Cann't receive REMOTE host log messages with Chainsaw (localhost messages just OK) - log4j

I did a logger with programmatically configured SocketAppender for Chainsaw. I successfully receive messages in the SimpleReceiver of Chainsaw from code running on localhost, but from remote host i'm just getting like
63 Fri Sep 23 14:44:08 MSD
2011 INFO org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.messages.MessageCenter Connection
received from Chainsaw-WorkerThread log chainsaw
68 Fri Sep 23 15:12:22 MSD
2011 INFO org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.messages.MessageCenter Connection
lost! :: null Chainsaw-WorkerThread
log chainsaw 69 Fri Sep 23 15:12:22 MSD
2011 DEBUG accepted
socket Chainsaw-WorkerThread log chainsaw
70 Fri Sep 23 15:12:22 MSD
2011 DEBUG socket not null -
creating and starting
socketnode Chainsaw-WorkerThread log chainsaw
71 Fri Sep 23 15:12:22 MSD
2011 DEBUG w*aiting to accept
socket* Chainsaw-WorkerThread log chainsaw
but no tab with log messages from remote host. What's wrong? No firewall is running.
Tested with v2 and v2.1-trunk-today.

Solved yesterday. Log level in big app's plugin wasn't set correctly.


Remixd Error when Hooking up shared folder to Remix

The first type of error occurs when I run the listener on my Windows 10 using a terminal (powershell). The listener (remixd) starts OK then when I go to connect to the browser session I get the following:
PS C:\Windows\System32> remixd -s D:\zz210201_shared_folder --remix-ide
[WARN] You may now only use IDE at to connect to that instance
[WARN] Any application that runs on your computer can potentially read from and write to all files in the directory.
[WARN] Symbolic links are not forwarded to Remix IDE
Wed Feb 03 2021 18:29:11 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) Remixd is listening on
setup notifications for D:\zz210201_shared_folder
Error: Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, lstat 'D:\System Volume Information'
When I use the desktop version I get the following errors when trying to make the connection.
Wed Feb 03 2021 18:13:57 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) Remixd is listening on
Wed Feb 03 2021 18:14:14 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) Connection from origin package://6fd22d6fe5549ad4c4d8fd3ca0b7816b.mod rejected.
Wed Feb 03 2021 18:14:15 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) Connection from origin package://6fd22d6fe5549ad4c4d8fd3ca0b7816b.mod rejected.
Wed Feb 03 2021 18:14:29 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) Connection from origin package://6fd22d6fe5549ad4c4d8fd3ca0b7816b.mod rejected.
Wed Feb 03 2021 18:14:30 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) Connection from origin package://6fd22d6fe5549ad4c4d8fd3ca0b7816b.mod rejected.
Wed Feb 03 2021 18:18:31 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) Connection from origin rejected.
Wed Feb 03 2021 18:18:32 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) Connection from origin rejected.
Not sure how to proceed to get it working. Any clues appreciated.
Fix Remixd EPERM error
npm uninstall -g remixd
npm install -g #remix-project/remixd --force

Kurento Media Server 6.4 segmentation fault in libnice

I am using latest Kurento Media Server (6.4) and node.js app for one-2-one calls. However, Kurento process crashes from time to time inside libnice: (multiple crashes point to the same lib entries)
Segmentation fault (thread 139888166897408, pid 1093)
Stack trace:
At the same time, the most recent debug events recorded to log files are ice candidates pairings:
2016-03-17 08:43:12,095520 1093 [0x00007f3a407f0700] debug KurentoWebRtcEndpointImpl WebRtcEndpointImpl.cpp:214 newSelectedPairFull() <kmswebrtcendpoint43> New pair selected stream_id: 1, component_id: 1, local candidate: candidate:4 1 UDP 2013266431 55844 typ host, remot
e candidate: candidate:candidate:2003496507 1 UDP 25042687 51817 typ relay raddr rport 51817
Application log shows that error happens at the moment after both SDP answers were generated, and just before startCommunication command is going to be fired:
AppServer-0 Thu, 17 Mar 2016 08:43:11 GMT kms:CallMediaPipeline generateSdpOffer 16
AppServer-0 Thu, 17 Mar 2016 08:43:11 GMT kms:server pipeline:sdpAnswer:caller sdpReady
AppServer-0 Thu, 17 Mar 2016 08:43:11 GMT kms:CallMediaPipeline generateSdpOffer 15
AppServer-0 Thu, 17 Mar 2016 08:43:11 GMT kms:server pipeline:sdpAnswer:callee sdpReady
AppServer-0 reconnect to server 0 100 ff19ebc8-b114-495e-bf31-31f188f6ea8e
Full stack trace and log in can be seen in this gist
$ kurento-media-server -v
Version: 6.4.1~1.g3ffe480
Found modules:
Module: 'core' version '6.4.1~2.g4ed0cfc'
Module: 'elements' version '6.4.1~3.g8e842ad'
Module: 'filters' version '6.4.1~3.g06e2b4f'
# dpkg -l |grep -i libnice
ii libnice10:amd64 amd64 ICE library (shared library)
I can reproduce this by using two Chrome browsers (Mac + Win) and by making around 10-15 calls (call out - hang - call out - hang ..)
If anyone could give any hints, suggestions or directions, I would really appreciate that.
UPD: Problem solved after switching TURN server from reciprocate-turn-server 1.9.7 to coturn

