File not found error in SharePoint 2010 while using a site template - sharepoint

I'm using SharePoint 2010. I saved a Site Template(.stp) and used this template to create a sub site. Browser shows file not found error, however, if I add /_layouts/ChageSiteMasterPage.aspx to that URL, I'm able to see settings Page.
cannot create folder "Path".
Correlation ID: 4baa2636-0dd9-4965-afc1-e438d74a20d5
What could be the problem??

Search for that correlation ID in your SharePoint log. Probably the problem is because you need to activate a feature in the new site, or you have a custom solution that you need to deploy there.

Go to Site Setting and open the Master Pages section. Look for anything checked out and chack it back in. This happens each time you create a new site from a template.


Copy template from one SharePoint site to another

Thanks in advance for your insights.
I created a Template page in one SharePoint site. Now I need to copy that Template page to another SharePoint site. I was expecting this to be very simple, but have not found a viable solution yet.
Here is my Template page...
This is where I need to copy it to...
My version of SharePoint is SharePoint Online.
I created Documentation-Template.aspx as part of an Office 365 group site. Not sure if that might make a difference.
Thanks again!
Under the modern experience, you can only copy a site page to the same Site Pages library in the same site. You could vote on this idea in uservoice:
As a workaround, you could switch to classic experience. Then copy a site page to another site with the URL path to the other site's Site Pages library. Like this:
This still doesn't seem to be an option.
Here's a flow I made to accomplish this
Manually trigger a flow and ask for SourceSiteURL, PageName, DestinationURL and FailAction
Init Integer variable for FailAction
Switch to set fail action from input to Integer
Copy file in SharePoint from sourceURL/SitePages/PageName to DestinationURL/SitePages/PageName

Issues with converting HTML file to master page in SharePoint 2013

Right now I have an HTML file and I'm trying to convert it to a master page. I'm using a VM on CloudShare.
So I create a new site collection and go into the site settings. Under “Look and Feel”, Design Manager isn’t there so I’ve found that if I go to “Site Collection Features” under “Site Collection Administration”, and activate “SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure” Design Manager will show up. So I go into design manager, but under Edit Master Pages none of the file or folder names will show up, and when I convert the html file the status column doesn’t show up either, so I can’t go to preview it or to the snippets gallery.
The only thing I can find online is to create a new site collection, which I’ve tried a few times. This happened on my old CloudShare VM, and creating a new site collection fixed it, but it’s not working for this. Can anyone help?
Personally when working with new master pages I have found that the best application to use is SharePoint Designer. You should be able to download it for free. Here are the instructions to configure SharePoint designer using it with CloudShare.
Figured it out - I made a new site collection and set it to a Publishing site template and it fixed the issue.

sharepoint showing error after uploading a new webpart

I am new to Sharepoint and was playing with the webparts. I downloaded a zip file called LyteBoxForSharePoint and uploaded the webpart using add a web part function. Now I am getting errors. The good thing is, that it's only my dept page. The bad thing is I have no clue what happened. All other pages beside the dept landing page is working. So, I am guessing it's only the landing page that has the issue. Is there a way to find out what code was added or to revert to old code. The error I get is the following, and it keeps on changing every time I refresh the page.
An unexpected error has occurred.
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: e8eca359-70f9-42d0-b41e-834fbe0fc910
Date and Time: 2/23/2012 2:47:39 PM
Could be anything, most common error in SharePoint is authentication errors where a web part is trying to reach content the logged in user cannot reach
You should check the logs, they are available in the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS
Open the last modified log file and search for your Correlation ID, e8eca359-70f9-42d0-b41e-834fbe0fc910
When you find the errors there you will now and also be able to post something that we can use to help you.
Then there is always the webpart maintenance page: /_layouts/spcontnt.aspx?url=
first browse the page which is giving webpart error and copy the new correlation id and go to the log folder under 14 hive and open the latest log file and find the correlation id. it should give you the error details if logging is not disabled.
also you can go to the webpart manger on the page to revert the page to the previous state by adding contents=1 as query string and in this page you will get list of webparts with checkbox against each. select the faulty one and revert to previous version if any or delete it.
you can also use SPD2010 to remove the webpart with error. alternating powershell can be also used.
One way to check if the webpart is installed is to type ?contents=1 after your url. There is also stsadm -o preupgradecheck and unfortunitely stsadm has another command to list all webparts but I cannot think of it at this time

Log Error: Failed to create list

I have a Site Template with few customized lists and customized pages. I create new webs when ever needed using the site template. After creating the web, I also set up a theme and unique permissions to the web using C# code itself, then I redirect the page to the newly created web URL. My code runs within a Long running operation. It works all the time fine, but in some circumstance I get an error "file not found" when the page re-directed to the newly created web.
When I had closer look, I see that the web was properly created and the permissions were set; the pages library & other lists are also found, but the master page gallery is not found. Due to that I could not browse any pages in the page library & I could not even check web theme. When I see the Logs I found the below error.
04/09/2009 14:22:49.35 w3wp.exe (0x11B4) 0x0D0C Windows SharePoint Services General 8z1y Medium Failed to create list "Master Page Gallery" in web "http://rootsite/subsite", HRESULT=0x81020012. List XML: ""
What could cause this issue? I don't get this all time only sometimes I get this issue. There were no errors thrown on code, but the web's master page gallery was not created. Have you ever faced such problem? How can I solve this?
Thanks in advance,
The HRESULT you're getting is from a COM error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x81020012): The specified name is already in use.
Make sure that the gallery you're trying to create is at the web level, not the site or webapplication level. Can you post examples of the URL when it worked vs. when it didn't?
Isn't the master page gallery usually at the site rather than web level? Subsites can use a master page defined by the parent site, so you could be confusing things by trying to define the master pages on the subsite as well.

SharePoint error relating to page layout after creating site from template

Inside SharePoint I've previously created a site template by appending _layouts/savetmpl.aspx to the end of my site and new sites have been created correctly and work as expected.
I've now come to do the same thing again and yet this time the new site is throwing an error relating to the page layout.
The error is:
This page is not using a valid page layout. To correct the problem, edit page settings and select a valid page layout.
When I try to select a different one, there is only the one to select. This page layout is in use on other sites and they render fine.
Has anyone else seen this issue?
All the best
First, if you append the _layouts/savetmpl.aspx tho the url, i suppose you dont have it in the Site Settings options, so you are using a Publishing site. This is because Microsoft doesn´t support this option (save as template in publishing sites). And they dont support it because it has some bugs, for sure.
So, I would recommend not using this option in important sites, or if you plan to ask support to Microsoft in the future.
However that error indicates that the page layout or his associated content type (ou parent content types) are not correctly installed in the site collection. Are you using your own (custom) content types? Please confirm if the ID of the associated content type (something like 0x0100C6739B7D12DE419aA2F9A2F96CC26818) is exactly the same in the Page Layout on working sites and in the not working sites.
Hope it helps
Do the sites/site collection where the templates working have all the same features enabled as teh sites/site collection where the template isn't working?
Can you check the server logs? <12 hive>\LOGS
Did you add a custom page layout, use it, and then forget to check that "save content" checkbox when you saved your template?
