Display only the individual error message using validation Engine - jquery-validation-engine

Iam using jQuery Validation engine in my Asp.net MVC application. I would like to show individual error messages.Now it showing both the individual error message and also summary at the bottom. So it would be really helpful to know how can I display only the individual error messages rather than both .

In my popup script where fancybox is loaded ie
'padding' :'20px'
just added
$('#fancybox-close').click(function () {
$('#fancybox-overlay').live("click",function () {
Then the validation summary get removed


I want to automate the Android Hybrid app in JavaScript. But not able to open it in webview

I have added all the required capabilities but nothing happens.
autoWebview: true,
setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled: true,
When I use this one in the capabilities, it gives me an error that deriver is not defined.
driver.getContexts().then(function (contexts) { // get list of available views. Returns array: [“NATIVE_APP”,“WEBVIEW_1”]
return driver.context(contexts[1]); // choose the webview context })
And after adding this under the section I want to open it gives me this error:
TypeError: driver.getContexts(…).then is not a function

Chrome screen sharing get monitor info

I implemented chrome extension which using chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia to retrieve screen id.
This is my background script:
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function (port) {
// listen to "content-script.js"
function messageHandler(message) {
if(message == 'get-screen-id') {
chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(['screen', 'window'], port.sender.tab, onUserAction);
function onUserAction(sourceId) {
//Access denied
if(!sourceId || !sourceId.length) {
return port.postMessage('permission-denie');
sourceId: sourceId
I need to get shared monitor info(resolution, landscape or portrait).
My question is: If customer using more than one monitor, how can i determine which monitor he picked?
Can i add for example "system.display" permissions to my extension and get picked monitor info from "chrome.system.display.getInfo"?
You are right. You could add system.display permission and call chrome.system.display.getDisplayLayout(callbackFuncion(DisplayLayout)) and handle the DisplayLayout.position in the callback to get the layout and the chrome.system.display.getInfo to handle the array of displayInfo in the callback. You should look for 'isPrimary' value
This is a year old question, but I came across it since I was after the same information and I finally managed to figure how you can identify which monitor the user selected for screen-sharing in Chrome.
First of all: this information will not come from the extension that you probably built for screen-sharing in Chrome, because:
The chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia API callback only returns a sourceId, which is a string that represents a stream id, that you can then use to call the getMediaSource API to build the media stream.
The chrome.system.display.getInfo will give you a list of the displays, yes, but from that info you can't tell which one is being shared, and there is no way to match the sourceId with any of the fields returned for each display.
So... the solution I've found comes from the MediaStream object itself. Once you have the stream, after calling getMediaSource, you need to get the video track, and in there you will find a property called "label". This label gives you an idea of which screen the user picked.
You can get the video track with something like:
const videoTrack = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
(Check the getVideoTracks API here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream/getVideoTracks).
If you print that object, you will see the "label" field. In Chrome screen 1 shows as "0:0", whereas screen 2 shows as "1:0", and I assume screen i would be "i-1:0" (I've only tested with 2 screens).
Here is a capture of that object printed in the console:
And not only works for Chrome, but for other browsers that implement it! In Firefox they show up as "Screen i":
Also, if you check Chrome chrome://webrtc-internals you'll see this is what they show in the addStream event:
And that's it! It's not ideal, since this is a label, more than a real screen identifier, but well, it's something to work with. Once you have the screen identified, in Chrome you can work with the chrome.system.display.getInfo to get information for that display.

