Excel: How to analyze cells with multiple values? - excel

i have a table with a column NeedSegment containing cells with values like the followings:
A different column is named Portfolio and contains normal single values.
In the end I would like to have a chart which displays per Portfolio how many rows have a specific needsegment e.g. Partners.
I've tried already with consolidated multiple pivot tables (Label contains) or countifs. But it seems to me far too complex...
Any advice or is additional information needed?

I can't see an easy way to deal with this without splitting first the data with the ; semicolon separator.
First of all, split your data:
Highlight all of your cells with the data:
Select the topmost cell in the column, e.g. A1
Hold CTRL+SHIFT and then press the down arrow.
OK, once we've done that, go to "Data" menu and select "Text to Columns".
On the Text to Columns window, select "Delimited" and then click "Next".
In the following window, choose both "Semicolon" and "Other" under Delimiters, and type # in the box next to "Other".
Check the box labeled "Treat consecutive delimiters as one".
Click Finish.
Note: you could also do this with formula (but that would be a pain in the ass, except if you already know how many values there can be surrounding the semicolon)
Note2: you could also do this with VBA if you needed to repeat it several times
Secondly, you can build a Pivot Graph as described in ozgrid
[EDIT] Another solution - with formulas
What you can do if you only want to count the number of NeedSegments per value is to use this formula :
You can refer to another cell to get the result for each NeedSegment:


Generate summary gantt chart from detailed activities

I want to create a gantt chart summary that shows a person´s whole "busy" and "free" schedule by day and in a single row, from a detailed gantt chart with a list of activities of different people in multiple rows.
Basically go from this:
To this: (which I created Manually)
To be able to give a summary of people´s shifts free time between activities.
Right now I´m just using this formula to compare the start and end date in each row and produce a "1" if the condition is True, then I just condition formatted the whole Gantt cells.
I have no idea how to start. I was thinking of doing the nest things:
Create a table of the names of all the possible people to be added in the gantt chart.
Program the macro to create a new sheet with the same template.
Program a loop which starts iterating with each person´s name:
For each person´s name which exists in the gantt chart to be summarized, start creating new rows per each day they have activities scheduled (I can´t figure out yet how I´d iterate through this).
Within the each person´s loop, start iterating each row on the original sheet, evaluating each start and end date´s and pasting on the new sheet´s current person´s current day row a "1" if the condition was true in the corresponding hours.
Loop until all individual activities of each person are finished.
Continue with next person.
I´d like to know if this is the logical way to go and if you have any pointers or similar code to recycle, I am not proficient in VBA and Excel macros.
Not sure if I understand properly, but it looks like you got a set of multiple records where you store the times In and Out of each worker, several rows for each worker.
And based on that, you would like to resume data, one row per worker, highlighting start and end time of each worker, but all in a single row.
I made a fake dataset like this:
I added 2 extra columns (you can even hide them if you don't want to see them)
Field START TIME got this formula:=B2-INT(B2)
Field END TIME got this formula: =C2-INT(C2)
In Excel, Dates are integers values and times are decimal values. I used both formulas to get only the decimal part of each start and end.
All this data is a table object named T_WORKERTIMES. I made a table object so if you add new records, the Gant Chart will autoupdate.
Then I made a simple (kind of horrible) Gant Chart:
The formula I've used in H2 and drag is:
=COUNTIFS(T_WORKERTIMES[Worker];$G2;T_WORKERTIMES[start time];"<="&H$1;T_WORKERTIMES[end time];">="&H$1)
Actually, all my data is in same sheet:
I added 2 Conditional Formating Rules to highlight cells in green/white if the result of the formula is 1/0.
Also, working with times sometimes can be hard, because decimals. 0,677083333335759 means 16:15. But 0,6770833333333333 too, so in Gant Chart I rounded up headers to 6 decimals.
My formula in H1 is =ROUND(7/24;6)
My formula in J1 and drag to right is =ROUND(H1+1/24/4;6)
So now everything works fine. Please, notice in worker 1, there is no activites from 07:00 to 08:00. So I add a new row with that data and everything updates:
I've uploaded a sample yo Google Drive you can see the formulas and hope you can adapt this to your needs.
Biggest issue here is the decimal part of times, to make sure they fit the Gant Chart. An easy solution would be substracting just 1 minute to start time column (calculated, you can hide it) and sum 1 minute to end time column (calculated, you can hide it).
Hope this can guide you in your project.
It looks like you are trying to extract unique records per person and day to get a person/day summary of time availability but also want it to be automated as you add more people and days.
I was able to do this with a combination of powerquery and a pivot table. When new persons/dates are added or changed the report will update but you will need to refresh using CTRL+ALT+F5
you want to highlight your entire report or an area as big as you think it will get. While highlighted you will then utilize named range feature under FORMULAS tab -> DEFINED NAMES ribbon -> DEFINED NAME dropdown. We could name it REPORTAREA or something like that.
Make sure you change the conditional format formula in report to show 0 instead of "" so this can work properly
2 go to DATA tab -> GET AND TRANSFORM ribbon -> From other sources -> Blank Query.
This will open the power query editor as a blank query
3 In the formula bar type =Excel.CurrentWorkbook() case sensitive is important
4 From there you will see CONTENT and NAME column.
In the NAME Column select the drop down and go to TEXT FILTERS -> Equals... Type in the name of your named range so the query does not pick up anything else on accident.
5 Remove the NAME column by right click selecting it and then remove.
6 you will notice the CONTENT column has two curved arrows pointing left and right instead of straight down like you are used to in excel. Click these arrows and make sure you uncheck the "use original column name as prefix" option box and ensure that the EXPAND option is selected. Then click okay.
7 At this point it looks alot like your report. Go to the HOME tab -> TRANSFORM ribbon -> Use first row as headers.
8.Select only the columns that are NOT THE 24 hr STYLE TIME LABELS of your report and then right click -> Unpivot other columns
9 At this point you can start removing some of the columns you dont want by right click and remove. Also double click and rename the columns as you wish. You can right click the top of the column and change types to what you want.
Dont worry about the 24HR style time zones not looking correct as this will be fixed later, this column should be changed to decimal type and not time zone type.
select a column that has the date information you need and right click -> Duplicate column -> change type to date.
11.At the top left part of the screen there is a CLOSE AND LOAD drop down where you will load to a new worksheet.
That will produce a green table. Select the table and press ALT+D+P to produce a pivot table linked to the green table you produced from the query.
You may need to close the Queries and Connections box that opened in order to see the pivot table options that will appear on you right.
Drag the 24hr style column to the columns area.
Drag the People to the Rows area and after Drag the Column you made in step 10 to the Rows area.
Drag the conditional format column to the Values area.
Your pivot table wont look exactly like what you want. while pivot table is selected go to DESIGN tab -> REPORT LAYOUT -> Tabular and also SUBTOTALS -> DO NOT SHOW SUBTOTALS while in the same tab.
13 Highlight all of the 24hr style time labels and format them and after highlight the inside of the pivot table where all the 1 and 0 will be and apply the conditional formatting you applied previously. Dont forget you changed the formula originally so your if statement does not end with "" but instead with 0.
If you would like i think it is easier to switch around the ROWS and COLUMNS area of the pivot table fields so that the report is easier to read. I have chosen to do so in the pictures. If you want to keep the report the way you are used to you can follow previous instructions.
I put the above comment down here as a complete answer.
I call those cells after "Finish date" column as "Chart cells". To extract a unique list of names, please refers to: here
If each name, you can use the followings formula and format for cells value >0 to show the bars.
=SUMIF([name range], "[each name]", [for each column of the chart cells])
If you further needs to filter by dates, you need to use sumifs() instead:
=SUMIFS([each column of chart cells], [name range], [unique name obtained from above], [Finish date range],"<=" & DATEVALUE("[target date]")+1,[start date range],"<=" & DATEVALUE("[target date]"))
This is the Excel formula solution, which is good if your table is not huge.

