IBus: Couldn't receive data from agent - emacs23

I load ibus in Emacs, but I active ibus fail.
The note is IBus: Couldn't receive data from agent.

I think you need to set up LC_CTYPE. As I used Chinese input with ibus, I just set LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8 . Without such setting, it seems not possible to trigger ibus-mode properly.


uninitialized constant OrigenTesters

I am working on transferring one application from rgen to Origen.
I added environment/j750.rb in my application.
added the below code into j750.rb
# environment/j750.rb
$tester = OrigenTesters::J750.new
in Target folder, I also added $test as below:
$tester = OrigenTesters::J750.new
however, when I tried to generate pattern, it still failed and showed'uninitialized constant OrigenTesters'.
When and how to initialize it?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Normally this is something that Origen users don't particularly need to worry about, if you add:
gem 'origen_testers'
to your application's Gemfile, then it will be required automatically and a reference like OrigenTesters in your environment file or anywhere else will just work.
However, I note that you mention upgrading from an rgen app, which means that your application must be very old and in fact may not even have a Gemfile.
If you contact me internally I can send you the link to our intranet page which has a guide on how to update these really old apps.

How do I correctly pass chrome capabilities into the default webdriver on Katalon studio

I'm currently trying to get a test running on Katalon Studio, and the specific outcome is determined by certain messages showing up in the browser console. I've managed to extract the console logs and can parse them easily enough, but I'm currently only being given the Severe and Warning messages, while the information I need is in the Info messages.
I've managed to figure out what settings I need to apply, but not in a format that I can easily apply via Katalon. The settings I need are, I believe, as follows:
DesiredCapabilities caps = DesiredCapabilities.chrome()
LoggingPreferences logPrefs = new LoggingPreferences()
logPrefs.enable(LogType.BROWSER, Level.INFO)
caps.setCapability(CapabilityType.LOGGING_PREFS, logPrefs)
Specifically, I need to set the log level to INFO. However, I can't figure out how to correctly apply this through Katalon's Execution settings, which take on a rather different format to most of the code-based variants I've seen elsewhere. I've currently got{"CHROME_DRIVER":{"LoggingPrefs":{"LogType":"BROWSER","Level":"INFO"}}} set in the com.kms.katalon.core.webui.chrome preferences file, and have tried different variants of this, but to no avail.
Just in case this is an extraction problem rather than a setup issue, I'm currently obtaining the logs as follows:
I obtain the webdriver using DriverFactory.getWebDriver(), and extract the logs using LogEntries logs = driver.manage().logs().get("browser")
How do I get the Info-level logs out of this?
Thanks for your time and help,
You can use KeywordLogger.
Following class is needed: import com.kms.katalon.core.logging.KeywordLogger
KeywordLogger log = new KeywordLogger()
You can use logFailed, logWarning, etc. too.

Linking two Executable to read and write data

First of all let me clear you all what am trying to achieve.
I have an exe which gives me some information when I supply the required data.
I cannot make any changes to the UI of that exe.
Now here are the first parameters that I set:
Electric Parameters
After setting the parameters I give some command through text box and receive the reply in the text area.
Here's how:Input Commands
I will then read each data and write into an excel manually.
Can I automate this whole process?
If so how?
I have thought of Inter Process Communication, but not finding any start.
Also got some guidance on using QTP (a testing tool).
Any help would be very appreciated.
The question is regarding how to automate through QTP, which is a very basic level query. Can't explain each and every concept. However, would try to give some important steps.
Load the required addin...
1) Select all the addins at the start in QTP. Try Tools==> Object spy. Then you would understand which technology the exe is built on. Once this is identified, you need to select only that addin whenever you want to automate that application
2) Launch exe through QTP ==>
SystemUtil.Run (PathOfExe)
3) Read Fields==>
Window("Window").Field("Field").GetROProperty("Value") OR
Window("Window").Field("Field").Set "Command"
4) Read the output ==>
Dim Var
Var == Window("Window").Field("Field").GetROProperty("Value")
5) Write the values in excel ==>
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Hope this helps for a start. You should try solutions of different sorts. Let us know if you come across any specific code related issues.

How to force file processing on one node without splitting?

Is it possible to force file processing on one node without splitting? I tried to use AtomicFileProcessing set on true, but it doesn't work.
[SqlUserDefinedExtractor(AtomicFileProcessing = true)]
should work. Can you please contact me directly (mrys at msft) and provide more information on what does not, so we can investigate?
In one of my job, I am using custom user defined operators for data processing, and it does not split data. You can also try this option.

Using mailutils-config to set askcc to False

When it comes to email configuration, I am not a smart man. I know I need to use mailutils-config or mu-tools to change the default value of 'askcc' to False, likely in an /etc/mailutils.rc file ... However, this file doesn't exist. Do I populate it myself and then alter the settings? Is there a one-liner I can use?
I've been all over http://mailutils.org/manual/mailutils.html, and that's how I know what I need to do - but not how to do it. Can anyone help? Thank you.
edit: On Ubuntu 13.10
I installed mailutils just yesterday and today spent hours trying to set the mail variable "savekeep" to True. The mailutils documentation is poor but I got things to work after finding
2.4.7 Personal and System-wide Configuration Files. So then the task is to find out how to write the settings in a mailrc file. You can refer to .mailrc File Format on the ibm.com website.
You need to create the file ~you/.mailrc for user configuration or /etc/mail.rc for system wide configuration. Here is what you need to write in the file to set "savekeep" and "askcc".
set askcc=False;
set keepsave=True;
