do I edit a document displayed in a iNotes Calendar View.
I have set up a REST Service using "calendarJsonLegacyService" towards a notes view.
I have also created a iNotes Calendar and connected this to the service.
And the calendar entries are displayed alright.
But how do I manipulate this entry in the iNotes calendar events (onOpenEntry, onRescheduleEntry)?
I have named the "var" in the REST service to 'entry'.
Please keep in mind that I'm new to the whole xPage-framework.
Feeling a bit lost here :)
Take a look of TeamRoom teamplate from openNTF or from latest version of Extension Library; there you can find logic to manipulate different evets on calendar entries.

Restricting Views of users on Sharepoint lists

I am developing a sharepoint 2010 project.
I want to restrict users view on lists based on their identity. (e.g. the branch of organization they work in, but in fact the ristrictions can be more complicated).
What solutions do you recommend?
With out of the box features this is not possible. You can go to great lengths to remove the list's view selectors and other navigational elements that let people cruise around a the schema and metadata for a list but it is not a security mechanism.
If a user has read permissions to an item, they'll have read access to all the fields of that item.
There is an outside chance that it you disabled all RPC mechanisms, SOAP, RESTful web services, Client Object Model and the office clients that you might be able to claim this as a security mechanism. If you don't there will always be a way around your "security" scheme.
This feature can't be implemented by SharePoint by now and I think neither for the next version
You can use a third part tool to achieve it, such as BoostSolutions' Column/View Permission or LightningTools' DeliverPoint
BTW, I work for BoostSolutions and I mentioned our own product because it works for your issue. Hope it helps :)
create sharepoint groups based upon your requirement or diffrent type of user base and accordingly give them rights may be item level or on complete list
and while doing these things just go through the following posts
Not 100% sure on SharePoint 2010, but definitley for SharePoint 2007, there is not a way to do this, especially if the views are corresponding to security requirements on the columns users are able to see.
One way to work around this is have the list be not accessible by users, and then have code logic allow for access to the data creating the different "views" on the data in something like a Web Part. The downsides to this is search becomes an issue (since the data is hidden) and having multiple "views" of the data (if necessary) is also another item to work through.
I know its a very old question but posting it as it might help someone.
There is an work around to do it as described here
I find it easier, if possible, to create the view and lock it with the filters on the list settings page.
For example, I have a list of employees that includes their employee IDs. I use that list on other pages to gather data in other webparts. So I filter the employee list to [ME]. So the data is available to the page needing it to filter others and they cannot see anything else.
Now, what about the person who needs to manage that page? I create a view, call it HR. That view can see everything. Then I export that webpart with that list view on it through the designer. I then delete the HR view from the employee list.
This leaves no way for anyone to switch views and see everything again. I create a webpart page for the person who manages it, and I upload that webpart and set the view of the webpart to HR. In the end, I have a page that I lock down instead of trying to lock down views or list permissions separately.
Would you be able to have two lists that are joined. One that all users have access to and another that only certain people have access to, and then join them? Then maybe the people that don't have access to the other table it doesn't pull the information? Not sure, but I'll try that out later today.

Sharepoint - Showing calendar events in multiple calendars in diff't sub-sites

I am trying to show events from a calendar in the main site to a calendar in a sub-site of the main site (or vice-versa)...I can't alter any server files or use custom-built web there anyway to do this w/ OOTB moss 2007?
Altering Server files is a big no-no anyway, so that's good :-D. YOu could try using SharePoint designer to create a so-called aggregation webpart, pulling data from all sites in the site collection (which of course get security trimmed by sharepoint, so people see only what they are allowed to see).
YOu can create use a DataFormWebPart in SharePoint designer to build an aggregation webpart. This is still ootb, but allows you to configure the datasource: i.e. have the datasource query the entire site collection for calendar items, then display them in a list. Disdplay them in a "new" calendar will be a lot of work though.
There is no way to "copy" or deisgnate specific calendar items to be visible in specific other calendars, this will take custom code.
Not strictly OOTB MOSS 2007, but I recenlty wrote an article about syncing any list using a simple workflow. As a Calendar is just a list it works for that as well and it maintains the Calendar look and feel.
Check it out here, it works great and deals with attachments as well. As it is part of a workflow you can add your own logic easily, e.g. Only sync calendar events that have field 'x' set to 'y'.
I wanted to point out that RSSBus Web Part can handle a task like this with minimal code. This, although not ootb is quite simple and does not require use of SharePoint Designer.
<rsb:import lib="RSSBus.SpsOps"/>
<rsb:set attr="url" value="http://mysharepointsite/subSite/"/>
<rsb:set attr="list" value="Calendar"/>
<rsb:set attr="user" value="someuser"/>
<rsb:set attr="password" value="theirpassword"/>
<rsb:call op="spsListItems">
The code above can be placed within the RSSBus Web Part on the main site and through the use of "SpsOps" have access to all lists/items on all sites/subsites.