Stop spammers from relaying via sendmail?

For the life of me I cannot figure out how spammers are sendmail mail through my server with relaying off. I'm running Sendmail 8.14.7 on Slackware Linux 14.1. The spammers have not figured out a user's password and are therefore logging in first via SASL with AUTH LOGIN or I would see that in the log.
Heres an example from my logs, a spammer/bot from, off the top of someones head what would allow this? Any IP randomly in the world can do this, yet when I try it sendmail says "relaying denied...". I could not be more lost. I firewall them but it happens again an hour later from a different IP.
Feb 23 12:18:44 server sendmail[28315]: t1NHIIgY028315: <-- MAIL FROM: <re>
Feb 23 12:18:44 server sendmail[28315]: t1NHIIgY028315: --- 250 2.1.0 <re>... Sender ok
Feb 23 12:18:45 server sendmail[28315]: t1NHIIgY028315: <-- RCPT TO: <>
Feb 23 12:18:45 server sendmail[28315]: t1NHIIgY028315: --- 250 2.1.5 <>... Recipient ok
Feb 23 12:18:47 server sendmail[28315]: t1NHIIgY028315: <-- DATA
Feb 23 12:18:47 server sendmail[28315]: t1NHIIgY028315: --- 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
Feb 23 12:18:48 server sendmail[28315]: t1NHIIgY028315: from=<re>, size=496, class=0, nrcpts=5, msgid=<B3BE0AC12425C02A1FB8C9201EE5CB9E#jyvicegy>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, []
Feb 23 12:18:48 central sendmail[28315]: t1NHIIgY028315: --- 250 2.0.0 t1NHIIgY028315 Message accepted for delivery

Custom logging in couch.log from couchapp?

Is it possible to write in the couchdb server log (the one defined by default.ini or local.ini in [log]) from a couchapp? (But from somewhere else than a view)
If that's not possible, maybe there's a workaround which would allow to log successful or unsuccessful authentication attemps in the couchdb server log? I'd like to process this server side and would like to avoid logging all httpd activity and grepping for user logging patterns, which doesn't seem to be easy or pretty...
A year later I find that it was in fact possible to log from views (or lists or any Javascript Design Doc functions) using the log() function:
Log a message to the CouchDB log (at the INFO level).
message – Message to be logged
log('Procesing doc ' + doc['_id']);
emit(doc['_id'], null);
After the map function has run, the following line can be found in CouchDB logs (e.g. at /var/log/couchdb/couch.log):
[Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:38:02 GMT] [info] [<0.7543.0>] OS Process #Port<0.3289> Log :: Processing doc 8d300b86622d67953d102165dbe99467
Who would have guessed :)
I'm pretty sure you can't write to couch.log from a view, it's a sandboxed system.
Getting a record of connections to the server is possible though. Here's a dump from my couch.log, with an HTTP error in there:
[Sat, 13 Sep 2014 08:18:57 GMT] [info] [<0.160.0>] Opening index for db: test idx: _design/ivet sig: "f6b64ef8593e23cac644c13b895b7607"
[Sat, 13 Sep 2014 08:18:57 GMT] [info] [<0.121.0>] - - GET /test/_design/ivet/_view/medicationWHP/foobar?include_docs=true 200
[Sat, 13 Sep 2014 08:18:57 GMT] [info] [<0.121.0>] - - GET /test/_design/ivet/_view/medicationWHP/foobar?include_docs=true 500
[Sat, 13 Sep 2014 08:18:57 GMT] [error] [<0.121.0>] httpd 500 error response:
[Sat, 13 Sep 2014 08:19:05 GMT] [info] [<0.36.0>] Apache CouchDB has started on
You can see it has the VERB PATH CODE format for each line, so you can filter that for whatever you need. (Unauthorized is 401) You can also access the log through /_log. Details on that are here:
To get all that information, you'll need to have the log level set to info. You can do this at the config screen in futon.
To do it server-side, you'd probably need to use node.js or something like that. Just have it consume the /_log endpoint, and filter each line by the HTTP response code.

