How to simulate or trigger a Machine Check Exception? - linux

I've setup the mcelog tool on my Linux server, and I'd like to verify that it's working properly but I'm not sure how to test it.
Does anyone know of any ways to generate or trigger an exception event so I confirm that the hardware errors are logged correctly.

mcelog includes a test suite with a tool called mce-inject, designed to do exactly this. The developer has a copy of the source on github. It seems to require Linux 2.6.31 or better.


Timeout: WebException when trying to access/debug LocalHost of Azure Functions [Unity] [PlayFab]

I'm trying to debug Azure Function scripts locally, in conjunction with Unity, but getting Timeout errors every time.
I have a few things here, and I'm not sure which one is actually causing the problem... It might be a settings on Windows, as oppose to one of the softwares.
I'm building in Unity 2019.4, and and using PlayFab and it's ability to use Azure Functions. When I try to execute scripts from the Azure servers, it functions correctly. But when I try to run it with Local Debugging, I get WebException: The request timed out System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream (See full error below).
Here's what I'm doing to setup:
Set PlayFab to Local Debugging (via VS Code Extension)(and confirming the json file is made in the temp folder)
Install Azure Functions Core Tools from Here
Start Azure Functions debugging from VS Code (terminal output shows that the the localhost is running it correctly)
Timeout error references the correct address http://localhost:7071/api/CloudScript/ExecuteFunction as confirmed in the VS Code Terminal when the AzFunc debugging is started.
When I clone the project to my MacBook Pro, everything runs smoothly in local debugging.
So, because of this, I've tried checking to make sure ports aren't blocked via PowerShell: netsh firewall show state,and told Windows Defender to not block anything from Unity or Code. When I run Netstat -ab in PowerShell/CMD, I do get:
Can not obtain ownership information
I don't know if this is a problem, or normal...
I don't even know what else to check for. This problem is beyond me. If anyone knows the solution, or can point me in right direction, I'd be very grateful!
Below are the two errors from the Unity log whenever I execute an Azure Function script through PlayFab while local debugging:
WebException: The request timed out
System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream () (at <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest.Post (PlayFab.Internal.CallRequestContainer reqContainer) (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:319)
Rethrow as WebException: Timeout: WebException making http request to: http://localhost:7071/api/CloudScript/ExecuteFunction
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest:Post(CallRequestContainer) (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:332)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest:WorkerThreadMainLoop() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:252)
Timeout: WebException making http request to: http://localhost:7071/api/CloudScript/ExecuteFunction
DemoScript:onPlayFabError(PlayFabError) (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Examples/DemoScript.cs:264)
PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass30_0:<QueueRequestError>b__0() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:395)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest:Update() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:480)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabHttp:Update() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabHTTP.cs:364)
Okay, TLDR: The answer to the problem is that not everything was updated. So, update everything if you're experiencing the same problem.
More specifically in my case, the "Visual Studio Code Editor" asset in Unity's Package Manager.
I just wanted throw this out there in case anyone has a problem like this in the future. It may not be the same specific thing that needs upgrading, but search around for everything involved and make sure it's updated. Not just the big, obvious things (like Unity or your IDE). Thankfully for me in this case, the update was starting to cause other problems, and after much headbanging trying to solve those, I came across it.
Good luck, future fellow idiots!

Getting detailed crash dumps from a hooked exe

I am trying find a problem with my program that is hooking into a game. This is
vc++. Basically I launch the program and then hook into it using SDL. When I run the code from VS2010, all works fine. But when I try to run from command prompt, my program can launch the game, but after that the game crashes immediately.
I was viewing windows event logs, and it appears that there is an access violation. 0xc000005
How can I log any further details about the program that crashes? I tried "procdump" but that is not useful as I cannot INDIRECTLY target the hooked game from console. Rather it can only target my application that hooks.
Anyway of getting detailed dumps is highly appreciated in this case.
You can perform postmortem debugging by using a combination of the WER registry keys/values to trap any dump that is produced. I’ve used this method to prevent the WER system from collecting the dump file (.dmp). I’ve also written about this in another similar post. To accomplish this, you will need to create a registry key under
Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting
if one does not already exist. The key should be
LocalDumps\your application.exe
Once that’s done, modify these keys/values to meet your needs:
DumpCount, DumpFolder, DumpType
You’ll need Administrator rights to create and modify the keys, and, you should reset everything you’ve modified when you’re done debugging.

is there any way i can use Application Loader on windows?

I have just created an iPhone app and need to upload the .ipa file, but I downloaded application loader and I am not able to open it via windows 7. is there any way around this?
I know this is an old question, but it came up on my search for a solution to the same problem. I wanted to share that I found a service that offers remote access to Mac OS called
I gave it a try, and it's surprisingly easy. Documentation isn't great, but it's not that difficult once you have access to the remote mac. Depending on how much time you're going to need to spend, there are a few pricing options, the cheapest of which is $12/week, but you can cancel any time (we'll see).
Of course it's very late for answering this, but maybe someone need this service. There is a desktop application that allows you to send your generated .ipa as well as Application Loader.
See here:
You can have Mac OS on your PC Virtual Machine, then easily install Application Loader there
When in search "Application Uploader" in Google, the following result comes at no. 3. Apparently they charge $5 to upload your app.

Setting up CruiseControl.Net to always check for modifications

So I imagine this is a pretty simple problem, but I can't find anything about it.
I've set up CruiseControl.Net to check my svn repository for any changes every 30 seconds, and if there are any changes, build them using NAnt.
Everything works great - but only if I have the CruiseControl.Net console running at all time on the server. If I close the console, it won't check for changes and build them. I've checked the wiki for a way to set up continuous monitoring, but I can't find anything
Does the console always need to be running in order to detect changes, or is there another way to do this?
There are two ways to run CCNET: As console application or as windows service. You're looking for windows service mode.
Here is a tutorial on "Installing CCService". Be aware that this documentation is outdated. But it should give you an impression.
Installing CCNET as a windows service is an option during CCNET installation so this is the easiest way to get it up and running.

Coded UI Tests automation

I want to automate the process of running coded UI tests.
Do i need to have user logged in to the system?
Or is it possible to run it using XYNT service?
We are able to run our coded ui tests in an automated fashion using windows scheduler and the command line MSTest.exe. Take a look at the following MSDN article on how to accomplish this:
I believe you can use Microsoft's Test Manager to accomplish this as well but we don't have TFS (yet) so I can't vouch for it.
As far as I know, CodedUI Tests require an active desktop session, so running them under a service account without an open desktop session may work, but not without a session.
I used the mstest to run the coded ui test and use Windows TaskScheduler to schedule the test.
You can find detail in MSTest.exe command-line documentation.
When you want to run it automatically, there are two things you should pay attention:
1. Set auto log on
2. Close the screen saver
You need to take the snapshot of your enviroment with user logged in and then you can run your test through MS Test Manager or TFS (nightly build process)
Write the test's in Visual Studio 2010/2012, this means you can manually edit the test's the code, then you should run them in Test Manager,
BTW you need TFS and Test Manager to be the same year otherwise it won't work.
I've being doing a lot of these recently if you have any questions post it online and send me a message, I'll be happy to help.