Excel formula for counting the number of incidents of a word in a column?

Is there a quicker way of searching for terms without typing each one into the formula? Like, say I have a column that has a bunch of names of locations and I want to find out how many times each one comes up.
This is the formula for when I type in the locations:
=COUNTIF($F$2:$F$274,"*AD library*")
I just modify the AD library to the next one, say monastery so it would be
Is there another way of getting the same info without having to type in each one (it's a big sheet with a lot of locations).
use PivotTable on just that one column. Put that column in both rows and Values:
Go to the insert tab and insert a pivot table.
Then drag the header (locations?) you want the count of to row labels and any other header to the value field (preferably something with text).
Now the pivot should give you the count of each item.
If you don't have a column with text then choose any other and you need to switch from sum to count in the value field settings.

Pull a list of names assigned to a specified trainer in Excel

I want to pull a list of people assigned to a particular trainer. In column A I have the trainer name, In column B the Last Name, In Column C the First name. I'd like a list in a different column which sorts the names under the name of their trainer. I've attached a picture of what I'd like. I typed in the information manually, so don't be fooled into thinking that I've already got what I want. I'm thinking that I might need to use Vlookup, but I'm not sure that's right or exactly how to do it in this case.
Here's the array formula to go into cell N2:
=IFERROR(INDEX(Table1[[#All],[Full Name]],SMALL(IF(Table1[[#All],[Trainer]]=N$1,ROW(Table1[[#All],[Trainer]])),ROW()-1)),"")
For this to work, you need to:
First turn your data into a table. Click any cell in your data then click on Insert > Table.
Copy the formula, then double click into cell N2, paste the formula and instead of pressing just Enter to save the formula, you need to press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. If saved correctly the formula will appear with {Curly Braces} in the formula
Fill the formula down enough rows to include all trainees. Then fill the formula across the columns for the other trainers.
It can be done a few ways:
Repeated applications of the Advanced Filter that saves the results to different locations. This is tedious to update.
Write VBA. This takes a while to learn.
Use an array formula. This is complicated to understand.
Use a Pivot Table. Doesn't give the exact layout you want, but is very simple to create and to update.
I'd suggest trying the Pivot Table using following steps:
Click on a cell in your data.
Insert > Table (using a table means the Pivot Table with automatically include all new lines added to your data)
Insert > Pivot Table and click OK
Add Trainer to Row Labels
Then Add Full Name to Row Labels
You can adjust layout if you want from the Pivot Table Tools > Design tab. I prefer changing Report Layout to "Show in Tabular Form" and changing Subtotals to "Do Not Show Subtotals"
After adding new rows to your table, right click on the Pivot Table and select Refresh.