"Hello world" web app and Glassfish crash: address already in use: 8080

From Netbeans 6.9.1 I chose to include Glassfish 3 on install. I then created a new web application and selected JSF 2.0, so Netbeans created a "hello world" type app to start from. However, running it brings up errors, but it's better now that I've modified glassfish a bit. However, why is there still a database problem when I'm not even using a database?
now I'm getting:
Mar 2, 2011 8:49:36 PM com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain main
INFO: Launching GlassFish on Felix platform
Welcome to Felix
INFO: Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-2'
INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o - Wed Mar 02 20:50:51 PST 2011
INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o - Wed Mar 02 20:50:51 PST 2011
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 1122ms listening on port 7676
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 1606ms listening on port 8181
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 1821ms listening on port 8081
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 1491ms listening on port 3700
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 1537ms listening on port 4848
INFO: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.0.1 (22) startup time : Felix(67028ms) startup services(17874ms) total(84902ms)
INFO: Binding RMI port to *:8686
INFO: JMXStartupService: Started JMXConnector, JMXService URL = service:jmx:rmi://
INFO: Hibernate Validator bean-validator-3.0-JBoss-4.0.2
INFO: Instantiated an instance of org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.JPATraversableResolver.
INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 266ms listening on port 8081
INFO: Using com.sun.enterprise.transaction.jts.JavaEETransactionManagerJTSDelegate as the delegate
INFO: [Thread[GlassFish Kernel Main Thread,5,main]] started
INFO: {felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) = 5000, felix.fileinstall.dir = /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/modules/autostart, felix.fileinstall.debug = 1, = true, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir = /tmp/fileinstall-8585686048027063971, felix.fileinstall.filter = null}
INFO: Installed /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/modules/autostart/osgi-web-container.jar
INFO: Installed /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/modules/autostart/org.apache.felix.fileinstall-autodeploy-bundles.cfg
INFO: Installed /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/modules/autostart/org.apache.felix.scr.jar
INFO: {felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) = 5000, felix.fileinstall.dir = /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy/bundles, felix.fileinstall.debug = 1, = true, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir = /tmp/fileinstall-3996754497384347726, felix.fileinstall.filter = null}
INFO: Started bundle: file:/home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/modules/autostart/osgi-web-container.jar
INFO: Started bundle: file:/home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/modules/autostart/org.apache.felix.scr.jar
INFO: SEC1002: Security Manager is OFF.
INFO: Security startup service called
INFO: SEC1143: Loading policy provider
INFO: Realm admin-realm of classtype successfully created.
INFO: Realm file of classtype successfully created.
INFO: Realm certificate of classtype successfully created.
INFO: Security service(s) started successfully....
INFO: Total number of available updates : 59
INFO: Available updates :
glassfish-full-incorporation 3.1,0-43:20110215T074016Z Tue Feb 15 07:40:16 PST 2011
glassfish-web-incorporation 3.1,0-43:20110215T074014Z Tue Feb 15 07:40:14 PST 2011
