Batch rename of files with similar names - linux

I have a series of files named like such:
file 1.jpeg
file 2.jpeg
file 3.jpeg
file 40.jpeg
I would like remove the space from all of their filenames without having to individually do it. I know its possible using something like: file{1,40}.jpeg or something like that but i can't remember and I don't even know how to search for it.
EDIT: linux
The first result is
Using the perl rename command [...] we can also, for example, strip spaces from filenames with this:
~$ rename 's/ //' *.jpeg
In other posts I've found this kind of commands that do not require perl:
for f in *; do mv "$f" `echo $f | tr --delete ' '`; done
I've not tried any of them.


script to move files based on extension criteria

I've a certain amount of files always containing same name but different extensions, for example sample.dat, sample.txt, etc.
I would like to create a script that looks where sample.dat is present and than moves all files with name sample*.* into another directory.
I know how to identify them with ls *.dat | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/', however I would like to concatenate with something like || mv (the result of the first part) *.* /otherdirectory/
You can use this bash one-liner:
for f in `ls | grep YOUR_PATTERN`; do mv ${f} NEW_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY/${f}; done
It iterates through the result of the operation ls | grep, which is the list of your files you wish to move, and then it moves each file to the new destination.
Something simple like this?
dat_roots=$(ls *.dat | sed 's/\.dat$//')
for i in $dat_roots; do
echo mv ${i}*.* other-directory
This will break for file names containing spaces, so be careful.
Or if spaces are an issue, this will do the job, but is less readable.
ls *.dat | sed 's/\.dat$//' | while read root; do
mv "${root}"*.* other-directory
Not tested, but this should do the job:
shopt -s nullglob
for f in *.dat
mv ${f%.dat}.* other-directory
Setting the nullglob option ensures that the loob is not executed, if no dat-file exists. If you use this code as part of a larger script, you might want to unset it afterwards (shopt -u nullglob).

rename all files in folder through regular expression

I have a folder with lots of files which name has the following structure:
01.artist_name - song_name.mp3
I want to go through all of them and rename them using the regexp:
so i get only :
artist_name - song_name.mp3
How can i do this in bash?
You can do this in BASH:
for f in [0-9]*.mp3; do
mv "$f" "${f#*.}"
Use the Perl rename utility utility. It might be installed on your version of Linux or easy to find.
rename 's/^\d+\.//' -n *.mp3
With the -n flag, it will be a dry run, printing what would be renamed, without actually renaming. If the output looks good, drop the -n flag.
Use 'sed' bash command to do so:
for f in *.mp3;
new_name="$(echo $f | sed 's/[^.]*.//')"
mv $f $new_name
done this case, regular expression [^.].* matches everything before first period of a string.

Need help editing multiple files using sed in linux terminal

I am trying to do a simple operation here. Which is to cut a few characters from one file (style.css) do a find a replace on another file (client_custom.css) for more then 100 directories with different names
When I use the following command
for d in */; do sed -n 73p ~/assets/*/style.css | cut -c 29-35 | xargs -I :hex: sed -i 's/!BGCOLOR!/:hex:/' ~/assets/*/client_custom.css $d; done
It keeps giving me the following error for all the directories
sed: couldn't edit dirname/: not a regular file
I am confused on why its giving me that error message explicitly gave the full path to the file. It works perfectly fine without a for loop.
Can anyone please help me out with this issue?
sed doesn't support folders as input.
for d in */;
puts folders into $d. If you write sed ... $d, then BASH will put the folder name into the arguments of sed and the poor tool will be confused.
Also ~/assets/*/client_custom.css since this will expand to all the files which match this pattern. So sed will be called once with all file names. You probably want to invoke sed once per file name.
for f in ~/assets/*/client_custom.css; do
... | sed -i 's/!BGCOLOR!/:hex:/' $f
or, even better:
for f in ~/assets/*/client_custom.css; do
... | sed 's/!BGCOLOR!/:hex:/' "${f}.in" > "${f}"
(which doesn't overwrite the output file). This way, you can keep the "*.in" files, edit them with the patterns and then use sed to "expand" all the variables.

linux rename files in bulk using bash script or command line one liner

I have a list of for example 100 files with the naming convention
for example
Now I want to write script which will remove anything between two underscores. for example in the above case
remove 015233 and change 20140730_015233_XYZ.xml.ab to 20140730_XYZ.xml.ab
remove 015233 and change 20140730_015233_XYZ.csv to 20140730_XYZ.csv
I have tried number of various options using rename, cut, mv but I am getting varied results, not the one which I expect.
You could use rename command if you want to rename files present inside the current directory,
rename 's/^([^_]*)_[^_]*(_.*)$/$1$2/g' *
You can use sed:
sed 's/\([^_]*\)_.*_\(.*\)/\1_\2/' files.list
You can also use cut command
cut -d'_' -f1,3 filename
for FILE in *; do mv "$FILE" "${FILE/_*_/_}"; done
And more specific is
for FILE in *.xml *.xml.ab *.csv; do mv "$FILE" "${FILE/_*_/_}"; done
for FILE in *_*_*.xml *_*_*.xml.ab *_*_*.csv; do mv "$FILE" "${FILE/_*_/_}"; done

Remove directory based on content of text file, Linux

I have a directory full of sub-directories that look like this:
I would like to remove certain directories if they are contained within a list in the file "RemoveFromTop6000_reformatted.txt"
The contents of the text file look like this:
I tried to write a small script to handle this, but it does not seem to work:
for file in cat RemoveFromTop6000_reformatted.txt; do
rm -rfv $file
Unfortunately this simply removes the text files, rather than the directories. Any tips?
You forgot backquotes around your call to cat. Without them, rm will simply delete the files cat (which probably doesn't exist, but you might not notice because you're using rm -f) and RemoveFromTop6000_reformatted.txt
Try this:
for file in `cat RemoveFromTop6000_reformatted.txt`; do
rm -rv "$file"
or, more simply,
rm -rv `cat $file`
(but this will only work if the directory names don't contain whitespace).
No need to for, for something like this you can do a while read ...; do ... done < file just like this:
while read file
rm -rfv "$file"
done < RemoveFromTop6000_reformatted.txt
you can try below command,
sed 's/^/"/g' sample.txt | sed 's/$/"/g' | xargs rm -rfv
Command will remove files as well as directories mentioned in "sample.txt".
In your case,make sure that "RemoveFromTop6000_reformatted.txt"
contains only directories name.
Command will also work if the directories name contains whitespace.
