I know about the
[ctrl] + [alt] + t
[ctrl] + f
[alt] + f1
shortcuts to bring up the standard system browsing tools, and I use them often. I am not satisfied with them (except the terminal...of course).
My question is: is there an equivalent to the Window's shortcut
[windows-key] + e
that brings up the "Computer" window? Having access to the GUI based file browser is nice, especially when I am literally browsing for a file in an unknown location.
gets a little old when you're not 100% sure what you're looking for.
Please answer the question in a manner that I could add your tip to the keyboard shortcut menu, which is found by running
at the command line on debian-type distributions. If you've got something I could grab from synaptic, I'd appreciate that as well.
p.s. I hate the mouse. Please don't tell me to double click the Computer icon on the desktop.
I guess your file manager is nautilus since you mentioned gnome.
can you add custom keyboard shotcut? if yes, add this command to a custom shortcut.
nautilus computer:///
if you really hate mouse, you would like to try ranger. http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/ranger
Into gnome-keybinding-properties, their is a home directory shortcut. Type
[your_shortcut_for_home_directory], <alt> + <up>, <alt> + <up>
(very quickly).
The situation is:
Open a file
Drag minimap to the middle of this long file
Click somewhere on the line I want to edit
Intend to press Home to go to the head of the line.
Accidentally press Ctrl + Home
Am taken to the head of the file.
Is there a shortcut to return to the line I want to edit?
From the creator of Sublime Text at https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/soft-undo/307
Undo/redo in Sublime Text normally only steps through actions that modify the buffer, skipping over those that simply modify the selection. Changes to the selection are still part of the undo history, and can be stepped through using Ctrl+U/Ctrl+Shift+U (softUndo/softRedo commands). These key bindings aren't displayed in the menu, and I'm wondering if anyone has discovered them on their own.
I rarely use them myself, but did today, so it got me wondering if anyone else does
Change Ctrl in the above to Cmd if using a Mac.
I am just getting started using Vim and came across :set mouse=a which I've found really useful for navigating a file, however for some reason when I try and scroll now it scrolls the whole terminal window and not just the vim window.
Then I scroll up and can see the terminal outside Vim
Any ideas on how to fix this? I've tried resetting mouse= and exiting and re entering vim.
The problem was that I had accidentally disabled Allow Mouse Reporting in error.
Checking Menu > View > Allow Mouse Reporting or Cmd + R has fixed it!
I think the cheap answer to your question is that you should be navigating through files in vim using motion commands, Ctrl + d, etc. It might seem slow at first, but it really becomes more natural down the line.
That said, if you are on Mac and using Terminal, you might need to hold the Fn to temporarily disable mouse support. (Check this out for reference: OS X Terminal Mouse Support
Also, you can always try MacVim, which supports mouse scrolling out of the box.
If neither of those solutions work for you, some more information would be helpful for troubleshooting, e.g., your operating system, recent changes to your vimrc, etc.
I realized that I waste 10% of my time changing windows between Vim and Firefox.
Alt + Tab + F5 (and sometimes a get the wrong window).
Is there a way of making this task easier?
I thought of the following:
Embending vim to firefox (I think it is impossible).
Making a Vim shortcut which sends me to Firefox's window.
Any suggestions?
Technically, I guess this ain't proper answer, but You might benefit from these tools.
For Chrome - try LiveReload.
For Firefox - try XRefresh.
Here's a Vim shortcut to open the current file in Firefox. It should work on Ubuntu, though I'm not in front of my Linux machine to test. You can add it to your ~/.vimrc
map <Leader>p :!firefox %<CR><CR> " Preview the current html file in Firefox
If you're looking for varations on that same theme, there are quite a few similar tips on the Vim wiki. Check the duplicate links tip at the top and the "See Also" links at the bottom.
If you are on Windows, AutoHotKey is a good free option.
You could assign a key combination to activate the Firefox browser, send the F5 key to Firefox, and then return focus to Vim.
Benefits of AutoHotKey:
You could have logic that checks whether the Firefox is open, and if it is not open, open it.
You could use the AutoHotKey Window Spy tool to actually activate Firefox. Alt+Tab will fail if you've activated another window in between Vim and Firefox.
See for example:
I can't use any shortcut that has meta-shift (alt and shift) in it because ubuntu will treat it as "change keyboard layout" shortcut (I map it to alt-shift since I use the same shortcut in windows) as soon as I press m-s. In windows change keyboard layout shortcut doesn't register until you release the key so any shortcut with m-s is usable in windows.
Is there any work-around without changing shortcut or meta key ? I kinda used to it.
Change the Ubuntu change-keyboard-layout shortcut, to something else.
Or use Esc as Meta
Nothing easy that I know of.
You can manually bind everything that's M-S-??? to C-M-S-??? in your .emacs or at least all of the ones that you use...
Or you can just change the short-cut... how often do you change the keyboard layout? (I use dvorak, and qwerty, but I've never needed a shortcut for it, I just use the button...)
I have tried different things, and in my opinion it is best to change the layout shortcut to something else. The power of emacs is all in its shortcuts that are available right there under your fingers. If you move the M key away and make it harder to reach, it will most surely have a negative impact on your editing speed.
Right now I'm trying to get used to switching layouts with the right Alt key. I almost never use it for anything, so missing it won't be a problem. And from my experience teaching yourself to switch layouts with another combination is a matter of several days.
P.S. Also it pays to use Caps-Lock as an additional Ctrl key, it helps tremendously!
I know how to navigate to a file or a class, but can I navigate to a class's method?
Oh and say I am viewing a different class's file
With respect to my correctly configured keybindings, all of the previous answers seem outdated/invalid to me.
I say:
Hit Alt + \ to list all file members.
Then find your method in the list and navigate to it.
If you use "Resharper 2.x or IntelliJ IDEA" keyboard scheme:
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N -> navigate to symbol
In Visual Studio Scheme:
Shift + Alt + T
For future reference and other options check https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/features/navigation_search.html
If you are using Resharper IDEA Scheme, do ctrl + F12 and you can enter a member name, fastest way to navigate to a method, property etc on that file
Ctrl + Click (or Right Click > Go To Declaration). Works on Methods, Fields, Properties, Types, and just about everything else.
With VS2015 and ReSharper 10 press Ctrl + T. This will search for types, symbols and files. It will search through everything in your solution.
Update: works the same in VS2017 and ReSharper 2017.2.
You can also press Ctrl + T followed by / mm to search for just methods.
Another tip for the current file is to use the File Structure window - can also drag and drop members around from the window.
I have used Dpack (f/oss) for years and it can go to methods and/or properties by pressing a shortcut and then start typing. For those who get Resharper's ctrl-T working it is like that one but within the file.
Dpack provides the same functionality for finding files and open files. The former is a better version of Visual Studio 2015's ctrl-;.
(I have done some remapping of keys too but in my experience something (resharper?) overwrites my changes from time to time.)
(Also with VS2015 and R#9.2 I think Dpack does a better job at this.)