Have text in row overflow into right column - lotus-notes

I have a view with multiple columns that's showing documents with response documents underneath.
I have a field on the parent document that is long that i'm putting in the first column.
I've got another column that has a field specific to my response document.
I want to have the first column be very small (width), so the responses aren't indented by much.
The problem is that the parent document's field gets cut off.
How can i allow the parent property column to overrun into the child property column?
This would be similar to a categorised view, except that the 'category' is a parent document.
I'd like a solution where i can get a child's property to overrun into a sub-child's property too, i.e. Document->Response->Response of response

There are two ways to set up a parent/child relationship between the rows in a NotesView. First works with one or more types of documents where you take a flat view of documents, pick a column to group by, and set its type to Categorized. The Category row then shows up above the entries that have their field set to the category value.
The second way is to have two types of documents using the built in document / response (and optionally response to response) relationship. In your form selection criteria, you make sure you select all the documents you want, and then tack on the descendants. In the view settings you need to select "Show response documents in a hierarchy". Then the parent documents will show above all their child documents.
I think you're trying to use the second method, but it seems like something is missing. When it is set up, the parent row can show any number of columns, and usually the child row shows only one (see the design of the built-in discussion databases). To designate a column to be for responses, select the Show Responses Only option in the column properties. Otherwise the column will appear for just the parent document.
To get what you want to do you should just need a couple of columns. The first one would be for the response documents and can be very narrow, but will automatically stretch across the whole window. The second would be for the parent document. Lastly you can select the "Extend last column to window width" option so the parent column fills the screen, or just stretch the parent's column wide enough to fit everything. You can even set the view properties to allow that column to show on multiple lines (up to 9) if it doesn't fit on one.
Hopefully this fills in any gaps. If I missed something please let me know in the comments.


Are there any negative consequences of giving ‘Title’ field a default value of ‘View’ and making it a hidden field?

When I create a list, I have gotten into the habit of doing the following:
Change Title field name to Item
Give it the default value of View
Go to Advanced Settings
Allow management of content types > Yes
Click Save
Then in Settings, click on the Item type
Then click on the Item field and select Hidden
Then go back to Advanced Settings
Allow management of content types > No
Click Save
The result of this is that:
The Title field (now called Item) is hidden in the form
I have a column called Item, which has the link View in each row (which opens up the item)
I can’t remember why I started doing this (possibly one of the reasons outlined in this video), but the use case must have demanded it and I just kept doing it.
However, lately I have been having troubling thoughts about whether it negatively effects indexing or has any other undesired outcomes.
For example, I did a search in a list the other today, and in the drop down search results that were displayed, I just got multiple rows of the value View.
I also read just before posting this question that list items in the recycle bin will be identified by the value that was in the Title column. So if they all say View it will be impossible to differentiate one from the other.
So I just thought I would see if there is any authoritative, definitive best practice around the Title column, and ask if my convention is bad and if so what I should replace it with.
Thank You.
(Edit: I also hide the Title column in document libraries, as it doesn’t seem to serve a purpose, as clicking on the value in the Name column opens up the document anyway - therefore the ‘link’ action of the Title field is not required).

#SetViewInfo with Sorted Columns

Can someone advise whether #SetViewInfo can be used with click to sort columnns.
When a view is filtered using #SetViewInfo it removes the column sorting options, thus removing the functionality of the view. Even when resetting to all records the column sorting option is not available, however I have overcome this by opening a second view then opening the original view, messy but it works. I am using View Action Buttons. (Not sure how to store the value in a Check Box Action).
#SetViewInfo([SetViewFilter]; "userinitials"; "$80"; 1)
#Command([OpenView]; "DummyView"); //Needed to get the click to sort back
#Command([OpenView]; "OriginalView")
Also if the view is already sorted on another column, ie not in a categorised state no records are found. I don't want to have to remove the sorting options on my views. The help implies you don't need to have the view categorised. But I cannot get it to work if I don't, ie if I use 0 on an uncategorised view nothing happens.
From Help
isCategory - Number. Boolean value. Required in a Standard Outline view; not for use in Calendar views. 1 indicates that the column in the columnName value is a category. 0 indicates that it is not.
Is the #SetViewInfo limited as I have found or am I missing something?
Any help appreciated.
Yes, #SetViewInfo has limitations. As far as I know, you cannot keep the sorting when you use SetViewFilter. I also believe you need to have the view categorized, at least in older versions of Notes this was the case, if I remember correctly.
Limitations like this is why I personally don't use #SetViewInfo very often (if at all), I try to use other ways to display filtered documents.
One way I have handled it in the past is to use a special form with a rich text field, and then I build a list of filtered documents (e.g. through a search) and render the list of documents in the rich text item.
I use this technique to do that: http://blog.texasswede.com/dynamic-tables-in-classic-notes/