How do I init XOD in WebViewer? "DisplayModes" is undefined

I'm trying to load a XOD document into a PDFTron WebViewer. As far as I can read in the documentation and samples, this should be a simple "plug and play"-operation - it should simply work when you point at a file. Ideally, in my example, the document should be fetched from a service, as so:
.then(function(data) {
$(function() {
var viewerElement = document.getElementById("viewer");
var myWebViewer = new PDFTron.WebViewer({
initialDoc: data.body
}, viewerElement);
Unfortunately I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'DisplayModes' of undefined
The reason I'm doing it in a fetch, is because I'm rendering a Handlebars template, and pass the data to instantiate in a callback. However, I've isolated the code into an otherwise "empty" HTML-document, and in the simplified example below, I'm simply pointing at the XOD provided by PDFTron on page load (no fetch this time).
$(function() {
var viewerElement = document.getElementById("viewer");
var myWebViewer = new PDFTron.WebViewer({
initialDoc: 'GettingStarted.xod' // Using the XOD provided by PDFTron
}, viewerElement);
This unfortunately returns a different error (HTTP status 416).
Uncaught Error: Error loading document: Error retrieving file: /doc/WebViewer_Developer_Guide.xod?_=-22,. Received return status 416.
The same error appears when I run the samples from PDFTron on localhost.
I'm at a complete loss of how I should debug this further - all the samples assume everything is working out of the box.
I should note that I can actually get PDFs working just fine on localhost, but not on the server. XODs are problematic both on the server and on localhost.
I'm sorry to hear you are having troubles running our samples.
Your error message says 416 which means "Requested range not satisfiable". Perhaps your development servers do not support byte range requests (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_serving).
Could you try passing an option streaming: true? When streaming is true you're just requesting the entire file up front which shouldn't be a problem for any servers but it is a problem for WebViewer if the file is large because it will need to be completely downloaded and parsed at the start which is slow.

how to log js errors at server

I wanted to know does YUI3 provides any way to try and catch errors functionality, where in after the error is captured we can show some customized error alert and simultaneously log the error at server side with the error exceptions and other details.
Also if this functionality is not there in yui3 then which all frameworks do one need to use to do this and which all are compatible with YUI.
I'm not aware of YUI3 providing exactly what you're after out-of-the box.
You can split your question into two parts:
Capturing errors
You either wrap your code with try/catch blocks or use a global error handler. It looks like YUI3 doesn't yet directly handle this (http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ticket/2528067) but handling it shouldn't be too hard, you'll just have to test for browser differences.
Sending Error data to the server
You ought to be able to use Y.IO to send back the error data to the server. It looks like you get errorMsg, url, lineNumber given to you, so you can just send them back to the server:
window.onerror = function(errorMsg, url, lineNumber){
Y.io("/errorHandler.php", {
data: {
errorMsg: errorMsg,
url: url,
lineNumber: lineNumber
alert("Sorry, something bad happened");
console.log("handler registered");
//now trigger an error
That seems to work here: http://jsfiddle.net/J83LW/
I'l leave the customized alert to you, I've left an alert here as a basic example of handling this

node.js express.js Error handling in View

I am very new to node.js and express.js and in programming concepts. I already made a basic MVC modeled app on node and express.
My problem is how do you handle error, I got this following code:
var params = {
bloodTypeId: request.body.bloodType,
kaiseki.createObject('blood_center_request', params, function(err, res, body, success) {
Kaiseki is just a middleware for parse.com, I don't know what to do if it got error. Usually I use ajaxForm.js to look for BadRequest then use javascript to display error message in my view.
I want my error to appear in the same page, where it is success, should I pass a json error to my view?
Or still use ajaxForm.js and instead of res.render or res.redirect I should use res.status(500)
Is there anyway to handle the error and showing it into the view. Without using any javascript to detect BadRequest?
And can a view have a optional variable? In my view If I didnt pass any value on it it gives me error like if i have #{variable} it asks for its value. Can it be made to be optional? Im using Jade Template
To respond to an XHR request with an error you can do something like return resView.status(500).send(err); which will send the err object back as JSON. If you want to render an HTML error page instead you can do return resView.status(500).locals({err: err}).render('/errorPage');
You didn't say which template engine you are using but most likely the #{} version will automatically escape HTML characters for you (turn < into <, etc) to avoid XSS attacks and rendering problems whereas !{} will render the contents of the variable directly without escaping, which is dangerous if the variable contains any user-generated content, but necessary if the variable has HTML you want rendered by the browser.