glassfish-web-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154415Z Sun Feb 13 15:44:15 PST 2011
glassfish-ejb-lite-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154350Z Sun Feb 13 15:43:50 PST 2011
pkg-java 1.122,0-52.2817:20110218T204119Z Fri Feb 18 20:41:19 PST 2011
glassfish-ejb-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154345Z Sun Feb 13 15:43:45 PST 2011
glassfish-gui-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154326Z Sun Feb 13 15:43:26 PST 2011
glassfish-nucleus-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154338Z Sun Feb 13 15:43:38 PST 2011
javadb-core,0-1:20101213T185842Z Mon Dec 13 18:58:42 PST 2010
javadb-client,0-1:20101213T185835Z Mon Dec 13 18:58:35 PST 2010
jersey 1.5,0-1.0:20110215T072802Z Tue Feb 15 07:28:02 PST 2011
mq-core 4.5,0-29.2:20110210T074434Z Thu Feb 10 07:44:34 PST 2011
glassfish-jdbc-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154422Z Sun Feb 13 15:44:22 PST 2011
glassfish-full-profile 3.1,0-43:20110215T074029Z Tue Feb 15 07:40:29 PST 2011
glassfish-upgrade-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154456Z Sun Feb 13 15:44:56 PST 2011
glassfish-jca-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154405Z Sun Feb 13 15:44:05 PST 2011
javadb-common,0-1:20101213T185828Z Mon Dec 13 18:58:28 PST 2010
glassfish-common-full-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154354Z Sun Feb 13 15:43:54 PST 2011
glassfish-web-profile 3.1,0-43:20110215T074022Z Tue Feb 15 07:40:22 PST 2011
glassfish-common-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154451Z Sun Feb 13 15:44:51 PST 2011
glassfish-jts-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154359Z Sun Feb 13 15:43:59 PST 2011
glassfish-jms-l10n 3.1,0-41.1:20110213T154409Z Sun Feb 13 15:44:09 PST 2011
glassfish-corba 3.1.0,0-27:20110215T071130Z Tue Feb 15 07:11:30 PST 2011
glassfish-jms 3.1,0-43:20110215T072339Z Tue Feb 15 07:23:39 PST 2011
mq-locale 4.5,0-29.2:20110210T074528Z Thu Feb 10 07:45:28 PST 2011
mq-server 4.5,0-29.2:20110210T074445Z Thu Feb 10 07:44:45 PST 2011
mq-bin-sh 4.5,0-29.2:20110210T074442Z Thu Feb 10 07:44:42 PST 2011
metro 2.1,0-30:20110215T073257Z Tue Feb 15 07:32:57 PST 2011
glassfish-cmp 3.1,0-43:20110215T072715Z Tue Feb 15 07:27:15 PST 2011
mq-bin-exe 4.5,0-29.2:20110210T105419Z Thu Feb 10 10:54:19 PST 2011
glassfish-ejb 3.1,0-43:20110215T072446Z Tue Feb 15 07:24:46 PST 2011
glassfish-common-full 3.1,0-43:20110215T072130Z Tue Feb 15 07:21:30 PST 2011
glassfish-appclient 3.1,0-43:20110215T073837Z Tue Feb 15 07:38:37 PST 2011
mq-config-gf 4.5,0-29.2:20110210T074525Z Thu Feb 10 07:45:25 PST 2011
glassfish-grizzly-full 1.9.31,0-1:20110215T070725Z Tue Feb 15 07:07:25 PST 2011
glassfish-management 3.1,0-43:20110215T071037Z Tue Feb 15 07:10:37 PST 2011
glassfish-hk2 3.1,0-43:20110215T070538Z Tue Feb 15 07:05:38 PST 2011
glassfish-upgrade 3.1,0-43:20110215T071009Z Tue Feb 15 07:10:09 PST 2011
glassfish-jts 3.1,0-43:20110215T072233Z Tue Feb 15 07:22:33 PST 2011
glassfish-corba-base 3.1.0,0-27:20110215T070738Z Tue Feb 15 07:07:38 PST 2011
glassfish-javahelp 2.0.2,0-1:20110215T071001Z Tue Feb 15 07:10:01 PST 2011
glassfish-scripting 3.1,0-41:20110208T202810Z Tue Feb 08 20:28:10 PST 2011
glassfish-nucleus 3.1,0-43:20110215T070659Z Tue Feb 15 07:06:59 PST 2011
glassfish-jpa 3.1,0-43:20110215T071106Z Tue Feb 15 07:11:06 PST 2011
glassfish-ejb-lite 3.1,0-43:20110215T072030Z Tue Feb 15 07:20:30 PST 2011
glassfish-jcdi 3.1,0-43:20110215T072735Z Tue Feb 15 07:27:35 PST 2011
glassfish-jdbc 3.1,0-43:20110215T071818Z Tue Feb 15 07:18:18 PST 2011
glassfish-common 3.1,0-43:20110215T074007Z Tue Feb 15 07:40:07 PST 2011
glassfish-jsf 2.1.0,0-11:20110215T071155Z Tue Feb 15 07:11:55 PST 2011
glassfish-gui 3.1,0-43:20110215T071924Z Tue Feb 15 07:19:24 PST 2011
glassfish-registration 3.1,0-43:20110215T071019Z Tue Feb 15 07:10:19 PST 2011