How do I prevent Excel from automatically replicating formulas in tables?

I'm using Excel 2016. I have a table with headers and when I plug in a formula, Excel is automatically replicating the formula to all other cells in the column. While that would normally be fine, it's wrongly calculating the table headers. I thought I could just change the top row to exclude the header but Excel updates the rest of the column which I don't want.
I would like to either turn this automatic formula replication feature off or figure out a way to customize the formula in the top row so it doesn't calculate the header value.
Here's the formula I'm using and I didn't do anything special with the table outside of add a 'Totals' row:
You can stop creating calculated columns. The option to automatically fill formulas to create calculated columns in an Excel table is on by default. If you don’t want Excel to create calculated columns when you enter formulas in table columns, you can turn the option to fill formulas off. If you don’t want to turn the option off, but don’t always want to create calculated columns as you work in a table, you can stop calculated columns from being created automatically.
Turn calculated columns on or off
1) On the File tab, click Options.
2) Click Proofing.
3) Under AutoCorrect options, click AutoCorrect Options.
4) Click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
5) Under Automatically as you work, select or clear the Fill formulas in tables to create calculated columns check box to turn this option on or off.
Stop creating calculated columns automatically
After entering the first formula in a table column, click the AutoCorrect Options button that is displayed, and then click Stop Automatically Creating Calculated Columns.
In Excel 2016/365 you can also change a cell you want, let it auto-populate the rest of the column, then Ctrl+Z, this will undo auto-populate but keep the new formula/text you just changed in that one cell.
First, why do you wrap a simple formula into a SUM function? I always wonder why people do that when it's much shorter to write =B2+C1-D2 instead.
Second, if you used the true capabilities of SUM() then text, i.e. your column header, would be ignored instead of throwing an error. The + and - operators don't tolerate text, be it in a table or not. You could rewrite your formula to be
Third, be aware that cell referencing like that will behave erratically when you insert rows into the existing table (between existing rows). The row references will be off for anything below the inserted row and you will need to manually copy down the formula again to get correct results.
In order to get a formula that does not require adjusting, you may want to use structured referencing, where each row has exactly the same formula, instead of cell references, where row references are adjusted in each row. A possible formula for this would be (if your columns are labelled data1, data2 and data3 for columns B, C and D):
To get the data from the row above, Offset() is used on the cell in the current row (using the # sign), with a negative row offset. Keep in mind that Offset is volatile, which may slow down very large datasets.
Adjusting AutoCorrect options is not optimal. You can do it on a col by col basis by:
let the column autopopulate your formula
delete any number of values in the autocalculated column (just one will do the trick).
adjust formulas in the column as you wish
Only able to test in Excel 2013.
May be a little late to open this query - but a couple of points:
formula replication does not work if there are already different formula in the column - may need 3 different formula before Excel says it cannot guess which formula to replicate
a solution could be to add 2 dummy rows at the top which will then prevent the replication - the benefit of this is that you are not disabling replication for any other tables that may be in the workbook; and I'm not sure if the setting may also inadvertently be copied to other new workbooks you create whilst you have the first workbook open
finally, the old chestnut that =A1+B2 etc creates an error if A1 or B2 are not numeric; whereas =sum(A1,B2) works differently in that text will be ignored and effectively treated as zero
If your reference has letters in the middle these technics won't work. To add a zero before the reference in that case, create a new column next to it, add "0" to all the cells next to the references, add another column and use the function "concontenate" or whatever between the "0" cell and the one with the reference.
Not only that, the =len function will correctly tell you the # of digits on references with letters in the middle (because excel does not view them as numbers per se, but rather text/general format) while on other references with 0s added before them with formatting this doesn't happen.
Eg: 012345 =len gives 5 digits / 01A345 =len gives 6 digits

OR filter between table columns

Is there a way to filter Excel tables similar to how Access queries can filter fields with OR operators?
E.g. I have the following table:
I want to list all items with the Messis aspect. In Access, one would make a query with Messis OR Messis OR Messis.. each in the following line or with OR in between. I would like to do something similar in Excel...
If I understand your question correctly, you want to find the row(s) where text X appears in any one of several columns. To do this, consider adding a column that is the concatenation of each column. Then use the column filter to select rows that contain text X.
An example:
For Column 6:
Results in:
Alternate answer
If, on the other hand, you want the OR statement for a single column, you can use the OR feature of the AutoFilter. If that doesn't appeal to you, you can use add a range outside of the table that includes has the text of a column in its first cell. Put the possible text options in the cells immediately below. Here's a picture:
Then, with the cursor in your table, click on Data, Advanced and complete the dialog box as shown.
Click on OK to see:
