How to modify setup page? - inno-setup

I want to add some information on wpSelectComponents page about components/types of the installation.
Is there a possibility to add some text / description to for example wpSelectComponents page?

If you just want static text, you can set custom text using the [Messages] section (See Inno's Default.isl for the current values and names).
If you want to show more descriptive text when selecting a component, you will need to do it in [Code] by creating your own labels on the page and setting the text as appropriate.


Wizard Page 'Select Destination Location': Change text depending on condition

I need to change the text defined in the message SelectDirLabel3, that is shown on the Select Destination Location wizard page depending on a condition known to the pascal code.
I searched for a possibility to overwrite the message SelectDirLabel3 in the pascal code but I have not found a function to do that. I assume this can not be done.
An other possibility could be to edit the setup of the wizard page Select Destination Location with the NextButtonClick() function when Next is clicked on the previous wizard page. But I can not find any documentation how to do that (I just want to change the text of the message SelectDirLabel3 in case the 'condition' is met!)
Maybe there is an other possibility to achieve my objective.
Thanks for any hints!
You indeed cannot change [Messages] on runtime/conditionally.
But you can indeed change the control label. Just set WizardForm.SelectDirLabel.Caption as you need.

Changing label texts on WizardForm page in Inno Setup

I want to change (in code) the text of certain labels on the WizardForm of the installer which are NOT exposed by the WizardForm.
ReadyLabel2a=Click Install to continue with the installation, or click Back if you want to review or change any settings.
I cannot do WizardForm.ReadyLabel2a.Caption := 'BLAH'; as the compiler complains about unknown identifier ReadyLabel2a.
Is there a way to do it?
All components of the installer wizard form are exposed.
The label is ReadyLabel, not ReadyLabel2a. The ReadyLabel2a is ID of the message. The installer uses either message ReadyLabel2a or ReadyLabel2b for the ReadyLabel, depending on the setup configuration.
WizardForm.ReadyLabel.Caption := 'BLAH';
See TWizardForm class declaration.
You can find how the messages are used in controls in Inno Setup source code
If you need to have an installer specific texts for certain standard messages, modify the texts using Messages section:
ReadyLabel2a=Click Install to continue with the installation, or click Back if you want to review or change any settings.

How to build a webform with custom fields in drupal 7?

I want to build a custom webform using webform module in drupal 7 but I want to use custom fields as form fields. Is there a way to do it?
To create your custom field as per requirement follow this awesome link.
You just have to create a new piece of Webform content by going to Content > Add Content > Webform. Once you make your title, body, etc, click "Save" and you'll be taken to the next step of creating your form fields (called "Components"). In the components area, you can add whatever type of field you'd like, and all the submitted data will be stored in the "Results" area for that piece of content.

Dynamically add / remove editable area to custom control embedded in XPage

Okay... this is a little difficult to explain but I will try my best.
In Custom Control while adding properties in Property Definition we can set "Allow multiple instances" which allows us to add multiple instances of that property when the control is embedded in XPage.
Similarly, I need to know whether it is possible to add (and remove) Editable Areas in a custom control when it is embedded in XPage? What I plan is that I would have a repeat control inside my custom control and I would be able to put the contents in each editable area in every loop of that repeat.
Is this the right way to go about or am I looking at this problem incorrectly? Any solution not involving editable areas is also welcome :)
Update 4 Apr 2013:
A use case context I am looking for is a simple carousel where contents of each screen in carousel can have different contents. These contents would be put into each (dynamically added) editable area. The contents can be very different from each other with one screen containing only text, other only image and another both image and text.
Look at the table walker example in the 26 original exercises. It does mostly what you are looking for (conceptually). You won't need multiple editable areas. Whatever is inside the repeat gets repeated.
What you want to do is to give the control a custom property "boolean editMode" so you can render that one line to be edited - if that's the UI pattern you want to follow.
You also could consider a dojo table with Ajax which allows for a familiar spreadsheet UI

Default content editor in list form doesn't allow image alignment

I need to be able to adjust the alignment of an image in an "Enhanced Rich Text Field" in an announcements list in MOSS 2007. However, the default content editor in the edit form for the list doesn't provide a way to do that. What's the fastest way for me to make sure users can align images? My first thought was to customize the DispForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx pages, but they just have the ListForm web part in the content region and as far as I know, you can't customize the ListForm web part from the designer.
You can't customize the LisForm web part, but you can add a "custom list form" to create a custom edit form. Maybe you haven't seen this article:
Then you could do some javascript hackery to insert your own button which then calls something similar to existing RTE_InsertImage function to call a pop-up window and do whatever you need (you'll find this function in 12\template\layouts\1033\form.js)
I fail to see (or understand) your issue. I created a new announcements list, created a new item, inserted an image, aligned it to the right, viewed the item and it worked.
Then I proceeded to create a new custom column, choose multiple lines,enhanced rich text field, edited my list item, added an image, centered it, viewed and it was also working.
The only thing I noticed is that the "rich" control does not appears on non-IE browsers.