felix 3.0.8,0-0:20110215T070355Z Tue Feb 15 07:03:55 PST 2011
glassfish-grizzly 1.9.31,0-1:20110215T070555Z Tue Feb 15 07:05:55 PST 2011
glassfish-web 3.1,0-43:20110215T071324Z Tue Feb 15 07:13:24 PST 2011
glassfish-jta 3.1,0-43:20110215T071139Z Tue Feb 15 07:11:39 PST 2011
glassfish-jca 3.1,0-43:20110215T071053Z Tue Feb 15 07:10:53 PST 2011
glassfish-cluster 3.1,0-43:20110215T070945Z Tue Feb 15 07:09:45 PST 2011
shoal 1.5.29,0-0:20110215T070911Z Tue Feb 15 07:09:11 PST 2011
glassfish-ha 3.1,0-43:20110215T070954Z Tue Feb 15 07:09:54 PST 2011
INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-1 on port 8081
INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-2 on port 8181
INFO: Created HTTP listener admin-listener on port 4848
INFO: Created virtual server server
INFO: Created virtual server __asadmin
INFO: Virtual server server loaded system default web module
INFO: Initializing Mojarra 2.0.2 (FCS b10) for context '/WebApplication1'
INFO: Loading application WebApplication1 at /WebApplication1
INFO: WebApplication1 was successfully deployed in 245,397 milliseconds.
Java DB Database Process:
2011-03-03 04:49:35.249 GMT : Security manager installed using the Basic server security policy.
2011-03-03 04:49:48.584 GMT : Could not listen on port 1527 on host localhost: Address already in use
WebApplication1 (run):
Starting GlassFish Server 3
GlassFish Server 3 is running.
In-place deployment at /home/thufir/NetBeansProjects/WebApplication1/build/web
Browsing: http://localhost:8080/WebApplication1/
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 15 minutes 35 seconds)
However, that "database" still on the wrong port for some reason(?).
I modified one domain.xml, but there's also one in template:
thufir#tleilax:~$ nl /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml | grep 8081
189 <network-listener port="8081" protocol="http-listener-1" transport="tcp" name="http-listener-1" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" />
thufir#tleilax:~$ ll /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/lib/templates/domain.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 thufir thufir 12804 2010-06-08 15:37 /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/lib/templates/domain.xml
However, glassfish now seems to be running ok, although I would prefer it on 8080 as it would be by default. I just don't understand why there's a database connection to, apparently, no database -- certainly not one I selected.
thufir#tleilax:~$ sudo lsof -i :1527
[sudo] password for thufir:
java 4757 thufir 27u IPv6 46934 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:1527 (LISTEN)
thufir#tleilax:~$ nl /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml | grep 8081
189 <network-listener port="8081" protocol="http-listener-1" transport="tcp" name="http-listener-1" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" />
thufir#tleilax:~$ ll /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/lib/templates/domain.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 thufir thufir 12804 2010-06-08 15:37 /home/thufir/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/lib/templates/domain.xml
thufir#tleilax:~$ sudo lsof -i :1527
java 4757 thufir 27u IPv6 46934 0t0 TCP localhost.localdomain:1527 (LISTEN)
It means the port 8080 has already been used by other process in your system.
try to run sudo lsof -i :8080 to see what process/service runs on that port and terminate it.
Another solution is to completely change the port number.
I had this kind of problem last time when installing Netbeans for second time a year ago but as far as I remember I had v2 glassfish and v3 beta (2 years ago).
What I did is to change the port number. Have a look at domain.xml (probably) and change the port number 8080 to something else (unoccupied port).
