I want to automate the Android Hybrid app in JavaScript. But not able to open it in webview - node.js

I have added all the required capabilities but nothing happens.
autoWebview: true,
setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled: true,
When I use this one in the capabilities, it gives me an error that deriver is not defined.
driver.getContexts().then(function (contexts) { // get list of available views. Returns array: [“NATIVE_APP”,“WEBVIEW_1”]
return driver.context(contexts[1]); // choose the webview context })
And after adding this under the section I want to open it gives me this error:
TypeError: driver.getContexts(…).then is not a function


Error in event handler: ReferenceError: window is not defined chrome extension with manifest v3

I am using manifest version 3 for chrome extension this error I face in background js :
Error in event handler: ReferenceError: window is not defined chrome extension with manifest v3
"permissions":["contextMenus","storage", "activeTab","tabs","scripting","webRequest"],
var posLeft = ( window.width - winWidth ) / 2 ;
ManifestV3 extension uses a service worker so it doesn't have DOM or window.
Use chrome.windows.getCurrent to get the size/position of the current browser window.
Use chrome.system.display.getInfo (since Chrome 94) to get the display's size/metrics.
Well for others who may look here for that error message in a similar context, I got the same error when neglecting to make the window object accessible at runtime rather than at the time that the injected function is dynamically being readied for injection into a particular tab by the v3 background script.
In order to get dynamically injected from a v3 background script, the tab specific object (in this case window) needs to be included inside the function being passed, as in the following anonymous function case:
target: { tabId: currentTab.id },
func: () => window.history.back()
if window.history.back is provided as the value for func then obviously it will not be known or available to the background script and the same error message will ensue.
This is already described indeed in the docs.
If you are trying to access window object in background.js as it is a service worker you won't have access to window object , but you may try self as it will have all the properties of window object
in background.js try
var window = window ?? self;
Note: if you are using Vite or Webpack this might work

Silent printing in electron

I am currently building an electron app. I have a PDF on my local file system which I need to silently print out (on the default printer). I came across the node-printer library, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Is there an easy solution to achieve this?
Well first of all it is near impossible to understand what you mean with "silent" print. Because once you send a print order to your system printer it will be out of your hand to be silent at all. On Windows for example once the order was given, at least the systemtray icon will indicate that something is going on. That said, there are very good described features for printing with electron even "silent" is one of them:
You need to get all system printers if you do not want to use the default printer:
Which will return a PrinterInfo[] Object.
Here is an example how the object will look like from the electron PrtinerInfo Docs:
name: 'Zebra_LP2844',
description: 'Zebra LP2844',
status: 3,
isDefault: false,
options: {
copies: '1',
'device-uri': 'usb://Zebra/LP2844?location=14200000',
finishings: '3',
'job-cancel-after': '10800',
'job-hold-until': 'no-hold',
'job-priority': '50',
'job-sheets': 'none,none',
'marker-change-time': '0',
'number-up': '1',
'printer-commands': 'none',
'printer-info': 'Zebra LP2844',
'printer-is-accepting-jobs': 'true',
'printer-is-shared': 'true',
'printer-location': '',
'printer-make-and-model': 'Zebra EPL2 Label Printer',
'printer-state': '3',
'printer-state-change-time': '1484872644',
'printer-state-reasons': 'offline-report',
'printer-type': '36932',
'printer-uri-supported': 'ipp://localhost/printers/Zebra_LP2844',
system_driverinfo: 'Z'
To print your file you can do it with
The options are descriped in the docs for contents.print():
options Object (optional):
silent Boolean (optional) - Don’t ask user for print settings. Default is false.
printBackground Boolean (optional) - Also prints the background color and image of the web page. Default is false.
deviceName String (optional) - Set the printer device name to use. Default is ''.
Prints window’s web page. When silent is set to true, Electron will pick the system’s default printer if deviceName is empty and the default settings for printing.
Calling window.print() in web page is equivalent to calling webContents.print({silent: false, printBackground: false, deviceName: ''}).
Use page-break-before: always; CSS style to force to print to a new page.
So all you need is to load the PDF into a hidden window and then fire the print method implemented in electron with the flag set to silent.
// In the main process.
const {app, BrowserWindow} = require('electron');
let win = null;
app.on('ready', () => {
// Create window
win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600, show: false });
// Could be redundant, try if you need this.
win.once('ready-to-show', () => win.hide())
// load PDF.
// if pdf is loaded start printing.
win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
win.webContents.print({silent: true});
// close window after print order.
win = null;
However let me give you a little warning:
Once you start printing it can and will get frustrating because there are drivers out there which will interpret data in a slightly different way. Meaning that margins could be ignored and much more. Since you already have a PDF this problem will most likely not happen. But keep this in mind if you ever want to use this method for example contents.printToPDF(options, callback). That beeing said there are plently of options to avoid getting frustrated like using a predefined stylesheet like descriped in this question: Print: How to stick footer on every page to the bottom?
If you want to search for features in electron and you do not know where they could be hidden, all you have to do is to go to "all" docs and use your search function: https://electron.atom.io/docs/all/
I recently published NPM package to print PDF files from Node.js and Electron. You can send a PDF file to the default printer or to a specific one. Works fine on Windows and Unix-like operating systems: https://github.com/artiebits/pdf-to-printer.
It's easy to install, just (if using yarn):
yarn add pdf-to-printer
or (if using npm):
npm install --save pdf-to-printer
Then, to silently print the file to the default printer you do:
import { print } from "pdf-to-printer";
To my knowledge there is currently no way to do this directly using Electron because while using contents.print([]) does allow for 'silently' printing HTML files, it isn't able to print PDF views. This is currently an open feature request: https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/9029
Edit: I managed to work around this by converting the PDF to a PNG and then using Electron's print functionality (which is able to print PNGs) to print the image based view. One of the major downsides to this is that all of the PDF to PNG/JPEG conversion libraries for NodeJS have a number of dependencies, meaning I had to implement them in an Express server and then have my Electron app send all PDFs to the server for conversion. It's not a great option, but it does work.

Chrome screen sharing get monitor info

I implemented chrome extension which using chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia to retrieve screen id.
This is my background script:
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function (port) {
// listen to "content-script.js"
function messageHandler(message) {
if(message == 'get-screen-id') {
chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(['screen', 'window'], port.sender.tab, onUserAction);
function onUserAction(sourceId) {
//Access denied
if(!sourceId || !sourceId.length) {
return port.postMessage('permission-denie');
sourceId: sourceId
I need to get shared monitor info(resolution, landscape or portrait).
My question is: If customer using more than one monitor, how can i determine which monitor he picked?
Can i add for example "system.display" permissions to my extension and get picked monitor info from "chrome.system.display.getInfo"?
You are right. You could add system.display permission and call chrome.system.display.getDisplayLayout(callbackFuncion(DisplayLayout)) and handle the DisplayLayout.position in the callback to get the layout and the chrome.system.display.getInfo to handle the array of displayInfo in the callback. You should look for 'isPrimary' value
This is a year old question, but I came across it since I was after the same information and I finally managed to figure how you can identify which monitor the user selected for screen-sharing in Chrome.
First of all: this information will not come from the extension that you probably built for screen-sharing in Chrome, because:
The chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia API callback only returns a sourceId, which is a string that represents a stream id, that you can then use to call the getMediaSource API to build the media stream.
The chrome.system.display.getInfo will give you a list of the displays, yes, but from that info you can't tell which one is being shared, and there is no way to match the sourceId with any of the fields returned for each display.
So... the solution I've found comes from the MediaStream object itself. Once you have the stream, after calling getMediaSource, you need to get the video track, and in there you will find a property called "label". This label gives you an idea of which screen the user picked.
You can get the video track with something like:
const videoTrack = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
(Check the getVideoTracks API here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream/getVideoTracks).
If you print that object, you will see the "label" field. In Chrome screen 1 shows as "0:0", whereas screen 2 shows as "1:0", and I assume screen i would be "i-1:0" (I've only tested with 2 screens).
Here is a capture of that object printed in the console:
And not only works for Chrome, but for other browsers that implement it! In Firefox they show up as "Screen i":
Also, if you check Chrome chrome://webrtc-internals you'll see this is what they show in the addStream event:
And that's it! It's not ideal, since this is a label, more than a real screen identifier, but well, it's something to work with. Once you have the screen identified, in Chrome you can work with the chrome.system.display.getInfo to get information for that display.

How to use the experimental offscreenTab API?

I've been searching for examples and reference and have come up with nothing. I found a note in offscreenTab source code mentioning it cannot be instantiated from a background page (it doesn't have a tab for the offscreenTab to relate to). Elsewhere I found mention that popup also has no tie to a tab.
How do you successfully create an offscreenTab in a Chrome extension?
According to the documentation, offscreenTabs.create won't function in a background page. Although not explicitly mentioned, the API cannot be used in a Content script either. Through a simple test, it seems that the popup has the same limitation as a background page.
The only leftover option is a tab which runs in the context of a Chrome extension. The easiest way to do that is by using the following code in the background/popup:
chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL('ost.htm'), active:false});
// active:false, so that the window do not jump to the front
ost.htm is a helper page, which creates the tab:
chrome.experimental.offscreenTabs.create({url: '...'}, function(offscreenTab) {
// Do something with offscreenTab.id !
To change the URL, use chrome.experimental.offscreenTabs.update.
offscreenTab.id is a tabId, which ought to be used with the chrome.tabs API. However, at least in Chrome 20.0.1130.1, this is not the case. All methods of the tabs API do not recognise the returned tabID.
A work-around is to inject a content script using a manifest file, eg:
{"content_scripts": {"js":["contentscript.js"], "matches":["<all_urls>"]}}
// contentscript.js:
chrome.extension.sendMessage({ .. any request .. }, function(response) {
// Do something with response.
Appendum to the background page:
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
// Instead of checking for index == -1, you can also see if the ID matches
// the ID of a previously created offscreenTab
if (sender.tab && sender.tab.index === -1) {
// index is negative if the tab is invisible
// ... do something (logic) ...
sendResponse( /* .. some response .. */ );
With content scripts, you've got full access to a page's DOM. But not to the global object. You'll have to inject scripts (see this answer) if you want to run code in the context of the page.
Another API which might be useful is the chrome.webRequest API. It can be used to modify headers/abort/redirect requests. Note: It cannot be used to read or modify the response.
Currently, the offscreenTabs API is experimental. To play with it, you have to enable the experimental APIs via chrome://flags, and add "permissions":["experimental"] to your manifest file. Once it's not experimental any more, use "permissions":["offscreenTabs"].

Display only the individual error message using validation Engine

Iam using jQuery Validation engine in my Asp.net MVC application. I would like to show individual error messages.Now it showing both the individual error message and also summary at the bottom. So it would be really helpful to know how can I display only the individual error messages rather than both .
In my popup script where fancybox is loaded ie
'padding' :'20px'
just added
$('#fancybox-close').click(function () {
$('#fancybox-overlay').live("click",function () {
Then the validation summary get removed