Where does Excel store the parameters you pass into Range.Group

This has to do with Pivot Tables.
I am trying use VBA (or C#) to get to some data that's stored in the spreadsheet, but I don't know where it is in the object model. I know the data is in the spreadsheet because when I unzip the spreadsheet, I see it in the pivotcache. The following documentation for OpenXML talks about the field in particular:
In the RangeProperties class, see the groupInterval property, in particular.
For instance, the XML shows:
<fieldGroup base="0">
<rangePr startNum="19" endNum="947" groupInterval="656"/>
<groupItems count="4">
<s v="<19"/>
<s v="19-684"/>
<s v="685-1350"/>
<s v=">1351"/>
But I don't know how to get to this from the Excel object-model at runtime.
The above data represents the entries the user makes in order to group a set of rows in a pivot table. Below are more details on how to get to it.
When you click on Rows of a Pivot Table, you can Group the rows. For instance, let's say you have a thousand rows, but the values range from 1-100. You don't want to see all 1000 rows, just in 10 rows (groups of 100). First group will be a row that aggregates all the rows where the value is between 1-100, the next group for values 100-200, etc.
When you right-click any cell the Row Labels section, and click on the Group item from the context menu, you'll get a small dialog box with "Grouping" in the title bar, and fields:
- Starting at:
- Ending at:
- By:
And there will be a checkbox next to the starting at and ending end fields.
I'll take the defaults, and increment by 100
The equivalent to doing this in VBA (or C# VSTS) is:
Select the cell:
Call the Group() method on the current single-cell selection, eg:
Selection.Range.Group true, true, 100
At this point, the PivotItems associated with the PivotField end up with captions such as "1-100".
Now, if you right-click on the field again and select the Group item, you will get the same dialog box pop-up, with the fields of the dialog box filled in with the previous values you selected for that PivotTable.
However, the information that's used to fill that dialog box doesn't seem to exist anywhere in the object model. I suspect I just don't know where to look.
Does anyone know?
So the basic question in is, when I call the Group method on a single-cell Range object, and pass in various parameters, where are those parameters retained in the object model? I know it's there because Excel itself is able to load it up and it's stored in the spreadsheet.

Xpages Repeat Controls Tabular display

I have a situation wherein I need to display all documents in view. Issue is I need to display multivalued fields (can be achieved by modifying view column to display new line). Now issue comes when a column value is also multivalued. E.g. first column is created by looping through 50 fields (single value) and second column is created by looping through corresponding 50 fields but these fields are multivalued.
I am looking for ideas about how to nest repeats in this case. Issue is in first repeat I get the handle of documents but in nested one i am not able to get this handle to be able to loop through fields. And it is not simply one column or value I want to display, there are 4-5 such columns.
Any ideas are welcome.
Thanks in advance.
You want to start looking at a repeat control, not a view control. Have the outermost control loop through the entries in the view and populate the data source of a containing panel with a Notes document. Then inside the panel you only refer to the inner document data source.

table view sharepoint list

Need your inputs on below query-
after opening share point linked table in table view, fields section is grayed out for me..As mentioned in the below post, I want to set index on columns of sharepoint linked list ..How i can activate this section?
appreciate your inputs..
This is related to below post
Index on Sharepoint Linked table
Well, everything going to be greyed out if your cursor in the ID column since there nothing you can change in the required auto number ID column. If you move your cursor into other columns, then the options on the ribbon should un-grey and become enabled.
I suppose the above is a long shot and I assume you moved the cursor out of the ID column or at least clicked on the column you want to make changes to. So your picture as you show is correct since your cursor is placed in the ID column of which as noted you cannot change anything about that ID column anyway.
